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  • To everyone who says CW is OP in PVP. Please, make a CW, level it to 60, then go play PVP--- A LOT :D Then, come back here and tell us again if CWs are OP in PVP :) I think people who often whine about CWs being OP haven't actually played one or has one but is an alt. CWs in PVP atm is the weakest. Sure, CWs can own if the…
  • To be perfectly frank, I think the main problem here is the game mechanics of dungeons. The level of "difficulty" in this game is tantamount to how many spawns a boss has. I think this is pretty lazy and dumb. Instead of tweaking bosses' AIs to become more efficient during combat, the game chooses to nerf toons instead.…
  • I doubt that it was a specific target per se. The same exact situation with no traces of anomaly in e-mail happened to some victims I've talked to while trying to make a sense out of things. And read similar experiences online, too. They probably just got lucky on mine.
  • lol I thought it looks refreshing T_T
  • I don't get it, too. I have the account guard on, like I've said NW is not my first game and I've been playing since my early high school years, and I'm an oldie now lol and I am cautious about these things. But I've talked with people with similar experiences trying to figure out how this happened. And most of them didn't…
  • No offense meant and with all due respect but -> Neverwinter is not the first game I've played, neither is it the first Perfect World game I've played. I've been playing for more than a decade now. Please do not put the blame on players for this issue. <<Removed per section V of RoC>> There are A LOT of cases being…
  • I have the same issue and many others had and have the same problem. Mine is still not fixed, and maybe will never be fixed. Too bad I find this game to be fun. Anyway, it's just a waiting game now --- waiting for support's reply.
  • This has happened to me probably 4 times to 5 times already. I like going with pugs, helping them in runs because I don't really need DD chest any more unless I go for rough ADs and maybe the occasional loot. I'm never the first one to get booted, AND I always vote "NO"... but still my comrades get kicked off the team…
  • New hacked cases again, please tighten security.
  • Also, have a separate login for the forum and the game.
  • Yes, I've played a lot of games that have this option too. Well, there are so many hacked cases now, if they put the security at the bottom of their to do list, who knows how many more players will they lose? I really hope they would increase the security. The game is fun to play, but what is fun if you feel unsafe and…
  • There are different ways to finish this boss and also depending on your team composition. Sorry, I'm lazy to read all of the post and Idk if someone already gave the same answer. Bosses and dungeons in this game shouldn't always be done in one way. Other strategies work, too. Just need teamwork and patience to open your…