They did it to give people some reason level crafting, cause its clearly underwhelming that you lvl 20 lvls in a profession, spend millions with assets, just to make shirts and pants. They failed cause its still not enought a reason to lvl crafting.
+1 I was downloading the patch and it crashed before the process could end. Now everytime I exit the game, the patcher starts, stays up for a couple seconds, then closes. No error message.
Theres no reward for killing trash in this game, not even a blue or epic random item drop, so people dont want to lose time killing trash. Tweak trash loot table and people will be interested again. This is entertainment, people will not do boring stuff for nothing, sorry.
Can you release the source? I refrain from running executables posted on forums, but would like to try your program, and perhaps contribute with something. Or maybe you can post it on some colaborative site like sourceforge or google code to allow contribution from other coders. This could speed up feature inclusion and…
That made me wonder... If you have other classes that apply resistence debuffs on the target playing with you constantly (GF and GWF are 2 I know that have abilities that do that), we will not need that much armor pen (22%)... this is more the case when playing besides a GWF, cause they can AoE debuff mobs resistence.…
They are not meant to die. Popping back when combat ends is no solution cause you need the stats during combat, not after it ends. They need to make them invul, like it was meant to be.
You have 2 dailies (1 and 2) and 2 at-wills (left and right mouse buttons) on top of that. And you can always swap all of them to adapt for some specific situation. Where you got the idea that we have more action slots anyway?
Too late for me, already lvled a TR and will not go back to my GF even if they fix it. It's not childish, the problem is that I invested a lot of time on the TR already and the feel of acomplishment I have playing it is something I never had with the GF, where every dungeon felt like a endless struggle trying to be…
Yeah, pretty annoying indeed. This makes reading tasks duration a pain. Funny thing is that they even patched the gateway multiple times for compatibility with IE (does someone use that HAMSTER?), but Chrome is forgotten
Im leveling a rogue and want to use the ioun stone I had with my GF with him. No luck unbinding the stone... when I try to mail the stone to my rogue, it asks for 12k astral diamonds to unbind and after clicking OK, nothing happens.
Thats the main problem to the logic of people pointing "join a guild" as a solution. The sense that you are being carried and is more a hindrance than a help to the group kills the fun for me.
1 - What am I supposed to be then? If a class don't shine at any role, it is useless. Its like having a rogue that don't do damage, a mage that do not control anything and a cleric that don't heal. Your sentence don't make any sense. 2 - There's something easier around... 2 clerics groups. Since its easier, no one is…
Roll another class while you are still leveling. You still have time. I lost a lot of time on my GF to achiev 13k GS, and no one wants to play with it, even outdamaging other classes.
You only mistake is that people dont do double cleric for added DPS... they do that so the clerics can survive the end boss battle on T2s, since GFs cannot target more than 5 mobs with their skills. GFs can play every T2 dungeon efforlessly, except for the final bosses. The exagerated add numbers makes controlling then…
We cannot affect more than 5 mobs with our encounter powers, heck, some can even affect only 3, and final bosses on T2 dungeons spawn much more adds than we can affect. Its impossible for the cleric to stay alive if the DPS is not humongously high to kill everything blazing fast. Thats why people are double clericing T2s.