What are your guys experiences in the artifact drop rate in these dungeons?
How many times did you guys run either dungeon before the artifact dropped?
This is not a complaint thread about the RNG nor do I hope it would turn into that, just curious about people's runs
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lucidproph3cyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
The drop rates on these artifacts are like 1%. This mean there is no attainable way to really farm them. You can acquire them faster by doing CN split loot runs than farming them and hoping for them to drop and then hoping you to win the roll.
I have personally done over 100 val towers and have never seen the artifact.
Done about 20 malabog's not much but haven't seen it either..
Me and my guild mates tallied our total runs and probably have around 400+ Vt runs between all of us and only 1 of them have seen it and that was only 1 time. You might as well buy a lotto ticket it's about the same chances.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
100+ VTs
70+ MCs
No emblem/crown artifact.
500 or so (maybe more) CNs after artifact introduction; no artifact drops at all.
I have some doubts the rate is 1% I've seen more legendary bows from Kil'Jaden in Sunwell Plateau/WoW and more twin blades from Illidan (and WoW people know how rare those were) compared to this by far. ****tiest drop rates ever in a game I've played.
If the drop rate was 1% it would need at least 688 runs to see the artifact drop at least once with a chance of 99,9%. It would take at least 3451 runs to get it at least once (with a chance of 99,9%). Not too bad ;-)
(Values calculated using the binomial distribution).
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited March 2014
Guild has probably done somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 CN runs since shadowmantle (i don't have a count), two artifacts drop, so I'm thinking the drop rate is .1% from other bosses. I personally have only seen one artifact drop (lantern from thickgristle).
I think drop rates in VT/MC are higher, about 1%, but i never seen it happen
Of course it's not profitable to farm at that rate, so i just don't run them
500 or so (maybe more) CNs after artifact introduction; no artifact drops at all.
I have some doubts the rate is 1% I've seen more legendary bows from Kil'Jaden in Sunwell Plateau/WoW and more twin blades from Illidan (and WoW people know how rare those were) compared to this by far. ****tiest drop rates ever in a game I've played.
Yep, I know them feels(tm), having had the exact same experience*. Boo! A bit of a swizz.
* With the exception of Thunderfury, where we farmed the relevant bosses from shortly after MC opened, until TBC dropped, and didn't see a single one. In the end, it actually became one of the favourite in-guild running jokes.. Twin Blades were easy in comparison
I knew they weren't farmable but I just realised with a 1% drop rate and 10m buyout price, which I've managed to get for cheaper, that's equivalent to 100k per run whilst CN used to have anywhere from 100k-1m plus expensive rings and necklaces that can be 100-200k. I miss being able to farm ):. I was actually lucky and got a split from 2 crowns and 1 emblem, not sure how many runs I did, don't think it was that much compared to CN runs I've done.
Saw the Shard drop once, but have only done maybe 25 or so successful VT 2/2 runs. Four of us agreed to split, so naturally the guy that didn't agree got it. He equipped it immediately, and only afterwards found out how much it was worth. He was, shall we say, a bit nonplussed.
I've also seen only one of the basic artifacts drop from a boss . . . a green Waters from the first boss in Karrundax. Honestly it seems like the drop rate on all artifacts is under 1%.
zankardMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
1357 valindra seals later... No artifact seen GDN_(
Hopefully module 3 will add some new artifacts , it would be awesome if they added the class based artifacts that were on the preview shard during the module 2 testing but I doubt they will , some of them were real nice too :<
I've also seen only one of the basic artifacts drop from a boss . . . a green Waters from the first boss in Karrundax. Honestly it seems like the drop rate on all artifacts is under 1%.
1%? You are kidding me. Make that more like 0.1%. I have salvaged 30+ rings, purchased an entire Drake set, got another 500 Seals of the drake, and I have yet to see an artifact drop. I am pretty sure I have downed 300 bosses and nada, amigo. I could write it down as bad luck, but my friends all have similar experiences.
1%? You are kidding me. Make that more like 0.1%. I have salvaged 30+ rings, purchased an entire Drake set, got another 500 Seals of the drake, and I have yet to see an artifact drop. I am pretty sure I have downed 300 bosses and nada, amigo. I could write it down as bad luck, but my friends all have similar experiences.
Yeah, I have yet to see an artifact drop for anyone in a group, anywhere, despite countless thousand drake seals, hundreds of seals from VT, etc. I'd say that 1% would have me swimming in the things by now.
I did once get an Eye Of Lathander on one character, however. Given that I tend to go to the Purple Ghostie Glove(tm) right away before the boons where possible, and have done it on five characters now, I don't like to think about how many DR minidungeon clears that is- especially since I continue to clear them (sometimes five times per day) even on characters who have all the boons- to get the eye.
While this game's RNG is pretty dreadful, with the most terrifyingly clumpy/streaky non-uniform distribution (what's regularly failing a 50% chance refinement 20 times in a row between friends?), it's not normally completely broken. I suspect that the drop chances are really rather small
pandapaulMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 424Bounty Hunter
edited March 2014
I have run VT maybe 100 times
I have seen 2 crowns drop in that time.. First one was on my 4th run..
MC and CN however never seen anything... Maybe 200 runs total there
I've seen them several times but never won the roll. It's around 1% drop chance. It makes more sense to farm T2s to get good drops instead of farming the aforementioned dungeons until you just feel like quitting. It's a lucky drop and should be considered as such, not something you may realistically farm.
And IMO you better hurry up to farm T2s because T2 unbound set gear is quickly becoming completely worthless due to the lack of good unbound set gear in the new dungeons (which means the F2P model is about to be flushed into the toilets).
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
These drop rates are why I generally do not PVE. They're quite awful.
And IMO you better hurry up to farm T2s because T2 unbound set gear is quickly becoming completely worthless due to the lack of good unbound set gear in the new dungeons (which means the F2P model is about to be flushed into the toilets).
I've seen them several times but never won the roll. It's around 1% drop chance. It makes more sense to farm T2s to get good drops instead of farming the aforementioned dungeons until you just feel like quitting. It's a lucky drop and should be considered as such, not something you may realistically farm.
And IMO you better hurry up to farm T2s because T2 unbound set gear is quickly becoming completely worthless due to the lack of good unbound set gear in the new dungeons (which means the F2P model is about to be flushed into the toilets).
In that case I must be some seriously unlucky dude, because I have not seen any artifact, and I think I already have looted just about every possible item in T2...
On a side note, I can not be the only one who wishes Cryptic came forward with some numbers, because the secretism they have with all these drop rates is really, REALLY exasperating...
I mean that now you can find T2 armours for 30-40k on the AH, BiS T2 helmets for rogues (the most popular class by far, and the most expensive loots by far) for 400k, when it used to be over 1.5M 3 months ago. Even though these drops are extremely rare and can't be farmed by any random group, I'm a bit worried about the possibility to have a steady astral diamonds income in the near future. Every new set items being BoP (even the armours dropping from valindra) means nothing new to sell, even though the T2 market is dying because most people have gotten a T2 set long ago.
So if you want something expensive you better farm for it before they introduce something like T2.5 with everything being BoP so that you can't sell anything and can't make money playing the game but have to either use the credit card or make leadership alts until you just want to kill yourself out of boredom.
I mean that now you can find T2 armours for 30-40k on the AH, BiS T2 helmets for rogues (the most popular class by far, and the most expensive loots by far) for 400k, when it used to be over 1.5M 3 months ago. Even though these drops are extremely rare and can't be farmed by any random group, I'm a bit worried about the possibility to have a steady astral diamonds income in the near future. Every new set items being BoP (even the armours dropping from valindra) means nothing new to sell, even though the T2 market is dying because most people have gotten a T2 set long ago.
So if you want something expensive you better farm for it before they introduce something like T2.5 with everything being BoP so that you can't sell anything and can't make money playing the game but have to either use the credit card or make leadership alts until you just want to kill yourself out of boredom.
T2.5 Sets already exist (Profound PVP Gear). Getting it requires no PVE whatsoever. I remember a few threads discussing the dangers of this. If I'm a PVP player, all I need to do is my two Daily PVP wins, and perhaps GG if I have the time. There's no more reason to run any T2 DDs to gear up your character.
If there is any PVE gear I do need, PVE players run the DD for me. As supply increases and no new players are attracted to NW, prices go south very quickly. It's called deflation, and very fortuitous for buyers.
I wish they'd increase the drop rate with every run - at least for items found in chests. Thus you'd be sure to eventually get the items - which in turn would reset the drop rate for that item. To avoid farming they could make the items account bound. To me that'd be the best solution. It would pay off to grind quests and dungeons. And it will stop to frustrate players who are just unlucky when it comes to dungeon delve chests.
A change like that will likely never happen because there are always people willing to spend money to get rare and expensive items.
Drop rates are really crazy low... it makes VT and MC waste of time pretty much....
i ve personally done VT like 300 times...trying to farm sets for 4x Characters...
i ve seen artifact drop only once !
they should consider a slight increase of the % chance...in order to make the dungeon more appealing , interesting and rewarding to players... cause there is literally no actual reason to run VT 2/2
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
edited March 2014
I had the Catalog drop from the first boss in the final solo dungeon of Helm's Hold, and have gotten 4x Eye of Lathander on my 8 characters.
Never seen any other artifact drops, though guild mates have seen a few (one of them won the Shard of Valindra's Crown).
eens405Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 6
edited March 2014
I've run Malabog's Castle up to Malabog approximately 100 times and have seen the Artifact drop twice. The weird part is that it was twice in a row with the same party (and the same person won both of them). I've beaten Fulminorax about 25 times, but I don't believe he drops the artifact at all.
I've never successfully beaten Valindra, but I don't think that the drop rate would be any more than the 1-2% rate from Malabog.
I have personally done over 100 val towers and have never seen the artifact.
Done about 20 malabog's not much but haven't seen it either..
Me and my guild mates tallied our total runs and probably have around 400+ Vt runs between all of us and only 1 of them have seen it and that was only 1 time. You might as well buy a lotto ticket it's about the same chances.
70+ MCs
No emblem/crown artifact.
500 or so (maybe more) CNs after artifact introduction; no artifact drops at all.
I have some doubts the rate is 1%
Oh well.
(Values calculated using the binomial distribution).
I think drop rates in VT/MC are higher, about 1%, but i never seen it happen
Of course it's not profitable to farm at that rate, so i just don't run them
Everything you need to know about CW:
Yep, I know them feels(tm), having had the exact same experience*. Boo! A bit of a swizz.
* With the exception of Thunderfury, where we farmed the relevant bosses from shortly after MC opened, until TBC dropped, and didn't see a single one. In the end, it actually became one of the favourite in-guild running jokes.. Twin Blades were easy in comparison
I've also seen only one of the basic artifacts drop from a boss . . . a green Waters from the first boss in Karrundax. Honestly it seems like the drop rate on all artifacts is under 1%.
Gave up and bought my for 9m AD...
WTB Class Reroll please
1%? You are kidding me. Make that more like 0.1%. I have salvaged 30+ rings, purchased an entire Drake set, got another 500 Seals of the drake, and I have yet to see an artifact drop. I am pretty sure I have downed 300 bosses and nada, amigo. I could write it down as bad luck, but my friends all have similar experiences.
Yeah, I have yet to see an artifact drop for anyone in a group, anywhere, despite countless thousand drake seals, hundreds of seals from VT, etc. I'd say that 1% would have me swimming in the things by now.
I did once get an Eye Of Lathander on one character, however. Given that I tend to go to the Purple Ghostie Glove(tm) right away before the boons where possible, and have done it on five characters now, I don't like to think about how many DR minidungeon clears that is- especially since I continue to clear them (sometimes five times per day) even on characters who have all the boons- to get the eye.
While this game's RNG is pretty dreadful, with the most terrifyingly clumpy/streaky non-uniform distribution (what's regularly failing a 50% chance refinement 20 times in a row between friends?), it's not normally completely broken. I suspect that the drop chances are really rather small
I have seen 2 crowns drop in that time.. First one was on my 4th run..
MC and CN however never seen anything... Maybe 200 runs total there
And IMO you better hurry up to farm T2s because T2 unbound set gear is quickly becoming completely worthless due to the lack of good unbound set gear in the new dungeons (which means the F2P model is about to be flushed into the toilets).
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
What do u mean?
In that case I must be some seriously unlucky dude, because I have not seen any artifact, and I think I already have looted just about every possible item in T2...
On a side note, I can not be the only one who wishes Cryptic came forward with some numbers, because the secretism they have with all these drop rates is really, REALLY exasperating...
I mean that now you can find T2 armours for 30-40k on the AH, BiS T2 helmets for rogues (the most popular class by far, and the most expensive loots by far) for 400k, when it used to be over 1.5M 3 months ago. Even though these drops are extremely rare and can't be farmed by any random group, I'm a bit worried about the possibility to have a steady astral diamonds income in the near future. Every new set items being BoP (even the armours dropping from valindra) means nothing new to sell, even though the T2 market is dying because most people have gotten a T2 set long ago.
So if you want something expensive you better farm for it before they introduce something like T2.5 with everything being BoP so that you can't sell anything and can't make money playing the game but have to either use the credit card or make leadership alts until you just want to kill yourself out of boredom.
T2.5 Sets already exist (Profound PVP Gear). Getting it requires no PVE whatsoever. I remember a few threads discussing the dangers of this. If I'm a PVP player, all I need to do is my two Daily PVP wins, and perhaps GG if I have the time. There's no more reason to run any T2 DDs to gear up your character.
If there is any PVE gear I do need, PVE players run the DD for me. As supply increases and no new players are attracted to NW, prices go south very quickly. It's called deflation, and very fortuitous for buyers.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
A change like that will likely never happen because there are always people willing to spend money to get rare and expensive items.
i ve personally done VT like 300 times...trying to farm sets for 4x Characters...
i ve seen artifact drop only once !
they should consider a slight increase of the % chance...in order to make the dungeon more appealing , interesting and rewarding to players... cause there is literally no actual reason to run VT 2/2
Never seen any other artifact drops, though guild mates have seen a few (one of them won the Shard of Valindra's Crown).
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
I've never successfully beaten Valindra, but I don't think that the drop rate would be any more than the 1-2% rate from Malabog.