Money Exploit?



  • Vidalaire - Heavens Tear
    Vidalaire - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There is no cap. You seem to think there's a conspiracy to set gold prices. It's called basic economics. Supply and demand. Gold has always been around 100k. When the new aerogear came out, gold went up cause demand went up. Then it stabilized. 100k is not some arbitary number the GMs came up with. It's what the market will bear.
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hectorx wrote: »
    BTW, is anyone able to confirm this "money exploit" is only affecting the SANCTUARY server and not HEAVENS TEAR OR LOST CITY??

    Arynnamage (moderator) CONFIRMED it was a CASHSHOP ITEM EXPLOIT then edited it out of her thread cuz Xarfox voted NO on a rollback thread



  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    BTW, is anyone able to confirm this "money exploit" is only affecting the SANCTUARY server and not HEAVENS TEAR OR LOST CITY??

    Since it was a cash shop item exploit, it could have been used on any servers, not only Sabctuary.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Dartwave - Sanctuary
    Dartwave - Sanctuary Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have to say one thing: i only heard of a bug in etherblade lake; Then after an hour of exp scroll i went to archo to see the AH.When i saw the gold for 400k, i charged zhen and sold some gold.Now, if Gm are going to rollback the server, I WANT MY EURO BACK, NOT GOLD OR ZHEN BUT MONEY
  • Jedentag - Sanctuary
    Jedentag - Sanctuary Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No not odd....just laziness and lack of interest ;)

    perhaps; perhaps they are sitting at their comfy desks - picking up their huge doughnuts with theire portable forklifts...

    perhaps; perhaps they are running around their home offices like headless chickens with seven phones ballanced aroudn their neck till one trips and is strangeld and - oh, well perhaps not laziness, just business.

    this is getting kinda tiresome - I'll give a very very very VERY large cyber-cookie to the person who can make the funniest PWI GM story on this maintenance...
    o.o *stares at his very wordy exam paper*
    that time of year has come >_>

    soz guys who wanted that sig b:shutupb:sad
    will have to hold me to it
  • dieseasily
    dieseasily Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If Ford suddenly decides to sell their Taurus for $1,000,000 guess what happens to Ford? They go out of business. You can only sell your product for what the market is willing to pay for it. The only reason people were willing to pay the price for gold today was to exploit a bug which earned them a profit regardless of the gold price.

    The only people that are against a consequence for this exploit are the exploiters.

    A rollback would be the easiest solution for PWI. To individually track and discipline accounts would be a task of monumental proportions. I am not saying that it would be the most fair, some honest people could easily get caught in the crossfire, but it's the only feasible scenario that I can see. It's that or they do nothing.

    You forget, there is a degree of capitalism to this, but it is not the same as with ford selling their taurus for a much higher price. As a gold buyer, I am not a busness looking to make a profit so I can buy more gold. I am simply selling of my extra gold so that I to can afford those pricey skills, or what ever other ingame items I want. If you do not buy my gold, I still can grind away on mobs to get the money I need. So if you do not buy, I am out nothing because I can still speng that gold on other stuff. Ford is out of business if you do not buy from them.

    Now as for selling gold for 3 mil, I am all for everyone else selling thier gold for that much, that way I can charge 2.5mil and people will love me for it. At least until someone undercuts me. Eventually the prices will be back to normal.
    Dumb people are blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. - Patrick Starfish
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    It was being used on HT server as well. I saw the gold prices in the AH.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Iristine - Heavens Tear
    Iristine - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    this reminds me of a game long ago...where you bought 1 cloth from teh merchant for a copper, then made bandaids with the cloth, and sold the bandaids back to the merchant for 3 copper. not a big deal right? say that to teh guy to single handedly ruined everquest economy buy running 10 accounts 24/7 and making so much money he could buy anything, and not feel a pinch
  • foxconn
    foxconn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There is no cap. You seem to think there's a conspiracy to set gold prices. It's called basic economics. Supply and demand. Gold has always been around 100k. When the new aerogear came out, gold went up cause demand went up. 100k is not some arbitary number the GMs came up with. It's what the market will bear.

    I dont think there are any conspiracies. But I have read alot of posts calling for caps. But the market price for me is to low for me to sell so I buy from the shop and sell what drops I dont need. But these ppl whinning about prices should be very thankful that PW has alot of ppl playing and has not become like L2 where donors rule.
  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    foxconn wrote: »
    The only thing I have against a rollback is the work I have put into my char.. As I have said in my first post in this thread I havent and do not plan on selling any gold. But gold prices should be set by the player who bought the gold. Anyone using a bug should be banned. But putting a cap on gold prices is not right. As Vidalaire said no way will all the donors get together and set a high price on gold. But 100k cap is laughable.

    I never once said, nor have I seen anyone else suggest, putting a cap on the gold:coin ratio. 100k per gold is not unreasonable when you consider how that translates. However if buyers in a non-exploited economy are willing to pay more and the price inflates over time then so be it. I'll be standing in line like everyone else to buy and sell. I actually do sell gold periodically. Tossing a game card in my grocery basket every week or two doesn't really hurt my wallet any and it makes my gameplay a little more enjoyable. My only concern is seeing the market unnaturally inflated because some greedy punk kids found and exploited an obvious glitch.

    Also, check the TOS sometime. Read the fine print. PWI can do anything they damn well want to, including banning your account even though you just spent $1000 on zen. It's all virtual goods, which they own completely. Not a single penny that anyone spends on this game belongs to them.
  • DarkReCon - Heavens Tear
    DarkReCon - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think a roll back is what HAS to be done and I dont have any problems with it.. what I grinded earlier to get my cleric to 58 is nothing to me compared to what could happen if they don't.. You want to say "We can sell it for 3 mil" and you know you are so full of it, the cost of gold right now is not only based on economics but feasible to the rest of the items in game.. Some one used the Dragon Orb Star1 as an example earlier so I will stay with that..:

    Economy trade value 1 gold = 100,000 coin
    Dragon Orb in CS = 30 silver
    Dragon Orb in game = 32,000 to 35,000 (depends on shop)

    Economy trade value 1 gold = 3,000,000 coin
    Dragon Orb in CS = 30 silver
    Dragon Orb in game = 960,000 to 1,050,000 (depends on shop)

    Now how ridiculous does that seem to you.. the most common sell you see on WC is mounts.. what would happen if it cost someone 30,000,000 coin for a unspurred jaguar or 60,000,000 for spurred.. GIVE ME A BREAK and try your thought in the real world.. You must be related to the *BLEEP..BLEEP..BLEEP* that have ruined our real life economy..
    Why wont my sig work.. Not kool..
  • dreapunk
    dreapunk Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You forget about Capitalism. There's no way all the gold buyers will agree to sell for 3 million. Someone will undercut you and you won't be able to sell anything. You may have the supply, but the demand is not controlled by you.

    Thank god for simple economics. I am worried about where the bottom of the price range will be though. If it goes back to even a reasonable level it will still be more than it is now.

    If they leave millions of extra coin floating around the system it's going to be damn near impossible for free players, especially new players(read the life blood of any game) to get anywhere.

    This is definitely one of those turning points where the future of the game is in the balance. *way too dramatic*

    Isn't a game supposed to be an escape from real life? Once again financial speculation screws everything up lmao
  • Lalalie - Heavens Tear
    Lalalie - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'll give a very very very VERY large cyber-cookie to the person who can make the funniest PWI GM story on this maintenance...
    blah blah serious talk....ermm...i wants that cookie...yum yum

    Once upon a time...there was a GM...named Frankie...frankie likes being a gm...but is very he brought his girlfriend to the server room and has sexy time on the keyboards and desks during maint...then we have this..the love child of spontaneous love stuffs :O

    Lala: aka Jedi PewPewMastaSauce
    Lalalie - Cleric - 8x (main)
    Lalaeli - Blade - 62
    Lalaelia - Veno - 38
    Lalalae - Wizard - 28
    Lalapop - Archer - 42
    Lalalia - Cleric - 26
    Laelala - Archer - 6 ( xD )
    Lalalio - Barb - 4 ( xD )
    Laelalia - Veno (deleted - RIP :O) - 12
    Lalalioz - Barb (deleted - RIP :O) - 3
    ~~~~Teh Lalas will overtake you b:chuckle b:pleased
    Teh Lovely Lady Lala Loves You All <3 b:kiss

    My. Pew. Pew. Is. Strong(er than yours)
    (Ego is an understatement)--Epic Long Siggy ftw b:victory
  • Roseddesor - Heavens Tear
    Roseddesor - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Arynnamage (moderator) CONFIRMED it was a CASHSHOP ITEM EXPLOIT then edited it out of her thread cuz Xarfox voted NO on a rollback thread




  • Sektar - Sanctuary
    Sektar - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    it seems the perfect worlds economy is in the crapper like the tough luck
  • Krel - Heavens Tear
    Krel - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I dunno, but I wish I had some cash right now. ...After I found out my Requiem Blade needs 1000 socket stones to make it 2 socket. That's like 66 gold. b:cry

    really socket stones are a total rip off same as the items to upgrade areogear...
    I luv my luvsalotb:dirty

    Fear Me:I will and can unleash my true demon forum troll from at beware.

    Im A wizzie with godly looks and your all jealousb:bye
  • Lalalie - Heavens Tear
    Lalalie - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    blah blah serious talk....ermm...i wants that cookie...yum yum

    Once upon a time...there was a GM...named Frankie...frankie likes being a gm...but is very he brought his girlfriend to the server room and has sexy time on the keyboards and desks during maint...then we have this..the love child of spontaneous love stuffs :O

    *quotes self*

    no need to talkie...more stories...the roll back is already happening so...SHUSH! <3

    Lala: aka Jedi PewPewMastaSauce
    Lalalie - Cleric - 8x (main)
    Lalaeli - Blade - 62
    Lalaelia - Veno - 38
    Lalalae - Wizard - 28
    Lalapop - Archer - 42
    Lalalia - Cleric - 26
    Laelala - Archer - 6 ( xD )
    Lalalio - Barb - 4 ( xD )
    Laelalia - Veno (deleted - RIP :O) - 12
    Lalalioz - Barb (deleted - RIP :O) - 3
    ~~~~Teh Lalas will overtake you b:chuckle b:pleased
    Teh Lovely Lady Lala Loves You All <3 b:kiss

    My. Pew. Pew. Is. Strong(er than yours)
    (Ego is an understatement)--Epic Long Siggy ftw b:victory
  • Sektar - Sanctuary
    Sektar - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    you know what, the perfect way to solve this gold issue, not to much the coin issue is to make it not sellable in game?
  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    you know what, the perfect way to solve this gold issue, not to much the coin issue is to make it not sellable in game?

    They would lose a lot of the free players, which means no one to sell the gold to. Sure we all need charms, GA's and exp scrolls, but after that their would be no reason to buy "excess" gold to sell to the free players. PWI would suffer.
  • Adordria - Sanctuary
    Adordria - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    by making gold not sellable in game it makes this a pay to play game pretty much all the people that do not buy gold are completely screwed and can not do much of anything without being able to buy gold in game
  • Lalalie - Heavens Tear
    Lalalie - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    doesn't matter anymore...the servers aren't down cuz they are on a lunch break..THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING NOW...teh case is closed.

    Candy and Cake anyone? ^_^
    Lala: aka Jedi PewPewMastaSauce
    Lalalie - Cleric - 8x (main)
    Lalaeli - Blade - 62
    Lalaelia - Veno - 38
    Lalalae - Wizard - 28
    Lalapop - Archer - 42
    Lalalia - Cleric - 26
    Laelala - Archer - 6 ( xD )
    Lalalio - Barb - 4 ( xD )
    Laelalia - Veno (deleted - RIP :O) - 12
    Lalalioz - Barb (deleted - RIP :O) - 3
    ~~~~Teh Lalas will overtake you b:chuckle b:pleased
    Teh Lovely Lady Lala Loves You All <3 b:kiss

    My. Pew. Pew. Is. Strong(er than yours)
    (Ego is an understatement)--Epic Long Siggy ftw b:victory
  • Sektar - Sanctuary
    Sektar - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    They would lose a lot of the free players, which means no one to sell the gold to. Sure we all need charms, GA's and exp scrolls, but after that their would be no reason to buy "excess" gold to sell to the free players. PWI would suffer.

    Well i guess that is true in a sense, but there could always be a market for all the items inside the cashmall which can be put into the auction house and player shops. Gold is being thrown around to freely. Even under current situations there seems to be an issue with people wanting to leave due to this exploit, either way their losing players....if they stick to my first idea loss in free players will be more of a short-term issue rather then a long-term issue.
  • Sektar - Sanctuary
    Sektar - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    by making gold not sellable in game it makes this a pay to play game pretty much all the people that do not buy gold are completely screwed and can not do much of anything without being able to buy gold in game

    This isn't true. The game is free, what we purchase in the cashmall is only bonuses....not necessary items. People can buy items from the cashmall and sell them at fair value, just like the other items the game offers to use for free. Everyone buys what they need, and buy extra items to sell to customers...being the FREE players that dont want to use real money, rather coin from the gameplay

    Sorry for double post i saw this quote after i posted the first
  • marvik
    marvik Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yeah, I agree Rollback would be the the most reasonable solution at this point.

    For people who gained xp, completed difficult quests etc, yes it would be disappointment. But what would you rather have? A slight cutback to your character or the entire game ruined? And no, tracking down individual accounts I dont think is feasible in a case like this. A job like that has an ucler and premature hair loss written all over it.

    This is one of the better free to play games I have played. Inspite of this current problem, I must say the Game developers have done a terrific job in bringing us this game.

    So once in a while you **** up. Ya cant get it right all the time.
  • Yasuni_ - Heavens Tear
    Yasuni_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i think theres no point in this topic anymore.. there will most probably not come a roll backb:angry
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This isn't true. The game is free, what we purchase in the cashmall is only bonuses....not necessary items. People can buy items from the cashmall and sell them at fair value, just like the other items the game offers to use for free. Everyone buys what they need, and buy extra items to sell to customers...being the FREE players that dont want to use real money, rather coin from the gameplay

    Sorry for double post i saw this quote after i posted the first

    im sorry some cashmall items are not bonuses, some bosses cannot be beat without cash shop items, and some items cannot be obtained without cash shop (battle pets, mystical tomes, dragon orbs, ect)
  • Wyeth - Heavens Tear
    Wyeth - Heavens Tear Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    im sorry some cashmall items are not bonuses, some bosses cannot be beat without cash shop items, and some items cannot be obtained without cash shop (battle pets, mystical tomes, dragon orbs, ect)

    What Mosz is saying is true, and if you try to counter it with saying you can buy them from players, well...

    where did that player get it? Cash shop.
  • DevilCrys - Heavens Tear
    DevilCrys - Heavens Tear Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Im not paying 1m for GOLD HP/MP Charm
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Lemmie ask ya'll something. you think weeding through potentially hundreds of millions of lines of code is easy?

    ### get the original age
    age = input("Enter your age (in human years): ")
    print # print a blank line

    ### do some range checking, then print result
    if age < 0:
    print "Negative age?!? I don't think so."
    elif age < 3 or age > 110:
    print "Frankly, I don't believe you."
    print "That's", age*7, "in dog years."

    ### pause for Return key (so window doesn't disappear)
    raw_input('press Return')

    There is ONE error in the above code. Ya'll are so smart... find it.

    Can't? Why not? it's EASY to find! Oh wait... your note a coder, you don't have a frickin clue whats involved in finding and fixing code errors.

    Just STFU and let them find and fix the issue. It takes TIME to find where a patch (which by itself could have millions of lines of code) screwed something up, and where, and how and then figure out HOW to fix it so it doesn't **** something else up.

    Impatient little children with no knowledge of wtf they are screaming about.

  • IronCleric - Sanctuary
    IronCleric - Sanctuary Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So is this a bad time to buy gold b:sad

    I just ran to blockbuster and got some paybycash :/
    1 Corinthians 13:4-13
This discussion has been closed.