I've been running SB damnation for the last week. It does do nice damage, if you can keep your soul puppet alive. Once it dies the damage resets to lower levels. SO far I have not seen any huge 300k hits people claim to have seen. Maybe that is only with people using the lostmauth set? If I can keep my puppet alive during combat, i've seen it do 30k hits which is nice.
here is a ACT chart for my SW while running encounters in IWD for 20 minutes. The min hit with wrath claw was at 4k and it's maximimum was at 30k. The average hit it was doing 13k. There have been times i've seen it get up to 80k, but that is rare when it happens and it did not occur when I was running encounters in IWD.
Also, harrowstorm has been broken for two weeks, since the All-Consuming curse class feat fix.
No longer prones. Useless.
Make it rain love on SW.
"One of few powers usefull in PvP?. That's outrageous!. Who's gonna use our brand new Entangl... ugh I mean Hadar's Grasp?. Or totally-matching-it's-visuals Arms of Hadar?. Someone 'fix' that asap!." - someone at Cryptic
On a more serious note (and a side note as well), I'd love some kind of contour on the ground indicating Arms of Hadar's range (something like Arcane Singularity targeting system but 'glued' to character and in a shape of a hand with MATCHING visuals). Right now unless something's right on your face changes are that you won't hit it. 15s timer could be lowered as well (in between fights it's too much of an interval) or it could respect Recharge rate.
szamanos2Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 21Arc User
Were you in a group? If so, what classes were with you? Trying to figure out what actually causes it.
ToS , CW , GWF , HR , OP , and SW with soul puppet build (damnation) this is not all instance only 2 bosses so you can see that this Puppet dmg is bugged .
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited June 2015
All I can say is that I leveled up an OP once Mod 6 went live. I took him to 70 and started on the campaigns. I was able to run Sharandar and Dread Ring dailies with little difficulty, even with just green gear. With the last patch, where they reintroduced the Thayan gear, I updated my Mod5 SWs to that. I tried DR and got my butt handed to me. I can run the content on a similarly geared OP, GF, GWF, or CW without this difficulty, (I'd try my HR, but the DR store doesn't show anything ATM). I do feel, from my experience, that the CW needs some love.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
I'll say this, I have played Damnation since day 1. I haven't seen the Soul Puppet bug and have configured my path several different times.
I'm a little skeptical on that one until someones posts an ACT parse showing Wraith Claw doing that much damage per second. Not just a total overall damage parse. Sometimes I think people who haven't played the spec don't realize the buff the Soul Puppet got in Mod6, and are simply suprised by the dps output of Damnation as Mod 5 and Mod 6 performance is very different.
There are some issues that need to be address with Damnation on a smaller scale. Spiritifire doing incorrect AoE Damage, and Wraith's Shadow at rank 1 still triggers All Consuming Curse whether you have it slotted or not. The puppet does need a slight buff in health yes, but it DOES have 80% damage resistance. If you are a full Damnation lock with Soul Desecration, it's actually fairly difficult to have your Puppet killed as you are continually cycling it's health bar to full when doing damage. ...unless you slot the worst feat possible for Damnation which never should have made it onto a live server in it's current iteration which is Mocking Spirt and actually trying to use it to tank, which is not what it is intended to do.
'all' its points were placed in damnation, that includes all the puppet ones. No points were placed in fury or temp.
So it is either some passive class skill or some kind of item set that is causing that kind of damage. I would not be surprised if it was the lostmauth set.
I have also noticed that the damage it deals out depends on the dungeon you are running. If you run eCC the damage output the puppet does for each single hit is much higher than if you run some thing like elol or esot.
'all' its points were placed in damnation, that includes all the puppet ones. No points were placed in fury or temp.
So it is either some passive class skill or some kind of item set that is causing that kind of damage. I would not be surprised if it was the lostmauth set.
I have also noticed that the damage it deals out depends on the dungeon you are running. If you run eCC the damage output the puppet does for each single hit is much higher than if you run some thing like elol or esot.
It's not the SW who makes the puppet hit that high!
i'll could run a dungeon and record it, just to show the damage but it would take a while to upload the video
It's not the SW who makes the puppet hit that high!
i'll could run a dungeon and record it, just to show the damage but it would take a while to upload the video
There is no need for a video, someone has already posted a print screen of an ACT log showing the damage. Clearly some people are seeing this occur. It needs to be pointed out that there is more to this than simply putting points in the damnation feats to make it happen. They make it sound like all you have to do is put some points into the damnation tree Voilà! instant 300k hits which isn't true.
I'm running with the cursed Soul Puppet, and it ain't a tank pet, like the Voidwalker from the WoW Warlock.
And i do have nearly all points in Damnation too.
Missing feats:
- Parting Blasphemy, 6% weapon damage, not worth 5 full points for me, not worth it and it adds nothing to the Soul Puppet itself.
- Mocking Spirit, 5 points for some threath generation? yeah, sure, the real tanks will love you for that one... also not worth it.
- Sparkbinder, 5 points for 5 more seconds for some useless spirits? yeah, i know, Soulbinder isn't the best choice, since those spirits stand around for a while before going to work, and they disappear also very fast again... also not worth it.
- Burning Puppets, 5 points for a slim chance to add a curse to a target... also not worth it.
Now, where in those 4 missing feats, is the dark magic hidden, to turn my weakly Soul Puppet into a real tank and damage pet, that doesn't just vanishes like a HAMSTER in the wind, after a single hit from a level 70+ regular mob?
My other 10 points are spend into:
A Daughter's Promises, 5 points for a usefull AoE, when one of my targets finaly dies
Burning Soul, 5 points for a bit more damage through Soul Sparks
And after module 6, and the patch that broke the power/feat/boon points right after, i'm not going to spend another AD or ZEN on a retrain token, until they have done some major bug fixing with the SW.
And as mentioned before, take an Oathbound Paladin on 60, get the green gear from the Minsc quests, and run through the campaign areas laughing.
Now try the same with a fresh Scourge Warlock on 60, with the same gear, and see how far you will come with your "op" Soul Puppet...
I'm even leveling my OP through the campaign areas Dread Ring and Sharandar... and again, try that one with another class on the same equipment level.
A Daughter's Promises, 5 points for a usefull AoE, when one of my targets finaly dies
I didn't try that feat myself but tooltip states "(...) to a TARGET (...)" so a one, single mob. With epic elemental MH it's something like 1,1-1,5k damage to a single mob, pretty underwhelming if you ask me. Not that there's much of a choice anyway but still, not an AoE and not much of a use sadly (unless tooltip is not correct which wouldn't be much of a surprise in this game).
But yeah, I've got an OP lvled to 70 as well and he just has too much in his kit (Aura of Wisdom for example - it's like what, 40000 free recovery divided for the whole party?. Yeah, I'd take that any day.). It doesn't change the fact that SW is underperforming in a major way, especially in solo play but not only in that aspect of gameplay.
- Parting Blasphemy, 6% weapon damage, not worth 5 full points for me, not worth it and it adds nothing to the Soul Puppet itself.
- Sparkbinder, 5 points for 5 more seconds for some useless spirits? yeah, i know, Soulbinder isn't the best choice, since those spirits stand around for a while before going to work, and they disappear also very fast again... also not worth it.
- Burning Puppets, 5 points for a slim chance to add a curse to a target... also not worth it.
I agree with some of your points, but I will say the feats you mentioned above are actually better than you give them credit for. Burning Puppets will average about 2500 damage every 4-6 seconds even on a bad streak which doesn't happen you are compensated by Parting Blasphemy until the next one is applied, plus it effectively guarantees what you are targeting is cursed. Sparkbinder makes Immolation Spirtis for a Soulbinder Damnation lock, by far and away the best daily to use even with the 2-3 second delay that happens sometimes.
Again anyone looking to make their Puppet a full time tank, is looking for fool's gold, and Mocking Spirit only plays into that premise. Your dps is highly dependant on puppet uptime not threat generation., and trying to use it as a tank is running counter to what it's intended to do.
Thanks for clearing that up, guess i will go and waste another respec token to change a few things around. But it's really slim pickings here, and i just hope they don't break any more powers with the next patch...
And beats me, why the Soul Puppet has a Threath Generation power, without anything like extra defense, hit points or something to even being "able" to handle that extra threath properly in this new module.
Or why they don't "burry" some extra life steal into the Temptation area, to revive at least some of the healing capability for those SW, that actually would like to heal at least a bit through their damage, and support their group with it again.
Well, i did a full respec, changed several things, but that is just not enough... i can't even really quest in Dread Ring atm, the Soul Puppet dies within the first few seconds of any attack, same with my healer companion, i'm using rare level 70 gear with life steal and defense/deflection stats on it, but that doesn't seem to matter a bit.
My OP is about to hit level 69 soon, also running with rare gear, and i have no problem with him in DR or Sharandar. I can even run the mini dungeons in the campaign areas as OP solo, while some other classes (not just SW) have to ask for a group.
It would be great to know, when the class SW will get some Dev attention, and not just for fixing one thing and breaking a lot of others along the way, but for actually fixing anything and may be even improving something else, to make the SW gameplay fun again...
It isn't complete silence. The current patch notes, for example, finally answer the question of whether Temptation SWs will ever return to the game. Unfortunately, the answer is no as they are being coded out of queues altogether ("a DC will be replaced by another DC or a Healadin"[paraphrasing]). It seems to be a deliberate silence, as in "We think we have soaked all the money out of that new class and we are moving on to another revenue stream as quickly as we can.""
Oh yeah, whine about my Item Level, it makes your arguments valid. You can't give me good reasons so you pick on my gear and calling me P2W? Good job, IWD material.
Oh look at that, a typical HAMSTER Wieliding m2 animal, buff GWF Q.Q?
Those huge SWs running around are either damnation soul puppeteer or got lostmauth set that has so many broken synergies or both. They abuse the broken things just to keep up with the rest and that stuff may be soon get fixed. See that, BROKEN STUFF just to keep with the rest WAI stuff of the other classes huh Oh well what am I trying here, judging by "IWD material" comment there I bet you just farm with SWs with your broken avalanche boon and cockatrice companion so retain from posting on SW thread please.
Lets be honest here. All this bickering between the classes that this one has it better then that one isnt going to get us anywhere. The devs do not have a clue how to make the classes balanced. They dont have a clue how to make all the classes enjoyable. The fixes even get waved in their face and they still dont get it. Sorry, but that's the truth. As long as they continue to throw out items that do better damage then any abilities that the classes can get, nobody will get a fair shake. More people are playing CW's and TR's because those classes are more powerful and easier to play. And with them being played by more people, they become a priority. It'll never change.
If you want a balanced Neverwinter where everyone's going to be useful. I would suggest getting on the gateway and doing leadership missions or even the companion dungeons, it's as good as it's going to get.
The problem is not only how weak SW has gotten with mod 6, but also all the bugs that cause them to perform even worse. And all they fix are the bugs that give SW an advantage, without even looking at the rest. I reported them all ingame.
And seriously, every time I think "alright, let's try one daily at least with my warlocks now" I find a new bug and give up. There's so many feats and powers not working, and others are so weak because they are still balanced for mod 5, there's really not much I can even use on my warlocks anymore. The only thing that is working is bugging out Soul Puppets in dungeons. As soon as they fix that nobody will play warlocks anymore.
For temptation PvP SW - Infernal spheres don't crit any more, was one of crucial powers for temptation soulbinder. For the rest - harrow storm encount no longer prones anything which makes the builds like my total trash (went for max recovery/int recently trying to achieve perma cc). Then, even if we have that fixed, any ******* with negation can just come close up to us and Avalanche/thayan/feythistle us to death. They don't even need to hit us, they will eventually die from our own dot (and squishy teammates around us too). Lack of CC breaker annoyes pretty much any warlock too, I got oghma's token and it still doesn't help at all because the intense of CC is so high and the cast animation of that artifact is so slow that it often is just utterly useless. Shadow slip activating is a joke, as slow as the rest of our powers, probably I'd compare it to pre m6 GF guard. They made GF's guard more responsive this mod though. Oh and to make a somewhat "viable" pvp warlock now, a SW has to abuse either:
Hand of blight mainhand artifact feature that nulifies damage of an opponent to 0 in like 80% cases (some powers still ignore it's debuff, despite everything)
Lostmauth set which has broken synergy with Warlock's bargain and Hadar's Grasp.
Wheel of elements.
Or all of that together^. And the funny thing is people often get frustrated when they can't farm a warlock...0 damage against a SW is ok but a CW that takes close to 50-100 damage ticks and barely has their HP down thanks to ****ty renegade capstone is totally fine. When I look at the situation, I see the SW class as something that is supposed to be "farmed" in PvP. "PvP campaign material". I can't answer why am I still playing it however, maybe because last time I got frustrated with my PvE TR in m4 and started saving up for upcomming SW, TR got outrageously overpowered.
SW, previously good class for PvE due to buggy Tyrannical threat, now the most utter trash NW seen in it's history both in PvP and PvE. The more I play it, the more desperate and frustrated I feel. And when I have some fresh idea that could improve QOL for the class, it gets annihilated by some mean in next patch...****ing harrow storm
Shadow slip activating is a joke, as slow as the rest of our powers (...)
I laughed to hard when I first tested Arms of Hadar. Cast time is so pathetic that this power is not useable even in PvE, not to mention PvP. Someone on hangover must have put cast times on both of new powers (and prolly majority of our powers).
New patch notes around with even more fixes for CWs aaaand.... yup, you got that right - 0 fixes or balance changes for SWs.
At this point I guess SW playerbase should be happy there's no patch notes for us since it would prolly mean another nerf anyways...
You're not completely right.
Cleanse now removes damage over time effects from the cleric feats list
that's a creeping death nerf
I am the monk, martial skill transcends the battlefield
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
I laughed to hard when I first tested Arms of Hadar. Cast time is so pathetic that this power is not useable even in PvE, not to mention PvP. Someone on hangover must have put cast times on both of new powers (and prolly majority of our powers).
Aren't those just Valindras powers with the damage way lowered? She has those cast times cause she is a dungeon boss...
This Warlock had bad build , You must have all Damnation and magic OP Soul puppet ...
this is evidence : http://i62.tinypic.com/amqn1c.jpg
Pazur Widziadła= Wrath Claw.
...and *is* there even a "community manager" anymore in the first place?
No longer prones. Useless.
Make it rain love on SW.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
Were you in a group? If so, what classes were with you? Trying to figure out what actually causes it.
"One of few powers usefull in PvP?. That's outrageous!. Who's gonna use our brand new Entangl... ugh I mean Hadar's Grasp?. Or totally-matching-it's-visuals Arms of Hadar?. Someone 'fix' that asap!." - someone at Cryptic
On a more serious note (and a side note as well), I'd love some kind of contour on the ground indicating Arms of Hadar's range (something like Arcane Singularity targeting system but 'glued' to character and in a shape of a hand with MATCHING visuals). Right now unless something's right on your face changes are that you won't hit it. 15s timer could be lowered as well (in between fights it's too much of an interval) or it could respect Recharge rate.
ToS , CW , GWF , HR , OP , and SW with soul puppet build (damnation) this is not all instance only 2 bosses so you can see that this Puppet dmg is bugged .
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
I'm a little skeptical on that one until someones posts an ACT parse showing Wraith Claw doing that much damage per second. Not just a total overall damage parse. Sometimes I think people who haven't played the spec don't realize the buff the Soul Puppet got in Mod6, and are simply suprised by the dps output of Damnation as Mod 5 and Mod 6 performance is very different.
There are some issues that need to be address with Damnation on a smaller scale. Spiritifire doing incorrect AoE Damage, and Wraith's Shadow at rank 1 still triggers All Consuming Curse whether you have it slotted or not. The puppet does need a slight buff in health yes, but it DOES have 80% damage resistance. If you are a full Damnation lock with Soul Desecration, it's actually fairly difficult to have your Puppet killed as you are continually cycling it's health bar to full when doing damage. ...unless you slot the worst feat possible for Damnation which never should have made it onto a live server in it's current iteration which is Mocking Spirt and actually trying to use it to tank, which is not what it is intended to do.
'all' its points were placed in damnation, that includes all the puppet ones. No points were placed in fury or temp.
So it is either some passive class skill or some kind of item set that is causing that kind of damage. I would not be surprised if it was the lostmauth set.
I have also noticed that the damage it deals out depends on the dungeon you are running. If you run eCC the damage output the puppet does for each single hit is much higher than if you run some thing like elol or esot.
It's not the SW who makes the puppet hit that high!
i'll could run a dungeon and record it, just to show the damage but it would take a while to upload the video
There is no need for a video, someone has already posted a print screen of an ACT log showing the damage. Clearly some people are seeing this occur. It needs to be pointed out that there is more to this than simply putting points in the damnation feats to make it happen. They make it sound like all you have to do is put some points into the damnation tree Voilà! instant 300k hits which isn't true.
And i do have nearly all points in Damnation too.
Missing feats:
- Parting Blasphemy, 6% weapon damage, not worth 5 full points for me, not worth it and it adds nothing to the Soul Puppet itself.
- Mocking Spirit, 5 points for some threath generation? yeah, sure, the real tanks will love you for that one... also not worth it.
- Sparkbinder, 5 points for 5 more seconds for some useless spirits? yeah, i know, Soulbinder isn't the best choice, since those spirits stand around for a while before going to work, and they disappear also very fast again... also not worth it.
- Burning Puppets, 5 points for a slim chance to add a curse to a target... also not worth it.
Now, where in those 4 missing feats, is the dark magic hidden, to turn my weakly Soul Puppet into a real tank and damage pet, that doesn't just vanishes like a HAMSTER in the wind, after a single hit from a level 70+ regular mob?
My other 10 points are spend into:
A Daughter's Promises, 5 points for a usefull AoE, when one of my targets finaly dies
Burning Soul, 5 points for a bit more damage through Soul Sparks
And after module 6, and the patch that broke the power/feat/boon points right after, i'm not going to spend another AD or ZEN on a retrain token, until they have done some major bug fixing with the SW.
And as mentioned before, take an Oathbound Paladin on 60, get the green gear from the Minsc quests, and run through the campaign areas laughing.
Now try the same with a fresh Scourge Warlock on 60, with the same gear, and see how far you will come with your "op" Soul Puppet...
I'm even leveling my OP through the campaign areas Dread Ring and Sharandar... and again, try that one with another class on the same equipment level.
I didn't try that feat myself but tooltip states "(...) to a TARGET (...)" so a one, single mob. With epic elemental MH it's something like 1,1-1,5k damage to a single mob, pretty underwhelming if you ask me. Not that there's much of a choice anyway but still, not an AoE and not much of a use sadly
But yeah, I've got an OP lvled to 70 as well and he just has too much in his kit (Aura of Wisdom for example - it's like what, 40000 free recovery divided for the whole party?. Yeah, I'd take that any day.). It doesn't change the fact that SW is underperforming in a major way, especially in solo play but not only in that aspect of gameplay.
I agree with some of your points, but I will say the feats you mentioned above are actually better than you give them credit for. Burning Puppets will average about 2500 damage every 4-6 seconds even on a bad streak which doesn't happen you are compensated by Parting Blasphemy until the next one is applied, plus it effectively guarantees what you are targeting is cursed. Sparkbinder makes Immolation Spirtis for a Soulbinder Damnation lock, by far and away the best daily to use even with the 2-3 second delay that happens sometimes.
Again anyone looking to make their Puppet a full time tank, is looking for fool's gold, and Mocking Spirit only plays into that premise. Your dps is highly dependant on puppet uptime not threat generation., and trying to use it as a tank is running counter to what it's intended to do.
And beats me, why the Soul Puppet has a Threath Generation power, without anything like extra defense, hit points or something to even being "able" to handle that extra threath properly in this new module.
Or why they don't "burry" some extra life steal into the Temptation area, to revive at least some of the healing capability for those SW, that actually would like to heal at least a bit through their damage, and support their group with it again.
New patch notes around with even more fixes for CWs aaaand.... yup, you got that right - 0 fixes or balance changes for SWs.
At this point I guess SW playerbase should be happy there's no patch notes for us since it would prolly mean another nerf anyways...
My OP is about to hit level 69 soon, also running with rare gear, and i have no problem with him in DR or Sharandar. I can even run the mini dungeons in the campaign areas as OP solo, while some other classes (not just SW) have to ask for a group.
It would be great to know, when the class SW will get some Dev attention, and not just for fixing one thing and breaking a lot of others along the way, but for actually fixing anything and may be even improving something else, to make the SW gameplay fun again...
Probably feels so good your class can use the WAI mechanics while the rest have to abuse their broken ones huh? ****ing cuntroll wizard mutt Oh look at that, a typical HAMSTER Wieliding m2 animal, buff GWF Q.Q?
Those huge SWs running around are either damnation soul puppeteer or got lostmauth set that has so many broken synergies or both. They abuse the broken things just to keep up with the rest and that stuff may be soon get fixed. See that, BROKEN STUFF just to keep with the rest WAI stuff of the other classes huh Oh well what am I trying here, judging by "IWD material" comment there I bet you just farm with SWs with your broken avalanche boon and cockatrice companion so retain from posting on SW thread please.
WTB Class Reroll please
If you want a balanced Neverwinter where everyone's going to be useful. I would suggest getting on the gateway and doing leadership missions or even the companion dungeons, it's as good as it's going to get.
That's how an average PvPing SW should look like. Mind renaming /warlock_community channel to /warlock_bdsm_club?
WTB Class Reroll please
And seriously, every time I think "alright, let's try one daily at least with my warlocks now" I find a new bug and give up. There's so many feats and powers not working, and others are so weak because they are still balanced for mod 5, there's really not much I can even use on my warlocks anymore. The only thing that is working is bugging out Soul Puppets in dungeons. As soon as they fix that nobody will play warlocks anymore.
Or all of that together^. And the funny thing is people often get frustrated when they can't farm a warlock...0 damage against a SW is ok but a CW that takes close to 50-100 damage ticks and barely has their HP down thanks to ****ty renegade capstone is totally fine. When I look at the situation, I see the SW class as something that is supposed to be "farmed" in PvP. "PvP campaign material". I can't answer why am I still playing it however, maybe because last time I got frustrated with my PvE TR in m4 and started saving up for upcomming SW, TR got outrageously overpowered.
SW, previously good class for PvE due to buggy Tyrannical threat, now the most utter trash NW seen in it's history both in PvP and PvE. The more I play it, the more desperate and frustrated I feel. And when I have some fresh idea that could improve QOL for the class, it gets annihilated by some mean in next patch...****ing harrow storm
WTB Class Reroll please
I laughed to hard when I first tested Arms of Hadar. Cast time is so pathetic that this power is not useable even in PvE, not to mention PvP. Someone on hangover must have put cast times on both of new powers (and prolly majority of our powers).
You're not completely right.
Cleanse now removes damage over time effects from the cleric feats list
that's a creeping death nerf
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
More threads by me / Click on it
My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
Aren't those just Valindras powers with the damage way lowered? She has those cast times cause she is a dungeon boss...