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  • im specifically talking about the item level 345 stuff. NOT the ones which can be salvaged like rewarded from elol or ndemo. im talking about normal, regular, blues. not rare ones. if you were to obtain a blue drop from a random level 70 mob, that was ilevel 345, **that had to be identified** it can not be put into the…
  • i pick up *everything* i had 380 scrolls before the update when i wasn't picking up greens. now that i've also started using scrolls and breaking them down i now have 210 scrolls left. the rate of scrolls to greens is objectively 1:2 if not more so in favor of greens.
  • you mean auto locked and commented with as "design choice not to convert blues at all" when they specifically say every time "to prevent salvage gear from being destroyed" not the crappy blues you cant manually put in to convert at all. just draining more RP sources from free players. is there a poll anywhere we we can…
  • well if were going back to pen and paper reference.... i say im the GM and i say that ranged classes get better/stronger weapons on average.. why? because i say so. boom. now on paper they're all doing more or less similar numbers. that 7000 power? i think it should be 12000 power. it makes no sense to keep classes this…
  • im 11.4k and i cant queue up for random epic because i dont have msp unlocked yet. which im only just starting the campaign as its difficult to solo as a dc. the major issue i have is i now get to run 3 separate queues in etos to make up the difference in salvage value. (lol 1 key, will probably end up being 4 runs) or i…
  • i dont see any problems with DC's being so popular. i think its an issue of insurmountable HP totals to get through, i think that if total HP was lowered and if armor pen was more needed, and bonding was toned way down so there weren't such crazy scaling... what it would mean for dps then it would narrow the gap between…
  • rng is fine, totally. my only gripe is rng screwage. like i promote progression, and a fair or generous progression at that over 10 players got all the best stuff on day one and the other 990 players didn't. those other 990 players now have to repeat it tomorrow and the day after and the day after until they get it, while…
  • i've only been playing since august, but let me just say this, the only way to make loot fair is to eventually farm the same chest over and over until you are guaranteed to get the best stuff, like RNG builds and builds until you eventually get what you want. i've done Etos 57 times now and still dont have the il 450…
  • i already tried that, and i haven't gotten them since this morning. its not like i fed my belt all day and then i stopped getting them, its i never got them in the first place. up until yesterday i was using arcane for % exp for power points but i just changed them all out for dragon hoards. but heres the weird part.…
  • using my dps build, i swapped for the dot/heal on strike. 8% damage and 5% divinity. doom/bastion/hammer, my current rotation is spam dot/heal until full, then doom once, bastion twice, then unload with hammer. unfortunately on my dps build i dont have the direct heal/damage amp on enemy ability. like 0 points in it. and…
  • from my dps spec so i just swapped out to prophecy of doom, bastion, and the hammer, m1 is the dot and m2 is the heal when struck. my two passives were 8% dmg and increased divine power. just did ndemo in like 8minutes (twice) with a great group, none of them were above 11500. it was amazing, but idk if it was me, or the…
  • but if i take the bottom route for shredding i legit cant heal someone whos at 10% of their health pool back to full, it would literally be on them not to take any more damage or for them to take care of themselves. which im not opposed to, but im 100% certain ill get blamed for their death. even if i do offer a ridiculous…
  • i went divine oracle. healer i went the full top route - http://i.imgur.com/rNYoTAk.png DPS went the bottom route - http://i.imgur.com/90saFIY.png and heres my current stats + gear - http://i.imgur.com/hYBmG54.png like i feel i can keep the whole team alive to clear stuff when i play healer and i can keep applying the…
  • idk what the builds are called yet, but i went the top route for healing. and the bottom route for dps, did not take the middle route. each build is maximized one way or the other, ones dps and ones healing. my healer powers i take the 3 charge HoT that i can spam, bastion of heal as the main source of healing, and the…
  • now that im 8900 IL i tried doing 2 of the master level dungeons, castle neverwinter and the crypts, unfortunately they failed both times, despite me being in heal spec and not letting anyone die. like my teams average is between 9400-11k each and they keep labeling me as the problem. saying im not geared enough for this.…
  • new question, im now 8100 gear score, (yay), get to do heroic dungeons, joined a guild, upped some artifacts to blue. great but i've been doing campaigns, namely sharandar all the way through storm king or w/e. i think theres 3 im not doing, chult and the shadow cloak thingy are not one of them. i found those mobs to be…
  • well that saves me a lot of time, thanks :) didn't realize they were tradable. guess its time to start farming AD instead. outside of the 36k limit, do you recommend merching or grinding?
  • well i just saw the one from the elemental campaign, choice of 4 of them, i was going to go with the water one as i liked its passive the most, but is it reasonable for me to solo ~400 heroic encounters by myself? (im totally game to do it, i literally have the grind in me, the only issue is the stat check/can i even solo…
  • http://i.imgur.com/P31zNtQ.png so now that i just dinged 70, i went ahead with lvl 70 gear, i went with crit/arpen on the majority of items, (except the shirt/legs) as its what i could afford. would you say that this is appropriate for predominately soloing and campaigning? i spent about 5k ea on the epics and about 3k…
  • cool thanks. definitely looking into dual spec then. what stat should i prioritize then while im starting out in level 70 content (im 68 atm and i've done power all the way) but things have been getting tougher as i quest (almost done with elemental campaign, finished water/earth and halfway through fire) and im looking…
  • regardless of the total, im looking at ~40k a day, thats 1250 days, so clearly theres some magic on how to do it, im figuring merching (buy low resell it higher). or just AH grinding selling things people want at low low prices. but ultimately my goal is just to get into the places where i can farm the gear myself or get…