As the title states, it feels like Captain Redfox has too much HP (or perhaps too much defense tbh, I didn't pay much attention to the actual damage I was doing). The fight is too long for being a mini boss/solo boss imho.
It's not mechanically challenging, challenging mechanics are much more fun to me than simply elongating a relatively simple fight. Redfox has maybe 3 moves to avoid/dodge, and it simply becomes a matter of doing this over, and over, and over again. I'm sure some classes/gear scores can wipe this mini boss relatively quickly, but for the average player... it feels a bit much.
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

And then you get the big bad in Chult, and it dies after two or three encounters.
(NOTE: The answer is NOT make the bird tougher. The problem is Redfox!!!)
Two weeks ago I went through AI campaing in speedruning way. No one put a fight, though I had lv up gear.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
You may argue "well you just don't know how to play the classes" or "you may not have good stats" or some such. I would have to say, that all the players going through this quest campaign aren't going to be as geared as I was, nor will they all be "pros" at the game with perfect builds and skills.
The point being that, regardless of how skilled or geared I may or may not be... it took TOO long for a mini boss of this level for a quest that isn't even the end of the campaign/adventure.
The deep crow, who by comparison should be much more difficult imho, in comparison *did* take seconds.
To be quite honest, I'd imagine you're just remembering incorrectly, since you stated you ran it a "long time ago" because the other alternatives would be less flattering.
I played the game for many years, then took a 4 year break and came back about a month and a half ago now. So my experience is only the most recent version of this questline.
Thanks for clarifying!
I'd done AI multiple times before without any issue whatsoever. If I were to guess, I'd say this became a thing when AI was converted to "Adventure" style. This new Rogue of mine is a bit twink-ish with account wide claims and has no difficulties elsewhere.
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