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  • Chill strike counts as AoE once you put it on tab if the tool tips are to believed, I lost 30% of the damage switching over from normal to tab.
  • They don't.
  • You enjoy suggesting stupid things don't you? Why don't you do yourself a favor and reread your own original post and tell me exactly how you would reach a satisfactory conclusion? The answer is: you can't without deceiving yourself and thinking that the experiment was reasonable to begin with. Well, I change my mind,…
  • Conflicting reports; some say it can diminish below 0 and others say it can't. Suffice to say that in a group setting if it cannot be reduced below 0 mitigation then armor pen is useless since everyone and their mother will be tossing in debuffs. That being said the average mitigation seems to be around 20% .
  • All the more reason to have RoE in tab then? That went contrary to what someone else wrote awhile back, but the damage doesn't stack that's for certain. The question then becomes whether or not the second charge benefits from double effectiveness or do you have to have at least one charge banked for the first one to give…
  • Your experiment sucks and you should feel bad. It wouldn't lead to anything but 'probably need more data'.
  • Perceived issues are not necessarily issues. Balance has more than one factor - classes are but one aspect. To say that PvP has no place in MMORPGs is pretty borderline <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, if not fairly narrow minded.
  • Obviously. The first one is always -25% , the second one is always a total of 50% . So if you don't have it in mastery it will always be just 25%. The argument is uptime versus burst; you have higher uptime without it being slotted but you suffer from the lack of burst otherwise. Thaumaturgy mages don't notice this simply…
  • Well, the difference is that usually losing means death. PvP in NW has no death whatsoever, same goes for PvE really. So, I wouldn't even say that it is not PvP simply because the DM's goal isn't to win. That's a separate issue though and speaks more about developer competence and goals.
  • PvP is merely another encounter with competing adventurers that's scripted more realistically. Furthermore, the Head of Vecna. That being said, PvP is pretty **** organic to some systems like Dark Sun but not if you're playing in the Pathfinder Association etc. It all depends on the setting, the organization, and the DM(s).
  • Hello subhuman, http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Control_Wizard . Pay attention to the charts. Think about armor penetration while you're at it if you're capable of that.
  • It's worth at least 1 point. Any more is questionable imo simply because it CAN stun bosses and normally un-CCable mobs. That and, by means anecdote, it seems to reduce damage by 90% and you're able to cast it while dazed... so it's a useful PvP desperation tool.
  • Or will they!? With a new wave of exploits, it should come very cheap! I have little faith that Cryptic can fix these within a week which is more than enough to grant most people T2 . No, it's called enjoy exploiting the game if you're bored and if not then just shelve the game for a bit and play something else until new…
  • Check your PM inbox and then also wonder whether or not they should even open the AH within the next few weeks. =p
  • Stealth. Guard. Stamina are all on client side. I am sure as we, people who are academically interested, monitor the exploits more will show up. Still it's pretty funny to see how fast these 'exploiters' are working .
  • No, there is infinite guard or I am pretty sure there is because the person who runs a certain blog said so. And why would I believe that person? Well, why don't you do a bit of Googling? Needless to say, a person can currently solo Castle Never in apparently 10 minutes.
  • Oh hey, reading the comments, apparently stealth is client side too. Lovely. Well, it's always good to stay aware of what's going on in terms of exploits even if you don't intend to use it ... for educational purposes.
  • Hello. Take a look at Reckless Attacker. Then realize that the guard/stamina is set on Client Side . Add the two together. You don't need to suspect anything, it's right there on Google.
  • Because you know you always have time to finish that combo right? And no one else is targeting you let alone being hunted by another CW. The very thought of it escapes your brain especially laughable since you talk about 'understanding PvP through TEAM play'. Don't be an id- oh wait, you already did in so many threads…
  • SPEND AD TO BUY VENDOR GOODS (that are horribly overpriced ) THEN... VENDOR THEM! Or PvP to vendor gear which is just as sad but funny.
  • Well, let's see how long it takes them to fix the infinite stamina exploit. It's already been what three days since it went largely public? Sad client side. I'll also be one of those who keeps playing until their friends stop. My poor guild is now down to ... 4-5 regulars when we had around 12. =(
  • The lesson here is ... in the future have zero expectations. Much like going to a well known B movie you expect nothing and in return you will garner great riches or something. Not all companies can have the same talent pool you desire nor the same agenda. You better simply not have standards when it comes to an IP you…
  • Ice knife , as a stand alone daily, isn't worth it and is best used as a finisher after unloading the normal combo (Enfeeble +/- CoI ) . It's also a lot more avoidable than Shocking Execution which is the issue with the Rogue daily. Overall, it's not really a good design, so keep in mind that even if it is balanced it may…
  • ... This thread is pretty sad and yet entertaining. PvP is mostly okay, some things probably need to be fine tuned like shocking execution and some enchants. But the real question is.. is it fun?
  • Fights at 60 are probably more balanced than the fights below 60. Also, it's a lot less tiresome as a CW as your damage is kind of **** all throughout until you hit 60 .
  • What happens when you have infinite guard? Or infinite stamina?
  • Is that really a wise idea?
  • Also, keep in mind that zen and AD exchange is hard capped at 500.
  • So, when will we get an ETA on this?! Or should we all just start abusing it in preparation for the AH coming up so we can flood the market with items again and proceed to **** on the servers once more? Well, actually, you guys shouldn't bring up the AH at all until this gets fixed because I am pretty sure ... well, you…
  • Hey, look at the bright side, at least the GWF will be fun to play at lower levels with infinite stamina. SPRINT ALL DAY LONG.