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  • Epics are not for casual players anymore. They are doable but you need a fully competent team to do it, no weak links. Everyone needs to know their role and perform it well. If you cant handle that then go play T1s until youre good enough to handle T2. Any map ive seen where the rate of ads is overwhelming is usually a map…
  • more pvp modes? restrict mount usage in pvp. add capture the flag/flag run modes. Push mode or sequential point capture mode with an attacker/defender style. Gauntlgrym pvp needs a serious rethink. It's just a cluster**** right now and barely worth playing. PvP needs more objectives than stand here and cap this again and…
  • actually, played a dungeon just today where indeed my DC did 2 mil more damage than the rogue. ok the rogue player was fundamentally a bad player anyway but ive never seen anyone with a rogue be so underpowered in a dungeon. It really is having the knock on effect of ruining T2 dungeons now cause rogues just cant take down…
  • some people might be into that kind of thing ^^ if you dont like it then go reskin it to someting you do like. the options is there for a reason. I've thought the same about hte shirt and pants though, especially for some sexy cleric outfits I'd like to hide the horrible chainmail underneath.
  • You must not have a whole lot of pvp experience to make a broad, uninformed statement like that... Most pvp games do allow for spawn camping but usually outside the exit to the spawn, not on the actual spawn site itself! Most decent pvp games will have an instant death mechanic for anyone who actually enters the enemy…
  • cheers thanks
  • go make one yourself in the foundry, should be fairly simple to do. then play it within your own foundry editor with a custome cw author character. simples. all the practice you need on your own terms with no one to shut it down since you wont be publishing it
  • yeh right now that seems to be the best way to deal with npcs who follow you. options are far too limited right now to make seamless quest paths with them..
  • I could try that guard encounter perhaps, thanks for that. Problem is though what if he dies?That could be quest breaking seeing as this guard is fighting with the player through an area to get to an objective and then gives the player the next objective. He;s going to be a main part of the entire quest so it would be good…
  • Thanks for the replies. I joined Ruinnation last night on a trial basis. Will see how this goes :) All the best to you guys.
  • yeh i fail to see the point of your post. you jsut want someone to make a quest so you can say that line? or are you actually thinking of an extraction type mission. that could be interesting if done correctly. right now NPCs who follow you are annoying as hell in foundry and difficult to get to do what you want them to do…
  • In the ingame launch screen it never saves my username. or rather i think its failing to overwrite the correct username i put in. everytime i go to the ingame login screen (ie not the launcher). Whether I incorrectly spelled it first time or if it just keeps doing this as an error but everytime i get to the screen there is…
  • it wasnt a silent nerf. duelist still stacks like before i havnt noticed any different in it getting applied any less per flurry. The problem was DF was actually bugged before patch where crit severity got raised exponentially giving is ridiculous damage boosts that we rightfully shouldnt have had. they now reflect what…
  • good troll ;)
  • Are you all blind???? Do you not see that the REAL problem is not the system that's in place. This system works just fine, though the Need on class only items is a welcome addition to stop ninja looters. The Core of the problem is the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> map design where there's gaping big flaws readily…
  • um...there already is one. Manycoins bank, the small windows to the side of the main doors.
  • C:\Users\"Username"\AppData\Local\Temp\Low it was in there somewhere, deleted whole folder so cant remember what it was called, either neverwinter or cryptic. you'll know it when you see it. let me know how big it was for you.
  • there's a story? i thought we just kill **** and pick up loot to make us able to kill more **** and pick up more....yadda yadda yaddaa blah blahg actually joking aside i was really surprised to find things like the beholder tucked away in a crappy lvl 59 skirmish that is really really lacking any depth whatsoever. the…
  • it wouldnt be so bad if they planned it that way and let you manage those temp files from the patcher or something for people like yourself who want to keep them. but its not planned, they just forgot to add in a line at the end of the patching process that deletes all the temp <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that it…
  • it should act independtly of another rogue's bleed and the skill desriptions lead you to believe this would be the case. cryptic just need to clear this up one way or the other cause only have 1 rogues bleed on a boss negates so much dps. That said have 3 rogues stacking 10 bleeds with lurkers assault + stealth and stacked…
  • whole idea of having the ssd is for faster game loading times. i dont use the ssd for much else. also getting a bit tired of the beta tag thrown around to cover for all the bugs this game has...but that's another argument altogether I guess.
  • have you done the mad dragon dungeon yet? if not, wait until you do then come back and delete your thread. You will see why. the difficulty grade of these game takes a steep curve at the mid 30s and unless you gear well and stay ahead of that curve it can be quite difficult. Endgame gets easier again once you learn how to…
  • if you want to do boss and clear ads when they come a good idea is to max your stacks of bleed on the boss, go clear some ads, restack the bleed when it expires, rinse repeat. cw and cleric should be able to hold their own against a number of ads, only leave boss when there's a large spawn such as in the mad dragon at…
  • early game it doesnt really matter, weapons can go in either hand. late game however weapons with a purple weapon enhancement slot are Main hand only and are marked as such. This is the only restriction as far as i know. up til level 60 you dont need to worry much about it though. You'll notice lvl 60 epics are called long…
  • PWI game was broken in this way with a few complete and utterly monumental ****ups with updates that meant item cost DOUBLED overnight at one point through cash shop exploitation. Bottom line is, PWE care only about money and dont give a **** about the players. I didn't realise exploiting had gone this far!!!! i voted NO…
  • nope but anyone who blindly follows external links and logs in with details for other sites is asking for trouble. im open to being filled on what that site is though, if it is genuinely connected to this community then happy days :) i'll give it a look. oh and game is working now at last :D great work guys! can someone…
  • nope but anyone who blindly follows external links and logs in with details for other sites is asking for trouble. im open to being filled on what that site is though, if it is genuinely connected to this community then happy days :) i'll give it a look.
  • dont follow any external links asking for your login details. any dumbass should know that by now. also launcher just loaded for me finally , having trouble patching though...oh well...babysteps
  • good luck with the launch, looking forward to this! keep at it team :)
  • calibrate monitor means physically set your monitor so the brightness can be what you need it to be. if you hit advanced options you get a gamma slider bar if you dont want to mess with your monitor's settings. just hit ok, the default value should be fine anyway. hope the launcher gets fixed soon.