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New Foundry Rules

vazkrovazkro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Foundry
So I saw the rules have been changed from the foundry.
Good job they are a lot more clear now and anyone that reads them should know what they can and can not do.
I am still wondering about people that broke one of the rules before they changed, I for example had all my storymissions deleted for having one experience mission. And to make things worse I can not publish any new storymissions either because they are simply blocked.
Yes I could make a secondary account for mission publishing but that is not the point here and I doubt that cryptic wants everyone using multiple accounts.

I've made a ticket and send multiple emails about this so here is another try on the forum in the hope of a reply.

Thanks for reading this.
Post edited by vazkro on


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    vazkrovazkro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, another day has passed with no reply on tickets/emails. Still wondering where this game is going, but so far cryptic seems to be showing the same amount of replies here as Champions Online has been getting lately. That brings worries.
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    syynsyyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 75
    edited May 2013
    Heya Vazkro - sorry to hear you are banned from the foundry at this point. :( I had just recently had my entire account banned due to a hacker and it took 4 days before I had the first of many replies from support to the ticket I had submitted asking for help. Apparently they are really swamped with tickets and so their turn around time seems to be around 3 to 4 business days instead of 1 to 2. Hang in there, they should get to you within a couple more business days.
    Best of luck!
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    zorpennzorpenn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 146 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Am i understand correctly? You were blocked from foundry for making exploit mission?
    Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
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    vazkrovazkro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    @Syyn, thanks for the reply I'm still keeping on to the slight bit of hope to receive a reply on my ticket thanks to your post :D

    @zorpenn, I had multiple story missions and while trying out with the mission editor there was also one that had a bunch of mobs in a box yes ( I will have to note that this was before the foundry rule changes were made ).
    I was already suspended for that , they removed all my missions including storybased completely non related missions and have stopped me from uploading any new ones on my new account.
    Yes I could just upload foundry missions on a secondary account but that is not the point here. The point is that I and a lot of other people are being screwed over due to the lack of rules that were in the foundry terms of agreement before and the fact that we have been suspended without a warning and then taken all of our missions away without a warning aswell.
    So like I already stated before, now that the rules are obvious to read the punishment should be harsh. And I personally would even accept a PERMANENT ban from the game if I would ever make an *exploit* mission again but I would really want cryptic to stop being childish and just give me and others that were not aware of cryptic rules ( because yes really they were not in the terms of agreement I read them multiple times back then ) the right to publish again on the specific condition that if we break a rule now that we are aware of it that dire consequences will be delivered on us.
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    xworndownxxworndownx Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Had this happen to me as well. I had my own personal melee xp farm map where mobs could hit you but if you went in as ranged they could not. So it was deemed a exploit even with a disclaimer. Which was fine as I deleted the map, made a new one with the same name but fixed it so that mobs were able to attack anyone.

    Then.. Blammo! I got Suspended! It was only for a day and I deleted all my maps.

    Tried again to publish something and it said sbnopublish was on. I assumed that was a boolean on my account sql settings preventing me to publish any maps from there on out.

    Lastly, Here is the screwy part. They also reduced my Celestial Coins to 0 and removed my Companion which was finally maxed at lvl 15 so that I can't use it anymore. Sent in a ticket but don't expect any results from it.

    Biggest issue is that there was no email, no explanation or any comment to let me know what/who/why this happened or offered suggestions on how to fix the issue so I could be more legit with my maps or explaining the coin/companion issue.

    Ugh.. I digress. Probably just start all over on a new account since my main was only lvl 28. Easy to get back with a legit farm map. :D
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    vazkrovazkro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    another day has passed, no reply to the tickets, the forum or the emails :P How depressing ^^
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    hosierman1hosierman1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 72
    edited May 2013
    Your only option is patience really, you did something wrong and got punished, now its in cryptics hands, the chances are there were hundreds (if not thousands) of people like yourself making exploit maps and are all in the same boat, if there is to be a lift od the suspension I'd wager it will happen en masse rather than on an individual basis
    Foundry quest NW-DKCR8S6GH
    Trouble at "The Rock" please play and review if you have the time, thanks
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    hercul33thercul33t Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 190 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I bet they are completely swamped with support tickets.

    I saw someone on twitter raging about waiting 4 days so far for his founders items to arrive in the mail. I asked him if he realized that there was a founders vendor that gave the items. He did not..

    So ya, there's probably a higher volume of tickets since the game is new.
    Dr. Herc trilogy NWS-DHDPDVTMA
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    vazkrovazkro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ye true, btw I just noticed that on my 15+ characters I've lost all companions. ( didnt notice before due to playing on my lower chars )
    Dat cryptic programming too stronk.

    edit: sorry I take that back, it seems they have somehow thrown my Companion in the overflow bag. ( Why she was there I have no idea but thank god )
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    luciferstwinluciferstwin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vazkro wrote: »
    So I saw the rules have been changed from the foundry.
    Good job they are a lot more clear now and anyone that reads them should know what they can and can not do.
    I am still wondering about people that broke one of the rules before they changed, I for example had all my storymissions deleted for having one experience mission. And to make things worse I can not publish any new storymissions either because they are simply blocked.
    Yes I could make a secondary account for mission publishing but that is not the point here and I doubt that cryptic wants everyone using multiple accounts.

    I've made a ticket and send multiple emails about this so here is another try on the forum in the hope of a reply.

    Thanks for reading this.

    I have a ticket in as well.. I really dont think that we should have been banned from making foundries because the old rules stated nothing of the sort... now they changed it AFTER they banned us all? Pretty messed up IMO
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    clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    xworndownx wrote: »
    Ugh.. I digress. Probably just start all over on a new account since my main was only lvl 28. Easy to get back with a legit farm map. :D

    According to a community moderator's post in another thread, the only LEGIT farming is Cryptic content. The Foundry is not a farm tool. (Which I call bullspit on, but hey.)

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
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