is the new BEST in slot gear from strongholds a huge gap between burning executioner ? should we bother refining elemental burning artifact main and off hands ?
yeah you're right, I just said that cause I felt someone would of been like "farm 10m and get a negation!" I'd still use soulforged anyway cause I don't even do pvp anymore.
every time I git anything with transcendent plague fire it does the life steal effect. gets annoying really quick since it's not actually life steal lol just the blood looking stuff and the noise.
can we have some clarification as to wether we get to keep our tokens or not after this week? I been playing like mad and only have 180 tokens. There's just no way anyone can get 1k in a week, I'm not even working right now but even with all the free time it's too much.
Still a grind, but I'd recommend getting T1 set then doing pvp to get burning set. I have it, my armor pen is over 60% and all other stats are fairly high. I know it sucks feeling "forced" to do a lot of pvp to get a viable armor set but I never have to worry about farming protector seals and black ice upgrade is something…
Just to clear up, I didn't even agree with the vote kick, I could care less if the party is HAMSTER since I usually do most of the dps, had 60m done in that run before I gave up, which is a lot for eLOL. The problem is that people either leave or get kicked sometimes and my issue here is that this new system didn't really…
hmmm... I wish I could test elven battle myself :/ im just really not happy with how soulforge performs. I find myself being saved by team mates in the end anyway if I die, since soulforge leaves me in the open for another death unless im insta healed
I'm more than happy after getting it and I upgraded it to rank 3 :3 sad part is, the slot icon stays green :| couldnt they simply change it so it at least becomes blue or purple??
This. On this note though, I agree with the the title, that this doesn't reflect the reality of the game. Chances are you're never gonna have a legendary mount like every player in the trailer if you're a new player lol
This is not how you solve bots. This didn't do anything good for anyone, just another thing that will need a fix. They were totally fine how they were before.
Keep in mind, I had more than 2m AD saved up, and I wanted to buy the artifact fro at least 1.5-1.7m. But prices went up like mad and became unreachable. I had already stressing enough about the other 2 pieces of the set but this great guy saved me the struggle. But yes I hope this didn't give the wrong message.
My main GWF has a nose too "pointy" apparently. I don't remember making it bigger or anything but the tip clips thru some helmets, good thing i disable helmets visuals anyway cause horns clip thru anything anyway, stupid. I made a second character sometime ago, a drow cleric. I messed around with the neck and made it ever…
New artifact gear wouldn't be a problem if you could refine it with your previous one and get at least something like 90% rp value. It's just plain bull that you can't get 100% for it specially since they sell blood rubies in the zen market.