Rei's kinda-ok guide for Heavy/Robe Fox.



  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    and one more question, what are you guys going to wear when you hit 90? cause if i'm doing this it will be when i hit 87ish :P

    what i meant to say what are the future armor you planning to get?

    and i just realised as a heavy armor, how did you get -20%channeling?
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I'm light armor at the moment, switching to heavy at 90. Already have my gear.

    [U][color=orange]Type[/color]       |   [color=white]Level[/color]  |         [color=cyan]Grade[/color]          |     [color=fuchsia]B[/color][color=cyan]o[/color][color=red]n[/color][color=lime]u[/color][color=yellow]s[/color]          [/U]
    [color=orange]Weapon:[/color]    |   [color=white] 89[/color]    |   [color=cyan]Molder (magic sword)[/color] |  ([color=green]11dex[/color])
    [color=orange]Top:  [/color]     |    [color=white]90 [/color]   |    [color=cyan]green TT90 heavy [/color]   |       --
    [color=orange]Pants:[/color]     |   [color=white] 90 [/color]   |    [color=cyan]green TT90 heavy[/color]    |       --
    [color=orange]boots:  [/color]   |   [color=white] 90 [/color]   |    [color=cyan]green TT90 heavy [/color]   |       --
    [color=orange]wrists: [/color]   |   [color=white] 80[/color]    |    [color=cyan]green TT80 heavy[/color]    |  ([color=red]7str[/color] [color=green]5dex[/color])  
    [color=orange]Helmet:[/color]    |   [color=white] 81[/color]    |   [color=cyan]3* rocking thunder[/color]   |  ([color=red]6str[/color] [color=green]4dex[/color])
    [color=orange]Ring1: [/color]    |   [color=white] 51 [/color]   |   [color=cyan]Molder (magic ring)[/color]  |  ([color=red]4str[/color] [color=green]4dex[/color] [color=blue]4mag[/color])
    [color=orange]Ring2: [/color]    |   [color=white] 51 [/color]   |   [color=cyan]Molder (magic ring)[/color]  |  ([color=red]3str[/color] [color=green]4dex[/color] [color=blue]4mag[/color])
    [color=orange]Amulet:[/color]    |   [color=white] 82[/color]    |       [color=cyan]3* Magic [/color]        |  ([color=red]5str[/color] [color=blue]4mag[/color])
    [color=orange]Belt: [/color]     |   [color=white] 75  [/color]  |     [color=cyan]1* Physical[/color]        |  ([color=red]4str[/color] [color=green]4dex [/color][color=blue]3mag[/color])
    [color=orange]Cape: [/color]     |   [color=white] 77 [/color]   |           [color=cyan]2*[/color]           |  ([color=red]4str[/color] [color=blue]4mag[/color])
    Lol chart took some time, the Bonus is just points usable to wear the other armors, so they might add vit or hp or whatever but I only added the points used for requirements.(note, the TT80 wrists add 7dex, but only 5 is usable)

    Cant wait to switch.. getting everything +3 and beautiful shardedx4 at the moment and I need to work on aquiring some arcane robes.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I was actually considering Yaksa (Phys res+216, Magic+12-13, Crit+1%)
    But I wasn't actually counting on gaining 240 magic so soon, and it will take me a while to farm, have to get Ashura's first for the souledge b:sweat.

    Sorry, I did have an uploaded screenshot of human form with arcane gear unbuffed, just changed the wording from mage form to "human form".

    If it's a duel, i'll start off in arcane armour. Venos dont really scare me, nor wizards. Clerics are harder for their metal attacks and they heal themselves. I was recently able to beat a level 80 cleric, had full arcane gear on except for my heavy plate+his buffs+sinew enhance orb+fox form. Got about 9k metal resist I think.

    Wizards are easy, just a matter of killing them fast before they can do any serious damage. I wear full arcane gear+fox form, spam stunning blow to stop them running and leech bascially. Veno's magic attacks are weak anyway and light armour fox forms don't really hurt lol.

    Who has -20%channeling? o.O
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i actually read the first few pages and somebody said they had heavy and -channeling, is that even possible?

    and you talk about duel, how about tw? do you have time to switch armor? or just go heavy?

    as for the screenshot i'm talking about human form with heavy armor unbuff. wait when you go heavy you don't even use magic attack to kill people anymore do you? straight fox skill?
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I go heavy armour human form+mage skills to kill blademasters and barbarians, since my melee dosent hurt them enough.

    In TW I usually just go heavy, I wear fashion so no one is really paying attention to me, they usually just think i'm another arcane squishy veno so I get all the melee guys coming after me ^o^. Sometimes if I've got persistant casters coming after me i'll switch it up with say arcane bracers and boots, or plate+leggings.

    This build is a hybrid between human form+fox form+arcane armour+heavy armour. So there's various combinations possible depending on what you want to kill, I posted an idea of how to mix this up against which classes on my second post.

    Arcane armour+fox form= Magical resistance+melee attack.
    Heavy armour+human form= Physical defense+magic attack.
    Arcane armour+human form= Magic resistance+magic attack.
    Heavy armour+fox form= Physical defense+physical attack.

    I dont remember reading about someone having -%20 channeling but it can be possible, sleeves of sea captain mold= 6% channel, Endless ambiguity TT80 sword= -2% channel, level 60 rank armour -3% channeling+other various molds or drops with -channel o.o;

    Edit: Link to heavy armour/human form unbuffed stats.
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i actually read the first few pages and somebody said they had heavy and -channeling, is that even possible?

    and you talk about duel, how about tw? do you have time to switch armor? or just go heavy?

    as for the screenshot i'm talking about human form with heavy armor unbuff. wait when you go heavy you don't even use magic attack to kill people anymore do you? straight fox skill?
    I was argueing to some "unknown" forum user guy, about the usefulness of channeling. He said he was going to switch from heavy to get the benefit of channeling gear and said 20% was when you notice a difference. Perhaps thats what you read.

    Though you couldnt have heavy with channeling, heavy is versitile enough to switch to robes, and you could use channeling with your robes. So, though heavy cant have it itself(or not alot anyways), it can switch to use them if it wants.

    I wish there was some sort of armor presets that you could put in a hotkey. Lol.

    PS. QQ nobody said anything about my shiney chart
  • unknown862
    unknown862 Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Here's a SS of my WF buff/unbuff...

    Human form unbuff

    fox form unbuff

    Human form buff (without barb buff)

    fox form buff (without barb buff)

    Current set:
    Armor: HH90 heavy armor +5
    Pants: HH90 heavy pants +5
    Boots: HH90 arcane boots +3
    Wrist: HH80 arcane wrists +3 (magic +6, dex +7, vit +6)
    Helmet: lvl 81 helm +3 (vit +5, str+6)
    Robe: HH90 robe +5

    Weapon: Requiem Blade +3 (dex+11, magic +11, vit +10)

    Necklace: Sky Demon's Pearl +5
    Belt: Military rank 4 belt +5
    ring1: lvl 78 ring (magic +8, str+4)
    ring2: Secret of the Dark Spirit +5 (chanting -6%, vit+6, magic +6)
  • unknown862
    unknown862 Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i actually read the first few pages and somebody said they had heavy and -channeling, is that even possible?

    and you talk about duel, how about tw? do you have time to switch armor? or just go heavy?

    as for the screenshot i'm talking about human form with heavy armor unbuff. wait when you go heavy you don't even use magic attack to kill people anymore do you? straight fox skill?

    I guess that was me. Even going heavy you can use channeling and crit stuffs but u have to be a lot higher lvl than the gears to do it. It's ok before u reach 90... but to use HH99 gears/weapons and on top of that channeling and crit .. it will be extremely hard b:cry

    For pvp yes you can switch back n forth, but in pk and TW... well ur stuck with watever you wear.. it will be a pain to switch back and forth. Magic atk will always be >>> physical atk. The damage range will always be huge. I rather have a high m.def and decent p.def. Hence why I am going to restat.

    heavy fox doesnt mean u use fox skills only.. it just means u can use heavy armors if you want. You can fight in fox or human form ur choice. usually human form is better for extra damage. Fox form is more to survive
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    unknown862 wrote: »
    I guess that was me. Even going heavy you can use channeling and crit stuffs but u have to be a lot higher lvl than the gears to do it. It's ok before u reach 90... but to use HH99 gears/weapons and on top of that channeling and crit .. it will be extremely hard b:cry

    For pvp yes you can switch back n forth, but in pk and TW... well ur stuck with watever you wear.. it will be a pain to switch back and forth. Magic atk will always be >>> physical atk. The damage range will always be huge. I rather have a high m.def and decent p.def. Hence why I am going to restat.

    heavy fox doesnt mean u use fox skills only.. it just means u can use heavy armors if you want. You can fight in fox or human form ur choice. usually human form is better for extra damage. Fox form is more to survive
    Though, majority of class damage is from physical damage, hence why more people prefer physical defense. Also even though you are Heavy, you still have more mdef then a light armor archer, because of your base mag points to wear your weapon. So it's really not that bad, or thats how I see it anyways.

    PS. Grrr I want your cape. =P
  • Allodynics - Lost City
    Allodynics - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ok, finally got a squad together lol. Thanks to Obsessed, I was able to wear another +10 dex ring, then used a reset note, taking out 10 points of dex and putting them into STR. Able to wear TT80 heavy now, just a matter of farming it b:sweat

    Screenshots of my stats unbuffed:

    Human (arcane gear)

    Fox form (heavy gear)

    And my stats buffed:
    Fox form (heavy armour)

    Human (arcane armour)

    I have been reading this thread for a long time now and I have grown to be a big fan. I finally decided to ask the following questions and say hello.

    Do you hot button your armor (and weapons?) to change from arcane to heavy? Like you would change from Human to Fox mode? On do you already know and set up your particular build when you are going into battle? I mean is that something that you would do?

    Example: PK Archer (luckily you see in the distance, RED and coming straight for you...) Hotkey [(HK) Flying Pet (HK) Flying Mount - If they are in the AIR (normally they are)] (HK) HEAVY CHEST (HK) HEAVY LEGGING {can't side chain gear - sad} (HK) Fox (HK) SIDE CHAIN: Befuddling Mist + DeBuff + Amplify (HK) Fox Wallop (HK) BATTLE HAMMERS (change weapon) and then start bashing away?

    On a PVP server you normally go from questing to PK'ing fairly quickly (based on who is around you and what they decide to do).

    My "Lucky Venu Nuker" build, I have my DEX at 60 right now. This gives me a nice 8% crit at my level with the XMas Blessing, the Rank 3 Ring, and some really lucky pendant I got a drop from, but after reading all of these posts up to now (and personal experience from PK archers) I am thinking that a full arcane mage "Lucky Veno Nuker" is only good for PVE, because all my pets have agro stealers (BLUSTER)--to save my Wizard and Cleric questing buddies who are also all arcane.

    In your opinion, is my DEX a waste? It is a lot of fun to have high evasion, kill mobs fast (when crit hits), and watch the lower level PK'rs 'MISS' a lot, but anyone over lvl 60 and I usually just mount my polar cub and run as fast as I can--hoping that my Gold HP Charm doesn't fail me.
  • Allodynics - Lost City
    Allodynics - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ...PS. QQ nobody said anything about my shiney chart

    b:chuckle Adam Balwin would have been happy to hear you say shiney* b:dirty

    The chart really looks, very very nice and very very expensive. You have all that equipment now? What would you say was your acquisition cost, in coins? At level 51, should I start saving up and trying to get that equipment now?

    *I love Firefly!
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    More often than not i'm in my heavy armour all the time, but yeah, when I go pvp mode i'll have my armour in the slots for a fast change, like against an archer i'd use my high metal resist arcane bracers+boots, then heavy plate and leggings ^o^

    I also make sure I use stunning blow on archers as much as possible, I want them up close where they can't run and do less damage. Got me confused there with the change weapon lol, in fox form you cant change any equips, it's all locked. Heck I cant even put on a charm O.o

    I use my one and only magic sword in fox form, I know magic weapons don't give much P.attack but your own STR+ melee mastery (applicable to fox form only)+refine should help. Crits are nice, but I don't like to [rely] on "chance" to help or save my butt in any way xD

    DEX as an arcane veno, well personally if I was going for dex, i'd get the str and go for light armour while I was at it and make use of the Pdef/fox form. That's just me though, I wouldn't call it a total waste. And the arcane veno will always rule pve, if you know what you're doing xD
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    b:chuckle Adam Balwin would have been happy to hear you say shiney* b:dirty

    The chart really looks, very very nice and very very expensive. You have all that equipment now? What would you say was your acquisition cost, in coins? At level 51, should I start saving up and trying to get that equipment now?

    *I love Firefly!

    Lol, I spelled shiny wrong.

    I do have all of it now, The accessories/helm/cape were pretty cheap less then 100k each. You just need to get lucky with Auction House, so I would try to plan ahead and get high stat accessories for later.

    The TT armors are where the bigger costs are, but I farmed majority of the mats for myself, so it just took time and a good party of friends.

    I'm still farming the coins for the shards and upgrading though, cant wait to use it.
    Uhhh no, lol. Stick with Magic weapon, you cant switch in foxform anyways, and if you were to leave foxform, you might as well just cast spells.
  • PurpleScar - Sanctuary
    PurpleScar - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ghost Lord's Mantle is( excuse my language) a **@&$^#@* up piece of equipment that we WILL in fact need in order to wear TT90 greens heavy. i'm 90 now and the only way i can wear that is either A: i level up another 6 levels and find some awesome pair of substitute boots/ helmet with +8 or more stats, which will again take some restating to get on, or, i get the ghost lord mantle.

    currently have:
    requiem blade w/ maxed stats, all +11
    sky demon's pearl(+8)
    Belt( crappy one for stats) +8
    Rings +10, + 13
    +10 from cuisses of sea captain, +5 from plate of corsaire in order to wear TT80 heavy bracers.
    helmet ( TT80 helmet) + 5
    and yes i'm at 3 vit too.

    for ease of getting your equips, i'd really suggest going l.a for pvp until you get the ghost lord mantle, it's a more than a tad bit easier. either that or stay pure mag for ease of grinding for those nice shards you know you want to put into that cape and all your gear, along with the ridiculous amount of mirages you'll need
    ( unless you're using d.orbs, which i do in fact recommend).

    One other lil thing i'd like to add.. a lvl 82 archer managed to deal about 95% or more of my hp in 1 crit shot( metal damage of course) and, since i really hate the idea of having to change equips mid-fight, i just swap to use either arcane wrists or boots ( TT90 arcane wrists have a ice 2% dmg reduction too, so it really reduces your phy def by an amount that isn't really noticeable) Its currently like an increase of 4-5% mag def reduction against 1-2% phy damage reduction. pretty worth it imo. only **** thing about it is that the gear doesn't blend in nicely, but unless you take proper notice you can't really notice the arcane boots on :P

    ( unless you're an insanely good merchant then ignore everything i said and just madd buy everything you need with cash:D, or do cube and get 504 chips and 10.8 million for 2 giant beast shells, then scream as the mob in TT90 that drops the ghost lord ribbon gives 0-2 each time -.- )

    * on a side note, i am in fact loving this build, though giving up the -channeling and having 3 vit instead of 50-80 i could have in l.a. is a lil bit of a pinch
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Ghost Lord's Mantle is( excuse my language) a **@&$^#@* up piece of equipment that we WILL in fact need in order to wear TT90 greens heavy. i'm 90 now and the only way i can wear that is either A: i level up another 6 levels and find some awesome pair of substitute boots/ helmet with +8 or more stats, which will again take some restating to get on, or, i get the ghost lord mantle.

    It's not neccisary to have the mantle, you will just need to stick with 80 bracers, check my chart on page 7, I already have everything. To use requiem blade and TT90 green armor, you need 227 str, 49 dex, 267 mag for a total of 543 points, at level 90 you have(89*5+15+2) 462 points.

    543-462 = 81

    So, you need to come up with +81 points from your accessories/helmet/cape/TT80wrist, which is more then doable. (Again, see my chart on page 7) I have +84 points with all my gear, and all of them could easily be found with a few stat points higher.

    Based on the armors you listed, you have +62(not counting helmet, or chest/leg/shoes), meaning you only need to come up with 19 points. Just find a cape and helm with +10 stats, and you'll be fine.

    Best advice I can give, is check Auction house whenver you get the chance. People usually just through them up for cheap, not knowing how desperatly we need them.
    * on a side note, i am in fact loving this build, though giving up the -channeling and having 3 vit instead of 50-80 i could have in l.a. is a lil bit of a pinch

    You can still switch to arcane robes and use channeling gear. Also, even though you have only 3 vit, the difference is in refinement which adds more hp then Light armor(plus we can use an HP helm, where light cannot), also majority of light users are less inclined to optimize there stats, so wouldnt even have that 50-80 points to put into vit. You should end up with more hp then the average light armor user(and always once you get to the higher +refinements), and can still use channeling gear, when you switch to robe mode.
  • cityspiderman
    cityspiderman Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    First time playing. For lvl 1-79, I should be mage. Then what should my stats allocation be for every lvl before 79, in which I start implement Heavy/Robe Fox build?

    Also can someone provide a list of essential skills and their lvls for this build?
    So that I have a checklist. I know the author mention skills but it is a bit confusing to me
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    First time playing. For lvl 1-79, I should be mage. Then what should my stats allocation be for every lvl before 79, in which I start implement Heavy/Robe Fox build?

    Also can someone provide a list of essential skills and their lvls for this build?
    So that I have a checklist. I know the author mention skills but it is a bit confusing to me
    "Mage" build is typically 9 mag, 1str every 2 levels. As for skills, the only ones you need for mage grinding is venomous scarab, ironwood scarab, and heal skills. At 79 or 80, or even 90, whenever you decide to switch, you will buy a restat scroll from the Botique cash shop(or from another player). You will need to carefully plan out your stat points based on the armors your lookign to use, and find lots of +stat accessories to compensate for missing points.

    Check out the other stickied guide to venomancers, and look at mage skills and other skills.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    In order of priorty then, since you're mage till 79, dont worry about the fox skills so much in the earlier levels.

    Mage skills:
    Wood mastery
    Ironwood scarab
    Bramble guard
    Bramble hood
    Metabolic boost
    Nature's grace
    Soul transfusion
    Summer sprint
    Blazing scarab
    Noxious gas (aoe, poision DoT. I recommend it)
    Lucky scarab
    Parasitic nova
    Frost scarab (dont level it much at all really)
    Lending hand

    Fox skills: (These are priorities based on pvp too)
    Fox form
    Melee Mastery
    Amplify damage
    Stunning blow
    Befuddling mist
    Consume spirit
    Malefic crush

    And of course, pet heal, pet tame+ pet revive shoulod be levelled up as you level.

    By the way, as an off-fact in fox form, I can tank TT1-2 bosses easy with a cleric, only thing I dont have is aggro skills+massive HP, least the Pdef makes up for it xP
    Tried it out for fun lol ^^;
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    * on a side note, i am in fact loving this build, though giving up the -channeling and having 3 vit instead of 50-80 i could have in l.a. is a lil bit of a pinch

    How did you manage 50-80 in vit in LA? Stat buffs?
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    For future reference, there is a lvl 87 quest to kill the two bosses at the end of Cave of Sadistic glee(again), and the reward is a Protection belt that adds: 5-6 magic, 5-6 dex, and 5-6 str. Soo an addition of 15-18 stat points.

    Mine only got +16 b:sad, but it's still probably the best belt you will find. Perfect for HA build.
  • Danni - Heavens Tear
    Danni - Heavens Tear Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    That belt...I want now...

    If only I had time to grind decently. b:cry
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    So here it is, me and my 90 gear and stats. Hehe 3 points to spare. Still working on getting matching TT90 robes. b:pleased


    Stats buffed and unbuffed(barb/BM/cleric):

  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Nice Obsessed :D

    I was orginally going to get that Mogwai belt as the quest reward but now i'm reconsidering since the belt I have now adds +9 str in total, and i'm fighting in enough str points to wear TT90 heavy armour at level 90 aswell as enough magic for the sword.
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Nice Obsessed :D

    I was orginally going to get that Mogwai belt as the quest reward but now i'm reconsidering since the belt I have now adds +9 str in total, and i'm fighting in enough str points to wear TT90 heavy armour at level 90 aswell as enough magic for the sword.
    More points anywhere is more points, you'll just need to use a restat scroll.
  • Locojom - Sanctuary
    Locojom - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have been reading this and now that the reset notes are on sale, I am going to be doing this build.
    I am lvl 58 so I think it shouldnt be so hard ^^;
    Thanks for the great guide

    (sorry for the bad english >.<)
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I've talked to alot of level 70 arcane venos who said they wanted to restat but said it was too hard at that level :x

    Good luck though, and your english is fine xD
  • Beefums - Lost City
    Beefums - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Has any veno actually tested out a melee fox build? i've been leveling mine, and it's in the 30's now, and I wanted to see what i'm looking forward to as far as damage ranges, and whether or not I could stop at maybe tt80 weapons, and go for 90 armor? if anyone has any feedback on a melee fox, please let me know :p
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Has any veno actually tested out a melee fox build? i've been leveling mine, and it's in the 30's now, and I wanted to see what i'm looking forward to as far as damage ranges, and whether or not I could stop at maybe tt80 weapons, and go for 90 armor? if anyone has any feedback on a melee fox, please let me know :p

    If you look a few posts up, I linked some screenshots of my gear.(though its higher upgraded now b:victory)

    I am, and you can, use the best armor and weapon(using TT90armor and legend89 magic weapon). It just takes time aquiring high plus-stat accessories and careful planning.

    I will say overall I'm pretty disapointed with fox skill damage vs magic spell damage though. Normal attacks speed makes up for it for the most part, but in general the skills are weaker then spells with added various debuffs and melee is relatively boring imo. So, even as HA I stick to casting spells, but its nice to have the option to switch back and forth between magic/fox when I'm bored and still be a viable character.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I was checking out this complete melee fox build though, I mean fox meele only, no mage.

    It had about 110 dex, 3xx str and 210 magic for the sakyamuni's light and they were level 9x. Physical attack was about 7k buffed with strentgh of titans I think. Pretty insane, and their magic attack was around 4k even though they dont use human form.
    Weapon was +10 though which obviously helped alot.

    I guess you can get pretty good melee damage only your weapon would need to be refined very high and it would be quite a few levels behind.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I just wanted to clear a few things up and simplify this build a little more since i'm getting alot of questions over the same things:

    This build is heavy armour, arcane armour and magic weapon. You can use heavy and arcane armour in fox form and human form, depending on what you want to fight and you use your magic weapon in both fox form and human form.

    Lets look at the combinations:
    Arcane armour+Fox form=
    Magic defense+Physical attack

    Heavy armour+Human form=
    Physical defense+Magic attack

    Arcane armour+Human form=
    Magic defense+Magic attack

    Heavy armour+Fox form=
    Physical defense+Physical attack

    Those combinations can apply to pvp and pve, say the mob or person is a caster type (magic attacks) their physical defense will be very low but their magic defense will be fairly high, aswell as their magic damage. So we use the Arcane armour for defense against his magic and then we use Fox form since his physical defense is low.

    Remember although using a melee weapon in fox form for higher physical attack would sound more logical, the fox form skill weapon requirement reads: Weapons: Unarmed, magic instruments. If you had a melee weapon eqiupped, you wouldnt be able to use any venomancer skills at all. Even the fox tree attack skills themselves require you either unarmed or using magic instruments even though their attack is based on your physical attack.

    If you were planning to play out this build to the letter, (going typical mage build up to level 80 or 90) and you were wondering what reset notes were, if you press O , hit the items tab then choose resets you'll see a list of reset notes. There's 4 different kinds

    Basic reset note- Reset 10 points of one stat- 300k
    Basic reset all note- Reset 5 points of all stats- 300k
    Intermediate reset note- Reset 50 points of one stat-500k
    Inter. Reset-all note- Reset 25 points of all stats-500k
    Prices listed are average based on 1 gold= 100k.
    Take the notes to any city elder and he'll give you a "reset service"
    A box will pop up and you can chose which stat to resrt if you bought the 50 or 10 point of one stat note.

    Hope that cleared a few things up.