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Leaving our Alliance and joining a 60 guild alliance?

It appears there was some drama. I mean there is always drama but it was of some form were guilds left and then some puppet guilds were put in place to insure there was enough guilds to have an alliance. Then there was a mass exit announcement that 2/3 of the alliance was leaving for a maga 60 guild alliance. we have 2000 on paper members but in reality, we have maybe 100 active players and the leaders of my guild are not amount those numbers.

So like 60 active players are leaving to be in the maga 60 guild alliance our guild among them, How does the even work the limit is 13 guilds per alliance. Is it a glorified chat channel? I am not an expert on the chatbox but it would seems you just have to know the channel to be on it. Why would our alliance need to break up, is there a third party software one would need to install on your hard drive would it need my computers password, would it need my ARC account password? Our leaders are AWOL and there is no answers forthcoming from any of them.

The alliance leadership is not changing hands to the people staying there is no recruitment going on to fortify the remaining alliance there is a whole empty sword and gantlets left from the last drama deal that none of the leadership is attempting to fill.

The whole move to this maga alliance of 60 guilds has been super-secret. We do not know the name of the MAGA alliance, the rules, the way it works, what they stand for, why people are leaving it in droves. my guild leaders have mostly quite the game and are off playing other games. They decided their are going to put the active players in to this maga group so they no longer have to deal with the game.

None of the guilds are doing guild activity's or recruiting. This Friday this mass exiting happens. Monday I well be done with all the new content I will have completed Nabonellyn, Menzoberranzan and Northdark on my two toons making their currency worthless and the content was already super repetitive boring so as for entertainment not so exciting. All that is left is a never-ending grind to an unattainable 85ilvl. With the band breaking up and making a forced join or leave the guild, the end of the new content and reaching the end of ilvl growth in my toons, is it time to do as so many have done, seek out another game? Maybe just do what others do and just log in to update the game then log out again...

I cannot find any information on this maga group, the people leaving know nothing about this maga group. No one knows how it works and what the rules are. anyways bluh bluh bluh just airing concerns as it appears it is time to move on to other things.


  • tristanusstristanuss Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    Hm.. as i know the "MAGA alliance"ur saying is a group of some alliances that share infos and stuff each other and its called "group of something or maga like u said"

    They got a blacklist like, some other alliances dont agree with then and are out of that MAGA group, but most "famous" guilds are in there..

    its all i know..
  • xxsuperheroxx#8731 xxsuperheroxx Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    a blacklist hummm how very interesting. How does one get on to this blacklist? am I already on this blacklist? How cool would I be if I was already on this blacklist and did not even know it? If I never knew of the group and that they have a blacklist is it a blacklist of banished players or just a list of super cool players who do not know your group exist? If I do not care that I am on the blacklist is it a punishment?

    The super Famous guilds are in it and yet no one knows the name of the maga super cool elitest group with an extensive blacklist or that the super use to be famous group is a part of it because their guild failed, and they had to join a maga group to keep from disappearing into obscurity.

    I am torn I have an angle whispering in one ear that would be DeadPool "screw them we don't need them" and a succubus in the other whispering how cool it would be to be banished. No one knows what is like to be hated to be fated to telling only lies. all the cool people are lonewolf outlaws, not saying they all have blue eyes I mean I do but not saying you have to have blue eyes to be a lonewolf outlaw banished to the waste lands.

    Now I really want to be on the blacklist =) Banished forced to walk the earth alone killing everything he comes across... huh sounds a lot like the first 9 years of me playing this game more killing less drama...

    Any way Thank you ever so much for talking time to add to the topic at hand I really would like to know about the group I am soon to be banished and blacklist from for my own personal bragging rights. going to go listen to Bad Company now as I am in the mode. =P

    Company, always on the run
    Destiny, mmm, is a rising sun
    Oh, I was born six-gun in my hand
    Behind a gun, I make my final stand, hey
    It's why they call me
    Bad company and I can't deny
    Bad company 'til the day I die
    Oh, 'til the day I die
    'Til the day I ...

    dooo deeee doooo
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