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  • To bad they won't let you equip 3 at a time... that would make it really OP... :D
  • With all the never ending balance changes that occur, no one is going to keep the same 4 artifacts for a 3 to 5 year period either. So it's more like 8+ artifacts per character.
  • So bonding runestones stacks have been removed? Does anyone know what the difference in stats will be? Will the stats gained be the same for someone that has 3 r12 with 3 stacks?
  • I share a lot of the same concerns mentioned here by others. I would like to see them add a new option in the Wondrous Bazzar to allow us to purchase rank 5 enchants. Offer 1 rank 5 enchant for 100 AD, a stack of 99 rank 5's would be 9,900 AD. VIP's would get a discount, and it would give Cryptic a way to control…
  • I always thought this was a bug with edemo and not intended. It should end when gold is achieved, just like the other phases.
  • I'm not a big fan of how power points are earned either. I have gone through 4 straight overflows before with nothing to show for it except a hand full of refining stones or my favorite 6 rank 5 enchantments. However they have made some changes lately that make it somewhat easier to do if your willing to grind for it. As…
  • It's amazing that people are still being caught in this 'trap'. A simple warning would reduce a lot of grief, and maybe prevent future misunderstandings. If fraud is so bad with Steam they might as well disable it.
  • The warlord buff's were very OP and needed to be adjusted, but this patch took it from one extreme to the other. Removing the stat boost completely makes this bonus only useful to people who own a shadow demon or maybe a SW with a soul puppet.
  • I'm having the same issue. Both eDemo and nDemo where available to queue when I first logged in. I joined queue for eDemo but left the queue before joining an instance or being pulled into an instance. Now only eDemo shows and it is locked with the red text stating that it has not been unlocked yet. It's been over 4 hours…
  • It sounds like a good idea. It would be interesting hearing about the tools used and the process in general.
  • shhh, don't mention that you might start confusing people... :p
  • Fraud? what in the world is someone going to buy with zen that isn't some kind of digital item that can be replaced with a magic wand? lol. I suppose fraud might be an issue, but I think it is steams 30% cut that is probably more of the problem.
  • Don't forget that if you have 2 or more characters to work on it makes things even worse for the RP grind. Being able to explore the different classes available is the only 'real' end game content neverwinter has. The way refinement works currently it makes this less desirable to do. If they come out with a new class, I…
  • I tried doing 2 Tiamat runs today and there wasn't even enough people to fill one instance. I think the community has finally had it with this event.
  • I certainly don't want to see any GWF nerfs. I would rather see other striker type classes buffed.
  • Fix? lol.. When has pvp not been broken by some item or some class feature. This seems like the status quo for pvp.
  • My guild tried eCC yesterday using two GWF, one SW, one pally and one DC to test out the new changes with IL around 2400. We were almost able to defeat the last boss without using an exploit. We got him down to a 1/4 of his hit points so it is at least now in the realm of possibility of doing. Groups that are in the 2100…
  • Yeah, I wouldn't bother with eCC. If Cryptic would do something about the one shot archers during the final boss fight it would go a long way to improve things for that dungeon. The only time I've seen the eCC final boss defeated is through exploits.
  • Someone posted a video several weeks back showing them completing eCC somewhat legitimately. I believe they all had IL over 3000. Sad thing is if you already have an IL that high you don't really need to do eCC. eToS is probably the only t2 dungeon you can complete with an IL in the 2300 range, as long as you have a decent…
  • Well Strum if you are looking for recommendations of paths to try for SW, I would recommend trying the following: Hellbringer Fury, Hellbringer Temptation, Soulbinder Damnation, Soulbinder Temptation. For Hellbringer Fury, see how well it does in the paingiver chart when compared to GWF, CW, HR and TR who have similar item…
  • We all know how its going to get fixed. Those 16 vig task per zone will be increased to 32 or more and presto all fixed. LOL,
  • I don't really understand it. Why would an existing player bother to create an Alt at this point? I didn't even want to do the paladin because of all the artifact gear and equipment refining needed. Now XP grind on top of that? Are you kidding me? Whenever they release a new class my first thought is not how great its…
  • Another major change to game play in a maintenance patch. Have to give them credit though, the vaguely mentioned change to XP requirements post 61 and giving us 2XP for a few days after the patch seems to have blinded a large part of the community as to what has happened. I really didn't notice until I tried leveling an…
  • The CW change to SS is somewhat surprising since it has functioned this way for a long time. Why do it now in a maintenance patch after all this time? Why not in the next Mod patch where big changes in game play usually occur?
  • It's probably going to be much worse than that. Wait until people realize when that same person counts as a tick toward the replenishment count each time and you no longer get 'any' people to join even though it was the same person over again. lol
  • no you got it all wrong. New mounts will need refine points to upgrade. That way you have 'fun' things to do like go to IWD and spend 3 hours a day grinding for refine stone.
  • I would like to see this.
  • What they don't mention in the notes is that when people 'quit' not just get vote kicked also uses up the replenish limit. So eventually if to many people quit the group you will no longer get a new person to join and you are forced to quit.
  • You might want to check the forums on the lightning enchant. I remember somebody posting that the lightning enchant was not procing in some cases with the SW main hand weapon so it was not as affective as it should be.
  • There is no need for a video, someone has already posted a print screen of an ACT log showing the damage. Clearly some people are seeing this occur. It needs to be pointed out that there is more to this than simply putting points in the damnation feats to make it happen. They make it sound like all you have to do is put…