It is addictive. So if you have 5% more combat advantage dmg, your total combat dmg bonus would be 15%+5%=20% Yes they have DR, but you normally won't be able to stack it to the point where the DR is significant.
No this build is so last patch. Get to 60 first then go PVP see for yourself. When you see some HR that are doing really well go ask their build and check out their playstyle. Any HR build without thornward are not legit. In domination you are always fighting on point, thornward is the best encounter you can ever used.…
Best PVP set is T1 set. Some have success with BI gear. I don't see too big of a difference between these two. Ultimately it is down to how you play your GWF. Tenacity is good, you should try to have 20% bonus from tenacity.
Most people who comment here are player that doesn't play at the top level PVP scene so no they don't know what is the real problem. Like roar, we hear people crying about it every sec. But it is not the real problem here, I can play my GWF without roar and still destroy anything 1 v 1 aside from top HR/GWF. Roar is just a…
I can 1 v 5 a DEV team on my GWF, or I can find a HR from my guild to do the same thing. Because as we know it, DEV are horrible in PVP themselves, this is not a random assault but a objective comment after watching the video of DEV PVPing at the preview. Basically if you just draw 10 players from the current top PVP…
The way it works is that system would try to throw a 5 of people together and then start to look for another group of 5, and try to match the average ranking of your team, and if the system fail to find a group that is close it would eventually just randomly distribute another group that is waiting in queue regardless of…
Well DEV would never be able to balance out this game, what you need to do is play whatever that is broken, or don't play at all. When players themselves are more familiar with the PVP than the actual DEV, you know it has all gone to hell. You want balance gaming experience? Play a HR/GWF. Done deal. Really not trying to…
nope, most player would never learn, the ones who want to get better would find their own way. only fix to pvp is a actual elo-based matchmaking, anything else is bs.
Most perma are killable, some take longer than others. The real problem is how well it works when fighting people below your gear level/ skill level. You can still kill them with just flurry and daggers alone. I would say nerf flurry dmg then everyone is happy. Or better yet delete permastealth and give more cc/tankyness…
Well, the other team on opposite side of OP is a premade. And we have 2 duo queue on this team with players that holds relatively high rating. Basically OP is the low elo pug that are paired up by the system so we could have a game. So I believe this is a rare case, and if it is some normal duo OP would have lost that game…
PvP: GF is fine. You just need to be good at it and don't premade with it. PvE: GF is fine. People always want bunch of high gs and CW/GWF. But the problem is many people can not even PVE properly with their toon so it really doesn't matter what class you have.
Nobody really cares lol. Those perma TR are way too busy complaining how OP HR and GWF is. If you tell them stealth need nerf they would just be like pff. Despite the fact they enjoyed the most broken thing during last pre-mod3: Shocking Execution. So basically if you have a problem with perma roll a HR and GWF, if you…
Why people have so much hate against roar? Good GWF would beat things without roar and even spec back to Sentinel tree as long as no one use broken HAMSTER. It really seems to me that people just need a excuses to cry. Everytime they die they are like oh you win cause you have broken roar, but can they actually win if GWF…
I dunno anyone that have gotten the MH for GWF, period The drop rate Is Serious BS! Because nobody actually got it, or maybe there is like 10 people in whole server that got it? They need to check and fix it. Raise drop rate. Look I am being really constructive now I point out the problem and recommend you what to do about…
I know exactly who you are in game, and you are a trash. So plz stop embarrassing yourself by even opening your mouth, just go sit and time out until you become less dumb thx.
No one cares about you, you have to come here to find your meaning of life by assaulting me, that is just pathetic. You are being a baby that cry for attention at least I give out a OPINION and what you do is to rage on me because I may say something to you before that upset you? Jokes on you.
Wait so you think OP's topic is really legit? OP is so good that his soulforged never pops, how many TRs here can claim such thing? Who actually have the skill to back it up? My reply actually are extremely productive, since the real problem OP has is not FINDING A NEW ENCHANTMENT, it is the fact that he is TOO SKILLED for…
Blah Blah Blah. Get a premade together and come premade if you win you get to talk. Some people talk what is right, some people talk cause they have a mouth.
So you mean you too tired playing against player that are significantly underkilled/undergeared than you. The solution is called drop your R10s and artifacts start playing with R5s. NO?
I love how people comment on things that they have no idea about. Let me ask everybody a question: One day a millionaire come up to you and teach you the secret of success, then a street drug seller come up to you and share his success formula, now you have to pick one as your golden rule of life, which one should you…