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  • It's only primetime for your timezone. It's the beginning of the workday for PW employees. Not to mention that this specific maintenance is an "emergency maintenance" which, by definition, would not be able to be scheduled in advance. Suck it up.
  • If you expect skill and merit to accomplish the same feats as throwing lots of money at something, you haven't had that much experience in real life :P SHOULD someone be able to reach the top based on skill and dedication alone? Sure, that'd be great. Does it make sense as a business model? Absolutely not. People who are…
  • The $60 pack has 600k AD in it, not 60k.
  • "Stop trying to change the game." "Make respecs more expensive!" Those two statements are at odds with each other.
  • You keep using that word... I don't think it means what you think it means... Without proven sources, everything you've said is opinion and speculation. That is the opposite of fact.
  • Well yeah, for one respec. I can see what he's saying, though. If I planned on doing my WoW thing - raids during the week, PvP on the weekends - I would need to switch specs twice a week (more if there was a superspecial progression raid that weekend). That would start to add up. As I imagine my ADs would be used for more…
  • I lost my celestial coins :(
  • They've actually said that servers are near capacity. I think it's in a stickied thread. But the rest, I agree with. Companies assume that the "beta rush" will die down and then they'll have unused servers, but like you said, A) they could just rent servers, and B) most of that "beta rush" that dies down is likely made up…
  • Such a good post. And just like the comments on Onion/DuffelBlog articles from people who don't understand satire, the best part about this thread is the people who think the OP's serious. He doesn't even have a "HotN" forum tag. You would assume that someone who actually held those professed beliefs would not only have a…
  • I have 48 lion seals at level 19. Keep spamming that Cloak Tower :P
  • No. Queues are a product of beta. Have some patience, son.
  • I... seriously doubt that's the reason. For one, Founders still have to quit to the login screen to change to alts, so I'm not sure what imaginary advantage you think we get. It's just a design oversight. Like the OP said, it was only a minor inconvenience, until queues turned it into a major annoyance.
  • Come on, man. Ordinarily, I'd agree with you, but this issue is common sense, ESPECIALLY in today's "MMO economy." How many MMOs have been released since the WoW effect took hold and every company saw them as a cash cow? Tera, Aion, Rift, Age of Conan... I know I'm missing a few. You know what every one of these (except…