Rei's kinda-ok guide for Heavy/Robe Fox.



  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    thx for ur advices rei, really glad i found this guide and can try something very few ppl have done before
  • Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Great guide! I've always been interested in making a fox form veno. What stat distribution do you recommend if I start from lvl1b:thanks
    Moved to WoW b:bye
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Just wanted to applaud your effort Reikara. I do disagree on your approach to magic weapons only however. I am currently running a heavy veno that uses melee swords. I still use fox form for tanking and I can do most things other venos can do. There are only 2 major downsides. I can't heal my pet well, and my fox damage is very low (700-750 at lev 70, before defense and things are taken into account). However everything is about balance and wheras my fox dmg is low I have a great deal of health (as I put the extra points in Vit) and my Human form does excellent dmg, when combined with an attack pet it can actually be quite deadly.
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    im a demon arcane veno planning to go heavy since this guide kinda convinced me =P. Only question is i chose demon since i planned to stay vit mag build and the skills looked better for my playstyle. Now i want to swich but have i screwed my char over my going demon? I get less consistent dmg which seems a problem for HA venos and the speed boost from fox is nerfed by the damn genies (hate them by the way). im also missing out on the spark wep bonus dmg and extra phy def in fox, although i never plan to be a tank so this isnt so much of a problem.

    is demon really bad for HA foxes compared to sage?
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    demon gets the better weapon damage boost, sage gets the huge magic attack boost.

    though, if you can get ahold of 92 skills for sage, and consider the huge magic boost/chi gain, its way better.

    -150% def 250% accuracy - fox form
    -200% melee dmg boost - sage melee mastery
    -move for 50 chi instantly - master li's technique
    -900% magic 500% melee equip damage bonus from spark

    just some examples :P
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    demon gets the better weapon damage boost, sage gets the huge magic attack boost.

    though, if you can get ahold of 92 skills for sage, and consider the huge magic boost/chi gain, its way better.

    -150% def 250% accuracy - fox form
    -200% melee dmg boost - sage melee mastery
    -move for 50 chi instantly - master li's technique
    -900% magic 500% melee equip damage bonus from spark

    just some examples :P
    i know what sage gives XP

    my problem is i already went demon since i originally planned to stay arcane, so have i made a big mistake thats going to affect how well i can play, especially when im 10x?

    or as a demon can i stay play HA effectively and as well as a sage HA fox?
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    AWSOME ^^ i have started HEAVY armor + MAGIC weapon (sword best cuase of high phy damage) fox form veno. lv 47 yet but its not hard :) thought it gonna be worse. its my second veno so i didn want to get same pets like before. Using Tabby kitty pet, overlocked mechacrab and goldwing emperor. and i can say its easy to take 3-4 mobs at one time. not just spamming heal on pet. and taking one mob at one time.. easy cake. really nice option to try after magic veno. totally different. and safe ;) hmmmm and fox is cute b:chuckle

    and for DEMON/SAGE skills: go on just check which suits u more. suppose any can be good. from what i see sage just lowers cost of casting skill, and demon increases attack. not always. but... up to u. some ppl will like demon more, some will go sage. personally i know ppl playing both so.. all up to what u prefer.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    ok so i have quite a few questions...

    1.what level where you when u made this? need to np cause im making a new character to go off this build.
    2. i thought that the heavy armour ratio to wear was 5 str 1 dex but u have more magic then str and so little dex y is that?
    3.what pet would you reccomend for this build? (at lower level ) i would think crystilline magnite but im not sure (cant get hercules r pheonix btw)
    4.Your Vit should be 3. No more added, only more should be gained as stat bonuses from your equipment.

    Your Magic should be 210 to equip the Sakyamuni's light

    Your Str should be 177 to equip TT70 heavy armour

    Your Dex should be 39 to equip TT70 heavy armour (dont no how to quote lolz)
    is this added to your base of 5? or not and if not how can ur vit be 3?

    ok ty and sorry for grammar really tired lol b:victory
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    now to wait for obsessed to post 'fail post, ur full o ****'

    how long ago did you revamp the guide?

    noticed this, maybe i wasnt reading carefully the first time, but dont remember it
    Myth: Heavy armour venos have low HP.
    Lol no. Heavy armour gives higher HP bonuses in refines than light and arcane armour does, since heavy armour venos cannot spare points for vit they rely heavily on this for HP.
    i have nearly as much as much as obsessed with vit points, and less refines... technically you have way lower hp than you should have. a friend of mine has the same as obsessed @ level 93 in LA with lesser refines as well :)
    Myth: Heavy armour venos have less attack than arcane venos. Yes, but only by a little. We have enough magic required for our weapons but it does not completly gimp us to the point where we grind slower/ cannot farm Twilight temple. Our magic attack is the same compared to light armour venos. In fact, it has even greater advtantages since I am able to solo heal my herc through soulbanisher who has a nasty phys aoe. No arcane or light veno in fox form could survive it.
    this myth about M.Atk is bogus, look at her matk: 4636-5365 buffed. my friend JadeyRoared on sanc is in an LA build with the same weapon/refine and hits 6.3k buffed. i dont know where on earth people keep trying to pull this **** that HA is on equal terms of m.atk, but theyre not, especially with the fact there is way more room for flexibility in LA. one doesnt need to stop at required magic.

    doing cookie cutter 3 mag, 1 str, 1 dex build, and just following straight through with it yields 276 mag at her level of 92, not counting adds from gears, and matk bonuses from rings and/or necklaces (tt/lunar necklaces add matk.) albiet, only 2 more, LA doesnt have to stop there to reiterate my point.

    the only HA veno in their 90s on sanctuary has a +11 requiem. that barely puts her on terms with my vit arcane in equality of matk at ~6.6k unbuffed. fact is, you need a ridiculously high refined weapon to only 'have a little less than arcane,' and im not even pure mag!

    my point and case, you should reword it so its not so misleading/ambigous.

    as for the soulbanisher comment, i want to see if its possible for an arcane to do it :). was in FB99 and able to handle torturess venerator's AOE.

    Physical Attack
    3185 - 9554

    Physical Attack
    4344 - 10135
    (about 2.5k an AOE on avg ~3.5k pdef in sage fox)
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I second that thought about HA mag attack being the same as arcane. I lost about 1300 mag attack when i went to heavy. That and the fact that i have 0 channeling equips really makes a noticeable difference. b:cry
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Heh, sorry I didn't answer sooner.PC was at the doctors for a week ^-^;

    @LhRag; No worries.

    @Bigall; sorry, I only meant that this heavy build in particular, heavy hybrid combination of mage and melee uses magic weapons. I understand that there's heavy (melee) venomancers out there (I've even picked up the level general summer hammers and killed a bit for fun with them) but the build specified in this guide is different to those :)

    @Casario; You haven't screwed your character at all, sage and demon on venomancers both have perks on all different builds actually, just some more than others. However you will tend to see far more demon light and mage venos than sage. Sage is perfect for this build in particular, but demon hasn't completly lost out. In fact, the only two other 89+ heavy hybrid on HT i've met in game are both demons, who chose demon cultivation for this build.

    One chose demon for pve, the other chose demon for pvp which is interesting :)
    For starters, the extra Pdef you get from foxform actually only gives you -1% dmg reduction (or +1k pdef), so no big loss at all. You'll lose out on the extra accuracy from fox form, extra dmg boost from melee mastery and wood mastery, but you'll have the extra insane constant speed, and far more critical damage at least. Demon heavy venomancer is still very deadly.

    @Sazanami; I was level 80 when I switched over, it's possible to build this from level 1 but I don't recommend it. It's quite difficult and levelling can take a while (you'll be quite weak in damage) and you might have to restat a few times (expensive). I currently have more magic since I needed 267 to use the next magic weapon, requiem blade (lvl 89). To be able to wear the 90TT heavy armour I have to restat at 90, taking some points from dex and putting them into str.

    The amount between str and magic will fluctuate alot, since you dont just upgrade to the next available weapon, with this build you need to make sure your weapon and armour bonuses are all credible for your build; you might stick with the same weapon for more than 10 levels. Also remember that all of a heavy veno's EQs add on to their total STR, DEX, VIT and MAG. And no, my base vit is actually 3, when you restat one of your attributes more than what you have, your attribute will then be 3, even though you first start off with 5.

    @Tearvalerin; Obsessed said she was done with the forums lol. And I did give the guide an upgrade but only the first page. I'm still going to rewrite/update the rest of it when I can get around to it with more accurate figures/facts. I was only LA for about 10 levels but I didn't find much flexibility, stats were only ever just enough for armour+weapon.

    I just switched because I was using light/arcane fox/mage and to switch it between heavy/arcane seemed far more logical to me. My HP comment was more or less reffering to: yes, a HA veno's base HP pool is low, but you don't switch to this build if you're going to be cheap, it's expected that you'd be refining to make up for it, otherwise you're pretty much a sitting duck ;)
    (I'll just throw in here that it's also expected that they'd refine their weapon as otherwise we'd have a very low attack also.)

    You're LA friend has more base vit than obsessed though? Last I heard Obsessed had around 50 base, unless you're comparing their light armour refines to Obsessed in arcane gear?

    I didn't think you'd be able to spare so much into magic as a light armour, hence thinking that HA/light would have a minor difference. Again, I was comparing it at around level 70-80s. 90s+ go nuts >_>

    I'm still yet to go into the 89/99FB. Just after I hit 89 my pc decided to crash, couldn't even turn it on. I only just got it back now but I've lost everything on here, re-downloading perfect world now -_-;
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    well welcome back then :O.

    the sage FB99 boss torturess venerator has a melee AOE thats constantly used, its quite more the disgusting of the 2 AOEs, but only does like 2.5k dmg with sage fox and a def buff, so im wondering if arcane can solo soul banisher by this level. (if you look on my stats page i have a thread called 'adventure of boredom' you can see me tanking FB99 bosses)
  • edited July 2009
    Hey, been following Rei’s guide for ages now and I’ve finally managed to switch over to HA/Arcane. I switched at level 72, which was pushing it a bit stats-wise, but I really don’t regret it. What made it possible for me was equipping Demon Panther Rings, which add a decent amount of DEX, STR and MAG. I wouldn’t be able to equip TT 70 armor without them.

    To be honest, I was a bit sceptical the first time I read this. I ended up going LA in my 60s but it really didn’t do it for me. Going LA doesn’t make sense because our skills don’t have a use for DEX. And while your physical defense does increase with LA, both magical and physical defense become more average than anything else. You just end up with this overall mediocre defense, which isn't so much fun if you like to PvP like I do.

    Training in general isn't as slow as I thought it would/could be. I actually find it more fun because I can now switch between fighting in human/fox form as a I please. And fighting in fox form seems a little less painful because you can just click the monster once and your character will keep whacking it with melee attacks. I'm quite lazy so that's a bonus for me :).

    Anyway, if anyone needs info on switching over in their low 70s or needs advice in general, feel free to give me a holler. I’d be more than happy to help with suggesting equips etc. I can also give you a breakdown of my equips if you like, though they're nothing too fancy. They do their job :). Keep in mind that I’m still learning too :) .

    Thanks heaps for the awesome build :D.
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Oh great you finally switched ;D
    I was actually guilty of being sceptical too, going light at 70 then realising my mistake lol. No worries b:victory
  • Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    @Tear the magic attack claim is not bogus, I've stated plenty of times compared to Pvp oriented builds, which optimize vit. A friend of mine is Light armor and only has 300 more matk then me, but has only 10 less hp.

    Your case about them being more flexible is true and I never said that it wasnt, also your assumption that heavy has to stop at base magic as well, when I have over 100 points in vit, I could easily switch those over to magic if I wanted to gimp my hp.

    We get that you dont like the build, chill the hell out dude.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    here's my current heavy/robe stats

    haven't sharded my helmet yet (3socket)

    i'll repost when i level/finish farming swindlers/socket my helm

    edit: imo, just like a wr/wb, you should focus on getting that mag res up to par. i understand the versatility of having robe parts too (though its pricey as **** to refine/shard two sets of armor), but to switch that often is not that reliable in world pk when you have masses on you.

    anyways, sometime in the distant future when i can afford refining pants to +5, i'll have some robe pants to switch to as well.
  • Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I've been following this guide for awhile. I am getting so close to my full heavy switch (ATM I can only wear Reduced Req normal gear because I love my TT80 Wand), all my restats are in my bank already along with a couple of great 12 stat rings and such.

    However, I chose to go for a FULL TT/Legendary build which is hella-expensive. Thanks for this wonderful guide, I was excited to see someone finally rallying for the heavy Veno.

    Though, I must admit, I have to post in defense of the LA veno. Our skills don't NEED Dex, but at the moment I have about 120 Dex and my crit rate is insanely nice. Having a nicely balanced defense has really allowed me to do things I otherwise couldn't with an arcane build. Honestly, I think its in the play style of the person. If you know what you're doing you can make any build work with your skill set as a veno.

    TY Again for the rockin' Guide! b:victory
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hey, Reikara, how much damage do you do in foxform?

    Just wondering.
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I cant get on to check exactly, since I hit 89 before I crashed and lost everything, i'm now able to use my requiem+5 however I don't know what figures exactly i'd be pulling off with it.

    With my yaksa+3 the previous level I think I was doing around 1.5-2.3k damage on regular mobs, constant damage with just a few rare misses. I'll let you know once I can get back on PWI though o;
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I have about 120 Dex

    Having a nicely balanced defense has really allowed me to do things I otherwise couldn't with an arcane build. Honestly, I think its in the play style of the person. If you know what you're doing you can make any build work with your skill set as a veno.

    That's true, I still remain a little biased towards them though. b:surrender

    What I was doing as a light armoured venomancer, (I know quite a few others do this aswell) was have an arcane and a light amour set. I'd keep switching back and forth between my arcane and light armour for when I needed either more physical defense and magic defense.

    I realised it would be more logical to do this between heavy armour and arcane instead, not only that but i'd have far more physical attack aswell in fox form. Then enter the ridicule from friends and foe for having such a "taboo" build ;P

    I chose to go for a FULL TT/Legendary build which is hella-expensive.
    Just curious, is your arcane set included in the TT/legendary gear aswell?
    Well it's expensive but worth every cent :D
    Thanks for this wonderful guide, I was excited to see someone finally rallying for the heavy Veno.

    No worries b:victory
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hi, even tho im lvl 84 im still learning from this job ^^
    Venomancer is a great class! we have huge potential! All we need to find is the right combination to beat them all =)b:victory
    thanxs for the post
    it really helped me to decide to change ^^
    i was gonna wait till lvl 90 but wth b:laugh
    see ya on TW
  • Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'm planning on switching to HA when I get my veno to 80. Currently I'm equipping her with full TT70 LA. Been looking around for ornies that add strength and dex stats. Don't know if I can pull it off. I'll let you all know if and when I do get my veno to 80 b:thanks

    P/s Thanks for the inspiration Rei b:kiss
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I am interested about Melee type veno which uses heavy armor, fox form, magic weapon and mainly fox skills. Do you have any information about this build? I know I am not high level enough but I want some info about this build before I am lvl 70
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I didn't really do much research into the battle fox (meele only build) Kitsuneh, but as much as what I do know is:

    The difference between the heavy/robe and battle fox is that the heavy/robe aims to use both armour and weapons updated to it's current level, the battle fox uses a magic weapon at least 10 levels lower, usually a mould or something really good/expensive whilst it's armour is heavy only and current to it's level.

    The build I examined was a level 90+ venomancer. She had about 7k physical attack unbuffed, no sparks with a sakyamuni's light +10. This was on the malaysian server, I don't actually know of any battle foxes here. I'd say she built it similar to the heavy/robe using +stats EQs to wear these. This build is still expensive since you'd need to refine your weapon really high to do decent damage at higher levels.

    If you want more info on this build i'd recommend doing some research on the MY forums.
  • Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I cant get on to check exactly, since I hit 89 before I crashed and lost everything, i'm now able to use my requiem+5 however I don't know what figures exactly i'd be pulling off with it.

    With my yaksa+3 the previous level I think I was doing around 1.5-2.3k damage on regular mobs, constant damage with just a few rare misses. I'll let you know once I can get back on PWI though o;

    Alright, I just am wondering about it because If I turn fox and equip a real low magic weapon, I hit about 930 - 2k. It could be due to my high strength but I don't know. Of course my magic attack in fox should be lower than your's is.

    And maybe for further research it, I'll make a light/heavy veno :D
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Your melee damage should be much higher than mine, I only have about 216 str.
    When I get back on though i'll can check for sure 0:

    Oh wow
    Keep me posted on that o.O;
  • Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well, I'm not sure of anything anymore. My crits take over since I put a lot in dex than normal.

    Str - Highest/ Vit and Dex close to the same/ mag- dead last

    However I was able to crit up to 5.7k with barehand using venomous scarab on one of those TT monsters near the 007 guy. I keep forgetting his name.

    I'm not sure of anything anymore. I'll test it out again.

    And I'll be sure to keep you posted on the heavy/light (Possibly a mix of same level dual swords/ or claws and same level magic weapon if all goes well).

    I've been researching a claw archer lately. I'm very impressed. My friend decided to go archer so he is doing good with it (Kills before mobs touch him most of the time). He doesn't wear heavy but he is built like he can. (Same level claws and same level bow/crossbow)

    This inspired me to look more into different builds such as heavy/light veno.
    The VenoX: Heavy Pure Melee (Axe User with a hint of magic) Venomancer and Proud
    Having fun since lv1
    5 more levels baby!
    {=^.^=} < I'll never give up. Never give in. )

    I'm for The Cursed!
  • Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Just curious, is your arcane set included in the TT/legendary gear aswell?
    Well it's expensive but worth every cent :D

    Yes my Arcane Secondary set will also be Green TT90. However my sole focus at the moment is getting the Heavy Gear as it requires several Specific peices.

    For any HA Veno that doesn't want to completely cripple their Magic attack, I would suggest doing enough Rebirths to get a Level 4 Tome. Choosing either the + str or + Dex. Jsut a little tip.

    My Levle 3 has +15 Str, it adds a lot of help. Also, the Gold TT90 Robe, and Gold TT90 HP Helmet adds like 20 stats to you as well.

    All in all I have figured that I end up with a total of 50 Extra Str and +20 something Dex to play around with. At levle 91 I will ahve enough magic for TT90 Gold weapon. b:dirty
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Nice Gwendolynne xD

    Kittennice, I think I owe you some stats lol :)

    (I thought i'd just post my different stats since I was going to when I hit 90 anyway x_o)

    Heavy fox=

    Heavy fox, sage spark=

    Mage armour=

    These are all fully buffed xD
  • Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I have been wondering one thing: Does spark eruption have effect on Pet heal-skill? Skill desc says: Heal your pet, restoring X HP plus X%
    of your magic attack. So if you spark, should your Pet heal be double effective?

    Very nice stats btw


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