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  • I have to say this is exactly the reason I am packing it in at level 38. massive spawns and respawns. Plus control wizards are way underpowered for my taste. (I said my taste, some of you may think there fine but I think they're gimp). I enjoyed it but the economy is already tanking and I don't like where everything is…
  • if you know the game of D&D this is normal, bosses don't fight alone hence the term boss. The main monsters can always summon more help. Its very D&D, maybe if they gave the controllers longer lasting controls and more AOE it might make things a bit better.
    in Boss Adds Comment by losabra May 2013
  • And finally the the number one reason why twinks are flat out liars when they say they only want to fight equal skilled players is they always do it in the best gear they can buy with all the stuff they can have their main charactors stuff on it. Then they lock their level at 19 and fight all the new players that show up…
  • Thats a FPS and for the life of me I don't know why they just dont stay over there. Since we have FPS the only real reason to pvp in an MMO and want low level locking is to antaganize other low level players and make them hate the game and hence leave. Because if the twink really wanted to pvp against other twinks he would…
  • There fixed it for you.
  • I hear this so often. Maybe it why i always go back to LOTRO, no real pvp, you have to play a monster to fight other PCs. The game is wonderful all about the adventure.
  • oh God, you came from EQ2, butchering the noobs over there wasn't enough for you huh. It got so bad the game pretty much died pvp side. Little doe eyed no ob would walk out side the gate, wander around marveling at the huge world, not even sure which way to begin. hed blink then blink again. and 20 stealthed Freeps would…
  • i love it the games not even out of beta and were told if you aren't 60 you just don't understand.
  • i did hes level 15 i am level 30 by the time i am 60 his heals will be worthless is there nothing else
  • please no one earns anything its a game.
  • i dont think it selfish or petty simply announce you intend to need everything, that way everyone can do the same and were done. no ninja.
  • i need a healer is ther eanything else i can get.
  • I just watch the first few rolls, if there's a guy in there rolling need then I just roll need on everything if everyone does it then it doesn't matter same odds. In anycase the gear seems like <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> anyway and none of it looks good at least level 29 and down.
  • I think a properly done F2P game with a moderate base that pays for items within the game makes a lot more money then a moderately popular game with a subscription base. I think WOW as an anomaly, no other game has reproduced its subscription base and those that tried failed. I think this is the future of MMOs. on the plus…
  • being a control wizard I care, I want my signature abilities to work on all enemies ala dungeons and dragons. I am not coming from an MMO perspective I am coming from a D&D perspective. If the devs wish this game to be any old mmo then keep going if they want it flavored with the pen and paper game then they need make sure…
  • I really don't care about pvp, I think CW suck there. My concern is were are all about control, not damage, if our control abilities don't work there's no point to our class. If you know anything about Dungeons and Dragons edition 4 then you have an idea of what they are going to release next. warlock strikers and wizards…
  • not good, i cant want an hour to play. 3 servers big mistake this is what happened to AOC Ill just resubed to EQ2 new content there too. total invested 100 dollars. since I am not getting what i paid for ill talk to paypal about getting my money back. it was fun maybe ftp isnt such a good thing a sub would have kept the…