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tropicofcancer43 Arc User


  • Since August of 2013 I've seen the CW class double to triple everyone elses damage , the exception being the SW and after the new wore off of the SW and they sold all their booster packs they were brought to heel too. Even the deep gash bug back in the day only put the gwf on even footing with the CW class . Worse thing…
  • Character item level is a horrible way to judge a character for grouping . It doesnt take into account if the player is using a legendary ioun stone , how many campaign boons one has or the active bonuses from high end companions .If the devs want to keep it this way they should at least give us "inspect" back .
  • Game is easy? are you talking like DR ,WOD,and Sharandar ? oh yeah they are easy , I could train a chimp to run that content but if you think Tiamat is Impossible ?!? Man , tiamat is a cake walk compared to ToS ! You can't say difficulty is fine but think Tiamat is hard , a player that can't survive tiamat will die before…
  • Hmm..Handful of people ? I saw a poll where 648 players voted on how they liked mod 6 and 86% hate it because of the difficulty. From a developers perspective if "People don't enjoy the difficulty in T2's,why can't they decide it's not for them instead of demanding nerfs ?" Well because Cryptic will eventually have an…
  • Mod 6 is the closest to class balancing I have seen yet playing this game ,.That said players are leaving in troves . Its not unusual for new players to try a game and leave but Im seeing alot of veteran players in my guild giving away their stuff and just leaving .Players are sick of sitting around in protectors enclave…
  • Lag there is unbelievable , fix it .
  • Oh yeah I think everyone has alot of work to do . I couldnt agree more with the horrible animation from wms but bypasings DR is crucial now , especially with bosses rocking 40-80% . daring shout is still my go to in a boss fight , really usefull when your not its focus but hopefully the tank is already marking bosses . I…
  • Hard to understand why you got so much hate and accusations of copying anothers build , this is nothing like Laz's build really , you've went destro/sent instead of destro/insti . Anyone who's gonna take the time to post something to help other players out deserves props .That said I'd highly encourage anyone looking for a…
  • There is a heroic feat that reduces it 15% , Stanima jewels can be crafted , boons increase it as well.
  • Yes and yes .The only gwf's that are failing are the ones who've spent a boat load of ad and zen getting 14k in power and not adapting to the way it is now.Use to 26k gs GWF's could just spam cagi and ds with their intimidation , now you gotta work even more for your damage but the pay out is better . I don't pvp really…
  • Want to know why people think mod 6 is too hard ? ,Go to any of the class forums and you'll see " Newbie player here , so what's the best pure dps build ?" If your new don't try to join a group or solo thinking your Johnny Rambo . Racing the other four members in your group for Paingiver status is why groups fail . Also…
  • **** GWF is pretty <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> again , havent laid down this much damage since the deep gash bug , too bad a nerf is coming . Im sure the pvpers are already crying like they always do when the class isnt kept at the bottom , until then Im going to enjoy it and if they arent nerfed I'll start…
  • Yeah I took one to IWD and say on the combat log one winter wolf hit for 12786 but again thats with pre mod 6 gear . Either way GWF is finished , time to start a new main over from scratch .
  • Pretty much that . pvp wise the gwf may still have a place but it doesn't in a pve group .Mod 6 dungeons are alot tougher and a gwf will just be dead weight that has to be carried by the other four .
  • I dont play a GF as a main but the last thing I want to see is anything taken from them , all melees except TR has taken so many hits already only new players get tricked into playing them . Big problem I see is GF is considered a "tank" class while GWF is considered a dps class and will be called as such in pug…
  • Ive been playing GWF a few months before mod 2 (Sharandar) came out , about a month ago I stripped him of all enchants and started a CW . The class is worthless in end game PvE , Its the lowest of the dps classes and the worse tank . Whats a tank anyway ? sure a gwf can survive but thats mostly because it cant hold any…
  • I have seen quite a few DC's specced for damage top a CW's damage . From what I've been seeing in CN and VT only the SW is beating a DC in damage .
  • Since we are comparing it to true AD&D now to justify a DC doing ridiculous amounts of damage we should remind ourselves that "Harm" "Storm of Venegence" and the like could be used once per 24hrs not once every 6 seconds . Gary Gygax is probably rolling over in his grave right about now .
  • 20K ? Man thats really nothing imo .When he tested that encounter on you how much tenacity did you have , how much deflection . Anyone can take their 20k GWF and curb stomp someone who is either PvE specced or lacking in gear, I'm talking about premades and PvP guild players who have 20k TR's ,HR's and CW's who will take…
  • I never said they should attack last I said I "run" in instead of 'Sprint" in with the shift button . Melees should always be the first in . As far as laying down support thats not an option , support the party or your dead weight . GWF doesn't do the damage to be anything else , It would be like a GF speccing for damage…
  • That much power is impressive , especially in an arena where ioun stones dont work . Sounds like a gwf built soley for PvP but PvP is such a small part of the game I personally wouldn't but to each his own . And it's unfortunate that PvP isnt one on one but it's five on five (more often than not 3 on one) . As impressive…
  • I see that alot too , but that flaw seems to be more in the player than the actual class . For most it's a race to paingiver now no matter what the class . I personally don't sprint in I save it for dodging the red or flanking a boss . A GWF isnt a dps class anymore contrary to its description and has to make do with the…
  • The DC will out heal you , out damage you , and out tank you . The CW will out take more damage than you from aggro , out damage you , out CC you , out debuff you and out heal you. The GF will out tank you , will out aggro out mark you . So you think this is exactly how it's suppose to be ? You are saying the healer should…
  • I got to concede to that , Honestly I don't PvP that much and since TR , and Dc were given such over the top damage now I will take your words for it . PvE though I do know about , I've been playing gwf since before mod 2 . One thing thats overlooked is the horrible passive power a gwf has , Weapon Master is something like…
  • PvP wise sure GWF is pretty balanced , PvE though I disagree . If your impressed with a 50k crit that only hits 5 targets you should try a CW sometime . I lead with chilling cloud which almost always procs eye of the storm , for the next 6 seconds everything crits , COi (ticks how many times?) , icy terrain , storm spell (…
  • I'd say Cryptic makes most of it's cash from companions..which aren't used in PvP . Most PvPers use black ice gear to start in PvP until they can get profound so who's gonna pay for that ? Unless your talking about mounts that makes no sense at all . I don't think either should be taken out completely but there should be…
  • Agreed . GWF is broken . Yesterday I left a dungeon where the 15k DC and 13k CW beat out my 18.6 GWF in damage .(the DC topped the chart ).It's not that I care most about placing top on the paingiver chart but If Im playing an aoe dps class I dont expect to be out damaged by the healer . I immediately started back on a CW…
  • I read the title of this post and shot Guiness and left over stuffing out of my nose ,..are you serious ?!? Almost have the game balanced , man you gotta be talking strictly PvP because if anyone thinks that a healer support class laying down more damage than a front line fighter is balanced is on smack . Everytime…
  • 150k Seriously ? I say he was chopping on the golem awhile to do so , regardless I've seen a CW friend crit 174k with magic missle thats nothing . But that statement you made brings me to my point . I'm afraid everything to do with balance is focused soley on PvP and nothing else . The GWF you mentioned may be balanced one…