v182 Update discussion thread.



  • SnowFalling - Dreamweaver
    SnowFalling - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    And that's exactly it. You're playing for free, you get no say in how we spend our money, in-game or otherwise.

    And yet, you don't get to condemn those who cannot, nor will not pay to play this game either.
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    acting like a supergenius hm?

    accidently i am from germany lol xD

    anyway npc prices for skills wont change, droprate for dq items is higher = more things to sell = more cash = money for skills

    got nothin to do with gold prices

    Lemme try again.

    1930s German Currency = Worthless = Current In Game Coin

    1930s Gold = Useful = Current PW Gold or Zen

    So if you make more in game coins, it doesn't matter, it still won't buy you anything useful except for your Skills.
  • SnowFalling - Dreamweaver
    SnowFalling - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    if u play for free then dont complain about what ppl do with their money :)

    u cant tell me that u go out of ur door and give to the first guy or maybe the second guy just 100 bucks in his hand cause u r in a good mood xD

    I understood half of that. The chat speak is a little outdated and hard to read. I have no idea what you are talking about.
  • Reane - Sanctuary
    Reane - Sanctuary Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    heres a possibility, it wouldnt be all that hard, but its probably not gonna happen:

    if pwi wants to drain coins, create an npc that sells super nice gears/tt mats (nothing cash shop since cash shop items will never be sold by an npc b:sad )that way people have an incentive to buy items from npc instead of other players, thus draining gold. unfortunately, as pwi people are making weapons and items available from the anniversary boxes, this will probably not happen .-.
  • BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear
    BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Lemme try again.

    1930s German Currency = Worthless = Current In Game Coin

    1930s Gold = Useful = Current PW Gold or Zen

    So if you make more in game coins, it doesn't matter, it still won't buy you anything useful except for your Skills.

    and that is exactly what i said it has nothin to do with gold prices xD
    just for the skills
  • Sabariel - Lost City
    Sabariel - Lost City Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This really is the best solution. It would become a consistant coin drain from the economy. This game lacks ways of handing money to NPCs (thus removing it from circulation) once you hit the 80s and have bought most all of your skills. If they want to keep offering cash shop sales, then the only way to keep Non-CSers is a method such as this. Those 2 items seem to be the most required (and yes, to do some instances, such as Belial in 2-3, Rebirth Dealta, etc, charms ARE required) and GAs are required to not lose all your stuff in PK (and yes all the ones who couldnt use GAs anymore would flee the game when they lose all their valuable things).

    So double benefit, in providing a coin drain in the economy, and helping with at least the most required currently cash shop only items.

    p.s. To all that say Non-CSers are leeching, how much gold have CSers sold to Non-CSers for mounts, flyers, fashions, resets, socket stones & orbs, etc. If Non-CSers all left, you couldnt ever sell your coin, as CSers get their own gold. Non-CSers increase the demand for gold, and as such do help to generate revenue for PWE, and PWE needs to consider Non-CSers in their decisions.

    I love the ideas. but it wont ever be implemented, PWE makes too much money off those items to give it up
    b:bye PW
  • EXPLODEBEAR - Dreamweaver
    EXPLODEBEAR - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    And yet, you don't get to condemn those who cannot, nor will not pay to play this game either.

    I fail entirely to see how that was "condemning" anyone. Fact is, the paying customers drive the market. If you don't like it, you can't really do much about it. That's not condemning, that's truth.
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Okie well the information train went bye bye so i guess nothing will be done time to go hide for a month or so
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    and that is exactly what i said it has nothin to do with gold prices xD
    just for the skills


    But F2P Players don't have access to Gold, and last I checked this still marketed itself as such. And that is the point.
  • SnowFalling - Dreamweaver
    SnowFalling - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I fail entirely to see how that was "condemning" anyone. Fact is, the paying customers drive the market. If you don't like it, you can't really do much about it. That's not condemning, that's truth.

    It's in the attitude of the speaker. "We pay, therefor we are the ones. If you don't like it, pay or gtfo." More or less. *Shrugs*
  • BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear
    BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I understood half of that. The chat speak is a little outdated and hard to read. I have no idea what you are talking about.

    what i said is: you play for free. so dont complain about what other people r doing with their money.

    You aren't going out of your house and give the first guy or maybe the second guy 100 dollars in his hands because you are in a good mood
  • SnowFalling - Dreamweaver
    SnowFalling - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    But F2P Players don't have access to Gold, and last I checked this still marketed itself as such. And that is the point.

    That's exactly it. And payers refuse to wrap their minds around that.
  • Reane - Sanctuary
    Reane - Sanctuary Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    That would work in a great way if the most important cash shop items (like angels and charms) were sold for coins by some NPC. The problem is that it would sever an important part of PWI revenue.

    cash shop from npc guys is never gonna happen WAAAAAHHHHHH b:cry theres gotta be some way to fix this that the devs can agree to :(

    p.s. glad you agree with the drop rate/gold prices proportion idea b:pleased
  • EXPLODEBEAR - Dreamweaver
    EXPLODEBEAR - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    It's in the attitude of the speaker. "We pay, therefor we are the ones. If you don't like it, pay or gtfo." More or less. *Shrugs*

    Has there ever been a F2P anything that didn't revert to that model?
  • SnowFalling - Dreamweaver
    SnowFalling - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    what i said is: you play for free. so dont complain about what other people are doing with their money.

    You aren't going out of your house and give the first guy or maybe the second guy 100 dollars in his hands because you are in a good mood

    That still makes no sense. Why would I go out of my house and randomly hand people money because I'm in a good mood. Where are you trying to go with that?
  • SnowFalling - Dreamweaver
    SnowFalling - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Has there ever been a F2P anything that didn't revert to that model?

    Well, I could say, but it would get "Moderated".
  • EXPLODEBEAR - Dreamweaver
    EXPLODEBEAR - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well, I could say, but it would get "Moderated".

    There's one that HASN'T reverted to that? I want a link please! lol

    Meh, a major economy shakeup has been in the works since the real-world "recession" anyway, it's just finally caught up to us because of terrible cash shop habits.
  • ShadedArrow - Dreamweaver
    ShadedArrow - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    GJ Dev's some1 has offically hit 700m coins on Dreamweaver, oh but im sure there still pretty evenly matched to non-cash players right? DW by the end of this month will have there first warsoul weapon cause some1 wanted to blow RL moneyb:thanksGJ PWE, so much for warsoul being the TOP weapon and hardest item to obtain, rich people can now be the strongest people in PWI..what makes it worse is its an archerb:sadb:angry
  • SnowFalling - Dreamweaver
    SnowFalling - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    There's one that HASN'T reverted to that? I want a link please! lol

    Meh, a major economy shakeup has been in the works since the real-world "recession" anyway, it's just finally caught up to us because of terrible cash shop habits.

    Yeah, there is. LoL I think I may head back to that one, instead of going back into PW.
  • BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear
    BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    But F2P Players don't have access to Gold, and last I checked this still marketed itself as such. And that is the point.

    In the end everything in the boutique is a special thing, nothing in the boutique influences you when u play the game, there is no barrier at lets say lvl 50 where u have to buy gold so u can continue lvling.if thats the case this game would be a disasterious game.
    mostly its for another flyer (just to be a little bit faster same with mounts) but no influence in game
    clothes to look pretty. tomes for a little attitude.
    the thing with GA ok is a problem for PvP servers. but if u go into Pk mode it is your own decision and u got to take care about the consequences.
    for i never pk just in tws or duels. so i dont really care about GAs . im hardly dying and if i wouldnt care to loose 1 % if a cleric in guild is available ok fine i wait. if not pfff worldquest, BH, CS all together ar 12 or more % atm
  • Sabariel - Lost City
    Sabariel - Lost City Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    GJ Dev's some1 has offically hit 700m coins on Dreamweaver, oh but im sure there still pretty evenly matched to non-cash players right? DW by the end of this month will have there first warsoul weapon cause some1 wanted to blow RL moneyb:thanksGJ PWE, so much for warsoul being the TOP weapon and hardest item to obtain, rich people can now be the strongest people in PWI..what makes it worse is its an archerb:sadb:angry

    That's pathetic.
    Its pathetic that someone would blow that much money.
    and its pathetic that the dev's allow it to be done
    b:bye PW
  • ShadedArrow - Dreamweaver
    ShadedArrow - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    That's pathetic.
    Its pathetic that someone would blow that much money.
    and its pathetic that the dev's allow it to be done

    i can only seeee what TW will be like...over powered much??? PWE doesnt care bout there members though, there rolling in cash right now, just sucks that GM's are taking heat when they have nothing to do with the sales. but im sure a dev could make an acct an post if they really cared right???
  • EXPLODEBEAR - Dreamweaver
    EXPLODEBEAR - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    That's pathetic.
    Its pathetic that someone would blow that much money.
    and its pathetic that the dev's allow it to be done

    Yeah. Stupid devs letting people spend money on their product. What the hell were they thinking?!
  • BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear
    BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    That still makes no sense. Why would I go out of my house and randomly hand people money because I'm in a good mood. Where are you trying to go with that?

    what i am trying to say is

    we buy gold so we can decide for what price we are going to sell it.
    we wont buy gold to give it to someone for free or for almost nothing and playing 3 hours a game without spending anything else to get the 400k is what i call "almost nothing"
  • FadedChaos - Heavens Tear
    FadedChaos - Heavens Tear Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    That's pathetic.
    Its pathetic that someone would blow that much money.
    and its pathetic that the dev's allow it to be done

    and if he/she got that gc by buying zhen and selling the gold to other players..........then those players must be pathetic for buying it no ?
  • rsin
    rsin Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I fail entirely to see how that was "condemning" anyone. Fact is, the paying customers drive the market. If you don't like it, you can't really do much about it. That's not condemning, that's truth.

    depends if cs'ers are a majority or minority. If the majority of players are non-paying and all decided to walk from the game then that could be a huge impact. Also, word of mouth can be a very very powerful thing. Im not complaining about how people choose to spend their money because they can anyway they choose. All feedback that gm's pass on to dev's dont only come from paying customers. and thats just one way that even non payers can be an important factor.
  • EXPLODEBEAR - Dreamweaver
    EXPLODEBEAR - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    depends if cs'ers are a majority or minority. If the majority of players are non-paying and all decided to walk from the game then that could be a huge impact. Also, word of mouth can be a very very powerful thing. Im not complaining about how people choose to spend their money because they can anyway they choose. All feedback that gm's pass on to dev's dont only come from paying customers. and thats just one way that even non payers can be an important factor.

    That's a good point. Also a good point is that most CS'ers are in-game right now, buying "epic lootz" and laughing. Meaning most people who are giving feedback are the F2Pers.

    Harshlands is kinda schizophrenic, though. Even the most hardcore CS'ers there are worried about the economy...
  • Falls - Sanctuary
    Falls - Sanctuary Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    In the end everything in the boutique is a special thing, nothing in the boutique influences you when u play the game, there is no barrier at lets say lvl 50 where u have to buy gold so u can continue lvling.if thats the case this game would be a disasterious game.


    Honestly, I don't think I can play this game without Charms or Angels.

    Maybe that is my crutch that I have been using for the last year.

    If that is the case, then I R Nub. But, when I review this game, or when I give my opinion of it, I will now be able to say something along the lines of "Maybe I'm an RPG idiot, but I found PWI really difficult and annoying to play without Charms. I don't recommend it as a F2P game to anyone. Pay if you want a decent gaming experience, but keep in mind that for the cost, you'd be better off paying a subscription."
  • SnowFalling - Dreamweaver
    SnowFalling - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    what i am trying to say is

    we buy gold so we can decide for what price we are going to sell it.
    we wont buy gold to give it to someone for free or for almost nothing and playing 3 hours a game without spending anything else to get the 400k is what i call "almost nothing"

    If you consider 400k "almost nothing", then there is obvious greed going on with you and the others who are doing this. Are you not paying attention to the people who are voicing their concerns over this? Maybe you are. You don't care. And it, hopefully, will come back on every greedy person on this game. Say what you want, I really don't care. I've gone back to another game where people like you would be eaten alive in game for that attitude. I'd name it, but it'd be [removed].
  • BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear
    BloodyVampie - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Honestly, I don't think I can play this game without Charms or Angels.

    Maybe that is my crutch that I have been using for the last year.

    If that is the case, then I R Nub. But, when I review this game, or when I give my opinion of it, I will now be able to say something along the lines of "Maybe I'm an RPG idiot, but I found PWI really difficult and annoying to play without Charms. I don't recommend it as a F2P game to anyone. Pay if you want a decent gaming experience, but keep in mind that for the cost, you'd be better off paying a subscription."

    u can still get hp and mp with apoth skills buying pots. hi recovery equip

    charms r not really necessary the alternative is the same reason like mounts or flyers.
    everything takes more time without gold.
    still no point to say boutique is really necessary for the game.
    maybe angels for pvp server would be great if u can buy em at npc or get a few as quest rewards or rewards for dailys (where u dont get exp) (without deleting the currently existing dailys)
This discussion has been closed.