Restoring the balance of power.



  • heartless888
    heartless888 Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    bzbee wrote: »
    Hey! No stereotyping!! Grrr....I wear glasses and I'm no nerd. b:chuckle

    Have fun guys and give me something interesting to read for when I'm back. Gotta go. b:bye

    hey me too, in fact, im alot more hawt with them, i wont remove them ^_^
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    oh yeah, NWO had more people than us and we had a 55 min and 45 min fight, totally zergged like CRAZY man! you should of seen that, us zerring the cyrstal without looking at anything else for 55 min straight with 4 cats.

    if i was on a similiar position i wouldnt complain? last time i checked i WAS in that position i WAS in nef and i WAS part of the said zerg, yet oh whats that, oh thats right, i still left, so bite me teddy and call me fluffy
    Funny, if we you were on seppuku when they took NWO lands, then you never fought a PvP TW while on nefarious. I am right?

    So all the "zerg" you saw was PvE TW versus monsters.

    "There is any difference?"


    PS: Stop double posting, post count doesnt make your genitalia bigger.
  • heartless888
    heartless888 Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Funny, if we you were on seppuku when they took NWO lands, then you never fought a PvP TW while on nefarious. I am right?

    So all the "zerg" you saw was PvE TW versus monsters.

    "There is any difference?"


    PS: Stop double posting, post count doesnt make your genitalia bigger.

    sure it does, cause i just got a boner out of it, get it?

    as for TW pvp with nef, get real, nobody shows up for your TWs, in fact, the first *real* TW pvp nef ever had was against us, which they just zergged like crazy with 80 people and it was over in 8 minutes, but if you wanna call that fun, and yes, it was pretty much the same as PVE ^_^ zerg em all! zerg em all! what? i said zerg em al!

    anyway, i am going to watch a movie now and wont be reposting here, thx for passing the time with me ^_^ peace
  • Sulphor - Sanctuary
    Sulphor - Sanctuary Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wth is zergin'? o.O
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    as for TW pvp with nef, get real, nobody shows up for your TWs, in fact, the first *real* TW pvp nef ever had was against us, which they just zergged like crazy with 80 people and it was over in 8 minutes, but if you wanna call that fun, and yes, it was pretty much the same as PVE ^_^ zerg em all! zerg em all! what? i said zerg em al!
    Summing it up: You got pwned.

    Now live with it. If you are still butthurt, you have the chance today to prove that you can beat "zerglings" using strategy and real player skills.
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    zerg is basically when we use large number of people say, 80 against 20 people, and the 80 rush straight for the enemy crystal. it's fast and leave the defender nothing to do but defend.

    it's like starcraft version of zerg rush, outnumber and hit them hard. btw, i like yesterday TW. thanks for the nice battle :P looking forward to tonight and all the weeks ahead :P
  • Eislynn - Sanctuary
    Eislynn - Sanctuary Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    This is sure getting interesting. *gets popcorn*

    BTW, Klath, even if the guild was started by Ex Nefs, it's definitely not solely composed of ex Nef members, as I'm sure you know by now. There's quite a few members that are from other guilds. *shrug* Just bringing out that fact.

    Tonight's TW is gonna be fun, regardless of numbers. I TW to ENJOY it, not for some personal vendetta and such. All in all, I actually suck at it, but it doesn't matter as long as you enjoy the fight. I'm sure there's others in Sep who views tonight's TW the same way that I do. Win or lose, let's make it a good fight!
    A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity. -Robert Frost
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    bzbee wrote: »
    You did what you had to do, you left Nef. Why not just move on?

    We did move on, read back 25 pages or so. We didn't give Nefarious a second thought when we left. We chose to enter TW in a quiet corner of the map, against NWO (unlike Sasaki, who few of us really know, there are plenty of us with strong feelings towards Verticolli) then moved to befriend Amplified, our neighbors, and get back to our PvE activities.

    Two weeks later we hear Nefarious is going to move north taking over Amplified's lands in order to fight us, in what can only be described as a 'personal vendetta' over several of their higher level members leaving Nefarious to join us.

    We didn't want more than 3 lands, 2 from NWO and 1 from Rebel. We didn't want to do TW on a weekly basis. It wasn't until Nefarious stirred up the shitpot that all this drama became a reality. Seppuku is a 60+ guild, so of course 99% of our members are going to be ex-some other faction. We have quite a few Nefarious, Shockwave, Legendary, Amplified, etc. Last I checked we were still friendly with Amplified and Legendary.

    Oh, and Klath, you really should fire your spies, or at least verify their reports *before* you come onto the forums and post ****.

    bzbee, too scared to post with your characters name?
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • MiniST - Sanctuary
    MiniST - Sanctuary Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I just joined nef and i dont give a **** about your personal vendetta, so that last statement does not hit me at all.
    I have a friend on seppuku and your guys little quarrel never got between our friendship.

    Regardless of that, the first people to post here to say "80x40 isnt fair" after today's TW were from seppuku, not nefarious.

    Good luck tomorrow.

    Gotcha, thanks for the examples, i have plenty of material to study now.

    lol, personal vendetta? Where did u get that? I was just basically looking at the fact and seeing how wrong u were. When sepp beat NWO and took their territories, what do u think nef did? I'll let u answer that your self :p And if u don't give and ****, why are you trying so hard here? XD Let it go man, u have no idea what your talking about anymore b:thanks
  • bzbee
    bzbee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    bzbee, too scared to post with your characters name?

    LOL. Sorry I stopped playing the chicken game when I grew up. Don't worry, you'll grow out of it in time too. ^_^

    Please tell me how you arrived at the fact I am afraid to post my character's name? Did anyone at anytime ask me for my in game name?






    Besides, I didn't see a rule that says we have to state our in game name in order to post in the forums. Come to think of it, heartless888 of Sepp didn't state his name either. You calling him chicken? o.O
    Phoenix plume count: 2450 b:sad

    I want the phoenix because I think its pretty. b:cute
  • vanweilder
    vanweilder Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I couldn't laugh any harder. Seriously, losing one land has really gotten to u guys huh? Maybe just u... Got to say, not very stable XD

    You couldnt be more incorrect. Ya everybody gets that "hmm what did we do wrong?" when you loose a TW, but c'mon Nef did not come on here whining about losing. It was Sepp who made this thread complaining about nef and it was a sepp last night after you won.
    Congratulations on the win, I have no problems saying that, your strategy was to divide and conquer. So why did one of your members still feel the need to come on the forums and complain and start calling all nef members names. Take your win and enjoy it. There is no reason to start downing an entire faction because of your insecurities about your own.
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    vanweilder wrote: »
    So why did one of your members still feel the need to come on the forums and complain and start calling all nef members names. There is no reason to start downing an entire faction because of your insecurities about your own.

    Over dramatic much? If you don't want people questioning whether your parents were siblings or not, your best bet is to just stay out of the thread altogether.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • vanweilder
    vanweilder Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Nishtara that doesn't even make sense
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Stop being hypocritical.

    YOU posted this topic ("lets all gang on nefarious") about a WEEK before nefarious ran out of PVE lands and attacked amplified.

    YOU tried to speak to guild leaders to gang on nefarious (i was still friends with a bunch of them at that time). You cannot cover that you plotted to attack nefarious on a mass attack WEEKS before they attacked seppuku, and your guild friends cannot cover you regarding this, we just need to look at the topic date.

    Dont come with that bullcrap at me. We just need to read the first topic again and see all your "plot". I had some little respect for you for leaving nefarious back when it was a **** hole, and completely lost it the moment you posted this topic over a month ago, and im not the only one, everybody i talked to when i first saw this topic agreed with me.
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Stop being hypocritical.

    YOU posted this topic ("lets all gang on nefarious") about a WEEK before nefarious ran out of PVE lands and attacked amplified.

    YOU tried to speak to guild leaders to gang on nefarious (i was still friends with a bunch of them at that time). You cannot cover that you plotted to attack nefarious on a mass attack WEEKS before they attacked seppuku, and your guild friends cannot cover you regarding this, we just need to look at the topic date.

    Dont come with that bullcrap at me. We just need to read the first topic again and see all your "plot". I had some little respect for you for leaving nefarious back when it was a **** hole, and completely lost it the moment you posted this topic over a month ago, and im not the only one, everybody i talked to when i first saw this topic agreed with me.

    Lol, are you still buying that dog and pony show? Some sinister plot I alone hatched (without informing anyone in Seppuku, or bringing it up at any meeting) to attack Nefarious without even owning land bordering theirs? Your insinuating somehow I convinced Geogaddi to convince Nefarious to steam role over Amplified, so that we could share a border and start all this bickering?

    Let's review the time line:

    Dec 13th we won Harshlands from NWO, with 15 people (19 in faction).

    Post TW screenshot

    Dec 14th I have a conversation with Deadbone about our plans to take Frozen Path > Thousand Wood Ridge, and we work out a compromise to exchange Avalanche Canyon for 1 week and give it back the week later, leaving us each with 3 lands, and happy.

    Dec 16th I received tells from people telling me Nefarious was coming north to attack us/block us in leaving us with 1 land.

    Dec 17th we bid on NWO's Frozen Path (with 24 people attending, fewer than 36 in faction).

    Dec 18th Nefarious bids on Amplifieds Broken Plain, apparently their "neutral neighbour" status has been revoked, thus confirming the intel I had received that Nefarious was moving north. More confirmation comes in via "friends with friends".

    Dec 20th this topic was started. At this point we have 36 people in faction, obviously not enough to defend against Nefarious 1v1, so a joint offensive is the only logical choice.

    Post TW screenshot

    Dec 21st Aedril from Nefarious claims to have timestamped screen shots of me plotting to attack Nefarious 1 week in the past. Those screen shots never surface. The do have a screenshot of me talking with someone about a joint attack, which took place sometime after Nefarious' bid on Broken Plain, but the screen shot shows very little text and proves none of their claims.

    Dec 25th Nefarious bids on Avalanche Canyon, blocking any eastern movement we may have made, and we bid on Ancient Wall, absorbing 9 Amplified players and paying Amplified 10mil for the land.

    Post TW screenshot

    Really Klath, raise your hand if you've had the wool pulled over your eyes. This topic wasn't started until after Nefarious bid to put themselves on our doorstep.

    Let the record also show that we were not the first to attack Nefarious soil, another thing you so conveniently forgot to mention. In fact, the week Nefarious did attack us, we had discussed it and were prepared to attack Thousand Streams for some PvE/teamwork fun, maybe get some reputation badge drops before dying to the bosses en masse.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Dec 16th I received tells from people telling me Nefarious was coming north to attack us/block us in leaving us with 1 land.
    Were your "intel" any more smarter, you would know that sasaki never planned on fighting seppuku.
    Lol, are you still buying that dog and pony show? Some sinister plot I alone hatched (without informing anyone in Seppuku, or bringing it up at any meeting) to attack Nefarious without even owning land bordering theirs? Your insinuating somehow I convinced Geogaddi to convince Nefarious to steam role over Amplified, so that we could share a border and start all this bickering?
    Why did you pick a corner so close to nefarious? Stupidity of the heat?
    Why not take a land far away from them? There were plenty at that time.
    You have only but yourself to blame for being cornered, obviously nef wouldnt allow you to grow stronger by letting you conquer all free lands on north.

    Now, live with the **** you bought upon yourself, you created this topic to cause a ruckus and make people help you on keeping your lands, you failed, nobody helped you, and now seppuku has to take any opportunity to attack nefarious when they have split forces. Or you will deny that you wont attack nef on a 1x1?
    Dec 25th Nefarious bids on Avalanche Canyon, blocking any eastern movement we may have made, and we bid on Ancient Wall, absorbing 9 Amplified players and paying Amplified 10mil for the land.
    The only "eastern movement" you had was to take amplified lands, which nefarious took first, thus frustrating your plans (if your plan was that). Because further more east you would face legendary, which up to that date were allies with seppuku AND you could never beat them on a 1x1, even if such "alliance" was broken.
    So you are crying about being "locked" with 3 lands, instead of have "freedom" to conquer 2 more lands?
    Dec 14th I have a conversation with Deadbone about our plans to take Frozen Path > Thousand Wood Ridge, and we work out a compromise to exchange Avalanche Canyon for 1 week and give it back the week later, leaving us each with 3 lands, and happy.
    And, up to last week, you still had 3 lands no?
    This topic was already here though.
    Lol, are you still buying that dog and pony show?
    Mind you, i was legendary back when you made this topic, and i was ASKED ADVICE on what legendary should do about your plan. Yes you contacted legendary officers about mass attacking nefarious, you cannot deny that fact.
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Why did you pick a corner so close to nefarious? Stupidity of the heat?
    Why not take a land far away from them? There were plenty at that time.

    Look again at the week 2 map. We were TWO lands away from any Nefarious border. The only lands that are NOT 2 jumps away from Nefarious at that point are held by Legendary (allies), and ShockWave. Obviously we debated attacking ShockWave again, but felt we had a better chance against NWO. In fact, the vote looked like this:

    Harshlands - NWO - 9 votes
    Thousand Wood - Rebel - 3 votes
    Sanctuary - ShockWave - 2 votes
    PvE land somewhere else - 1 vote (we didn't have the funds to outbid people throwing 12m around)
    Wait another week for more members - 1 vote
    ProDigy - 0 votes (they held Buried Bones if i recall, or Deserted Sea, way to close to Nefarious for our liking)

    Really Klath, is this all you've got? You bring allegations of our supposed plans to attack Nefarious, and when debunked, resort back to personal attacks?
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Really Klath, is this all you've got? You bring allegations of our supposed plans to attack Nefarious, and when debunked, resort back to personal attacks?
    You have yet to prove me wrong.
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Mind you, i was legendary back when you made this topic, and i was ASKED ADVICE on what legendary should do about your plan. Yes you contacted legendary officers about mass attacking nefarious, you cannot deny that fact.

    While I may have *talked* with Milari about our plans, wtf was Legendary going to do? I didn't even speak with Destroyer_X until Legendary had taken Thousand Wood and Nefarious had Avalanche Canyon (27th).

    Keep grasping at straws.
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    While I may have *talked* with Milari about our plans, wtf was Legendary going to do? I didn't even speak with Destroyer_X until Legendary had taken Thousand Wood and Nefarious had Avalanche Canyon (27th).

    Keep grasping at straws.
    Legendary was 2 steps away from nefarious, they could have taken any mid land and attacked nefarious within a 2 weeks interval.
    THAT was suggested to us and for a while, was our "plan". Until some officers decided to scrap that idea (which i supported) and let seppuku handle their own personal problems.
    I didn't even speak with Destroyer_X until Legendary had taken Thousand Wood and Nefarious had Avalanche Canyon (27th).
    Confirming, once again, all i have said so far.

    Just for the record, this week TW, nefarious DID NOT even think about attacking seppuku again, sasaki was still discussing with his officers who they should attack next. And there was a chance that nef would attack NWO. But you guys attacked nefarious first, right? Obviously they would retaliate that attack.
  • Nishtara - Sanctuary
    Nishtara - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Legendary was 2 steps away from nefarious, they could have taken any mid land and attacked nefarious within a 2 weeks interval.
    THAT was suggested to us and for a while, was our "plan". Until some officers decided to scrap that idea (which i supported) and let seppuku handle their own personal problems.

    First I ever heard of any 'plan' from Legendary. In fact after Milari left I heard very little from the new leadership.

    And it's awfully funny how 'our' personal problem soon became Amplifieds problem, then KnightZ problem, and according to you is about to be a problem for NWO. But Nefarious can't possibly be the problem, right? Because that's the faction you just joined.
    Confirming, once again, all i have said so far.

    Confirming what? That I whispered Legendary leadership and informed them of the contents I made in a public post on the publicly available forums? That helps your argument how exactly?
    "Revolution is the creation of new living institutions, new groupings, new social relationships, it is the destruction of privileges and monopolies; it is the new spirit of justice, of brotherhood, of freedom which must renew the whole of social life, the moral level and the material conditions of the masses by calling on them to provide, through their direct and conscious action, for their own future."
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    25th Jan
    Verge (seppuku leader) just whispered one of nefarious officers to inform they wont show up on a 1x1 fight tonight.

    My regards
  • Psihi - Sanctuary
    Psihi - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Look at you Klath the all-knowing Nefarious Defense Attorney.
    You spout out this and that like you had been in nefarious from day 1 and know everything.
    The way your talking seems like you are BFF(Best Friends Forever) with Sasaki and know everything that is to know about Nefarious.You spout accusations left and right about Seppuku and about Nemesis and act as a know it all guy.


    1.YOU LOST 1-1 in this week TW.Seppuku fielded about 40 something,Nemesis around 40 and Wican about 30 but around 5-10 that posed somewhat of a threat and beside the fact that we where 40-80 we held out 30m with only 3-4 clerics and 3 Barbs.
    2.You used Geogaddi TW PvP strategies and you dare to badmouth him and the guild he created

    We formed Nemesis from diferent reasons that your expected and mindlessly uttered.Some where bored,some followed their friend, some didn't like the way the guild heading(no its was not only about the leader and whatnot).
  • vanweilder
    vanweilder Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2009


    LOL facts are...LOL
    you lost too phishi
    and no wasn't Geo stratagy
    so might wanna get facts straight ---> rofl
  • Psihi - Sanctuary
    Psihi - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    vanweilder wrote: »
    LOL facts are...LOL
    you lost too phishi
    and no wasn't Geo stratagy
    so might wanna get facts straight ---> rofl

    Yes we lost but we lost AFTER resisting with 3 tanks and 4 clerics around 20m vs. 80 people.
    I know it wasn't Geo written strategy I personally removed that from the Nefarious forums after leaving but not before most of Nefarious members read it.b:chuckle

    Oh did you think that writing my name the wrong way will make me cryb:laughb:chuckleb:pleased
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yes we lost but we lost AFTER resisting with 3 tanks and 4 clerics around 20m vs. 80 people.
    You realize that for the first 15 minutes you only fought 1/3 of nef right?
    80/3 = nearly 27 people.
    So you COULDNT beat 27 people vs your 40 man army. Go cry on your corner now.
    1.YOU LOST 1-1 in this week TW
    You mean 3x1, right? WiccanWay+Seppuku+Nemesis = 3 guilds
    2.You used Geogaddi TW PvP strategies and you dare to badmouth him and the guild he created
    He did NOT create those strategies and he said so himself on the forum AND ingame, they are taken from public forums from PW-MY guilds.
    And for your information, show me where i have badmouthed him? Will you deny it was HIS idea to leave seppuku with 1 land at the corner? Because that was what he kept saying on guild chat for the short period of time i was on nef.
    Look at you Klath the all-knowing Nefarious Defense Attorney.
    And im not defending nefarious you moron, im just putting down those lame arguments that people keep bringing up here. Nefarious as a guild SUCKED back in the day you were still on it. You have no idea how many people felt relieved that you left.

    Get your facts straight pissyhi.
  • bzbee
    bzbee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    *raises hand

    Question: Isn't Nemesis the faction that recruits using the Nefarious name?

    I remember some teles a few days ago about Nemesis being headed by ex Nef strategist or something?

    Just wondering.................
    Phoenix plume count: 2450 b:sad

    I want the phoenix because I think its pretty. b:cute
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Question: Isn't Nemesis the faction that recruits using the Nefarious name?

    I remember some teles a few days ago about Nemesis being headed by ex Nef strategist or something?
    "Lead by Geogaddi, Ex Nefarious strategist"
  • Earcher - Sanctuary
    Earcher - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i have a question here.
    why ppl keep saying "thats 80 Nefarious vs 20(30)(40) of us"?
    whose fault is that?
    Elfen Lied is my life
  • Psihi - Sanctuary
    Psihi - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You realize that for the first 15 minutes you only fought 1/3 of nef right?
    80/3 = nearly 27 people.
    So you COULDNT beat 27 people vs your 40 man army. Go cry on your corner now.

    You mean 3x1, right? WiccanWay+Seppuku+Nemesis = 3 guilds

    He did NOT create those strategies and he said so himself on the forum AND ingame, they are taken from public forums from PW-MY guilds.
    And for your information, show me where i have badmouthed him? Will you deny it was HIS idea to leave seppuku with 1 land at the corner? Because that was what he kept saying on guild chat for the short period of time i was on nef.

    And im not defending nefarious you moron, im just putting down those lame arguments that people keep bringing up here. Nefarious as a guild SUCKED back in the day you were still on it. You have no idea how many people felt relieved that you left.

    Get your facts straight pissyhi.

    Your so very funny.Our TW was the last one...By the time we entered and front groups exited our base wiccan battle was over...By the time convoy reached your base Seppuku battle was over...You where 27 people vs 2 incomplete rush groups*10 ppl,no barb,no cleric*,sry if we didn't attack your 27 with 10ppl and suicided.

    No i mean 3 factions that fielded 90 ppl vs a faction that had 80+ all 60+...I see that 1vs1 and you STILL lost 1 territory(gj Seppuku).

    Maybe your right Geo took those strat from PWI-MY, but hey noone stopped you from doing the same.If i post a Geo strategy and a Nef current strategy SS*screen shot* allot of people WILL LOL real hard.
    IT IS your strategy when you run the show,when your NOT in charge anymore it isn't your decision anymore so STOP with the blame game.

    YOU are defending Nefarious you imbecil, as you should do because you ARE a current Nefarious member.If your NOT doing this then your just plain stupid and don't care about your faction.
    Klath wrote:
    Nefarious as a guild SUCKED back in the day you were still on it. You have no idea how many people felt relieved that you left.
    This coming from a guy that said Nefarious was boring and emoquited after 2-3 daysb:chuckle.
    Give me 2 names of people that where relieved!?, beside the people that where pissed of because i removed Geogaddi's strategy posts.
    People that I interacted with are in Nemesis now...People that helped me with bosses at low level like cleric and tanks are mostly in Seppuku*Lietuvis,Sinaju etc.* or Nemesis,a few still are in Nefarious.

    If by ppl glad that i left you mean people that envied me that i made 50 mil before level 70 well ya there are allot of those(Klath included).No i DID NOT scam people all i bough i payed for it NOONE gave it to me for free.If someone who was selling a 45g Spurred Mount on WC for 1.5m and someone buys it what makes me a scamer for offering 1m for 16g...
    Klath you are just narrow minded, envious and stupid.b:pleased
This discussion has been closed.