Me, I'd try and think of some other mechanic than dodge. Personally, I've always been partial to parry/riposte type of mechanic.
when you let go of <shift> within 1 second of parrying the last attack,
'riposte' will activate
when 'riposte' activates, the GWF counter-attacks with a mighty lunging thrust of his sword that rushes him forward for 20 feet towards the current
when 'riposte' hits, it Interrupts the target 0.5 seconds
'riposte' does not use stamina
I do like this idea alot. It reminds me of Riposet the Rogue ability from WoW - Combat "TRs" could activate this anytime the parried an attack .
I LOVED this move and it could work quite well for GWFs too. Hold Shift, if a target attacks you, when you let go of shift it lunges you forward a small distance with an attack (maybe 150% weapon damage? multiplied by damage bonuses?) You could even copy/paste some of the Flourish animation since it could be a "sped up version".
My only qualm with the GWF class if this were to change (and I am in favor of it) is proper gap closers. This is the biggest issue GWFs face that isnt apparent from a GF standpoint and other classes dont understand fully (even the TR) because they HAVE ranged attacks, gap closers, immunity frames.
Since they have already copied animations in the past, I dont see why a GWF cant have more gap closer options:
*Inexorable Shift* has been suggested as a great "gap closer" that can copy the animation from Savage Advance - moderate damage, range activate, gap closer.
Punishing Charge could also be re-worked to operate more like EITHER: Bull Charge or Lunging Strike
(Preferrably Bull Charge - lowish CD, with maybe a stun at the end)
Besides stuns/gap closers the GWF does need more "slows"
Not so Fast - could easily be beefed up to a much more severe slow effect.
Not so Fast could easily add a "3 second slow" effect to affected targets (as well as increasing the severity of the 'pull')
See, it doesnt JUST have to be "more stuns" or "more control"
the issue with melee is you need ways to get TO targets and then need ways to KEEP targets within range to attack. In other games its less crucial for this due to the mobile combat versus NW combat that isnt mobile - meaning we stand still to cast. I actually PREFER NW system however with each module its added more and more "stamina regen" for other classes that can dodge so its FAR easier for them to KITE us than it used to be.
Unfetted Strikes and our new 20% movement in Unstoppable will help alot, however its much less fun just giving us flat out movement speed and then 4 second stuns - basically forcing all builds to look the same.
Allowing us to have more options with our builds, able to maybe choose from 1 "gap closer" 1 "stun" 1" slow" makes for a unique build option. Or someone else may opt for no gap closers or slows but just load up on stuns.
This is ONLY possible though if you revisit the base damage for the class because as it stands now players are FORCED to using the same encounters.
Ive been playing GWF a few months before mod 2 (Sharandar) came out , about a month ago I stripped him of all enchants and started a CW . The class is worthless in end game PvE , Its the lowest of the dps classes and the worse tank . Whats a tank anyway ? sure a gwf can survive but thats mostly because it cant hold any aggro cause its sissy damage doesn't hold any.A GF may have low damage but it has enforced threat which makes it 10x the tank a gwf is..A gwf uses sprint to chase the adds running to the SW and CW . I know alot of GWF's will be sticking their chests out saying their damage is good but I watched with my own eyes a DC 20k out damage a 23k gwf in VT. The gwf was viable only when the deep gash bug ticked for crazy damage and the pvpers cried so much the devs took that and student of the sword while they were at it , when the gwf was thrown a bone with intimidation they cried some more till that was gone too . PvPers are the minority but the most vocal and thats why gwf and gf is in the state they are in . You want to know why the release of mod 6 was pushed to the 7th ? its because they had to install drainage systems on the forums to handle the flood of cry baby tears when paladins start pvping.I've been playing a paladin on the preview for about a week now and if they come out of the box like they are now gf has just become obsolete , gwf has been for awhile people just haven't accepted it yet .
The devs are going about some things in the right way by making tanks/melees a necessary part of the party , too many groups of 3 CW's 1Tr and 1DC zerging castle never . From what Ive seen the days of a CW standing in COI and IT fully healing every tick is over but gwf will never be that tank , most gwf players still think they are dps lol . A paladin can do almost everything a gf can while healing the party in the process and massive debuffs . Cryptics biggest flaw though has always been throwing the baby out with the bath water , they are surgeons with a machete .
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited April 2015
Feedback: There are 4 striker(main) class in neverwinter online HR/TR/GWF/SW in mod 6 only one of them can beat CW/DC dmg by using some bug to procc multiple shadow demise with any dot enchant .
I think this is wrong and abnormal why striker classes do so weak dps?
And contoller /leader classes do insane dps? Striker classes !!!!!
Defender (GWF secondary role)
Defenders take a lot of damage, mark targets and protect the rest of the party. If enemies they target try to attack another member of the party the defender will attack to stun, damage or taunt enemies to protect their companions.
Leaders are healers, buffers and debuffers. Their powers support the party's success either by healing damage taken, preventing damage from being taken or increasing the damage enemies take.
Controllers influence fights by controlling either the field of battle or targets directly. Their role is to ensure threats are minimized or handled efficiently.
Striker (GWF main Striker role)
Strikers specialize in mobility and damage output. These combatants focus on disposing threats as quickly as possible by doing as much damage as they can, as quickly as they can, without enemies retaliating.
Ive been playing GWF a few months before mod 2 (Sharandar) came out , about a month ago I stripped him of all enchants and started a CW . The class is worthless in end game PvE , Its the lowest of the dps classes and the worse tank . Whats a tank anyway ? sure a gwf can survive but thats mostly because it cant hold any aggro cause its sissy damage doesn't hold any.A GF may have low damage but it has enforced threat which makes it 10x the tank a gwf is..A gwf uses sprint to chase the adds running to the SW and CW . I know alot of GWF's will be sticking their chests out saying their damage is good but I watched with my own eyes a DC 20k out damage a 23k gwf in VT. The gwf was viable only when the deep gash bug ticked for crazy damage and the pvpers cried so much the devs took that and student of the sword while they were at it , when the gwf was thrown a bone with intimidation they cried some more till that was gone too . PvPers are the minority but the most vocal and thats why gwf and gf is in the state they are in . You want to know why the release of mod 6 was pushed to the 7th ? its because they had to install drainage systems on the forums to handle the flood of cry baby tears when paladins start pvping.I've been playing a paladin on the preview for about a week now and if they come out of the box like they are now gf has just become obsolete , gwf has been for awhile people just haven't accepted it yet .
The devs are going about some things in the right way by making tanks/melees a necessary part of the party , too many groups of 3 CW's 1Tr and 1DC zerging castle never . From what Ive seen the days of a CW standing in COI and IT fully healing every tick is over but gwf will never be that tank , most gwf players still think they are dps lol . A paladin can do almost everything a gf can while healing the party in the process and massive debuffs . Cryptics biggest flaw though has always been throwing the baby out with the bath water , they are surgeons with a machete .
Some of this will be resolved next module with things like:
No decrease in AoE damage when hitting multiple targets as well as no decrease in damage when in Unstoppable - meaning its now a DPS buff.
However its seems a LARGE CORE issue of the class is the PATHETIC base damage that HAS to be "made up" by all the damage stacking we have.
I mean look at these:
Destroyer Capstone: 50% damage boost
Destroyer Feat: Its what ~50%+ damage boost with full stacks
Mark: 20% damage bonus + 12%+ combat advantage Bonus
Powerful Challenge: 15% more damage to marked targets.
These are ALL mandatory for PVE DPS. How much damage bonus is this?
So we as a class need to stack 150% damage bonuses to be "OK" - According to Crush GWFs are performing now as they think is ideal, however what is performing ok? the GWF + 150% damage bonus.
Why not REMOVE some of these stacking mechanics, buff our BASE DAMAGE by 50-100% and make the class less reliant on stacking.
Video PROOF our base damage is a joke is the GF vs GWF video showing the SAME skills on the GF have a BASE of 50% more damage?!?!?!
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
Video PROOF our base damage is a joke is the GF vs GWF video showing the SAME skills on the GF have a BASE of 50% more damage?!?!?!
The point is GF do the worst dmg after Pally (cuz healer paladin have at least burning guidance).
And even GF have bigger base dmg then GWF.
And we dont talk about weapon dmg .
I dont think GWF (main) players want to nerf GF s dmg but they dont want this stacking system.
The point is GF do the worst dmg after Pally (cuz healer paladin have at least burning guidance).
And even GF have bigger base dmg then GWF.
And we dont talk about weapon dmg .
I dont think GWF (main) players want to nerf GF s dmg but they dont want this stacking system.
I dont play a GF as a main but the last thing I want to see is anything taken from them , all melees except TR has taken so many hits already only new players get tricked into playing them . Big problem I see is GF is considered a "tank" class while GWF is considered a dps class and will be called as such in pug groups..then booted for a real dps class if your a new player . As it is with all the stacking a gwf has to work 3 times as hard for half the damage . By the time my CW casts all four encounter powers Im ready to cast again , and when I do damage is still ticking from the first four I cast .Eye of the storm is a 100% crit chance while weapon master is what 7.5% ? seriously ?
My GWf eventually has to dodge an attack effectively breaking dot while my cw can sit back in the cut building it , same with SW and HR's that arent re$#%^ed .
I cant blast TR's for the damage they do now , they always had good damage but heels only see who turns up in the "paingiver" chart so now TR's are doing more aoe damage than whats suppose to be a aoe class the gwf . Im tired of trying to plead a gwf's case , they've been ruined for awhile and Im abandoning it . I'll use it for leadership and crafting they way most veteran players do now.
Fact is Cryptic to have a product you are selling . If I show up to the car lot and buy a sports car I dont expect to find out later that your four door station wagon beats it in a race .
I'v made GWf 1+year ago because I'v seen this in official wiki:"The Great Weapon Fighter is an UNSTOPABLE force of damage and steel, skilled in using the weight of a greatsword to dispatch those that stand in the way. The EPITOME of strength, the Great Weapon Fighter is also resilient enough to defend allies in need." LOL,and what class did I get?
The point is GF do the worst dmg after Pally (cuz healer paladin have at least burning guidance).
And even GF have bigger base dmg then GWF.
And we dont talk about weapon dmg .
I dont think GWF (main) players want to nerf GF s dmg but they dont want this stacking system.
to me you can buff the gf damage too. NOT against that. learn to use a sword but the best what you can do is give boost to range classes before to die?
and yes, 150% more damage in base is good a number. you can take destroyers and turn some generic bonus. or just down the bonus.
but no, eliminate the aoe penality w/o up the radius/range is wasting of time. and now you can no longer offtank in a pve party, so,,,
Wrong, is not 50%, but 60%. That, on At-Wills and encounters. On Dailies is around 20%.
So, IF, on next mod 6, after the new GWF buff patch, DEVs, instead of rising our damage a 100% as they must do, they just rise it a 30% as GMC stated on his post, surely i will quit from this game...
U r comparing 2 diffrent classes... that base dmg dont rly matter... IN best case scenario conq will have half of sent dmg (equaly geared) it cant even compare to Destro.
What is this cry all about? R u all nuts? Or its just battue on gf, and u r planing to use this to get andventage on ur gwfs? (both those classes r my mains). What is this HAMSTER?
clonkyo1 if any gf will ever outdps u, delete ur gwf, delete ur account, break ur internet contract, and never, ever play any mmo.
I see how hard u r trying to advocate toward gwf, but most thing u r saying is pure HAMSTER.
Yes, please, quit already. Take ironzerg and pointsman with u. Please.
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
So CW is Primary Controller /Secondary Striker but he can do more dmg then GWF .
GWF is Primary Striker / Secondary Defender but he have the lowest dps of all Dps classes also he dont shine in her secondary role cuz he is not better then GF in tanking but cw is better dps then primary dps classes . I dont understand this logic .
Aslo DC is Primary Leader /Secondary Contoller i dont see any SUPER DPS here (?) But he is one of the top
DPS class in mod 6!
GWF need to fit the role what devs and D&D desinged .
U r comparing 2 diffrent classes... that base dmg dont rly matter... IN best case scenario conq will have half of sent dmg (equaly geared) it cant even compare to Destro.
What is this cry all about? R u all nuts? Or its just battue on gf, and u r planing to use this to get andventage on ur gwfs? (both those classes r my mains). What is this HAMSTER?
clonkyo1 if any gf will ever outdps u, delete ur gwf, delete ur account, break ur internet contract, and never, ever play any mmo.
I see how hard u r trying to advocate toward gwf, but most thing u r saying is pure HAMSTER.
Yes, please, quit already. Take ironzerg and pointsman with u. Please.
the point here is not gf. gf is just a didatic comparison (share some powers).
the problem is that the basis of our powers are absurdly low, making it "ok" thanks to the weapon / power accumulation (so you need to always have a super gear). the gwf had the normal damage calculation with powers that were minimally decent for any class, gwf not need so many stacks. and, by the way, do that dont will change the "balance thing".
zekethesinnerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 805Arc User
the point here is not gf. gf is just a point of comparison to share some powers.
the problem is that the basis of your powers are absurdly low, making it "ok" because the weapon / power accumulation (so you need to always have a super gear). the gwf had the normal damage calculation with powers that were minimally decent for any class, gwf not need so many stacks. and, by the way, do that dont will change nothing the balance thing.
yeah, i will gladly trade all those stack for overall base dmg boost. But... comparing to gf, rly? I rly dont want any rage on gf dmg, we all know how it will end. "nerf the gf, since he is not supposed to be dmger". Great idea.
the comparison is valid in that: gwf, even if share the same power, have less base damage. why? why the class need so much gear (nerfed now) and NOT FUN mechanicals?
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited April 2015
IF GWF feedback get 50k view can we have free Paladin booster pack ???
U r comparing 2 diffrent classes... that base dmg dont rly matter... IN best case scenario conq will have half of sent dmg (equaly geared) it cant even compare to Destro.
What is this cry all about? R u all nuts? Or its just battue on gf, and u r planing to use this to get andventage on ur gwfs? (both those classes r my mains). What is this HAMSTER?
clonkyo1 if any gf will ever outdps u, delete ur gwf, delete ur account, break ur internet contract, and never, ever play any mmo.
I see how hard u r trying to advocate toward gwf, but most thing u r saying is pure HAMSTER.
Yes, please, quit already. Take ironzerg and pointsman with u. Please.
Dude, you dont get it. Noone is saying nerf GF or that GFs deal more damage.
You should watch the video. A GF and GWF share many of the same ENCOUNTERS.
The GF encounters (completel stripped) have up to 60% more damage than the GWF powers stripped. Why is this? It is the same power no?
Well the reason is because GWFs end up getting more weapon damage and THEN TONS of damage boosts that end up making the GWF deal more damage.
This is a PROBLEM.
Because our damage boosts are NOT consistent. Why do GF powers get such a higher base but then GWFs get such higher weapon damage? It makes NO sense at all. Shouldnt our higher weapon damage mean we get MORE damage than a GF?
I would think so.
This is the issue. INSTEAD of just giving us more "damage stacks" so we can be back to on par or ontop of a GF. Why not remove all the damage stacks and just let us do more damage form the get go so we can slot other non-damage class features and feats to make the class useful and fun again......
Its like "smoke and mirros" - "oh a GWF has higher weapon damage" - yes but, GFs get 60% HIGHER base ENCOUNTERS SO IT TAKES MORE WEAPON DAMAGE AND DAMAGE BONUS TO BE EQUAL......
I tested my gwf while lvl 70 damage is ok it dose not need damage buff atm we lack dr my a bit tanky gwf turned in char who tank worse then cw or tr they both survive a lot more easy on lvl 70 zone then my high con gwf
isaintify1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 414Arc User
edited April 2015
Why are people still trying to get suggestions in? Forget it GWFs are dead they are gone. Nothing left for them. They already got nerfed to hell before the module even came out.
Why are people still trying to get suggestions in? Forget it GWFs are dead they are gone. Nothing left for them. They already got nerfed to hell before the module even came out.
Pretty much that . pvp wise the gwf may still have a place but it doesn't in a pve group .Mod 6 dungeons are alot tougher and a gwf will just be dead weight that has to be carried by the other four .
Why are people still trying to get suggestions in? Forget it GWFs are dead they are gone. Nothing left for them. They already got nerfed to hell before the module even came out.
why some player with "fighter spirit" will play nw? honor HAMSTER, of course. (start in 5:00; do that, maybe give to the devs some instipation... hhahaha; iam just kidding)
isaintify1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 414Arc User
Pretty much that . pvp wise the gwf may still have a place but it doesn't in a pve group .Mod 6 dungeons are alot tougher and a gwf will just be dead weight that has to be carried by the other four .
Its really disappointing how it turned out with this class. At the beginning of the testing GWF had some really amazing feats and encounters that were now aoes and actually did damage. No more lock on how much damage you do per target you hit. Great feats that gave you immense run speed that could keep you alive through anything. Great encounter damage at wills much better. Then they nerfed it all.
GWF Feat divergence is too tremendous. Sentinels have pathetic damage on test, destroyers have no survivability and Instigator has neither. Also, the inability to regenerate or lifesteal constantly dramatically reduces our ability to stay alive.
Increase all at-wills by 75%.
Increase all damage encounters by 50%.
Increase AC value DR metric y 50%.
Unstoppable provides 35-70% DR.
Reduce Destroyer's Purpose to 2% per stack.
Reduce Instigator's Vengeance to Adds 2% DR,% Damage, 2% Crit, 2% Crit Severity and 1%Deflect per stack when not in unstoppable.
Change to "Provides a 5% HP Shield for every hit" and increases threat generation by 500% - like a mini astral shield.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited April 2015
Unstoppable DR was nerfed back when people were crying about pvp.
Don't the DEVs think it should be brought back up to 50%? Especially for PVE where they take a colossal hit with lack of regen/lifesteal now.
GWF Feat divergence is too tremendous. Sentinels have pathetic damage on test, destroyers have no survivability and Instigator has neither. Also, the inability to regenerate or lifesteal constantly dramatically reduces our ability to stay alive.
Increase all at-wills by 75%.
Increase all damage encounters by 50%.
Increase AC value DR metric y 50%.
Unstoppable provides 35-70% DR.
Reduce Destroyer's Purpose to 2% per stack.
Reduce Instigator's Vengeance to Adds 2% DR,% Damage, 2% Crit, 2% Crit Severity and 1%Deflect per stack when not in unstoppable.
Change to "Provides a 5% HP Shield for every hit" and increases threat generation by 500% - like a mini astral shield.
Even I think thats too much all at once right there. Thats the same imbalance suggestions people were asking for in mod 5 preview and look where that got.
I think its better if the stacks just was removed. I agree with the at will damage. The encounter damage I would say increase by 30% (since we're already getting signifnificant at will damage increase). Our unstoppable returned to what it originally was (25-50% DR) , and increased AC value slightly. Significant increased stamina regeneration from strength since ours is so low.
Just these simple things will help the GWF a bit. Though doesnt exactly address some of the core flaws still.
I do like this idea alot. It reminds me of Riposet the Rogue ability from WoW - Combat "TRs" could activate this anytime the parried an attack .
I LOVED this move and it could work quite well for GWFs too. Hold Shift, if a target attacks you, when you let go of shift it lunges you forward a small distance with an attack (maybe 150% weapon damage? multiplied by damage bonuses?) You could even copy/paste some of the Flourish animation since it could be a "sped up version".
My only qualm with the GWF class if this were to change (and I am in favor of it) is proper gap closers. This is the biggest issue GWFs face that isnt apparent from a GF standpoint and other classes dont understand fully (even the TR) because they HAVE ranged attacks, gap closers, immunity frames.
Since they have already copied animations in the past, I dont see why a GWF cant have more gap closer options:
*Inexorable Shift* has been suggested as a great "gap closer" that can copy the animation from Savage Advance - moderate damage, range activate, gap closer.
Punishing Charge could also be re-worked to operate more like EITHER: Bull Charge or Lunging Strike
(Preferrably Bull Charge - lowish CD, with maybe a stun at the end)Besides stuns/gap closers the GWF does need more "slows"
Not so Fast - could easily be beefed up to a much more severe slow effect.
Not so Fast could easily add a "3 second slow" effect to affected targets (as well as increasing the severity of the 'pull')
See, it doesnt JUST have to be "more stuns" or "more control"
the issue with melee is you need ways to get TO targets and then need ways to KEEP targets within range to attack. In other games its less crucial for this due to the mobile combat versus NW combat that isnt mobile - meaning we stand still to cast. I actually PREFER NW system however with each module its added more and more "stamina regen" for other classes that can dodge so its FAR easier for them to KITE us than it used to be.
Unfetted Strikes and our new 20% movement in Unstoppable will help alot, however its much less fun just giving us flat out movement speed and then 4 second stuns - basically forcing all builds to look the same.
Allowing us to have more options with our builds, able to maybe choose from 1 "gap closer" 1 "stun" 1" slow" makes for a unique build option. Or someone else may opt for no gap closers or slows but just load up on stuns.
This is ONLY possible though if you revisit the base damage for the class because as it stands now players are FORCED to using the same encounters.
+1 To the riposte idea though!
Would help this classes's defense as well as keeping its utility well for the long run.
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
The devs are going about some things in the right way by making tanks/melees a necessary part of the party , too many groups of 3 CW's 1Tr and 1DC zerging castle never . From what Ive seen the days of a CW standing in COI and IT fully healing every tick is over but gwf will never be that tank , most gwf players still think they are dps lol . A paladin can do almost everything a gf can while healing the party in the process and massive debuffs . Cryptics biggest flaw though has always been throwing the baby out with the bath water , they are surgeons with a machete .
There are 4 striker(main) class in neverwinter online HR/TR/GWF/SW in mod 6 only one of them can beat CW/DC dmg by using some bug to procc multiple shadow demise with any dot enchant .
I think this is wrong and abnormal why striker classes do so weak dps?
And contoller /leader classes do insane dps?
Striker classes !!!!!
Defender (GWF secondary role)
Defenders take a lot of damage, mark targets and protect the rest of the party. If enemies they target try to attack another member of the party the defender will attack to stun, damage or taunt enemies to protect their companions.
Leaders are healers, buffers and debuffers. Their powers support the party's success either by healing damage taken, preventing damage from being taken or increasing the damage enemies take.
Controllers influence fights by controlling either the field of battle or targets directly. Their role is to ensure threats are minimized or handled efficiently.
Striker (GWF main Striker role)
Strikers specialize in mobility and damage output. These combatants focus on disposing threats as quickly as possible by doing as much damage as they can, as quickly as they can, without enemies retaliating.
Some of this will be resolved next module with things like:
No decrease in AoE damage when hitting multiple targets as well as no decrease in damage when in Unstoppable - meaning its now a DPS buff.
However its seems a LARGE CORE issue of the class is the PATHETIC base damage that HAS to be "made up" by all the damage stacking we have.
I mean look at these:
Destroyer Capstone: 50% damage boost
Destroyer Feat: Its what ~50%+ damage boost with full stacks
Mark: 20% damage bonus + 12%+ combat advantage Bonus
Powerful Challenge: 15% more damage to marked targets.
These are ALL mandatory for PVE DPS. How much damage bonus is this?
So we as a class need to stack 150% damage bonuses to be "OK" - According to Crush GWFs are performing now as they think is ideal, however what is performing ok? the GWF + 150% damage bonus.
Why not REMOVE some of these stacking mechanics, buff our BASE DAMAGE by 50-100% and make the class less reliant on stacking.
Video PROOF our base damage is a joke is the GF vs GWF video showing the SAME skills on the GF have a BASE of 50% more damage?!?!?!
The point is GF do the worst dmg after Pally (cuz healer paladin have at least burning guidance).
And even GF have bigger base dmg then GWF.
And we dont talk about weapon dmg .
I dont think GWF (main) players want to nerf GF s dmg but they dont want this stacking system.
I dont play a GF as a main but the last thing I want to see is anything taken from them , all melees except TR has taken so many hits already only new players get tricked into playing them . Big problem I see is GF is considered a "tank" class while GWF is considered a dps class and will be called as such in pug groups..then booted for a real dps class if your a new player . As it is with all the stacking a gwf has to work 3 times as hard for half the damage . By the time my CW casts all four encounter powers Im ready to cast again , and when I do damage is still ticking from the first four I cast .Eye of the storm is a 100% crit chance while weapon master is what 7.5% ? seriously ?
My GWf eventually has to dodge an attack effectively breaking dot while my cw can sit back in the cut building it , same with SW and HR's that arent re$#%^ed .
I cant blast TR's for the damage they do now , they always had good damage but heels only see who turns up in the "paingiver" chart so now TR's are doing more aoe damage than whats suppose to be a aoe class the gwf . Im tired of trying to plead a gwf's case , they've been ruined for awhile and Im abandoning it . I'll use it for leadership and crafting they way most veteran players do now.
Fact is Cryptic to have a product you are selling . If I show up to the car lot and buy a sports car I dont expect to find out later that your four door station wagon beats it in a race .
to me you can buff the gf damage too. NOT against that. learn to use a sword but the best what you can do is give boost to range classes before to die?
and yes, 150% more damage in base is good a number. you can take destroyers and turn some generic bonus. or just down the bonus.
but no, eliminate the aoe penality w/o up the radius/range is wasting of time. and now you can no longer offtank in a pve party, so,,,
U r comparing 2 diffrent classes... that base dmg dont rly matter... IN best case scenario conq will have half of sent dmg (equaly geared) it cant even compare to Destro.
What is this cry all about? R u all nuts? Or its just battue on gf, and u r planing to use this to get andventage on ur gwfs? (both those classes r my mains). What is this HAMSTER?
clonkyo1 if any gf will ever outdps u, delete ur gwf, delete ur account, break ur internet contract, and never, ever play any mmo.
I see how hard u r trying to advocate toward gwf, but most thing u r saying is pure HAMSTER.
Yes, please, quit already. Take ironzerg and pointsman with u. Please.
Class Role
So CW is Primary Controller /Secondary Striker but he can do more dmg then GWF .
GWF is Primary Striker / Secondary Defender but he have the lowest dps of all Dps classes also he dont shine in her secondary role cuz he is not better then GF in tanking but cw is better dps then primary dps classes . I dont understand this logic .
Aslo DC is Primary Leader /Secondary Contoller i dont see any SUPER DPS here (?)
DPS class in mod 6!
GWF need to fit the role what devs and D&D desinged .
the point here is not gf. gf is just a didatic comparison (share some powers).
the problem is that the basis of our powers are absurdly low, making it "ok" thanks to the weapon / power accumulation (so you need to always have a super gear). the gwf had the normal damage calculation with powers that were minimally decent for any class, gwf not need so many stacks. and, by the way, do that dont will change the "balance thing".
yeah, i will gladly trade all those stack for overall base dmg boost. But... comparing to gf, rly? I rly dont want any rage on gf dmg, we all know how it will end. "nerf the gf, since he is not supposed to be dmger". Great idea.
Dude, you dont get it. Noone is saying nerf GF or that GFs deal more damage.
You should watch the video. A GF and GWF share many of the same ENCOUNTERS.
The GF encounters (completel stripped) have up to 60% more damage than the GWF powers stripped. Why is this? It is the same power no?
Well the reason is because GWFs end up getting more weapon damage and THEN TONS of damage boosts that end up making the GWF deal more damage.
This is a PROBLEM.
Because our damage boosts are NOT consistent. Why do GF powers get such a higher base but then GWFs get such higher weapon damage? It makes NO sense at all. Shouldnt our higher weapon damage mean we get MORE damage than a GF?
I would think so.
This is the issue. INSTEAD of just giving us more "damage stacks" so we can be back to on par or ontop of a GF. Why not remove all the damage stacks and just let us do more damage form the get go so we can slot other non-damage class features and feats to make the class useful and fun again......
Its like "smoke and mirros" - "oh a GWF has higher weapon damage" - yes but, GFs get 60% HIGHER base ENCOUNTERS SO IT TAKES MORE WEAPON DAMAGE AND DAMAGE BONUS TO BE EQUAL......
Pretty much that . pvp wise the gwf may still have a place but it doesn't in a pve group .Mod 6 dungeons are alot tougher and a gwf will just be dead weight that has to be carried by the other four .
honor HAMSTER. just look how a gwf work here:
why some player with "fighter spirit" will play nw? honor HAMSTER, of course. (start in 5:00; do that, maybe give to the devs some instipation... hhahaha; iam just kidding)
GWF Feat divergence is too tremendous. Sentinels have pathetic damage on test, destroyers have no survivability and Instigator has neither. Also, the inability to regenerate or lifesteal constantly dramatically reduces our ability to stay alive.
Increase all at-wills by 75%.
Increase all damage encounters by 50%.
Increase AC value DR metric y 50%.
Unstoppable provides 35-70% DR.
Reduce Destroyer's Purpose to 2% per stack.
Reduce Instigator's Vengeance to Adds 2% DR,% Damage, 2% Crit, 2% Crit Severity and 1%Deflect per stack when not in unstoppable.
Change to "Provides a 5% HP Shield for every hit" and increases threat generation by 500% - like a mini astral shield.
Don't the DEVs think it should be brought back up to 50%? Especially for PVE where they take a colossal hit with lack of regen/lifesteal now.
Even I think thats too much all at once right there. Thats the same imbalance suggestions people were asking for in mod 5 preview and look where that got.
I think its better if the stacks just was removed. I agree with the at will damage. The encounter damage I would say increase by 30% (since we're already getting signifnificant at will damage increase). Our unstoppable returned to what it originally was (25-50% DR) , and increased AC value slightly. Significant increased stamina regeneration from strength since ours is so low.
Just these simple things will help the GWF a bit. Though doesnt exactly address some of the core flaws still.