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  • Unfortunately bad players will be bad players. They have no concern over how their actions affect the healer. But, then they die and blame you when it was their fault for not getting out of an AoE ability which got them killed. You can do all you want to help others but if they don't want to be helped or even listen to a…
  • Well, My best advice would be to grow some thicker skin and don't worry about them. They don't hurt anything. Ratings and reviews are just opinions and some will be good just as some will be bad. They don't require reason or logic to be made nor do they have to be wholesome, honest or even constructive. With any open…
  • TL;DR = Don't stack mobs on top of each other. Properly space things out so that one encounter does not add into another one.
  • Had this happen to me as well. I had my own personal melee xp farm map where mobs could hit you but if you went in as ranged they could not. So it was deemed a exploit even with a disclaimer. Which was fine as I deleted the map, made a new one with the same name but fixed it so that mobs were able to attack anyone. Then..…
  • You have to find it in the review section. Took me a while to find my map the first time then just subscribed to myself and all was well. They don't go into the new section till they are reviewed for a while first. Least that I have noticed. Since I subscribed to myself my map(s) show up as soon as I get the in game notice…
  • After playing my map I got 1/2 a level (10 bubbles) and plenty of loot to go with that. Perfectly fine with the changes. Not much less than before and encourages farming outside of foundry maps.
  • Only agree with #5 & 6 in your list as being what I would like to see of that list. Though, would LOVE the option to make my map Private or Public. Some maps I just make for myself which I don't care for other people being in. Another reasoning for a Private/Public setting is so we can make our maps private. Publish them…
  • Something similar happened yesterday, bought a couple rings and then logged out for the night. Woke up to go claim them and they were not in my mail and I was out the money. :)
  • Make sure you are not using untargetable mode as well.
  • During downtime I play The Secret World. :)
  • Booo! Guess I'll have to go back to playing the game instead of creating new quests for it. :)
  • And this is perfect example to save every few changes as it only takes a sec. Better to lose 5mins of work then a hour. Though back on topic, yea this is still happening. Also playing the map - then closing the project locks up the game as it attempts to go back to the char select screen. Had to force close the game using…