The best weapons are artifact weapons. They all start green and need to be refined. when you hit lvl 70 knox will give you an off-hand, & the matching mainhand can be crafted in the Tyranny of dragons campaign. The Dragonforged Artifact campaign task. Also, the elemental evil artifact weapons can be crafted by anyone with lvl 25 weaponsmithing/artificing/platesmithing.
Correction: The ToD crafted weapons are the Golden Dragon weapons, and they are level 60 garbage. The matching Elemental Fire main hand comes from finishing Spinward Rise in the Elemental Evil campaign.
Drowned/Burning/Earthen/Howling can be made in professions or bought in the AH. These are currently over a year old now.
Current sets come from River District or the Relic set from Sea of Moving Ice. You can buy current tier from Chult in the AH, as well.
well that saves me a lot of time, thanks didn't realize they were tradable. guess its time to start farming AD instead. outside of the 36k limit, do you recommend merching or grinding?
The weapons from Chult are currently the fourth-best in the game, and they are DIRT CHEAP on the auction house. It's a catchup set, intended for people who haven't got the River District (third-best), Sea Of Moving Ice (second-best), or Stronghold 2 (best) already. They do the same damage as those other three sets, with a worth set bonus, but they're easy to craft out of common materials so they're VERY VERY CHEAP.
The point I'm getting at is, buy a set. Click the AH, choose equipment, tick "usable by me", put in item level 435, choose "Main hand". You'll find all the weapons. Buy that first. Then choose "off hand" and repeat, buy one of those second.
They're not the best weapons in the game, but even at green-quality they are LIGHT YEARS ahead of anything that isn't on my list above - they do more damage than gold-quality burning/howling/drowned/twisted/etc weapons. And you aren't prepared for Chult, so you can't go grind yourself a set all that easily, but you really should be able to farm up the AD to buy a set in two days, easy.
**see below** Thanks for the clarification lowjohn
For DC, the River District Fey weapons are generally regarded as best. Not all guilds are capable of providing stronghold weapons. And the stronghold weapons are only best if you are with other people who have them. If you want to grind weapons, go for the Fey in River District. In the meantime, buy the Chult as explained above.
Also, did you visit Sgt Knox after hitting level 70? Follow the Emissary of Neverwinter quest to get your elemental offhand and cloak. It should take you less than 5 minutes to get these. These are both better than what was in your picture.
It's going to be quite some time for a new player to be ready to go AC power sharing with constant use of Annointed Army. Unless the OP is willing to drop a ton of cash on the game, it will be months before such a thing is feasible.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
For DC, the River District Fey weapons are generally regarded as best. Not all guilds are capable of providing stronghold weapons. And the stronghold weapons are only best if you are with other people who have them.
#1: Stronghold weapons can be purchased on the AH. Even if your guild doesn't make them, you can just buy a set.
#2: The Stronghold 2 weapons are best for support characters even if nobody else has them: Their bonus applies to everyone in the party, NOT just other people with the Stronghold 2 weapons. So a DC with SH2 weapons gives a 2% boost to the whole party, which is clearly comparable to the Fey set's bonus AP even if an AC DC might choose the AP gen. For a buffing GF or OP, SH2 weapons are clearly better than River District.
I'm not trading my own DC's Fey set for SH2 any time soon, but that's because I've made the choice to not make the DC set - I'm spending my masterwork resources on other things and saving my AD, and Fey is very close to SH2 and situationally can be better.
(Currently the *very best* DPS set is SOMI, used perfectly, while partied with 4xSH2 sets. Because that gives you 8% while SOMI isn't active and 18% when it is.)
But yeah. For a fresh 70? Forget discussions about Fey vs SOMI vs SH2. Just get Chult. The Chult weapons are *nobody's* favourite, but they will take you almost to the top and you can get them immediately on a fresh level 70 for minimal grind, and that makes them AMAZING. Before you're able to grind out Fey or afford SH2, there will probably be a new Best Set from Mod13 anyway, so get Chult and use those until you're ready to leap on the new great thing that isn't out yet.
putzboy78Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,950Arc User
I am not sure where the concensus for Crit over Power is from. I played the game early on, and it was not a concensus for DC with the best guides.
Now, crit certainly is not the best if you want to be doing group content. Why? Because a DC shares their power with their group. The higher your power, the more you can share. Critical severity limits the effectiveness of crit to 75%. So not as effective. But you should have some crit. Just focus on stacking power so you can share. When your power is closer to 25000, then you can be more effective in a group as an ACDC instead of a DODC. But even with higher power, an ACDC and a DODC in the same party is the current meta for the highest level content.
As people mentioned, ArPen is needed for specific content. Non-Chult the highest needed is 65% for the later epic dungeons. Chult bumps that to 85%.
Look into bonding enchantments for your companion. You have 5 active companions and one summoned companion. You only need to gear out your summoned companion. Put bonding runestones on them. The tier 8 are about 150k AD each from auction house. These are a very important item to get. You can purchase companion only +3 jewelry rather inexpensively from the auction house. I went with Heroic to provide Power/ArPen. A well geared companion with bonding stones will make a HUGE difference in your power.
If you have VIP, you can use your tradebars to get T7 enchants from the tradebar vendor. I found it cheaper to upgrade these than purchase T8, but everyone has their own opinion. Do what makes sense to you.
The cleric role in a group is not static. People have their own opinion as to what you are supposed to provide. Some people want lots of heals. Some want just buffs and DPS. I used to run buffs and DPS with a little heal. Now I run buffs, moderate heal, and DPS as an ACDC. In skirmishes, you do not need to do much healing. You can do more DPS loadout.
You will get tired of grinding through campaigns, but unless you buy their completion, you must do the dailies. Sharandar and Elemental Evil are easier. You can also do Throne of the Dwarven Gods skirmish and work on the Underdark campaign with that. You will want to whittle away at Bruenor Battlehammers campaign. Just one short daily each day for a month or so to complete. Basically, you will work on the campaigns in roughly the order they appear in your log. The more difficult ones are Dread Ring/Icewind Dale, Storm Kings Thunder/River District and that order. If your gear score is too low, you will find it difficult to progress. You need to learn to dodge and use your Divinity and Empowered modes for your encounter powers. The Tyrrany of Dragon Campaign boons can all be done without doing the dailies in Well of Dragon (WoD). There are a few WoD dailies that are notoriously difficult to solo. Basically, the ones that are in instances in the WoD. They are relatively easy until the final boss. Then you get spanked. Spanked very hard. Spanked until you cry.
Get into a guild. They can help you. You can do influence runs each day and within a few weeks have item level 420 armor for each piece. Also, guild boons are awesome.
The concensus for healers has always been to balance power and crit using the same math as dps to optimize your healing. That logic held until the birth of the AC DC power share builds which didn't really become mainstream until Module 8'ish when the combination of high power courtesy of the sh boons and and the popularity of bonding pets transfering the buffed power to the owner. Now some max/min players will forgo healing potency to increase power share but its not really required. As a rule of thumb if you don't have 30k power, don't bother with AC DC power sharing builds and stick with DO. And exceeding 75% crit severity is easy with boons, pets, and/or weapon enchantments.
Until you can afford at least Bonding rank 9, bonding is not even worth considering (and a strong case can be made for ran 10 minimum before switching to bonding companion, due the agro bonding companions gather, their stealing of buffs, and that they die). Just use an augment.
The best weapons are artifact weapons. They all start green and need to be refined. when you hit lvl 70 knox will give you an off-hand, & the matching mainhand can be crafted in the Tyranny of dragons campaign. The Dragonforged Artifact campaign task. Also, the elemental evil artifact weapons can be crafted by anyone with lvl 25 weaponsmithing/artificing/platesmithing.
Correction: The ToD crafted weapons are the Golden Dragon weapons, and they are level 60 garbage. The matching Elemental Fire main hand comes from finishing Spinward Rise in the Elemental Evil campaign.
Correction of correction... When you do the Dragon forged artifact quest or whatever in the campaign window, you get a choice, lvl 60, or lvl 70. Not the best you can get, but it's a free artifact weapon set @ lvl 70If nothing else it can be used as a feeder.
The best weapons are artifact weapons. They all start green and need to be refined. when you hit lvl 70 knox will give you an off-hand, & the matching mainhand can be crafted in the Tyranny of dragons campaign. The Dragonforged Artifact campaign task. Also, the elemental evil artifact weapons can be crafted by anyone with lvl 25 weaponsmithing/artificing/platesmithing.
Correction: The ToD crafted weapons are the Golden Dragon weapons, and they are level 60 garbage. The matching Elemental Fire main hand comes from finishing Spinward Rise in the Elemental Evil campaign.
Correction of correction... When you do the Dragon forged artifact quest or whatever in the campaign window, you get a choice, lvl 60, or lvl 70. Not the best you can get, but it's a free artifact weapon set @ lvl 70If nothing else it can be used as a feeder.
I did not know there were L70 Golden Dragon variants. Thanks!
(But you shouldn't "feed" weapons. Except at very low levels, you get back less RP than you put in. It's great to use your old weapon to refine your new one, but your RP items should always go into your *current* weapon, not a "feeder" that you plan to use to refine your current weapon.)
(And I maintain that, given the current prices of Wootz/Teak weapons? Spending ANY resources on an Elemental Fire, Elemental Cult, Twisted, or Golden Dragon weapon is foolish. Get the Wootz/Teak weapon and spend your RP on it. Not only is it better, but it's usually cheaper even in straight AD cost to acquire.)
new question, im now 8100 gear score, (yay), get to do heroic dungeons, joined a guild, upped some artifacts to blue. great
but i've been doing campaigns, namely sharandar all the way through storm king or w/e. i think theres 3 im not doing, chult and the shadow cloak thingy are not one of them. i found those mobs to be too difficult. im like half doing the dragon campaign with level 73 mobs, (i kill charthrax, the green level 30 dragon, along with those graveyard dailies) i dont go to the dragon map as the mobs were also too dificult, but i found the arctic place fine in terms of mob difficulty, mostly because they're melee easy to dodge abilities.but the dragon map just had ranged mobs which were too far apart to combo.
but basically how many days is it going to take to complete all of those campaigns, ive been doing all the dailies every day for a solid week + now.
also i still haven't replaced any of my gear besides the 3 artifacts which were cheap (i did buy an epic ring for 300 tokens at the vendor in protectors enclave, almost at a second ring) bought a helmet that needs restoring there too but i see that was a mistake, i cant restore it without a ton of items, none of which i have. so basically im looking for more cheap gear to upgrade, but all of the non choice blue gear is 40k AD a piece. which is fine whatever, but im looking for better stuff, do i start raiding soon for it?
i namely want to get more survivability so i can start the harder campaigns.
The best weapons are artifact weapons. They all start green and need to be refined. when you hit lvl 70 knox will give you an off-hand, & the matching mainhand can be crafted in the Tyranny of dragons campaign. The Dragonforged Artifact campaign task. Also, the elemental evil artifact weapons can be crafted by anyone with lvl 25 weaponsmithing/artificing/platesmithing.
Correction: The ToD crafted weapons are the Golden Dragon weapons, and they are level 60 garbage. The matching Elemental Fire main hand comes from finishing Spinward Rise in the Elemental Evil campaign.
Correction of correction... When you do the Dragon forged artifact quest or whatever in the campaign window, you get a choice, lvl 60, or lvl 70. Not the best you can get, but it's a free artifact weapon set @ lvl 70If nothing else it can be used as a feeder.
I did not know there were L70 Golden Dragon variants. Thanks!
(But you shouldn't "feed" weapons. Except at very low levels, you get back less RP than you put in. It's great to use your old weapon to refine your new one, but your RP items should always go into your *current* weapon, not a "feeder" that you plan to use to refine your current weapon.)
(And I maintain that, given the current prices of Wootz/Teak weapons? Spending ANY resources on an Elemental Fire, Elemental Cult, Twisted, or Golden Dragon weapon is foolish. Get the Wootz/Teak weapon and spend your RP on it. Not only is it better, but it's usually cheaper even in straight AD cost to acquire.)
Hey, I'm happy to help. Also, I went back & checked... The level 70 weapon from the ToD campaign task IS the Elemental Fire weapon you can also get from the elemental evil campaign. I was 90% sure, but... Anywho, I would never go out & buy any materials to complete the quest. But, since you get everything you need by doing daily dragons, portal to tuern, etc. if you have them on hand, might as well use them.
You should be doing Influence (Inf) runs with your guild every day. Hopefully they run a group through the T3 Heroic Encounters (HE) in their Stronghold (SH) each day. This will get you influence that you can add to the coffer, which give guild marks. The T3 HE also have a chance to drop nice gear. With the Guild Marks, after a few weeks, you can buy a set of item level 420 gear.
I think campaigns were mostly designed to take 1 month to complete each campaign. Tyranny of Dragon and Storm Kings Thunder were designed to take 3 months. They redesigned Tyranny of Dragons recently to take much less time. But Storm Kings Thunder is going to take a very very long time to complete. Elemental Evil is unique in that it can be completed as soon as you complete the major questline. It does not have hard daily limits like the other campaigns.
You need to be doing Throne of the Dwarven Gods skirmish. You can then be doing the Underdark campaign. When you are powerful enough, you can do Demogorgon.
The way you spec your character is very important. If you are not using the proper skills in the proper rotation, it will take you much longer to kill things solo. And you will die more often. When I solo, I use potions, as my skills are DPS focused, I do not heal much. So potions are necessary.
Many monsters come in groups. So when I solo, I mainly have a AoE loadout to take out groups more efficiently. Divine Glow, Daunting Light and Chains of Blazing Light. Divine Glow debuffs the monsters. Use Daunting Light in Divinity mode 3 times, then Empowered Mode. D-DL is much larger targeting area. But the E-DL gives HUGE damage. So you need to get good at targeting it. Chains lets you root the monsters so they do not swarm you. You can also use Frost weapon enchant, as this will let you lead with a 4 seconds stun on the monsters. It helps alot with your survivability.
Hopefully, you feated the Righteous Tree. That is the best solo and group buffing tree. Then put 15 points in Virtuous to get Gift of Haste. When you are grouping, you will use Healing Word to heal your group and give them (and you) 5% AP gain per cast.
Of course, everyone has their own favorite skills to use and encounter powers. Some people will recommend Break the Spirit and Prophecy of Doom. They are great spells...for single target. Use them on bosses, but generally not on trash. AS I mentioned earlier, get to know your spells and how to cast them in normal, divinity and empowered modes.
The Siege of Neverwinter event is coming. Do it to get the purple Griffon mount. This mount will provide you with Wanderer's Fortune. Which you want to have. This will allow you to collect Refinement Point (RP) items. Use these to refine your artifact, artifact equipment and enchants during 2xRP events.
Sharandar takes roughly 2 to 3 weeks for the final boon but you can do a task to gain power points that could keep you occupied longer. (Sell the green thaum stones and it should pay for itself)
Dread Ring is 1 month without demon daily, half that with it.
Same with Curse of Icewind Dale.
Tyranny takes 25 days to finish the campaign. Boons will take longer to complete.
Underdark and Maze Engine are 28 or 30 days.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,167Arc User
Tyranny boons got a Linu's discount. Majorly.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
now that im 8900 IL i tried doing 2 of the master level dungeons, castle neverwinter and the crypts, unfortunately they failed both times, despite me being in heal spec and not letting anyone die. like my teams average is between 9400-11k each and they keep labeling me as the problem. saying im not geared enough for this.
like damage is super low with me not being "hdps" like everyone wants me to be. but even if i go full dps then the tank just dies outright. and its not like i can heal the dps who get 1hko in the boss AoE/cleave.
so should i just give up on doing those dungeons? im just trying to improve on my gear, ya know?
like is there anything in the dungeons that would improve upon the raid chtul gear (420 i believe) that i have? ((they were 40k each and they're rare)
both times i tried those dungeons, were very slow going and adds just piled up. im feeling that even if i was HDPS they would be expecting me to basically take care of all the adds for them because with everyone alive we still get overwhelmed on the final bosses or someone else gets one shot.
i just feel like i wont be able to heal AND dps until im well over the gear requirement at that point.
now that im 8900 IL i tried doing 2 of the master level dungeons, castle neverwinter and the crypts, unfortunately they failed both times, despite me being in heal spec and not letting anyone die. like my teams average is between 9400-11k each and they keep labeling me as the problem. saying im not geared enough for this.
like damage is super low with me not being "hdps" like everyone wants me to be. but even if i go full dps then the tank just dies outright. and its not like i can heal the dps who get 1hko in the boss AoE/cleave.
so should i just give up on doing those dungeons? im just trying to improve on my gear, ya know?
like is there anything in the dungeons that would improve upon the raid chtul gear (420 i believe) that i have? ((they were 40k each and they're rare)
both times i tried those dungeons, were very slow going and adds just piled up. im feeling that even if i was HDPS they would be expecting me to basically take care of all the adds for them because with everyone alive we still get overwhelmed on the final bosses or someone else gets one shot.
#1: As a DC, you will *never* be "HDPS" (which mostly just means "DPS with a companion with 3x R12 Bonding Runestones"). And you shouldn't be trying to DPS in dungeons, no, you should be buffing and healing allies and debuffing your enemies. Also, you don't need strong gear to be an effective DC.
#2: Are you an Anoited Champion or a Divine Oracle? Did you choose the Righteous, Faithful, or Virtuous feat tree to focus on? If you don't have one and haven't already used your second Loadout slot, I'd strongly advise setting up a Righteous Divine Oracle loadout. Between Terrifying Insight, Brand Of The Sun, and the righteous Feats that punish people under your Damage Over Time effects, even a low-gear DC can be a HUGE party damage multiplier. Make sure you're using Divine Glow, Break The Spirit, and Astral Shield as your Encounters and you'll do great. DG and Shield go down normally, use Divine Power to drop 3x Divine Glow on as many allies as you can, then use Empowered Break The Spirit on the biggest enemy you can see. Astral Seal each big enemy once then spam Brand Of The Sun until your divine power is charged back up and your encounters are starting to come off cooldown. Any time it's available, drop Hallowed Ground as your Daily.
#3: A tank who can't survive one hit from a boss in ECC or CN is in trouble regardless of how good or bad the DC is.
#4: Clearing adds is NOT the DC's job. Some DCs are good at it, but it's really not what they're for.
#5: Have you joined a guild yet? You should join a guild. Guild boons are amazing and your fellow guild members will be able to run with you, carry you if they need to, and give you detailed critiques as you play.
#6: Chult gear is pretty good. It's a catchup set, intended for new players to get good gear fast and cheap, stuff that's as good as the previous best. You're not likely to find a lot of gear DROPPING that's better - but the dungeons are still worth doing because of the other loot, and the AD, and the practice in a group.
now that im 8900 IL i tried doing 2 of the master level dungeons, castle neverwinter and the crypts, unfortunately they failed both times, despite me being in heal spec and not letting anyone die. like my teams average is between 9400-11k each and they keep labeling me as the problem. saying im not geared enough for this.
like damage is super low with me not being "hdps" like everyone wants me to be. but even if i go full dps then the tank just dies outright. and its not like i can heal the dps who get 1hko in the boss AoE/cleave.
so should i just give up on doing those dungeons? im just trying to improve on my gear, ya know?
like is there anything in the dungeons that would improve upon the raid chtul gear (420 i believe) that i have? ((they were 40k each and they're rare)
both times i tried those dungeons, were very slow going and adds just piled up. im feeling that even if i was HDPS they would be expecting me to basically take care of all the adds for them because with everyone alive we still get overwhelmed on the final bosses or someone else gets one shot.
#1: As a DC, you will *never* be "HDPS" (which mostly just means "DPS with a companion with 3x R12 Bonding Runestones"). And you shouldn't be trying to DPS in dungeons, no, you should be buffing and healing allies and debuffing your enemies. Also, you don't need strong gear to be an effective DC.
#2: Are you an Anoited Champion or a Divine Oracle? Did you choose the Righteous, Faithful, or Virtuous feat tree to focus on? If you don't have one and haven't already used your second Loadout slot, I'd strongly advise setting up a Righteous Divine Oracle loadout. Between Terrifying Insight, Brand Of The Sun, and the righteous Feats that punish people under your Damage Over Time effects, even a low-gear DC can be a HUGE party damage multiplier. Make sure you're using Divine Glow, Break The Spirit, and Astral Shield as your Encounters and you'll do great. DG and Shield go down normally, use Divine Power to drop 3x Divine Glow on as many allies as you can, then use Empowered Break The Spirit on the biggest enemy you can see. Astral Seal each big enemy once then spam Brand Of The Sun until your divine power is charged back up and your encounters are starting to come off cooldown. Any time it's available, drop Hallowed Ground as your Daily.
#3: A tank who can't survive one hit from a boss in ECC or CN is in trouble regardless of how good or bad the DC is.
#4: Clearing adds is NOT the DC's job. Some DCs are good at it, but it's really not what they're for.
#5: Have you joined a guild yet? You should join a guild. Guild boons are amazing and your fellow guild members will be able to run with you, carry you if they need to, and give you detailed critiques as you play.
#6: Chult gear is pretty good. It's a catchup set, intended for new players to get good gear fast and cheap, stuff that's as good as the previous best. You're not likely to find a lot of gear DROPPING that's better - but the dungeons are still worth doing because of the other loot, and the AD, and the practice in a group.
idk what the builds are called yet, but i went the top route for healing. and the bottom route for dps, did not take the middle route.
each build is maximized one way or the other, ones dps and ones healing.
my healer powers i take the 3 charge HoT that i can spam, bastion of heal as the main source of healing, and the ability that heals and applies the debuff for additional team damage, i keep that up. M1 is the basic lightning bolt, M2 is the additional lifesteal when the attack. i keep everyone topped off with the HoT and when someone gets low i switch to divinity to get them back up. my passives are the AoE protection which will absorb a hit every ~20seconds. and heals targets for % of their health every couple of seconds.
my DPS powers have the mini delayed nuke, my chains, and i alternate my last power between the damage amp if theres another healer in the group, and bastion of healing so i can actually heal something. M1 is lightning bolt, and M2 is the DoT that i put one up and forget about it. my passives are the AoE protection again, and the 8% damage amp for the whole team.
im incredibly certain that i cant keep the whole group alive if im in my DPS build. not alone anyways. and whenever i play true healer build its incredibly slow going.
now that im 8900 IL i tried doing 2 of the master level dungeons, castle neverwinter and the crypts, unfortunately they failed both times, despite me being in heal spec and not letting anyone die. like my teams average is between 9400-11k each and they keep labeling me as the problem. saying im not geared enough for this.
like damage is super low with me not being "hdps" like everyone wants me to be. but even if i go full dps then the tank just dies outright. and its not like i can heal the dps who get 1hko in the boss AoE/cleave.
so should i just give up on doing those dungeons? im just trying to improve on my gear, ya know?
like is there anything in the dungeons that would improve upon the raid chtul gear (420 i believe) that i have? ((they were 40k each and they're rare)
both times i tried those dungeons, were very slow going and adds just piled up. im feeling that even if i was HDPS they would be expecting me to basically take care of all the adds for them because with everyone alive we still get overwhelmed on the final bosses or someone else gets one shot.
#1: As a DC, you will *never* be "HDPS" (which mostly just means "DPS with a companion with 3x R12 Bonding Runestones"). And you shouldn't be trying to DPS in dungeons, no, you should be buffing and healing allies and debuffing your enemies. Also, you don't need strong gear to be an effective DC.
#2: Are you an Anoited Champion or a Divine Oracle? Did you choose the Righteous, Faithful, or Virtuous feat tree to focus on? If you don't have one and haven't already used your second Loadout slot, I'd strongly advise setting up a Righteous Divine Oracle loadout. Between Terrifying Insight, Brand Of The Sun, and the righteous Feats that punish people under your Damage Over Time effects, even a low-gear DC can be a HUGE party damage multiplier. Make sure you're using Divine Glow, Break The Spirit, and Astral Shield as your Encounters and you'll do great. DG and Shield go down normally, use Divine Power to drop 3x Divine Glow on as many allies as you can, then use Empowered Break The Spirit on the biggest enemy you can see. Astral Seal each big enemy once then spam Brand Of The Sun until your divine power is charged back up and your encounters are starting to come off cooldown. Any time it's available, drop Hallowed Ground as your Daily.
#3: A tank who can't survive one hit from a boss in ECC or CN is in trouble regardless of how good or bad the DC is.
#4: Clearing adds is NOT the DC's job. Some DCs are good at it, but it's really not what they're for.
#5: Have you joined a guild yet? You should join a guild. Guild boons are amazing and your fellow guild members will be able to run with you, carry you if they need to, and give you detailed critiques as you play.
#6: Chult gear is pretty good. It's a catchup set, intended for new players to get good gear fast and cheap, stuff that's as good as the previous best. You're not likely to find a lot of gear DROPPING that's better - but the dungeons are still worth doing because of the other loot, and the AD, and the practice in a group.
like i feel i can keep the whole team alive to clear stuff when i play healer and i can keep applying the damage debuff ability that i have.
and whenever i go to dps i cant keep everyone up alone with the route. but either way im expected to be the only source of healing for my team and if i dont do that im in trouble. but when i do heal, its literally a nightmare waiting for anything to die. until we eventually lose.
Nah, I know what you mean, no need for screenshots.
OK, issue #1: Your "healer", the one focusing on the top tree, is doing TOO MUCH healing, not enough other things. I love that tree myself, but the thing about it is that it sprays constant healing in all directions at all times, meaning you need VERY LITTLE additional healing from your powers. As well, those passives are sort of, well, bad. They just don't work well.
Issue #2: Your "dps", focusing on the bottom tree, is doing TOO MUCH direct damage and not enough damage over time or buffs to your allies. You've got a decent setup for soloing, but in a group your main goal should be to make all the enemies suffer so the real DPS can take them out, not to take them out yourself.
So, you've answered the "AC or DO" question by your power choice - the "8% damage boost for the entire team" and the at-will DoT are both Divine Oracle powers.
Suggestion: Slot Terrifying Insight (the 8% damage buff) on BOTH builds. It's an amazing power and you will always want it up. Make sure you're got 3 points in, it, and make it your FIRST priority to have 4 points. For your second passive, try Foresight (constant damage reduction to you and anyone you heal-over-time) or maybe the one that increases Divine Power generation.
For at-wills, try Brand Of The Sun (the DoT) and Astral Seal (heals allies when they attack that target) on both builds. Brand builds the most Divine Power of any at-will AND it triggers all the fun feats from the bottom tree.
As well, both builds should be using Divine Glow (the encounter that debuffs enemies and heals allies, and in Divine mode gives allies bonus DPS and heals them). Divine Glow is basically the best power in the game and it should ALWAYS be on your bar.
While SOLOING, Chains and the delayed mini-nuke power are great, but in a group, you DEFINITELY want either Break The Spirit or Forgemaster's Flame. Both of those are a huge damage boost for your party members if you fire them off with some Empowered stacks. Forgemaster gives less of a boost but it applies to your entire party no matter where they're standing. BTS is a bigger boost, but it only buffs people who are close to the target.
For your last Encounter power, that's situational. If your party needs more healing (from either build!) use Bastion Of Health. If they're getting one-shotted, put in Astral Seal. If you're keeping up with the healing but there's big enemies, especially bosses, slot Prophecy Of Doom. Finally, if the healing is fine and the party is fine and it's mostly enemies too small for Prophecy? Pull in Chains.
Oh, and: It may seem like I'm suggesting most of the same powers for both builds. That's because I *am* suggesting that you use the same powers with both. While Virtuous (top tree, Healer spec) you'll be giving decent damage boosts and fairly strong debuffing while healing your party to full every few seconds. While Righteous (bottom tree, "DPS" spec) you'll be giving the same boosts to your allies but SHREDDING the enemy defenses, and you'll be healing a lot less (and maybe need to carefully target those Divine Glows on wounded allies) but the enemies shouldn't last as long.
Oh, and: It may seem like I'm suggesting most of the same powers for both builds. That's because I *am* suggesting that you use the same powers with both. While Virtuous (top tree, Healer spec) you'll be giving decent damage boosts and fairly strong debuffing while healing your party to full every few seconds. While Righteous (bottom tree, "DPS" spec) you'll be giving the same boosts to your allies but SHREDDING the enemy defenses, and you'll be healing a lot less (and maybe need to carefully target those Divine Glows on wounded allies) but the enemies shouldn't last as long.
but if i take the bottom route for shredding i legit cant heal someone whos at 10% of their health pool back to full, it would literally be on them not to take any more damage or for them to take care of themselves. which im not opposed to, but im 100% certain ill get blamed for their death.
even if i do offer a ridiculous bonus 40% damage for everyone, the team just feels incredibly fragile, including the "tank."
which build should i commit too for this low Ilevel, healer build and add in the debuffs for my abilities. or just go straight ham DPS/debuff with bastion as the third ability and hope my dps are competent and dont get hit too much?
Post edited by kyle1234512 on
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,167Arc User
As a CW one of the companions I keep active is the Lillend for the heal on daily use. Seems to help. That's part of the point of being in a party to begin with.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Oh, and: It may seem like I'm suggesting most of the same powers for both builds. That's because I *am* suggesting that you use the same powers with both. While Virtuous (top tree, Healer spec) you'll be giving decent damage boosts and fairly strong debuffing while healing your party to full every few seconds. While Righteous (bottom tree, "DPS" spec) you'll be giving the same boosts to your allies but SHREDDING the enemy defenses, and you'll be healing a lot less (and maybe need to carefully target those Divine Glows on wounded allies) but the enemies shouldn't last as long.
but if i take the bottom route for shredding i legit cant heal someone whos at 10% of their health pool back to full, it would literally be on them not to take any more damage or for them to take care of themselves. which im not opposed to, but im 100% certain ill get blamed for their death.
even if i do offer a ridiculous bonus 40% damage for everyone, the team just feels incredibly fragile, including the "tank."
which build should i commit too for this low Ilevel, healer build and add in the debuffs for my abilities. or just go straight ham DPS/debuff with bastion as the third ability and hope my dps are competent and dont get hit too much?
You *sort of* can bring them back up - Astral Seal (which you want to put on every enemy you can, remember) will cause people to heal by hitting the enemy. Divine Glow (which you will be SPAMMING, 1 normal and 3x Divine per rotation) delivers an immediate heal and a heal over time. And if your party needs it, Bastion is a GREAT BIG heal. But yeah, while you're Righteous, your DPS do have to do a LITTLE work to avoid getting stomped too often.
But there's a reason I suggested to build *both*. You can swap specs at any campfire, so if your party needs more heals, you can swap to Healing spec, and if they're doing fine, swap to Buffing spec. Or you can start the fight as buffer running Bastion and switch to Shield because the tank is getting hit too hard, or start with Shield and switch to Bastion because the HR keeps hanging around at 15% HP. Swapping loadouts costs nothing, so tailoring your loadout to your party is really useful. ASK your party what they want - they'll generally have opinions. When I'm on Tank I don't need much healing, so I would ask you to to debuff more, heal less.
Also, seriously, guild. Get in a guild. Run with your guild and your alliance. DCs are rare and DC main characters even rarer, you will be in demand in any mid-tier guild and if they don't appreciate you, you can leave and find a new home fast. If you really truly absolutely DO NOT want to join a guild, join a channel like nw_legit_community and see what runs from there are like compared to just queueing solo or making pickup groups in PE. Oops, I finally looked at your screenshots. You're in Civil Anarchy's alliance! They're great people, you should be able to find some really good runs in your /all channel. And yes, sometimes they will be carrying you, and sometimes that's OK. You're an 8.8K DC, you're still a perfectly good addition to many parties.
Oh, and: It may seem like I'm suggesting most of the same powers for both builds. That's because I *am* suggesting that you use the same powers with both. While Virtuous (top tree, Healer spec) you'll be giving decent damage boosts and fairly strong debuffing while healing your party to full every few seconds. While Righteous (bottom tree, "DPS" spec) you'll be giving the same boosts to your allies but SHREDDING the enemy defenses, and you'll be healing a lot less (and maybe need to carefully target those Divine Glows on wounded allies) but the enemies shouldn't last as long.
but if i take the bottom route for shredding i legit cant heal someone whos at 10% of their health pool back to full, it would literally be on them not to take any more damage or for them to take care of themselves. which im not opposed to, but im 100% certain ill get blamed for their death.
even if i do offer a ridiculous bonus 40% damage for everyone, the team just feels incredibly fragile, including the "tank."
which build should i commit too for this low Ilevel, healer build and add in the debuffs for my abilities. or just go straight ham DPS/debuff with bastion as the third ability and hope my dps are competent and dont get hit too much?
You *sort of* can bring them back up - Astral Seal (which you want to put on every enemy you can, remember) will cause people to heal by hitting the enemy. Divine Glow (which you will be SPAMMING, 1 normal and 3x Divine per rotation) delivers an immediate heal and a heal over time. And if your party needs it, Bastion is a GREAT BIG heal. But yeah, while you're Righteous, your DPS do have to do a LITTLE work to avoid getting stomped too often.
But there's a reason I suggested to build *both*. You can swap specs at any campfire, so if your party needs more heals, you can swap to Healing spec, and if they're doing fine, swap to Buffing spec. Or you can start the fight as buffer running Bastion and switch to Shield because the tank is getting hit too hard, or start with Shield and switch to Bastion because the HR keeps hanging around at 15% HP. Swapping loadouts costs nothing, so tailoring your loadout to your party is really useful. ASK your party what they want - they'll generally have opinions. When I'm on Tank I don't need much healing, so I would ask you to to debuff more, heal less.
Also, seriously, guild. Get in a guild. Run with your guild and your alliance. DCs are rare and DC main characters even rarer, you will be in demand in any mid-tier guild and if they don't appreciate you, you can leave and find a new home fast. If you really truly absolutely DO NOT want to join a guild, join a channel like nw_legit_community and see what runs from there are like compared to just queueing solo or making pickup groups in PE. Oops, I finally looked at your screenshots. You're in Civil Anarchy's alliance! They're great people, you should be able to find some really good runs in your /all channel. And yes, sometimes they will be carrying you, and sometimes that's OK. You're an 8.8K DC, you're still a perfectly good addition to many parties.
from my dps spec
so i just swapped out to prophecy of doom, bastion, and the hammer, m1 is the dot and m2 is the heal when struck. my two passives were 8% dmg and increased divine power.
just did ndemo in like 8minutes (twice) with a great group, none of them were above 11500. it was amazing, but idk if it was me, or the group.
i would keep dot and the strike debuffs up, when full i would PoD once, bastion twice, and then hammer at full charges. i ended up with about 8million damage and 2million healing. (top healing) and we just burned everything down.
would you recommend a different rotation? ie spam doom, or spam hammer, then expend with hammer?
i wanted to tech in the heal/damage debuff one for the extra team damage but i dont any power points in the ability.... i figured PoD was the next best for the "team". i could have used the mini nuke instead.
i feel like im a lucio in the group, but instead of speed boost im giving a damage aura.
although we didn't take much damage at all, is that how all the encounters go? --------------
i do have 3 points in the heal/damage amp ability on my healer spec. but i dont have any points in the hammer.
i either have to respec or grind a ton to fix that mistake. (in about 16 level ups post 70 i've only gained 2 points....)
Oh, and: It may seem like I'm suggesting most of the same powers for both builds. That's because I *am* suggesting that you use the same powers with both. While Virtuous (top tree, Healer spec) you'll be giving decent damage boosts and fairly strong debuffing while healing your party to full every few seconds. While Righteous (bottom tree, "DPS" spec) you'll be giving the same boosts to your allies but SHREDDING the enemy defenses, and you'll be healing a lot less (and maybe need to carefully target those Divine Glows on wounded allies) but the enemies shouldn't last as long.
but if i take the bottom route for shredding i legit cant heal someone whos at 10% of their health pool back to full, it would literally be on them not to take any more damage or for them to take care of themselves. which im not opposed to, but im 100% certain ill get blamed for their death.
even if i do offer a ridiculous bonus 40% damage for everyone, the team just feels incredibly fragile, including the "tank."
which build should i commit too for this low Ilevel, healer build and add in the debuffs for my abilities. or just go straight ham DPS/debuff with bastion as the third ability and hope my dps are competent and dont get hit too much?
You *sort of* can bring them back up - Astral Seal (which you want to put on every enemy you can, remember) will cause people to heal by hitting the enemy. Divine Glow (which you will be SPAMMING, 1 normal and 3x Divine per rotation) delivers an immediate heal and a heal over time. And if your party needs it, Bastion is a GREAT BIG heal. But yeah, while you're Righteous, your DPS do have to do a LITTLE work to avoid getting stomped too often.
But there's a reason I suggested to build *both*. You can swap specs at any campfire, so if your party needs more heals, you can swap to Healing spec, and if they're doing fine, swap to Buffing spec. Or you can start the fight as buffer running Bastion and switch to Shield because the tank is getting hit too hard, or start with Shield and switch to Bastion because the HR keeps hanging around at 15% HP. Swapping loadouts costs nothing, so tailoring your loadout to your party is really useful. ASK your party what they want - they'll generally have opinions. When I'm on Tank I don't need much healing, so I would ask you to to debuff more, heal less.
Also, seriously, guild. Get in a guild. Run with your guild and your alliance. DCs are rare and DC main characters even rarer, you will be in demand in any mid-tier guild and if they don't appreciate you, you can leave and find a new home fast. If you really truly absolutely DO NOT want to join a guild, join a channel like nw_legit_community and see what runs from there are like compared to just queueing solo or making pickup groups in PE. Oops, I finally looked at your screenshots. You're in Civil Anarchy's alliance! They're great people, you should be able to find some really good runs in your /all channel. And yes, sometimes they will be carrying you, and sometimes that's OK. You're an 8.8K DC, you're still a perfectly good addition to many parties.
using my dps build, i swapped for the dot/heal on strike. 8% damage and 5% divinity. doom/bastion/hammer, my current rotation is spam dot/heal until full, then doom once, bastion twice, then unload with hammer.
unfortunately on my dps build i dont have the direct heal/damage amp on enemy ability. like 0 points in it.
and on my healer build i have 0 points in the hammer ability, but i do have 3 points in the heal/damage amp.
in the 16 levels i've gained post 70 i've only gotten 2 power points, so idk what im supposed to do because im broke.
just got out of a great ndemo run with average 10-11k players that we were able to clear in 8minutes. idk if it was me and my new found amps or the fact that the group was just good.
i would end up with about 8million damage, and 2 million healing (most in group) and the thing was a breeze.
i feel like a lucio providing damage amp instead of speed boost, although the stats say im doing nothing i guess im the most important member of the team by default.
my only worry is a fight that does come along and they do need healing.
Don't trust the in-game charts. The damage dealt chart doesn't show buffs, the damage taken chart doesn't show damage resistance, the total healed chart doesn't show damage prevented.... you're going to show very low on the first two and still be doing your job.
Hammer Of Fate is actually a bad power for you in groups: All it does is damage, and your goal in a group should not be to do damage, it should be to make everyone else's damage better. Try Hallowed Ground instead, it's a nice big protection AND damage buff. While soloing, I prefer Flame Strike to Hammer Of Fate - it's faster to cast and it affects more enemies.
In terms of power points: You should be doing the dailies of the Sharandar and Dread Ring campaigns every day you play, because those are not only the easiest two campaigns but the Dread Ring boon Burning Guidance is one of the best in the game for a DC, and Sharandar *gives power points*. You can trade campaign currency for power points once you've finished the Sharandar campaign, and that's super-handy. Also, I know it's only September, but: the Winter event, in December? Drops retrain tokens like CANDY. So if you're still unhappy with your point allocations then, you can respec to your heart's content after participating in a few gift parties.
Also, you should try to always use Prophecy Of Doom *normally*, not Divine-powered. In Divine mode it's a slow-cast power and all it does is damage, which is bad. It doesn't even do MUCH damage. In normal mode, it drops a massive debuff on the target so everyone else does more damage to it. In Divine Mode, Bastion is good for emergency heals, but Divine Glow heals *and* damages enemies *and* drops a big damage buff on allies - it should be your go-to power.
If you have not purchased VIP from the zen store, I highly recommend you save your AD to convert to Zen and start investing in VIP. VIP gives you a free key to open a lockbox each day. It pays for itself if you sell what you get out of your lockbox each day. VIP has 12 ranks. It provides many benefits including more bonus AD from invoking, bonus AD, invoking without a shrine, signpost from anywhere (let's you move zones from anywhere in zone), etc. Never pay full price for VIP. At most, use a 15% coupon. You should do this ASAP. And extend VIP before it expires so you can add ranks. Then at the 40% sale on Black Friday, purchase multiple months. And the 50% sale at the PC anniversary during the summer, purchase multiple months.
As far as dungeons...people tend to farm Shores of Tuern (eSoT) and epic Temple of Spiders (eToS). You get one free epic dungeon chest key each day from the key giver in PE. You can get additional free epic dungeon chest keys from VIP.
eSoT has two chests in the end. One requires a special key obtained through the Dragon campaign. eSoT is more of a skirmish as it is very short...only one boss at the end. The boss one shots people who stand at range. So you either need to get good at knowing when he is throwing his dagger, then you dodge being one shot. Or you can stay in melee range. Just stay out of the red and stay behind him. He does alot of damage. You get a chance for Hraal's Treatise in the chests, which is needed to complete the boons in the dragon campaign.
eTos is a real dungeon. The monsters hit very hard, even the trash hit hard. Stupid DPS will die a lot if they run ahead of the tank and try to take the dungeon too fast. Don't try to save the idiots. It is futile. Stay out of the red. Some of it is just spider webbing, but some is very high damage. The last boss takes a long time to kill for most groups. The Priestess turns into a Dryder during the fight and is back to full health. The only way I have found to significantly shorten the fight is to use my Devotion OP as the healer. LOL! But a DC works, just the final fight will take longer.
The point I'm getting at is, buy a set. Click the AH, choose equipment, tick "usable by me", put in item level 435, choose "Main hand". You'll find all the weapons. Buy that first. Then choose "off hand" and repeat, buy one of those second.
They're not the best weapons in the game, but even at green-quality they are LIGHT YEARS ahead of anything that isn't on my list above - they do more damage than gold-quality burning/howling/drowned/twisted/etc weapons. And you aren't prepared for Chult, so you can't go grind yourself a set all that easily, but you really should be able to farm up the AD to buy a set in two days, easy.
For DC, the River District Fey weapons are generally regarded as best. Not all guilds are capable of providing stronghold weapons. And the stronghold weapons are only best if you are with other people who have them. If you want to grind weapons, go for the Fey in River District. In the meantime, buy the Chult as explained above.
Also, did you visit Sgt Knox after hitting level 70? Follow the Emissary of Neverwinter quest to get your elemental offhand and cloak. It should take you less than 5 minutes to get these. These are both better than what was in your picture.
#2: The Stronghold 2 weapons are best for support characters even if nobody else has them: Their bonus applies to everyone in the party, NOT just other people with the Stronghold 2 weapons. So a DC with SH2 weapons gives a 2% boost to the whole party, which is clearly comparable to the Fey set's bonus AP even if an AC DC might choose the AP gen. For a buffing GF or OP, SH2 weapons are clearly better than River District.
I'm not trading my own DC's Fey set for SH2 any time soon, but that's because I've made the choice to not make the DC set - I'm spending my masterwork resources on other things and saving my AD, and Fey is very close to SH2 and situationally can be better.
(Currently the *very best* DPS set is SOMI, used perfectly, while partied with 4xSH2 sets. Because that gives you 8% while SOMI isn't active and 18% when it is.)
But yeah. For a fresh 70? Forget discussions about Fey vs SOMI vs SH2. Just get Chult. The Chult weapons are *nobody's* favourite, but they will take you almost to the top and you can get them immediately on a fresh level 70 for minimal grind, and that makes them AMAZING. Before you're able to grind out Fey or afford SH2, there will probably be a new Best Set from Mod13 anyway, so get Chult and use those until you're ready to leap on the new great thing that isn't out yet.
Until you can afford at least Bonding rank 9, bonding is not even worth considering (and a strong case can be made for ran 10 minimum before switching to bonding companion, due the agro bonding companions gather, their stealing of buffs, and that they die). Just use an augment.
(But you shouldn't "feed" weapons. Except at very low levels, you get back less RP than you put in. It's great to use your old weapon to refine your new one, but your RP items should always go into your *current* weapon, not a "feeder" that you plan to use to refine your current weapon.)
(And I maintain that, given the current prices of Wootz/Teak weapons? Spending ANY resources on an Elemental Fire, Elemental Cult, Twisted, or Golden Dragon weapon is foolish. Get the Wootz/Teak weapon and spend your RP on it. Not only is it better, but it's usually cheaper even in straight AD cost to acquire.)
but i've been doing campaigns, namely sharandar all the way through storm king or w/e. i think theres 3 im not doing, chult and the shadow cloak thingy are not one of them. i found those mobs to be too difficult. im like half doing the dragon campaign with level 73 mobs, (i kill charthrax, the green level 30 dragon, along with those graveyard dailies) i dont go to the dragon map as the mobs were also too dificult, but i found the arctic place fine in terms of mob difficulty, mostly because they're melee easy to dodge abilities.but the dragon map just had ranged mobs which were too far apart to combo.
but basically how many days is it going to take to complete all of those campaigns, ive been doing all the dailies every day for a solid week + now.
also i still haven't replaced any of my gear besides the 3 artifacts which were cheap (i did buy an epic ring for 300 tokens at the vendor in protectors enclave, almost at a second ring) bought a helmet that needs restoring there too but i see that was a mistake, i cant restore it without a ton of items, none of which i have. so basically im looking for more cheap gear to upgrade, but all of the non choice blue gear is 40k AD a piece. which is fine whatever, but im looking for better stuff, do i start raiding soon for it?
i namely want to get more survivability so i can start the harder campaigns.
I think campaigns were mostly designed to take 1 month to complete each campaign. Tyranny of Dragon and Storm Kings Thunder were designed to take 3 months. They redesigned Tyranny of Dragons recently to take much less time. But Storm Kings Thunder is going to take a very very long time to complete. Elemental Evil is unique in that it can be completed as soon as you complete the major questline. It does not have hard daily limits like the other campaigns.
You need to be doing Throne of the Dwarven Gods skirmish. You can then be doing the Underdark campaign. When you are powerful enough, you can do Demogorgon.
The way you spec your character is very important. If you are not using the proper skills in the proper rotation, it will take you much longer to kill things solo. And you will die more often. When I solo, I use potions, as my skills are DPS focused, I do not heal much. So potions are necessary.
Many monsters come in groups. So when I solo, I mainly have a AoE loadout to take out groups more efficiently. Divine Glow, Daunting Light and Chains of Blazing Light. Divine Glow debuffs the monsters. Use Daunting Light in Divinity mode 3 times, then Empowered Mode. D-DL is much larger targeting area. But the E-DL gives HUGE damage. So you need to get good at targeting it. Chains lets you root the monsters so they do not swarm you. You can also use Frost weapon enchant, as this will let you lead with a 4 seconds stun on the monsters. It helps alot with your survivability.
Hopefully, you feated the Righteous Tree. That is the best solo and group buffing tree. Then put 15 points in Virtuous to get Gift of Haste. When you are grouping, you will use Healing Word to heal your group and give them (and you) 5% AP gain per cast.
Of course, everyone has their own favorite skills to use and encounter powers. Some people will recommend Break the Spirit and Prophecy of Doom. They are great spells...for single target. Use them on bosses, but generally not on trash. AS I mentioned earlier, get to know your spells and how to cast them in normal, divinity and empowered modes.
The Siege of Neverwinter event is coming. Do it to get the purple Griffon mount. This mount will provide you with Wanderer's Fortune. Which you want to have. This will allow you to collect Refinement Point (RP) items. Use these to refine your artifact, artifact equipment and enchants during 2xRP events.
Dread Ring is 1 month without demon daily, half that with it.
Same with Curse of Icewind Dale.
Tyranny takes 25 days to finish the campaign. Boons will take longer to complete.
Underdark and Maze Engine are 28 or 30 days.
like damage is super low with me not being "hdps" like everyone wants me to be. but even if i go full dps then the tank just dies outright. and its not like i can heal the dps who get 1hko in the boss AoE/cleave.
so should i just give up on doing those dungeons? im just trying to improve on my gear, ya know?
like is there anything in the dungeons that would improve upon the raid chtul gear (420 i believe) that i have? ((they were 40k each and they're rare)
both times i tried those dungeons, were very slow going and adds just piled up. im feeling that even if i was HDPS they would be expecting me to basically take care of all the adds for them because with everyone alive we still get overwhelmed on the final bosses or someone else gets one shot.
i just feel like i wont be able to heal AND dps until im well over the gear requirement at that point.
#1: As a DC, you will *never* be "HDPS" (which mostly just means "DPS with a companion with 3x R12 Bonding Runestones"). And you shouldn't be trying to DPS in dungeons, no, you should be buffing and healing allies and debuffing your enemies. Also, you don't need strong gear to be an effective DC.
#2: Are you an Anoited Champion or a Divine Oracle? Did you choose the Righteous, Faithful, or Virtuous feat tree to focus on? If you don't have one and haven't already used your second Loadout slot, I'd strongly advise setting up a Righteous Divine Oracle loadout. Between Terrifying Insight, Brand Of The Sun, and the righteous Feats that punish people under your Damage Over Time effects, even a low-gear DC can be a HUGE party damage multiplier. Make sure you're using Divine Glow, Break The Spirit, and Astral Shield as your Encounters and you'll do great. DG and Shield go down normally, use Divine Power to drop 3x Divine Glow on as many allies as you can, then use Empowered Break The Spirit on the biggest enemy you can see. Astral Seal each big enemy once then spam Brand Of The Sun until your divine power is charged back up and your encounters are starting to come off cooldown. Any time it's available, drop Hallowed Ground as your Daily.
#3: A tank who can't survive one hit from a boss in ECC or CN is in trouble regardless of how good or bad the DC is.
#4: Clearing adds is NOT the DC's job. Some DCs are good at it, but it's really not what they're for.
#5: Have you joined a guild yet? You should join a guild. Guild boons are amazing and your fellow guild members will be able to run with you, carry you if they need to, and give you detailed critiques as you play.
#6: Chult gear is pretty good. It's a catchup set, intended for new players to get good gear fast and cheap, stuff that's as good as the previous best. You're not likely to find a lot of gear DROPPING that's better - but the dungeons are still worth doing because of the other loot, and the AD, and the practice in a group.
each build is maximized one way or the other, ones dps and ones healing.
my healer powers i take the 3 charge HoT that i can spam, bastion of heal as the main source of healing, and the ability that heals and applies the debuff for additional team damage, i keep that up. M1 is the basic lightning bolt, M2 is the additional lifesteal when the attack. i keep everyone topped off with the HoT and when someone gets low i switch to divinity to get them back up. my passives are the AoE protection which will absorb a hit every ~20seconds. and heals targets for % of their health every couple of seconds.
my DPS powers have the mini delayed nuke, my chains, and i alternate my last power between the damage amp if theres another healer in the group, and bastion of healing so i can actually heal something. M1 is lightning bolt, and M2 is the DoT that i put one up and forget about it. my passives are the AoE protection again, and the 8% damage amp for the whole team.
im incredibly certain that i cant keep the whole group alive if im in my DPS build. not alone anyways. and whenever i play true healer build its incredibly slow going.
healer -
like i dont have a problem keeping people up when i play healer, except when they inevitably get one shot by something.
current gear + stats -
healer i went the full top route -
DPS went the bottom route -
and heres my current stats + gear -
like i feel i can keep the whole team alive to clear stuff when i play healer and i can keep applying the damage debuff ability that i have.
and whenever i go to dps i cant keep everyone up alone with the route. but either way im expected to be the only source of healing for my team and if i dont do that im in trouble. but when i do heal, its literally a nightmare waiting for anything to die. until we eventually lose.
OK, issue #1: Your "healer", the one focusing on the top tree, is doing TOO MUCH healing, not enough other things. I love that tree myself, but the thing about it is that it sprays constant healing in all directions at all times, meaning you need VERY LITTLE additional healing from your powers. As well, those passives are sort of, well, bad. They just don't work well.
Issue #2: Your "dps", focusing on the bottom tree, is doing TOO MUCH direct damage and not enough damage over time or buffs to your allies. You've got a decent setup for soloing, but in a group your main goal should be to make all the enemies suffer so the real DPS can take them out, not to take them out yourself.
So, you've answered the "AC or DO" question by your power choice - the "8% damage boost for the entire team" and the at-will DoT are both Divine Oracle powers.
Suggestion: Slot Terrifying Insight (the 8% damage buff) on BOTH builds. It's an amazing power and you will always want it up. Make sure you're got 3 points in, it, and make it your FIRST priority to have 4 points. For your second passive, try Foresight (constant damage reduction to you and anyone you heal-over-time) or maybe the one that increases Divine Power generation.
For at-wills, try Brand Of The Sun (the DoT) and Astral Seal (heals allies when they attack that target) on both builds. Brand builds the most Divine Power of any at-will AND it triggers all the fun feats from the bottom tree.
As well, both builds should be using Divine Glow (the encounter that debuffs enemies and heals allies, and in Divine mode gives allies bonus DPS and heals them). Divine Glow is basically the best power in the game and it should ALWAYS be on your bar.
While SOLOING, Chains and the delayed mini-nuke power are great, but in a group, you DEFINITELY want either Break The Spirit or Forgemaster's Flame. Both of those are a huge damage boost for your party members if you fire them off with some Empowered stacks. Forgemaster gives less of a boost but it applies to your entire party no matter where they're standing. BTS is a bigger boost, but it only buffs people who are close to the target.
For your last Encounter power, that's situational. If your party needs more healing (from either build!) use Bastion Of Health. If they're getting one-shotted, put in Astral Seal. If you're keeping up with the healing but there's big enemies, especially bosses, slot Prophecy Of Doom. Finally, if the healing is fine and the party is fine and it's mostly enemies too small for Prophecy? Pull in Chains.
even if i do offer a ridiculous bonus 40% damage for everyone, the team just feels incredibly fragile, including the "tank."
which build should i commit too for this low Ilevel, healer build and add in the debuffs for my abilities. or just go straight ham DPS/debuff with bastion as the third ability and hope my dps are competent and dont get hit too much?
But there's a reason I suggested to build *both*. You can swap specs at any campfire, so if your party needs more heals, you can swap to Healing spec, and if they're doing fine, swap to Buffing spec. Or you can start the fight as buffer running Bastion and switch to Shield because the tank is getting hit too hard, or start with Shield and switch to Bastion because the HR keeps hanging around at 15% HP. Swapping loadouts costs nothing, so tailoring your loadout to your party is really useful. ASK your party what they want - they'll generally have opinions. When I'm on Tank I don't need much healing, so I would ask you to to debuff more, heal less.
Also, seriously, guild. Get in a guild. Run with your guild and your alliance. DCs are rare and DC main characters even rarer, you will be in demand in any mid-tier guild and if they don't appreciate you, you can leave and find a new home fast. If you really truly absolutely DO NOT want to join a guild, join a channel like nw_legit_community and see what runs from there are like compared to just queueing solo or making pickup groups in PE.
Oops, I finally looked at your screenshots. You're in Civil Anarchy's alliance! They're great people, you should be able to find some really good runs in your /all channel. And yes, sometimes they will be carrying you, and sometimes that's OK. You're an 8.8K DC, you're still a perfectly good addition to many i just swapped out to prophecy of doom, bastion, and the hammer, m1 is the dot and m2 is the heal when struck. my two passives were 8% dmg and increased divine power.
just did ndemo in like 8minutes (twice) with a great group, none of them were above 11500. it was amazing, but idk if it was me, or the group.
i would keep dot and the strike debuffs up, when full i would PoD once, bastion twice, and then hammer at full charges. i ended up with about 8million damage and 2million healing. (top healing) and we just burned everything down.
would you recommend a different rotation? ie spam doom, or spam hammer, then expend with hammer?
i wanted to tech in the heal/damage debuff one for the extra team damage but i dont any power points in the ability.... i figured PoD was the next best for the "team". i could have used the mini nuke instead.
i feel like im a lucio in the group, but instead of speed boost im giving a damage aura.
although we didn't take much damage at all, is that how all the encounters go?
i do have 3 points in the heal/damage amp ability on my healer spec. but i dont have any points in the hammer.
i either have to respec or grind a ton to fix that mistake. (in about 16 level ups post 70 i've only gained 2 points....)
unfortunately on my dps build i dont have the direct heal/damage amp on enemy ability. like 0 points in it.
and on my healer build i have 0 points in the hammer ability, but i do have 3 points in the heal/damage amp.
in the 16 levels i've gained post 70 i've only gotten 2 power points, so idk what im supposed to do because im broke.
just got out of a great ndemo run with average 10-11k players that we were able to clear in 8minutes. idk if it was me and my new found amps or the fact that the group was just good.
i would end up with about 8million damage, and 2 million healing (most in group) and the thing was a breeze.
i feel like a lucio providing damage amp instead of speed boost, although the stats say im doing nothing i guess im the most important member of the team by default.
my only worry is a fight that does come along and they do need healing.
Hammer Of Fate is actually a bad power for you in groups: All it does is damage, and your goal in a group should not be to do damage, it should be to make everyone else's damage better. Try Hallowed Ground instead, it's a nice big protection AND damage buff. While soloing, I prefer Flame Strike to Hammer Of Fate - it's faster to cast and it affects more enemies.
In terms of power points: You should be doing the dailies of the Sharandar and Dread Ring campaigns every day you play, because those are not only the easiest two campaigns but the Dread Ring boon Burning Guidance is one of the best in the game for a DC, and Sharandar *gives power points*. You can trade campaign currency for power points once you've finished the Sharandar campaign, and that's super-handy. Also, I know it's only September, but: the Winter event, in December? Drops retrain tokens like CANDY. So if you're still unhappy with your point allocations then, you can respec to your heart's content after participating in a few gift parties.
Also, you should try to always use Prophecy Of Doom *normally*, not Divine-powered. In Divine mode it's a slow-cast power and all it does is damage, which is bad. It doesn't even do MUCH damage. In normal mode, it drops a massive debuff on the target so everyone else does more damage to it. In Divine Mode, Bastion is good for emergency heals, but Divine Glow heals *and* damages enemies *and* drops a big damage buff on allies - it should be your go-to power.
As far as dungeons...people tend to farm Shores of Tuern (eSoT) and epic Temple of Spiders (eToS). You get one free epic dungeon chest key each day from the key giver in PE. You can get additional free epic dungeon chest keys from VIP.
eSoT has two chests in the end. One requires a special key obtained through the Dragon campaign. eSoT is more of a skirmish as it is very short...only one boss at the end. The boss one shots people who stand at range. So you either need to get good at knowing when he is throwing his dagger, then you dodge being one shot. Or you can stay in melee range. Just stay out of the red and stay behind him. He does alot of damage. You get a chance for Hraal's Treatise in the chests, which is needed to complete the boons in the dragon campaign.
eTos is a real dungeon. The monsters hit very hard, even the trash hit hard. Stupid DPS will die a lot if they run ahead of the tank and try to take the dungeon too fast. Don't try to save the idiots. It is futile. Stay out of the red. Some of it is just spider webbing, but some is very high damage. The last boss takes a long time to kill for most groups. The Priestess turns into a Dryder during the fight and is back to full health. The only way I have found to significantly shorten the fight is to use my Devotion OP as the healer. LOL! But a DC works, just the final fight will take longer.