While I recognize the type of powers that companions have may make this techinically trickier, I'd enjoy the ability to make my companion look different than whatever is BIS for the particular mod. Differentiation and individualization are part of what players of MMOs enjoy.
When specific companions become the meta and the obvious BIS summoned companion it homogenizes the appearance of an otherwise customized character. Players enjoy personalizing their toons by changing their cosmetic appearances, riding mounts that are as unique as they can afford, coloring their gear with dyes... Yet if they desire to be BIS for the current mod it really limits the ability to fit companions into this desire to individualize.
It would be really nice to be able to cosmetically alter the appearance of your companion to any companion you'd like, or at least any companion of the same "type"... i.e. melee for melee, ranged for ranged, etc. etc.
The more players have control over their characters appearance, including extensions of that customization such as mounts and companions, the more they enjoy purchasing new gear, mounts, and companions. It also has the benefit of enriching the market with renewed interest in companions with less than optimal stats but interesting and appealing visualizations.
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

The problem woul be, that the minmaxers would change their companions to the one melee with the fastest procrate, resulting in a different, but still homogeneous picture.
let me explain:
Some companion powers ,are companion spesific only.For example the con artist ,its power is described as a wide arc sword slash.
So someone change con artist skin to a rust monster...which by lore eats everything metal...does that makes sense?
Imagine Lilend with golem abilities,dog with tiger abilities,angel with erinyes abilities...and so on.
What should be done in my opinion:
In zen market or bazaar ,should be aditional companion skins.More exotic than the ones we have.i mean con artist to have an extra armour set ,Angel more bright wings and so on.So we could customize our companions better.
What I hoped here to present was a way to circumvent that, similar to equipping a mount power, then using a different mount that you actually ride and is visible. This allows customization. Perhaps if you have companions their abilities should be on a similar page where you can select the ability of the summoned companion (i.e. 10% debuff) and have it attach itself to *that* companions normal attack.
There are a multitude of ways to solve this customization issue, these are just a few. There's likely one that's simpler or more elegant. There's so many really well designed companions, and many are collectors, it's unfortunate that all that great artwork goes to waste based off of simple stats when all the other gear/mounts in the games are able to be transmuted/equipped while maintaining the stats you desire.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Not sure how possible it'd be to add additional skins to the companion menu, but I think it'd offer some more variety, and maybe even put a bit of cash in Cryptic's pockets.
The other issue that it only really partially addresses is that of "BiS" - most people have one of the sword trio (con artist / sellsword / rebel mercenary) or tiger as their summoned. New skins or not, you'll still be seeing a lot of the same general models.
The benefit of something like this is that it isn't game-affecting - it's strictly cosmetic, so won't affect game balance at all. You might not buy it, *I* might not buy it, but I'm betting there are enough players out there that would buy it to make it worthwhile (assuming it's easy enough to add extra skin slots to companions). That money helps keep the servers running, and (in an ideal world), lets the team expand a bit to, say, add a new class. ;-)