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  • Thanks for the speedy response I've reset the download and managed to get it spiking from 300-500 which is a little better i suppose but hopefully back in the game in a hour or 2. Know of any Australian guilds out there?
  • CW here my main hand gives and extra 12% crit severity same with vorpal still says 75% on character screen and have not seen any raise in crit damage. I think it might be broken.
  • Speeds are slower then dialup. You'd think with all the founder packs being brought you could do something about the servers themselves and really... 3 servers all in US-E? How hard can it be PW..
  • Sharing exploits enough will make the devs see them. Although he does find alot of them maybe pw should be paying him to find them dont see you making videos highlighting flaws in games? Again if you read up i have said sorry for the repost.. Also i like that statement it is a pay to save time. But its really really pay to…
  • I haven't stated if i was good or not at the game nor have i stated how much money I've put into the game. (sadly over $150) i merely am bringing up this point because pw has something good and if people continue to let it slide (like you) it will be wrecked for everyone. You are the one getting frustrated obviously just…
  • You're obviously not getting the point I'm trying to prove.(Even tho you stated you have spent nothing above) Enjoy your $200 mount lol But yes lyokira you are right pve is where it will hit the hardest but i just cant see PW sitting in a board room thinking this is going to make people want to play this game more (more…
  • All i'm saying is make the aspect ratio of Zen buys to people that cant buy it a little closer. of course the person paying will be better off but atm its a landslide.
  • So you're saying by removing any competitive aspect to the game and restrict it only to the people who pay to have the best gear is wrong. I think you're arguing the wrong point. End game dungeons- If their will be a timing instead of a guild or group farming hard as they can to achieve the fastest time you merely spend…
  • For some stupid reason they have made 3 servers ALL IN US-E so everyone other then us and europe have good ping. Hosting isnt that expencive in australia anymore nor in singapore. why do they stuff them selfs other by pissing us off with 300+ ping? pvp is unplayable.
    in High Ping Comment by spazy1 May 2013
  • -Didnt read whole thread lul- Level locking is a game killing mechanic for "Some" players. Jumping from questing getting bored going into pvp and pvp against people with the same stuff as you is fun, running into some twinked out geek who has spent $2000 on the game for his level 19 twink to be 1 hit by him is not fun.…
  • Even so, might be a gamble for valve to take this on but is it worth the risk? This game has the potential to boom to the ranks of "WoW" even a %1 on sales would be multi millions if not billions.
  • I will personally email Gabe "The God" Newell and see if he has any interest adding more free MMO's to his list. (im sure perfect worlds would have to come to some agreement with valve money blah blah) TBH gabes such a nice guy if PF offered him 1% on all small transactions just to put it on steam he'd do it.
  • Compared to every other MMO this game has taken every "decent" idea and make it 10x better wouldnt be supprised if we see this happening.