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server not responding counts to 20 and drops me...

Dooo dee dooo oh hello there I was having some issues so I thought to pop in and see if any one else was having the same issue. Started last night some time the game gets weird then freezes counts to 20 and then drops me. not sure if its my provider or their server frying.

So not like theres a bunch of us here posting not sure if I should uninstall and reinstall or just wait a bit. weird I was prompted to restart my arc never had that happen before normally they patch when you log in. huh not a rocket scientist but I am starting to think you need to be to play this game. The shear amount of things you have to know how to do in the game is daunting. I have no idea what demonic ichor or faerzress not sure what seal of the adventures is for and the bad part is I do not dare google any of it. Most like all worthless like honor points or the HAMSTER the dwarf gives you.

right now I am not happy having issues again but the true fact is I am not having fun any more no answers nothing but daily grinds. other then the gear I was given by the flooding bar in the sky all the gear I get now is lame. the stuff I bought from the draft is junk.

some one did warn me about reaching level 80. hence I started leveling my ranger nice to have strait forward quests none of that do these 4 quests 2000 times and then we'll let you advance the stupid dwarfs quest line. like I said the games not fun any more. If I could find answers which is extremely unlikely then I might figure out stuff but every thing is third party and all sketchy click at your own risk.

I keep thinking about getting server time this spring and having an open world where I can fly. I have 8 horde 100+ leveled toons 15 years of work in to the account. here I am thinking of leveling another toon through these dailies which makes me want to stab my self in the eye with a number 2 pencil. oh well you get what you pay for free gets you free content. kind of like teaching a child to swim by throwing them in sink or swim, dooo dee dooo least thats the way I was learned let me tell you about learning to ride a bike some time =P

I guess I'll go level Theomacha ("Enemy of God" nine sisters Norse mythos) and her companion Bandaid. Thank you for letting me vent a bit I feel better. zooom zooom poof


  • xxsuperheroxx#8731 xxsuperheroxx Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    The server keeps dropping me. I am trying to get this Maze engine quest line to drop the next chapter 6 but it's been over a week doing alot of the defending the sword coast mine numbing dailies starting to think broken the games broken. Are these campaigns worth the time waste. Are the skirmish's a part of advancing the quest line? I cant see wasting peoples time joining a query if I do them and get dropped from the server a couple times in the middle of the skirmish it's not fair to the people playing. anyways no one else is getting dropped?

    anyway gamepedia.com has a lot of links to another 3rd party url imgur I am hesitant to go to either site it's so messed up that arc just does not care to support the game them selves relying of scratchy third party content. oh well guess theres not hope for it not like things are going to change. There is so much stuff and no answer that people I ask in game just reply they never finished this or that they just gave up on alot of the content.
  • juggiolone#5695 juggiolone Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    for a couple of days I too, after 20 seconds of blocking, disconnects regularly. It does this every 10 or 15 minutes or so.
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    edited March 2021
    As most people are playing the game without any issues it is more than likely something in the route that you get to the game. You would have to run a tracecert to see where it is dropping you at. More than likely it is one of the cogentco servers that are near to where their servers are located, but that is only a guess.
  • xxsuperheroxx#8731 xxsuperheroxx Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    it post's in red letter "server not responding" counts to 19 and on 20 it drops me to a login page with the password blank. any time the game asks me for my password I just exit the whole client and click the neverwinter icon and start fresh which brings up the client with all the name and password filled in most time it just lets me back on where I was most time dead because it happens in the middle of fighting. I run in to a lot of clichés so i am of thought this is just one more as it just started a couple of days ago.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    @juggiolone#5695 and xxsuperheroxx, sorry to hear you are having this error. Not much us players can do about it. Customer Support will most likely blame your equipment. But it is most likely something between point A (wherever you are in the world) and point B Las Gatos, California.

    Try this; https://www.speedtest.net I know you really want to press that GO button... well hit it. Now that first run is a local server just a few miles or kilometers away. I got a Ping of 29, Download Mbps 108.61, and Upload Mbps 11.25 from Auburn Hills, MI.
    Next do you see that "Change Server" ? Yes. Click it. In the search type, San Jose... Los Gatos doesn't have one but it is close. I am going to chose that Sonic because I loved that Sega game! Press GO again.
    This time I got Ping 70, Download Mbps 111.81, and Upload Mbps 11.27. Longer ping but better download and upload.

    Now if you get super big ping or a smaller DL/UL time, then Ziggy Jozawicski in Kansas, probably has a discount server he spilled cheese on the other day. Why would that effect you? Because that is how the internet works. Server A talks to B, C, D and so on until it reaches the Cryptic Server.

    You will never get a direct route unless you are able to convince your ISP to find the better route.

    Assuming it is something client related, the only way to repair that would be to verify all your game files. Takes a little time to have the client do it, but it can be done. From the launcher; Options - under Patching check mark Force Verify.

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