Yeah, I think I read your statements incorrectly, I had assumed you were disagreeing saying I had taken too long, but the quest mini boss was fine. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I played the game for many years, then took a 4 year break and came back about a month and a half ago now. So my experience is only the most…
It definitely may have changed, I have no reference point for that at all, so I'll defer to your experience at that time. However, more recently, it takes much too long. It doesn't take any skill imho, as it's like 3 or 4 attacks to deal with. It's just too long, with too much HP. This makes it a very boring fight, as…
I ran the AI recently (last week) on 9 characters, one of each class, all 60K item level +. While my Rogue and Warlock were the fastest, they ALL took an overabundant amount of time to kill this mini boss. You may argue "well you just don't know how to play the classes" or "you may not have good stats" or some such. I…
Well, if you consider that an "exploit" then we have different definitions of exploit. If you swap powers or artifacts, or even weapons that you already have available, in the middle of the fight, it doesn't really offer you any advantage if you think about it mate. Most of it you can do already by swapping during…
I want to 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th this post... if those are available. It's super frustrating to try and mount while still in combat (which feels like it lasts forever after a fight sometimes) and simply use your mount power so it's down for the next fight. This would be a great solution to the issue!
Waiting for respawns is both lengthy and boring. It's just as fast or faster to switch instances. Either way, it should be easier to get that quest done, imho, rather than wait around. The first bounty is quick, even if you need to switch instance, I can have it done in minutes. The second is too long in my, and my…
There are always negative people, in every game, in every corner of the earth. Competition has a tendency to magnify negativity as well because ego's are at stake. I have met players with bad attitudes in PVE who trash talk. This is always unfortunate, and I agree, should not be glorified. PVP in this game is, and always…
You make a lot of points here, the only one I want to address is the one I take the most issue with. I think players who were not involved in a lot of premades, or came after the time of premades misunderstand the timeline. Premade PVP, in fact was the brightest time in NWO PVP imho. Premades died, not because the solo Q…
The big issue here is that some companions are simply the best, they offer the best debuff/buff for content which then limits the use of other companions. I.E. 10% debuff on bosses that stacks then whatever percentage of increased damage the companion offers while some give minimal returns like some extra stat or a very…
Even if they felt it was necessary to keep an item like this in the zen store as most of the new BIS companions are being sold from there, I still think there would be significant interest just to be able to use whichever companion you prefer.
Another thought would be, you could be allowed to put chest/weapon enchants on the pieces in this tab and those effects would be the ones that were displayed. Like soulforge's shadowy effects but run a barkshield? Run fey for best DPS but really like the brilliant enchantments glow? This would give you the best of both…
Yes, so if an NCL is restarted there will be enough player pool that will allow the Q system ELO to start to kick in and put BIS, experienced, players against others of their own skill/gear level. Your pertinent point actually reinforces my idea. Thanks for the reply.
It happens randomly during content. Nothing in particular I can find to reproduce it with. I'll try running it in fullscreen this week and see if it happens then. However, it happens very frequently. At least once per 20 minute T9 for example, every run. I use T9 as an example but it happens in all areas, in all content.…
To add some more information sometimes the companions will simply jump off cliffs/edges. For example in the under dungeons in Omu, my chultan tiger will simply fall down the "hole" traps with no push or pull or even being in combat. This contributes to the general issue (likely along with the recently fixed earthtreaders)…
Yes, the companions are being unsummoned as @manipulos described. This is a big issue considering how important bonding runestones are to damage in a group. When companions *die* in this fashion often the group will have to wipe in order to restart the fight with companions, especially if it's the DPS whose companion…
I would love to see this fixed, I had seen an unofficial "It's on the short list" of things to fix a while back. I was hoping to see it make it to the official "it's being fixed" soon :)
Another pair of quests that change counter intuitively are: "Camp Resupply" and "Little Gods (Repeatable). They auto change and lead you back and forth to each other at the door in Omu.
Personally something I'd like to see is actual skins for enchantments. I love the brilliant enchantments looks but it's unable to be upgraded to be worthwhile at end game. That said, I'd love to be able to use it as a visual instead of fey or lightning enchantments which everyone uses end game. It would also give a reason…
This will help my OCD immensely at the login screen. I may eventually stop fine combing my carpet to calm myself down from the disorder that is my character select UI. Thank you.
Oh hello strahkin so GLAD we have noticed the same thing with the charm. It's also NICE to see someone trying to advocate positivity without sarcasm on the forums! I made a post regarding the Yuan Ti bug with video reference here:…
It is always bad, however, today it's worse. I assume this is because everyone saved it for today and are running it nonstop now? Either way the instance needs to be addressed, it's unplayable unless you simply outgear it enough that timing doesn't matter.