I think its totally obvious that HEs drops and appearence rates have to be fixed... Been spending like a week now SPAMMING HEs and barely even getting purples.. have tried soloing or 2-manning some Ancestral Ceremony's as well... it seems the drop chance is really realyl low and very random...a friend of mine got mainhand…
omg i ve never thought of this :P this is great idea, max 2 of ONE class seems quite fine.. forcing 1 of each might turn out to be quite annoying , specially for non premade queue times.... so only 2 people can have a character of the same class in the same pvp party, cant have 2hr 2 gwfs for example this is a really good…
i agree with this as well given the opportunity to change ur initial rolls and race will be very very significant for players who ve been here since beta, investing huge amounts of ad and time into one char but have for various reasons bad rolls or bad race for what they currently like ingame... make it cost a reasonable…
Well, i ll give u my insight considering PvP mostly... So, for me after some quick tooltip reading and some tests i decided to drop combat....dont get me wrong..some feats from combat tree sound op.. but for me the most important thing for HR specially for pvp is to spam spells.. aka CDR... and combat tree doesnt really…
thorn ward is the best anti-perma tr spell u got as HR, specially if the TR isnt smart enough to use bait and switch on it... if he uses bait then u have to figure another way/rotation around to 1v1 him... now about ur actual question, as u said both are situational...thorn ward is insane debuff and dot spell and i really…
Fellow HR lovers unite.. lets try our best to make this nerf not be real....most people in feedback topic seem to agree with what we all say... totally unreasonable HR changes.. specially the split nerf..
ya smth is... that every encounter is HAMSTER.. u and devs are missing the point... Split would be op and needed a 45% nerf if HRs were by far top dps by just spaming that..but this is not the issue.. HRs are below equally geared CW/GWF and this nerf makes them even worse ^^
yeah.. why would they bother with actual thinking and math?? just nerf split by 45%... who cares that pretty much the 70% source of HR damage in pve will get nerfed by 45%... who cares that cw and gwf will possibly have x2 if not x3 the damage in CN runs... split was op on their eyes...
ya... a top-end rank 10- perfect ranked HR , with some great outplays and outsmarting moves staying alive = HR op... makes sense to them.. also.. if they actually pay attention to videos fox barely does any decent damage to justify that nerf.. oh well
Feedback: This is a joke right? i mean...idk what i mean....idk what to say...HR hardly has any good damage and use compared to CW/GWF... people say Split shot needed nerf cause they see HRs spam it 90% of the dungeon time... U KNOW WHY? CAUSE EVERY ENCOUNTER HR HAS IS TOTALLY HAMSTER and offers pretty much no damage.. if…
no it doesnt justify the FS change... fox shift is TOTALLY fine the way it is... and its actually one of the most fun spells to use ingame for me...feels really cool...it has nothing op in it.. and the change to take off its power and buff thorn ward instead is just pure randomness.... just leave fox as it is.. cause it…
give me 1 reason u think fox is OP... and compare it with any other encounter any other class has...have u ever played vs or as HR in pvp? i hope u re not a 9k person that just got 1 shotted by some 16k HRs and cry about it
PvE in this game is pretty easy to be honest.. with that in mind u dont have really to care about any defensive stats...around 1.5k lifesteal should be just enough.. appart from that i d reccomend 2 sets of dread legion + 2 sets of grand warden as gear...use slavemaster rings ur gear it self will give u the needed armor…
Drop rates are really crazy low... it makes VT and MC waste of time pretty much.... i ve personally done VT like 300 times...trying to farm sets for 4x Characters... i ve seen artifact drop only once ! they should consider a slight increase of the % chance...in order to make the dungeon more appealing , interesting and…
ok so its pretty much a straight nerf to HR... now explain to me why every other class have encounters that hit 5x more than currently fox does? being untargetable in the duration is stupid reasoning..cause its not real. it seems u ve no idea about how HR actually works...as people have mentioned before FS can be…
sent a ticket personally and i got a joke response reccomending to visit http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Dungeon_Delve to see DD drops....like im a HAMSTER...they are not even reading their tickets , not caring about actual problems people have...GJ !!