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xxsuperheroxx#8731 Arc User

Doooo deeee dooooo.....oh hello there huh new user promotion..... interesting...huh I just logged in on my account and now I been promoted..... what was I before? huh I can't for the life of me remember when I registered... odd cant remember playing nor quitting.. must have been drinking at the time... dooo deee dooo I am excited to find out what hasbo has in store for me bla bla bla dungeons and dragons bla bla bla zoom zoom ARRGG.. it's like downloading WOW...dohhh not really good at waiting.. doo deee dooo... how many letters am I loud to use in this box?..... any who bla bla bla.. grrrr doh arggg... oohhh share button what does that do


  • I don't think I made my point, OK yes I could go and buy Insignias in Auction House for 2,100 Astral diamonds each (1,050 AD per insignia powder) and convert them but take in to mind I am in need of Millions of Astral Diamonds to buy other needed things, things that are 35 million Astral Diamonds in Auction House. I have…
  • Dooo deee doooo I spent some 19 hours online Friday farming Insignia in Dragon vale to see how feasible it would be to upgrade my toons mounts. It did not go well it takes 3,120 insignia powders for each insignia time 15 quale's 46,800 Insignia powder needed for leveling 5ea. 3 slot mounts from uncommon to Mystic…
  • a blacklist hummm how very interesting. How does one get on to this blacklist? am I already on this blacklist? How cool would I be if I was already on this blacklist and did not even know it? If I never knew of the group and that they have a blacklist is it a blacklist of banished players or just a list of super cool…
  • LOL ok optimize I get it. 8,000,000,000 people on the plant and yet there is only 8 players in Northdark, 47 in Narbonellyn and 26 in Menzoberranzan. out of the 2000 alliance members in my alliance there were 8 on an hour ago before maintenance. yea sure this is totally sustainable.. silly me being all chicken little =P…
  • The game is deeply flawed in so many ways it is hard to point to all of it. Super complicated upgrades. I was given all my Insignias, collars, enchantments, mounts, companions from a jaded player who just logs in now to get her key and maybe do a season event. I looked in to upgrading the insignias from epic to legendary…
  • Awesome there are people here =P soo I was in game when I was trying to "redeem" the coupon as I was chatting with an Alliance member mind you, I was in the lower area of NorthDark when I was doing all this. It is way more fun when dodging death and fighting mobs as you navigate through broken programming. They told me to…
  • Dooo deee doooo "MASS EXODUS OF PLAYERS" hummm What I do notice is that there is 8,000,000,000 people on the planet and yet there is less then 20 people in NorthDark or any of the older section. 46 people in Narbonellyn 34 in Mezberranzan. Sure reset Monday has an inflex of really bad players with their 36 alt's trying to…
  • Thank you one and all for responding I never believed in spending money i do not have on hand or living beyond my means, so I do not have any credit cards. It real it a loss only to Arc as now I can justify not spending any money on the game. The game is for the most part dead there is very little to no platers in any of…
  • Thank you for replying! like I said I did my research but did not call no of the store the ARC advertised on their site has even heard of the company nor the game NeverWinter. just checking the sites for Target, Walmart, Best Buy and Game Stop none of them carry or even know of this company. There is no brick and mottor…
  • what game might I ask as I am confused, bewildered and demoralized with a share complexity of these game with no support of information on any of the game. Thinking paying server time was not so bad 180 dollars in time cards I would be set for a year. Dreaming of flying to where I want to go again.... Or are we not allowed…
  • it post's in red letter "server not responding" counts to 19 and on 20 it drops me to a login page with the password blank. any time the game asks me for my password I just exit the whole client and click the neverwinter icon and start fresh which brings up the client with all the name and password filled in most time it…
  • The server keeps dropping me. I am trying to get this Maze engine quest line to drop the next chapter 6 but it's been over a week doing alot of the defending the sword coast mine numbing dailies starting to think broken the games broken. Are these campaigns worth the time waste. Are the skirmish's a part of advancing the…
  • Huh I thought this got deleted as it disappeared from where I posted it. that must be the edited by some one else that was not me. ok thank you for responding good to know I was not demoted to new user again. =P zoom zooom poof
  • huh this post is still here interesting dooo deee doooo well I think "stuff" is back to "normal" not sure bla bla bla.... I was not happy and getting even more not happy after posting here. The maleware was still on my computer windows was not removing it reading the news I was of thought that I was clearly not going about…
  • yes you should not have to protect your self from bad people. But there are bad people and when you are talking about computers, browsers, or even crypt currency it can never be 100% save. Do you trust arc some of you well say yes some well say yes bla bla bla and give a history of all the safe transactions or going to a…
  • dooo deee dooooo hello there trust yea hard to trust these days. using a credit card on the internet is in it's self a bad bad idea. I was more in line with a prepaid card like sameriker. once you give out your information it's out of your hands other then canceling the card or requesting a new one with a different pin. I…
  • Sorry for not responding deleting the cookies each time I close my browser I have to go through the arc defender... giggle defender LOL... oh well anyway... yes I am clueless is it isn't it the client programming is it a weakness in their prograsmming? It is my fault for going to other sites it is my fault for not paying a…
  • dooo deee dooo the only thing I been down loading is this game. I uninstalled the game, deleted and emptied my deleted file. I deleted a lot of things over the past week twitch being one of them and that is the world of warcraft mod site. world of warcraft has been off this tower for a couple years now. I admitted I…
  • awesome I opened my client to play and bam adware:win32/browser assistant malware took control of my pc again. I was just on here posting no problem been on all morning browsing open neverwinter poof lost control over my browser awesome another couple more hours trying to get ride of this again got to go I have to…
  • I would say I am always late to the game but I do remember down loading this game way back and played it for a couple hours it did not compare to world of warcraft at the time in graphics not really sure it was along time ago and I was deep in to world of warcraft it was time consuming bla bla bla. when I came back I was…
  • oh my waiting 6 months for 10 cent's or less given the coupons or rate exchange per amount saving for higher amounts per purchase for zen. a single zen is one penny Character slots are 500 zen for 2 LOL doohhh LOL and a cap of ten transactions at any given time 375.000 AD for 500 zen huh is there a limit to how many AD's…
  • doo deeee dooooo huh =/ i want to play where to we find this ZAX? I am of the opinion that the length of time would be directedly coincide with the amount of greed one has with in their offer. Like in the auction house. I was very good on the world of warcraft one I undermined every ones prices to the point their bought my…
  • oh you are AWESOME!!!!!!!! oh i done cutncopied this and posted it to my forum to save it for all time. I made sure to give you credit but don't let that go to your head I am the solo owner and only member soooooo no body well ever know as no one ever sees because it's my secret hide away so keep this between us ;) thank…
  • oh boy that is encouraging doohhh =/ Enyo found a couple but one it active in content with neverwinter Thank you I am checking them out now!
  • when this whole thing started tried clearing my browser but this issue was in the game client so I uninstalled all the arc games both neverwinter and the legends. went to my downloads page to reinstall with the exe file but I was prompt it was compromised or corrupted so I deleted those went to the game page here redowned…
  • I well be the first to admit I am not a computer programmer I did learn a lot from an old forum i had back in the day before they closed the servers. My new forum me being the solo and only member is way easier a couple clicks were as the old one was a hack and slash in to cascading screen and other codes. I could back…
  • seriously messed up morning uninstalled a great deal of apps scanned and finally had to clear every thing. not sure where I picked up adware:win32/browser assistant but it was super hard to get out of my pc. not even sure it's truly gone. It might have started with the whole not being allowed to use the chat. the YouTube…
  • =( i only get two toons so I have a assassin Xelphen and and a ranger Theomacha who I have yet to level, How ever when my poorly equipped assassin out kills and does more damage then the tank then I know there is a very good reason not make a tank toon as they are at a disadvantage for a must have in the party. on the…
  • i unistalled the game and then reinstalled I had to get a new install download as the one I used was "compromised" not having the issue as so far but there are some clitches as I just exited the game but it kept going for a bit. most likely your right as we only have third party content to get any kind of information on…