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rondo5150 Arc User

There is something wrong with this page and or site as I have been a member & playing Neverwinter since 2012, not 2013. I use to have 4500 players worldwide in my 3 guilds & almost all have left to other games because of game issues, glitches, spammers, hackers, scammers, nasty player attitudes, & PWE not giving ANY customer service to PAYING customers in Neverwinter. They either were ignored, or just had accounts banned which caused them to leave the game for another or just quit playing video games altogether. Now with the new Mods coming out, I have lost even more players as some areas are too hard to play or they again quit as they have to buy all new gear & basically start all over again getting new areas unlocked with boons that take way too much time to do. By the time they even get close to opening or unlocking a new boon, you change the game, stats, refining and or other things, then never fix any past issues in professions or make it even harder to make AD in the game.


  • Tools, (Mithral) were in the Millions, I know, I made it a job to buy, collect, combine to the highest rank to use, borrow out to guild members, or to sell. My toon is always parked at the same location in PE. I log onto the game after being idle for a few months, only to find my toon standing by a mailbox and all my tools…
  • The in game button for BUY Zen from my Steam wallet keeps saying [Error] You cancelled your transaction. I was doing nothing, not even moving and just waiting for transaction to complete. This has been going on since Aug. 1st. I guess PWE does not want my money anymore.
  • So does this mean they will extend the event or not. Seems kind of unfair to do this to people. Not the first time this has happened, PLUS I just read that it maybe extended due to unseen.......... Then that means the event will be over when they do come back online. I just recently had to spend extra money to update &…
  • BULL! It said I crafted the item and it did not give it too me, this game is so full of bugs and holes it will make your head spin, this is not the first time this type of junk has happened and to blame it on me is WRONG, as I know what I did, I know what I saw and the game did NOT give the weapon it said I crafted!
  • So then answer this, if I did not make a tier 2 sword, where is my tier #1 sword? and I have been on hold with PWE for over 2 hours on the phone and they do not answer just keep transferring.
  • So then answer this. If I did not make a tier two sword, Where then is my tier #1 sword?
  • Not only that, but it did NOT say FAILED attempt, it said item created "Fallen Dragon Sword" and showed a picture of it & click here to collect your prize, when I did it then changed and said you will receive "Mitheral Blades" Explain that one PWE!
  • This is unacceptable. Even if I did not have enough for tier, would I have not gotten a tier 1 sword. Other professions, if you cant make tier 2 or tier 3 you get tier 1 at least. Taking my expensive resources and not giving me anything but Mitheral Blades, (which was one of the assets anyways) is theft to me of my money…
  • after WAITING FOR 2 DAYS, it said collect Fallon Dragon Sword. When I clicked on the window it popped up, you received Mitheral Blades. When I went to my inventory there was a new item and it was 999 Mitheral Blades. This is total bull! PWE owes me big time before I get my attorney to sue them!
  • I have been playing for over a year. My professions are at 20, three professions ARE AT 20, I bought, borrowed and got all items needed to make tier two AND I used extra professions to get the #2 at over 85%!! I know what I did and know what I saw, where on the weaponsmith professions does it give you 999 mitheral blades…
  • Yes I did, and it was at over 85% Tier two.
  • Grey Stoke I just did a tally on what it takes to make a R4 stone to a R10. 4 small@270points/5 med@540p/182 big@2160p / 4-M Reagents@25k AD each & 5-G Reagents@100k AD each & others, (plus) 25 wards, and just to get to a R10 you have to double it each step of the way as you need two R4 to make a R5-two R5 to make a R6 and…
  • Ok so now I am really confused, and or I was lied too. I have generated a ton of stuff and gold & AD on the preview server and cannot get an answer to my question. Is all the work and things I did on preview for nothing? When the Ranger comes out, will I have to make a new guy-account-or pay to get another character slot…
  • There are 6 items all together. 3 crystals. The first crystal is in a back room in the beginning of the orcs rooms, they want you to go one way, but go the other and find it on a table in the back corner. The Blue crystal is kind of hard to find, it is in the room with a lot of glowing blue crystals, it is on the left as…
  • I have just found out that people are posting things of little or no value on the AH for 100,000,000 AD. This is insane! I have also seen in Fey campaign that you buy a box for 3 of each items you collect and 10,000 AD for an item in the box that is not worth more then 3,000 AD salvaged. There is another thing under…
  • I have done the respect thing and lost 1000 GS. Then I did the free respect and lost more of my Gear Score. It did not seem to change anything at all, but take away my Gear Score Points (AND) Cost me 120,000 AD or more to do it. Some powers are better then others I must admit, but taking away my points of 1000? Either…
  • Who is Liset Cheldar and where do you find him/her?