Rei's kinda-ok guide for Heavy/Robe Fox.



  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I noticed, also I edited after you posted, and didnt realize it.

    You have a typo on HH90 cape. You said 18 stats and it adds 27. Which makes a huge difference.
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    lol yea oops getting tired from studying lol.. anyway... but thats really stretching it trying to get +12 of every stats... n loosing crit/channeling to me is seriously not worth it...

    i guess right now venomancers have it easy with their phoenix destroying everything.. and the only thing we need to do is stay alive while that happens... that will be good and well until people reach the 9x-10x and start ++ and gems in their gear ... that's when the phoenix wont even do enough dmg to kill someone by themselves.
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    unknown862 wrote: »
    lol yea oops getting tired from studying lol.. anyway... but thats really stretching it trying to get +12 of every stats... n loosing crit/channeling to me is seriously not worth it...

    i guess right now venomancers have it easy with their phoenix destroying everything.. and the only thing we need to do is stay alive while that happens... that will be good and well until people reach the 9x-10x and start ++ and gems in their gear ... that's when the phoenix wont even do enough dmg to kill someone by themselves.
    +12 isnt really streatching it as much as you'd think, you can get higher then that with the 90s accessories.

    After messing with crit and channeling for myself, I can see I'd rather have the extra survivability that heavy provides. Not like your damage is going to be lacking without crit/chan gear.
  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Actually I'm glad u guys start this guide, at least I know my path to HA/Robe veno is right n u guys actually gave me some ideas. Thks.

    For lower lvl ppl like myself lvl 40++ and dun own any legendary equip or weapon, right now I actually wearing a lvl 40 HA with lvl 40+ arcane wrist braces and shoes. I only wear those equipments, accessories and weapon with +stat esp vit, str and magic and my magic is abt 3 times my lvl and i have stronger phy def. Mag def stone will be nice for better mag def on your equipments. So I can anytime choose to use mag attack or melee attack. Skill wise got to be think carefully cos spirit is limited though.
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I know some who take full advantage of the build but chose fox form a bit more over mage, at least on the pve side. So the most important skills are in the form you use most. While my Pattack may be kinda high in fox form, My min magic attack is 1k higher than my max Pattack. Therefore I chose mage form for pve o.o;

    I am curious to what level magic weapon you use though Hazon. I dont personally have much good knowledge of the kinda EQs you'd want at those levels because I only restat to heavy armour two levels ago. From 1-70 I was arcane, 70-79 light armour and 80-82 heavy/robe xD;

    You want to honestly be careful with the gems you use, I strongly recommend HP shards because HP is your absolute weakest point. I find that the arcane and heavy give enough magic and physical defense as it is :/
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh woot a sticky :D

    lol Obsessed, that's exactly my problem. I need a cloak to add to +4 magic and at the very least +2 str (So I can wear TT80 greaves and bracers) but it's only ever vit or HP ones D':
    Bwahaha I managed to snag an 8 stat robe today (+4 mag, +4 str)

    Now I just need an 8+stat helmet b:surrender

    Sidenote: b:sad my 89 mold weapon only got 10 dex when I made it last night(though 2 slots), Also I have a spare +10dex magic ring if any heavy-to-be venos are desperate.
  • Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hm wow, didn't expect many (well, anyone for that matter) to build so closely to what I was doing with what I kept hearing about focusing on one "build". I honestly never saw any good in light armor as a fox. You've got to have magic to equip your weapon, and the rest (with the exception of the minimum dex) might as well go into str for power. Another stat to focus on kills things in my opinion.

    I'm off for a bit and suddenly when I come back I see this, nice job.

    Also to address an earlier question, it doesn't perfectly answer it but I believe it'll help.

    I restatted into fox build at 56 and ended up using the mirage sword, stats were still a bit funky so I needed to do it again, but if you're along the regular path of this build you might be able to use it, it's a pretty decent weapon. That or later on after my 2nd restat I used an order of the stars (good luck finding one, I had a hell of a time) until I was able to use ancient arbor.

    The basic idea of this build I've found is to sacrifice armor, weapons, or money, you can use current level armor and a magic wep several levels back, or current wep with old armor, or if you can find well enough statted gear, current versions of both.
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Bwahaha I managed to snag an 8 stat robe today (+4 mag, +4 str)

    Now I just need an 8+stat helmet b:surrender

    Sidenote: b:sad my 89 mold weapon only got 10 dex when I made it last night(though 2 slots), Also I have a spare +10dex magic ring if any heavy-to-be venos are desperate.

    How? where?b:shocked No one ever puts good robes in AH b:cry
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    On auction lol, lucky snag when I woke up had 23 hours left... with buy it now of 100k. b:victory
  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    To Rei, actually I manufactured myself a 2star Dharma magic sword and not order of star or fate of wheel ( hopefully I can get it some day ) BUT my sword gives Mag +2 and Mag +5 which give me +7 Mag not bad for a two star sword. The equipments I wore are either bid at AH or manufactured myself, I dun care if it is 3star or 1 star, as long as it give nice stat I will get it. But of cos legendary or TT I dunno still give the best stat. Thats y I said, HA veno is no-cheap built. lolb:chuckle
  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I agreed with Danni abt either u wear the current weapon and lower lvl armor or wear current armor with old weapon unless u equiped with nice stats equipment. Thats y equipment with stats is imporant n get those reduced requirment equipment. One more thing be prepared to pay cosy equipment repair lol. Nevertheless it is a very interesting built.

    For my current lvl 47, if anyone interested,
    My stats are:
    Vit 5 (+5 equipment)= 10
    Str 91 (+5 equipment)=96
    Mag 128 (+13 equipment)=141
    Dex 26 (+3 equipment)=29

    I know my HP is misery low, maybe I take Rei's advice to get the HP shard.
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think you'll generally find that TT magic weapons wont do you much good, at these higher levels i'm using molds instead. TT weapons have stats that casters find more useful such as -channeling +MP +vit and ect. :P
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hey all,

    im buildng heavy Veno right now, im still 25

    we al know we must do STR and MAG and a lil dex for armor requirement
    which one better for this fox form veno between str bigger than MAG or MaG bigger than str
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I generally find I'm not focusing on either making my str points or mag higher than each other because I have enough trouble making them meet requirements for armour and weapons. Like for now my magic is only 31 points higher than my Str but it's because i'm building it to 267 for the level 89 weapon.

    You'll find that your physical attack will be weaker than your magic attack anyway because magic weapons give lower physical attack bonuses. This build utilizes both magic and physical skills though so it's not about whether your magic or strength is higher, it's about knowing which equipment is best, and how best you can get the points to equip it.

    Make sure though that you max out Wood Mastery (20% extra wood damage) and Melee Mastery (120% weapon damage gained in fox form)
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    shakaboom wrote: »
    hey all,

    im buildng heavy Veno right now, im still 25

    we al know we must do STR and MAG and a lil dex for armor requirement
    which one better for this fox form veno between str bigger than MAG or MaG bigger than str
    Focus on whatever points you need for your armors, you wont have any stats spare to add for damage.
  • Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    got to ask at 82 what is your hp like? i switch to half light/arcane at one point but i hated the low damage i produce due to the lack of damage when i'm killing mobs and i needed to use every single trick i know to boost my hp and damage.

    never tried heavy yet. but if i'm going to do it i guess i'll wait till i need a next set of armor :P don't feel like changing mid way.

    so can you post a screenshot of your char stats and everything in fox and human form without buff? ty :P
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I plan to add screenshots when I can get full buff sets from barb/blademaster and clerics, and also post without soon :(

    I didn't notice any difference in the HP pool from light and heavy. Light required 5 vit points and no more, heavy says 3 or else. Right now it sits at 2.9k but I wont be refining my armour for HP till 90 :/

    With the barbarian buff, it sits at 3.6k. The only way you can really get around the damage is refining your weapon u.u
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    All I got to say is....Put a light armor veno to fight this so called "invincible" build, and watch the heavy veno dance with teh angels. xD
    "Always Outnumbered,Never Outgunned." + "For You My Lover,Pa Que Te Enamores" Co7Vc3 <3 El Romance Letal <3 *Director of CareBears ~ Harshlands*
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    you said that u make this build start at 79 with stat reset.before that we just being a pure arcane( mag) Veno because of stat distribution

    is it always like that ? or we can build that heavy/arcane veno from the early ?

    mine is still 25
    oh yeah i like to combine heavy armor and robe, i.e heavy for shirt n pant, robe for wrist n shoes because of stat distribution n to balance between P.def n M.def

    with this build, i have tried pvp/duel with some pure Mag or Mag/con venos, and i won.. especially because their very low p.def
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    All I got to say is....Put a light armor veno to fight this so called "invincible" build, and watch the heavy veno dance with teh angels. xD

    No where in here did anyone say this build was or is "invincible" and please elaborate on how light armour foxes beat this build so easily, other wise you're just a troll.
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    shakaboom wrote: »

    you said that u make this build start at 79 with stat reset.before that we just being a pure arcane( mag) Veno because of stat distribution

    is it always like that ? or we can build that heavy/arcane veno from the early ?

    mine is still 25
    oh yeah i like to combine heavy armor and robe, i.e heavy for shirt n pant, robe for wrist n shoes because of stat distribution n to balance between P.def n M.def

    with this build, i have tried pvp/duel with some pure Mag or Mag/con venos, and i won.. especially because their very low p.def

    You can build yourself from the start but understand, it would be very hard and you'd level quite slow since most molds or EQs at those lower levels dont benefit you very well.

    It's generally better to restat at 79-90 as by then you can know exactly how many points of what stat you need for the EQs you plan on using for the next 10 levels or so. Arcane venos in no way are really suited to pvp lol :/

    But this build is execellent especially against blademasters.
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Bwahaha I managed to snag an 8 stat robe today (+4 mag, +4 str)

    Now I just need an 8+stat helmet b:surrender

    Sidenote: b:sad my 89 mold weapon only got 10 dex when I made it last night(though 2 slots), Also I have a spare +10dex magic ring if any heavy-to-be venos are desperate.
    Woot got a +8 stat helm today (4mag 4str)

    Now I just need to hit level 90. Lol. b:beatup
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Woot got a +8 stat helm today (4mag 4str)

    Now I just need to hit level 90. Lol. b:beatup

    ///Massive envy b:infuriated
    Still cant find a stupid cloak :( b:shedtear
  • Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I plan to add screenshots when I can get full buff sets from barb/blademaster and clerics, and also post without soon :(

    I didn't notice any difference in the HP pool from light and heavy. Light required 5 vit points and no more, heavy says 3 or else. Right now it sits at 2.9k but I wont be refining my armour for HP till 90 :/

    With the barbarian buff, it sits at 3.6k. The only way you can really get around the damage is refining your weapon u.u

    i really don't like that :P cause right now i've 3.2k hp with most of my armor not refine except for gem. btw, do you solo grind any more? if you do, how much less exp do you get? i mean there is a huge damage reduction and more spell to kill a mob?
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Exp gain is the same and there isn't a huge damage reduction, it was the same damage as light build, only more physical damage on fox form.

    There's only a minor difference in magic attack from arcane and light/heavy venos, but not enough to the point were it nerfs your exp gain so bad. And it's hardly enough to notice in pvp too.

    My HP will reach 3k or more once I can get a cloak which adds +2 str, then I can make my TT80 armour and put HP gems in it b:surrender
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'll add some fan-service screenshots of myself, when I hit 90... in a month or so, lol.
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ok, finally got a squad together lol. Thanks to Obsessed, I was able to wear another +10 dex ring, then used a reset note, taking out 10 points of dex and putting them into STR. Able to wear TT80 heavy now, just a matter of farming it b:sweat

    Screenshots of my stats unbuffed:

    Human (arcane gear)

    Fox form (heavy gear)

    And my stats buffed:
    Fox form (heavy armour)

    Human (arcane armour)
  • Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    hmm, the one problem i see is that when i'm completely buff i get about 46% reduction damage in human form and about 54% in fox. and because this game is so nice, having more defense point after 60% ish is kinda pointless cause the increase is so little compare to the damage reduction you get.

    so, that's why i'm not sure if it's a good idea to switch to light or heavy when you compromise the damage you are dealing. any thought? btw add one human form with arcane gear unbuff :P

  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    hmm, the one problem i see is that when i'm completely buff i get about 46% reduction damage in human form and about 54% in fox. and because this game is so nice, having more defense point after 60% ish is kinda pointless cause the increase is so little compare to the damage reduction you get.

    so, that's why i'm not sure if it's a good idea to switch to light or heavy when you compromise the damage you are dealing. any thought? btw add one human form with arcane gear unbuff :P

    You dont really compromise any damage, Heavy uses the best magical weapon, which would be the same weapon a light armor would use(weapon does majority of the damage). Consider most light venos stick by 3/1/1 they wont have more mag then heavy(unless they had mag gear bu you should really go with vit gear for extra bonuses). So damage isnt comprimised as you put it.

    Also I believe Solardi posted a defense/damage reduction/hits taken statistic that showed, that even though the damage wasnt getting reduced as high percentage wise, you were able to take just as many more hits as the previous increases.( sorry if that sounds confusing, couldnt think how to word it lol) Basically even though, for instance, an additional 1k pdef would only add 1% reduction and the previous 1k pdef added 3%, it would still add the same amount to your survivablity(extra hits taken). So all defense increases help equally.
  • Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i know saki is good for the fact that it gives nice defense and evasion bonus, but with 240 magic, why don't you use TT80 weapon? increase in damage seem like it's more worthwhile?

    damm. i'm actually considering this.... it's gonna kill me do to this.

    wait a minute, what happen when you fight against magic user? don't tell me you switch armor during the battle? ok wait how does this fair against magic killer? like mage and veno and cleric?


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