v182 Update discussion thread.



  • Roxy_Kitten - Sanctuary
    Roxy_Kitten - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Regular mobs did drop cards on occasion, but they were quite rare. There was high demand for the card that let you get 10 chips.

    I'd hope the boxes would be more common than that, but even a slim chance would make for a nice surprise.

    Not only that - but....

    If they did a sudden patch (like in the next day or two) with random box drops that actually aren't TOO rare, it would get us all off the forums and back in the game where we all belong. And maybe even in the CS to get better gear to get the mobs with the boxes....

    Think, PWI.... THINK!

    Sorry, I ran out of copper - just bill me my 2 copper.

  • BattleFairy - Lost City
    BattleFairy - Lost City Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    the only people that think all of this is ok are 70 and under...
    The Swarm is imminent...
  • Divine_Death - Dreamweaver
    Divine_Death - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Okie rollback and make the packs come from mobs at a low rate so everyone wins and the PWE can just give everyone that charged the gold back into their account so this way PW can keep the money and other ppl get their gold abck b:cute

    Not possible, items have already moved through trade.

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Creeep - Harshlands
    Creeep - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    the principle of ftp mmo is that u can spend irl money to have SOME atvantage over those who dont, when that atvantage increses to mutch most of non cashshopers leaves, and so those who pays money at the end feels like they paing for being equal, and they get pissed and leaves to.. = Dead game...

    to the topic ... REROLL the soner the better... theres is nothing more to add, everything is being said in this thread.

    AND shame on you devorgm or wathever seems only event you can make these days are "just put another cash shop "thing" and we are off"....b:cry
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    I understand the PvPers are gonna get bit even harder, 'cause the high lvl idiots that have Daddy's VISA are gonna have bigger guns now, and can now 1-shot anything that moves *faster* as they sit outside West Arch.

    That's a player problem, made worse by Capitalism. <shrugs> This is what we have to put up with to have a free game.

    But on PvE, you don't have that. You have TW. Yes, there will be bigger guns in their hands now, but they are all scattered evenly across the server. Players who thow cash into the game will always have better gear than those who don't, regardless of what promotion PW is running this week (or not).

    As for people complaining about "people paying for what took me months to get" - did they take yours away?

    If you buy a new car, and then the guy down the street gets the same car (with a factory rebate) 3 weeks later - do you go chew out the car dealer? Do you then leave your car on the side of the road and swear off driving because you're not the only one with a Nova on the road anymore?


    People are either going to panic and run squealing, or stay. Maybe the ones who stay will be stable.


    A CAR? that is like a mount to most pwi players, endgame weapon is more like being a president of an entire country, something you can't get by a short amount of time, but your entire life. it's just no right.
  • thefoo
    thefoo Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ok I got some feedback from this page, still a lot of blanket statements being made though. Please cut down the generalizations, when I have to sift through posts made only to complain I risk missing good posts by players who are sincerely trying to express their specific concerns.

    I did just wat u asked for offered u an others solutions an some insight to the problems that have been created by the recent update an wat did i get for my time...I GOT BANNED from forums GEEE wat a way to reward those with ideas an possible solutions to ur problems
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No progress is made when you start accusing people of lying, that is not the thread for that.

    Let's talk about the boxes, which most people have allready been telling me about.

    What is the one item you would want removed?

    Do we have solid evidence that any item is dropping too often?

    everyone else who has already posted, thank you
  • Breadbun - Lost City
    Breadbun - Lost City Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Regular mobs did drop cards on occasion, but they were quite rare. There was high demand for the card that let you get 10 chips.

    I'd hope the boxes would be more common than that, but even a slim chance would make for a nice surprise.

    Meh. It depends what people find more annoying out of these boxes. I only hate the idea of warsoul/lunar etc coming from the box...Gems, wedding packs, mounts, them crappy coins you can exchange are all good to me. But end game stuff is jsut takin' the ****.

    Removing end game gears etc combined with random box drops would make it more pleasent.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    thefoo wrote: »
    I did just wat u asked for offered u an others solutions an some insight to the problems that have been created by the recent update an wat did i get for my time...I GOT BANNED from forums GEEE wat a way to reward those with ideas an possible solutions to ur problems

    actually you spammed topics, unfortunately today I have very little time to spend handing out warnings, if you have an issue please PM me. Again though, posts like this contain no feedback for me to complile
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    I understand the PvPers are gonna get bit even harder, 'cause the high lvl idiots that have Daddy's VISA are gonna have bigger guns now, and can now 1-shot anything that moves *faster* as they sit outside West Arch.

    That's a player problem, made worse by Capitalism. <shrugs> This is what we have to put up with to have a free game.

    But on PvE, you don't have that. You have TW. Yes, there will be bigger guns in their hands now, but they are all scattered evenly across the server. Players who thow cash into the game will always have better gear than those who don't, regardless of what promotion PW is running this week (or not).

    As for people complaining about "people paying for what took me months to get" - did they take yours away?

    If you buy a new car, and then the guy down the street gets the same car (with a factory rebate) 3 weeks later - do you go chew out the car dealer? Do you then leave your car on the side of the road and swear off driving because you're not the only one with a Nova on the road anymore?


    People are either going to panic and run squealing, or stay. Maybe the ones who stay will be stable.

    No this is not like your comparison. it's more like you've just paid 15k and waited 6 months to drive a crazy V8 and then your neighbour gets the same for 1k the following day after making some friends. call this envy?

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Eviltwist - Lost City
    Eviltwist - Lost City Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No progress is made when you start accusing people of lying, that is not the thread for that.

    Let's talk about the boxes, which most people have allready been telling me about.

    What is the one item you would want removed?

    Do we have solid evidence that any item is dropping too often?

    everyone else who has already posted, thank you

    The item people want to be removed is the box itself b:laugh
  • Breadbun - Lost City
    Breadbun - Lost City Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No progress is made when you start accusing people of lying, that is not the thread for that.

    Let's talk about the boxes, which most people have allready been telling me about.

    What is the one item you would want removed?

    Do we have solid evidence that any item is dropping too often?

    everyone else who has already posted, thank you

    There won't be any solid proof for a few days.

    People will use the chips to buy mats for warsoul, people will spam boxes for reputation to get 8jun and people will just get lunar grade and all the items etc.

    If the chances of them been opened were limited once, twice a day that'd make it fair...But people who CS ***** just need to spam box's til they get what they want.

    I would only want the lunar stuff/tomes to be removed. Lunar stuff includes all the weapons, armour and oranments..
  • Hari - Heavens Tear
    Hari - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    For the record, quite a few people in my guild [Tao] are quitting, or intentionally trying to get banned so they go out with a bang.

    Lots of others were planning on playing "that game" part-time, but still spending most of their time on PWI. Most of them have decided to just play "that game" full-time after today.

    As Tao is currently the #1 guild on Heaven's Tear (what I think is PWI's biggest server, but I'm not sure), we have lots of high levels (something like 20 100+), and we are the most affected by this update.

    I know of two archers in my guild who farmed 3-2 and lunar for weeks, if not months, for their Heaven's Shatterers. Level 10s are now spending $1 and getting these. The lunar/frost equipment being given out is the biggest problem at the moment.
    Basically, like the DQ horses (but to a much higher degree) they worked their butts off for ages and ages to get an exclusive item that almost no one had. Now anyone with $1 can get one.

    For the g13 TT100 red weapons (arguably the third-best in the game, after r8 and warsoul) they used to be nearly impossible to get because they require an item with a miniscule drop rate at some of the hardest bosses in the game - Such as Armageddon, which hits a random person for like 80k every 3 minutes. Now anyone with 10(!!!) Best Luck Tokens can get one. Before today, I would have respected anyone who had a TT100 weapon immensely, as either they farmed TT3-3 for AGES or they were skilled enough to make enough money to buy one from someone who was. Now any newb can get one.

    Another thing, the God Stones as a possible reward - just ridiculous. We're talking the best shards in the game, one of which can add -6% channeling to a weapon or +20 Vit to armour - and if you're lucky you can get one for $1. PvP used to rely on mainly skill - now I wouldn't be surprised to see a level 80 who doesn't know attack from town portal with a warsoul weapon (of which the massive number of chips needed to acquire it used to be impossible to get [~330k, if I remember correctly] can now be achieved using the basic Tokens of Luck) PKing level 100s.

    Those, PWI, are some of the reasons people are angry. Some of them. Other, lesser reasons range from chips to flawless shards to oracles.

    In all honesty, the only solution I see at this point is a rollback (pretty much required) and either the outright removal of anniversary packs altogether, or the removal of Token of Luck, Best Token of Luck, and all actual equipment voucher things. Possibly keep the boots and helm from OHT, as I don't think anyone actually has those yet so it wouldn't really offend anyone. Making the gems and god stones a lower % chance, so all those who have killed world bosses don't feel their efforts are devalued, wouldn't hurt either.

    Replace it with blue eggs or whatever the stuff you normally put in big rainbow eggs etc. is. Keep the rare stuff, like the tome thing and the lobster.

    Doing all (or atleast most) of the above 2 paragraphs is the only solution (that I can think of... if you have a better one [make sure it actually is better] try that too) that will avoid a mass exodus of people from PWI - including me. I'm making this post exactly one year after I started playing... if nothing changes, the date I joined will be the date I left PWI.
    HT clerics at their finest:

    hari: can you do mdef debuffs? makes the fight go faster
    naughty_x: waste, I do more damage without them
    hari: ...you do more damage in 2 seconds than reducing mdef by 35% for 4 casters does in 20 seconds?
    naughty_x: is waste, i do more damage

    hari: 3-3 BH goes a lot faster with a sin
    naughty_x: no, only a difference of like 3 minutes
    hari: ...we've been in here a lot longer than 3 minutes already
    naughty_x: your opinion
  • BattleFairy - Lost City
    BattleFairy - Lost City Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    pull out the chips and the lunar weaps.

    those items were meant for hard work.

    not a pathetic sale looking for cash.
    The Swarm is imminent...
  • tanjina
    tanjina Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Can anyone immagine once the devs will wake up after a nice sleep into which they went happy - probaly they were thinking how much excited we will be to be able to get the lunar and the warsoul weapons and armors - the stuff we were dreaming of for so many month - I know I was going to warsoul master and was admiring it's stats and planning how could I get it... And their thought was - "it's PWI birthday, let's fulfill their dreams" - they implemented and felt so good about it b:chuckle
    I feel sorry for them once they will actually wake up and face the cruel reality - that they have failed to see the big picture! And now: the higher level the player is - the more disappointed he is...

    There will be some crisis meetings in pwi headquarters today.

    a. did the devs quit their jobs and left developing for another game (coughcough) and this patch was the last thing they had to do? (and maybe they will get percentage of the last gold sale as a bonus or got paid from the new employer to do this)

    b.is the hidden plan to make all the high levels quit, because they are failing to develop new levels and so they won't be pressured for a while to raise the level cap?

    c.when thinking of this birthday party - did they really fail to see the big picture?

    There must be some hidden reason behind all these - can't be "c" as just simple unefficiency? What will the pwi stock holder say when they see what their trusted developers have done?

    I have loved this game so far and was totally addicted to it (even now I am logged out of the game, but still browsing the forumb:surrender). I loved the bosses runs and the excitement or sadness whenever I got or didn't get desired material. And I was so proud everytime I was able to craft myself new weapon or armor.
    But there is nothing to do there now - all the mats farming, bh runs, fb runs is pointless - just setup a b/s catshop in west archo, have a karaoke on vent and in the mean time your shop will buy/sell, you make profit, you buy gold, buy packs and you will get it all (oracles, weapons, armors, reputation)... why bother wasting hours in any instance b:sad
  • porkypigz0r
    porkypigz0r Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No progress is made when you start accusing people of lying, that is not the thread for that.

    Let's talk about the boxes, which most people have allready been telling me about.

    What is the one item you would want removed?

    Do we have solid evidence that any item is dropping too often?

    everyone else who has already posted, thank you
    1 item? I think there should be removed lunar insignias (both), the boots/cape and helmet. Concerning other items I cannot tell they bring so big disbalance to the game.
  • Roxy_Kitten - Sanctuary
    Roxy_Kitten - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well, I've said all I'm going to here.

    People, please... "Attack" the issues, not the people. Don't attack the GM's, the devs, or PWI et al. Voice your concerns without attacking a person or entity (and without breaking the rules), and you won't get banned.

    I've seen some great suggestions being made here; I'm confident EatsWithSpoons is still watching, learning and discussing with others. I'm ready to just sit back and see what PWI does about this apparent fiasco.

    I'm sorry to PWI, in that I know what goes into developing a game, and I'm sorry that you guys are "celebrating" such a special moment (for you) by getting yelled at. I, for one, congratulate you on your ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY, and hope you have many more to come!

    *Digs out a lint-covered, somewhat sticky copper coin from my pocket and drops it in the jar marked "GM Insanity Fund"*

  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The item people want to be removed is the box itself b:laugh

    I have already stated that it is a fact that every single item from the box is not a game-breaking item, this is why I am requesting specifics, and not general "kill them all!" responses.
  • Soho - Lost City
    Soho - Lost City Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No progress is made when you start accusing people of lying, that is not the thread for that.

    Let's talk about the boxes, which most people have allready been telling me about.

    What is the one item you would want removed?

    Do we have solid evidence that any item is dropping too often?

    everyone else who has already posted, thank you

    I think anything regarding armor/weapons of the Lunar/Warsoul variety...but I think in general people are not happy with the overall boxes and that people can just buy them as they please.

    Some sort of box drop should be made available in game. Possibly that give people the chance to get cash shop items, randomly and also in game items. Therefore balancing the economy a bit.

    I would really like the opportunity to get a lobster mount or new flying mount via a box though.

    The Tomes seem pretty overpowered but I think it's hella rare to get one from one of these boxes? So no biggy there I guess. Ten million big note seems a bit extreme, for just 2 tokens when it takes 3 to get a simple mount upgrade...

    Btw; those new wings are stunning!

  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    He said sounded interesting not that It was going to happen.

    Honestly I think PWE expected this player response. They were aware when planning this that almost everyone would hate the update. But they realized the amount of gold they would make and did it anyway.

    Not suprising. You make the players happy and thats nice and all, but happy players dont pay the bills, not that is an issue with the amount of money the company made, a better analogy is happy players wont buy you your own private jet.
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    In other to be any good now u need GOLD
    If are poor like me u will suck **** at pvp.. Its a huge slap in the face to people that farmed 1 weapon in 3 monthsb:cry
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well lets see everythign because u will either have everyone with Lunar weapons that r amzing leet which is fine if u earn it or u will have everyone with the best shards in the game i remember when perfect shards had to be farmed from WBs that was fun to do but now there is no point.
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    PWI just broke itself with these packs. Back to finding a new MMO, thanks for the year of memories, but this kinda ends things for me since it has now made any sort of gameplay too oriented around the Cash Shop. Was bad enough trying to rake together 50m for a legendary pet, now I'll be having to spend 2m coins daily just for a charm... Forget that. People getting super high level gear at the click of a button defeats the point of playing. They get their level 90+ gear because they have some gold to spend, meanwhile everyone else has to go through the normal process to get theirs. Those who were rich before are now richer, meanwhile those of us who were just barely getting by get screwed in the process. Way of showing appreciation to those who have been here for these past 12 months, and put a fair amount of effort into encouraging a community.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    chips & weaps

    what about gems? I know they have been hard to get in the past but to they make or break the box?

    How about tomes? Not the worst idea ever right?

    I already understand the concern about Oracle items, but this is something that has happened in the past with other events
  • Creeep - Harshlands
    Creeep - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No progress is made when you start accusing people of lying, that is not the thread for that.

    Let's talk about the boxes, which most people have allready been telling me about.

    What is the one item you would want removed?

    Do we have solid evidence that any item is dropping too often?

    everyone else who has already posted, thank you

    u should add a list of items those boxes gives cuz in "Announcements" there is only half listed, and in the pw database another half :S
  • EthikaII - Heavens Tear
    EthikaII - Heavens Tear Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No progress is made when you start accusing people of lying, that is not the thread for that.

    Let's talk about the boxes, which most people have allready been telling me about.

    What is the one item you would want removed?

    Do we have solid evidence that any item is dropping too often?

    everyone else who has already posted, thank you

    i think we want the whole thing removed not just some spiecific items from it

    and anniversery pack out of cash shop main thing
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Lenyel - Harshlands
    Lenyel - Harshlands Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No progress is made when you start accusing people of lying, that is not the thread for that.

    Let's talk about the boxes, which most people have allready been telling me about.

    What is the one item you would want removed?

    Do we have solid evidence that any item is dropping too often?

    everyone else who has already posted, thank you

    I'm sorry, is just being angry for seeing work nullified... A solution can be this.

    You dont need to rollback. Just took out that box from boutique or at least increase its price. The underpower those weapons at least at the level of a TT90 averagely refined (like +5/+6). So those who spend their money yet have advantages but not crazy ones.

    Then, if you want the box can be a nice rare drop from any kind of mob or better BOSSES, like FB/TT ones or also common bosses present in the world.

    You can gain more money from boxes (maybe sold for 10-20 gold each), so making game economy go back. Then, giving a less overpowered items will not destroy the gameplay.

    We can be competitive also with TT90 gears and cashshoppers have also a bit of advantage (a bit, not +45MAG on tome, lol).

    you will keep active players and will go on gettin money from common cashshopping (charms, dolls, fashions etc etc).

    Hope to help... a bit. I love PWI, i don't wanna stop, i play only since 5 weeks but this is the best MMORPG ive ever played.

    Thanks for reading and sorry to have called you liar :(
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have already stated that it is a fact that every single item from the box is not a game-breaking item, this is why I am requesting specifics, and not general "kill them all!" responses.
    The lunar glade materials and the frostcovered materials. The ability to get 10mil, the ability to get a ton of chips.

    And it shouldn't be limited to cash shoppers only.

    My suggestion would be a quest: You help out a NPC by doing something. Killing a boss, running an instance, something that requires you to active in the game and not simply pay money. Perhaps something similar to word quest.

    Oh and yes: The gems and tomes are absurd. The tomes are extremely overpowered for something you can simply buy with gold.

    I would say keep somethings such as:

    maybe put in some fashion as a reward
    Bank/Inventory stones
    Gaurdian Angels/Scrolls/whatever
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    chips & weaps

    what about gems? I know they have been hard to get in the past but to they make or break the box?

    How about tomes? Not the worst idea ever right?

    I already understand the concern about Oracle items, but this is something that has happened in the past with other events

    The game breaking stuff is the things that give godly numbers like the tomes with 45 vit ro something and the chip and stuff and the shards flawless was down to like 200k before i logged so now everyone is gonna have perfect shards+ and just makes everything less speical u know u should fight for these things

    **edit** also u should limit how many times the pack can be got in a day
  • porkypigz0r
    porkypigz0r Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    chips & weaps

    what about gems? I know they have been hard to get in the past but to they make or break the box?

    How about tomes? Not the worst idea ever right?

    I already understand the concern about Oracle items, but this is something that has happened in the past with other events
    I think the highest gems does make a little disbalance, because they add +20 vitality and is a lot of hp. One positive about it is that it's for grade 12 and above, but those who already got the cape can fill it. Tomes - I don't really care, there are some awesome ones, but it's down to luck.
This discussion has been closed.