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new player with some basic questions

kyle1234512kyle1234512 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
Im level 61, still leveling up and trying to hit 70, i do have other mmo exp on wow and ff14.

but my questions for this game are.

1. Astral Diamonds, I've noticed that the end game stuff costs loads, like just an epic mount is roughly 115k, which im not objecting to or anything, but then i go and look back at my 1-61 over 2 weeks and i've only gotten 70k. now onto the actual good mounts which give 140% speed and i see the sudden spike to 6million. and im just wondering if AD's will start raining once i hit 70 or if its something you have to basically pay out of pocket for. basically wondering how the end game grind is in terms of AD.

2. guilds, looking at PvE content, do guilds normally run it or is it something you usually pug? and i see people asking for 9k + or 10k+ gear score and i looked at the level 70 epics on the AH and i see its level 400, now im no magician, but 400x10 is 4k. wondering how to get the difference? i know ill need to do dungeons first and easier content but idk how to break that number at all. also is there a lock out period before you can run them again?

3. ive browsed the internet looking for cleric builds and i couldn't find anything other than "healer is outdated" like i wanted to play a healer/support this time around but it looks like theres just mechanics which get you 1hko or everything can be shrugged off by the tanks. which way should i invest, healer or buffer?

4. gold seems to be worthless for anything besides health potions and injury kits, neither of which i need or use, is there something to dump gold on later on?

5. how do i get the materials to upgrade refinements and enchantments without buying them off the AH? i'd like to do it naturally or on my own.

6. looking at the campaign buffs on the "boons" section on character, will those unlock when i hit 70? or just looking for some info about them in general i guess, no idea how they work.



  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    You can refine 36k rAD daily; 2x dungeons/skirmishes/PvP and salvage all add towards that 36k.

    Depends on the content and the guild/alliance.

    Gold is needed for various tasks in campaigns, it is used to swap out enchants if needed, etc.

    RP comes from the Well and doing for Bruenor daily (resonance), the Dread Ring (Union/Stability/Power), Sharandar (thaumateurgic stones), prayer bags and coffers.

    Boons get unlocked in the campaigns as you go. At 61 you should be doing Elemental Evil. Each zone (Drowned Shore, Reclamation Rock, Fiery Pit and Spinward Rise) is good for 1 boon and several pieces of equipment to help you survive. Also at 61 you should already have progress and boons from the Tyranny of Dragons campaign.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • hirogardehirogarde Member Posts: 122 Arc User

    Im level 61, still leveling up and trying to hit 70, i do have other mmo exp on wow and ff14.

    1) If you're not VIP, the majority of endgame is grinding AD. But, fortunately, the Arc quests can make becoming VIP cheaper/free, once you have the free daily key (and other VIP benefits), making AD is less time consuming.

    2a) That's going to depend on the guild. Some group up for dungeons a lot, others are more groups of soloists. Find a guild that fits you (and your play time).

    2b) iLevel: Much of that difference is going to come from mounts (insignias), Companions (active + summoned gear), and boons. Find Blue (or better) mounts, Equip your summoned companion with the best gear/runes available, and run the Campaigns. You should be able to hit 9-10k without spending much in terms of AD.

    3) I don't play a DC, but I can tell you as an OP: healing is much less necessary in Neverwinter than it is on other MMOs. There are groups and dungeons that it can feel necessary; but the extent of self-heling in endgame makes solo-play more friendly - but healers less desired.

    4) Keep a stack of Heal kits on you - the rare occasion you need them, you'll be happy to have them. Potion need depends on your class - as a DC you probably won't ever need them. Gold IS, however used in almost all the Strongold upgrades. So if you're in a guild, it can be used there as well.

    5) Refining materials can be dropped from mob kills (moreso with certain enchantments/mount bonuses) or gained as quest rewards - most notably Sharandar (for Enchantments) and Dread Ring (for Artifacts). You should also note, that due to the cost of upgrading, it's generally recommended that you buy r8 and refine from there.

    6) The boons unlock as you progress through the Campaigns. Underdark, Sharandar, Dread Ring are good "near/new L70" places to start. Maze Engine is pretty much a waiting game, so start that one when you can too. And don't forget about Elemental Evil - the Artifact weapon set from that Campaign can carry you a long way.
  • masticore#3287 masticore Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    Lvl 70 injury kits cost 25 silver each and can be expensive to buy from the vendor, I buy a stack from the trade house for cheap with ad. I wouldn't worry much about the other stuff, focus on hitting 70 and completing campaigns and get your boons.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    VIP. Use the ZAX (Zen Astral eXchange) to get 850 ZEN. Use 15% anything coupon from invoking to buy a month of VIP. That gives one free enchanted key a day. Use that key to open a lockbox and put the pack you get on the Auction House. Do not open that pack, just auction it as-is. You will earn back your intial investment to be able to renew your VIP and make some profit. VIP also grants other good perks that you won't want to live without.

    As for refining materials, others have touched on this but one thing to mention is ranking up the Dread Ring gauntlets (this will be explained when you get there) and running the lairs daily if you can for a chance at some good items. DR lairs are worth coming back to even after you finish the campaign.

    Also when you run quests in Sharandar, the green Thaum storms are unbound. Sell these on the Auction house. Until you get to high ranking enchants, it is cheaper to just buy what you need.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • btairbornebtairborne Member Posts: 352 Arc User
    AD you can either buy through converting zen or work your HAMSTER off for and earn everyday. You are going to need millions of AD (10-20?) for every character you play to max them out.
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    I have not really done the math, but 10-20M AD is not even close for a maxed character, even keeping a legendary mount out of it.

    Just r12 armor and weapon enchants run to 5-8M AD each.

    I would guess at more like 40-50M AD for a maxed character, without legendary mount. Legendary mount, add 15M AD.
  • kyle1234512kyle1234512 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited August 2017

    I have not really done the math, but 10-20M AD is not even close for a maxed character, even keeping a legendary mount out of it.

    Just r12 armor and weapon enchants run to 5-8M AD each.

    I would guess at more like 40-50M AD for a maxed character, without legendary mount. Legendary mount, add 15M AD.

    regardless of the total, im looking at ~40k a day, thats 1250 days, so clearly theres some magic on how to do it, im figuring merching (buy low resell it higher). or just AH grinding selling things people want at low low prices. but ultimately my goal is just to get into the places where i can farm the gear myself or get to that point rather than just buying the end game gear off of someone else.

    so im figuring like what, 400k? but even when i run the level 12 dungeon i dont get any diamonds at the end and im going wait what did i do wrong?

    just an hour ago, i did my very first skirmish(at level 62 lul) and got 0 diamonds for it. so idk whats up. because i thought it was pvp and opted out of it, i wanted to avoid pvping to get AD.

  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User

    I have not really done the math, but 10-20M AD is not even close for a maxed character, even keeping a legendary mount out of it.

    Just r12 armor and weapon enchants run to 5-8M AD each.

    I would guess at more like 40-50M AD for a maxed character, without legendary mount. Legendary mount, add 15M AD.

    regardless of the total, im looking at ~40k a day, thats 1250 days, so clearly theres some magic on how to do it, im figuring merching (buy low resell it higher). or just AH grinding selling things people want at low low prices. but ultimately my goal is just to get into the places where i can farm the gear myself or get to that point rather than just buying the end game gear off of someone else.

    so im figuring like what, 400k? but even when i run the level 12 dungeon i dont get any diamonds at the end and im going wait what did i do wrong?

    just an hour ago, i did my very first skirmish(at level 62 lul) and got 0 diamonds for it. so idk whats up. because i thought it was pvp and opted out of it, i wanted to avoid pvping to get AD.

    AD for dung., skirm. & PvP is rough AD & drops directly into your rough AD pool 2k for PvP & skirm, or 5k for Dung. (+ 50% if you have bonus from invoking).
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,521 Arc User
    1. multiple toon (a "solution" of many fronts)
    2. Do leadership and other profession. Leadership helps your RP so that you don't need to buy RP.
    3. Selling stuff.
    4. Get max raw AD earning from AD bonus.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    AD farming:
    * Do your invokes, they will add +50% to parts of your RAD income
    * Do 2xskirmish and 2xdungeons each day. Preferrably level 70 ones, as they give salvagable drops AND they have a chance to drop valuable items you can sell on AH. Note that Kessels and eSoT are skirmishes even if they are listed as dungeons.
    * Do the weekly 4500-RAD quests each week
    * This should give you 36k AD per character per day. Then repeat on as many characters you have time/stamina for.
    * One tip for fast AD runs: There is a big shortage of tanks and healers. So if you play a tank or healer for AD farming you will have a very short time in the public queue before getting a group. Dps classes can expect to wait longer between runs. While PUGs can be a mixed experience, mostly it works out OK.

    RP farming:
    * Have RP-dropping utilities in all utility slots. Rank them up a little.
    * Do leadership for RP
    * Run quests/events that drop RP

    It IS possible to make a maxed character without spending real money. But you need patience and persistence, it probably will take more than a year, depending on how much you play.

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  • clericalistclericalist Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    On the topic of "healer is outdated" this is not always true, there are many parties in many different dungeons/challenges that still require healing. If you are only planning to have two loadouts for your cleric, making one of them a healer path is not a sin, you still have more than enough buffs to give to your team, that makes even the hardest dungeons doable (if you play reasonably well that is).

    On the end game grind, yes its a big grind, but if you are planning to only play cleric you have it better than the dps classes, you can provide enough support in the most challenging dungeons on a budget cleric, you don't even have to be even close to maxed to do this. For dps, its basically a race for who can do more burst damage than the others in the party (and for some of the timed challenges), so BIS is more urgently needed. You can get to the true "end game" (as in you have done everything and you want to find a new MMO challenge) without having spent tens of millions of AD on the DC.
  • kyle1234512kyle1234512 Member Posts: 22 Arc User

    On the topic of "healer is outdated" this is not always true, there are many parties in many different dungeons/challenges that still require healing. If you are only planning to have two loadouts for your cleric, making one of them a healer path is not a sin, you still have more than enough buffs to give to your team, that makes even the hardest dungeons doable (if you play reasonably well that is).

    On the end game grind, yes its a big grind, but if you are planning to only play cleric you have it better than the dps classes, you can provide enough support in the most challenging dungeons on a budget cleric, you don't even have to be even close to maxed to do this. For dps, its basically a race for who can do more burst damage than the others in the party (and for some of the timed challenges), so BIS is more urgently needed. You can get to the true "end game" (as in you have done everything and you want to find a new MMO challenge) without having spent tens of millions of AD on the DC.

    cool thanks. definitely looking into dual spec then. what stat should i prioritize then while im starting out in level 70 content (im 68 atm and i've done power all the way) but things have been getting tougher as i quest (almost done with elemental campaign, finished water/earth and halfway through fire) and im looking more towards regeneration + defense if i do go the healer route. (recovery is nice but ultimately a second shaved off doesn't exactly mean much to me when the bulk of my abilities are from tab - spamming)

    basically what im looking at is for healing..... regeneration > recovery > defense > power
    and for dps i was going power > crit > pen > regen.

    any suggestions for stats?
  • muliermulier Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    cant give you that much input, as i recently returned to the game.. been palying for about 1 month now.

    most important thing first ! get vip !! ... either from doing the arc quests or paying 10 dollars ( best investment u can do in neverwinter)

    on the topic of healers/buffers ... from what i can see so far, pretty much ALL endgame 5 man dungeons are beeing run with 2 tanks 2 healer/buffer 1 damage dude... soo ur good off, as a healer class / mostly gonna be buffing later on, as ppl get insane amounts of life back from lifesteal ( this is ok, if u palyed world of war,, - kind of a discipline priest - with added ooomph boosts for dmg - pretty fun, aand everyone will kiss ur HAMSTER for running with them) - for example : my dmg doubles if runnign with a decentz cleric.

    on the ad topic : be patient , do dailies , and msot important get a feeling for prices in auctions. alot of ad to make there...

    i mean it really is jsut.. buy low, sell high (make sure to calc the 10% cut from auctions)

    even buying something for 100k ad and relisting for 150k ad, is a easy 30-40k ad profit ... thats more than u get on a single char ech day for 2hrs of work(2 skirm 2 dungeons )

    dont worry too much bout the expensive thing now, u gonna get there sooner or later - orange mounts are overrated and shuld be the LAST thing to buy for any character.

    happy gaming :)

    edit : buying 100k selling 150k, not 50k xD
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Regen is a poor choice for the most part. For the best effect, 400 points will give you decent non combat self heals. In combat, it buffs your heals *on your self* but nothing for anyone else. For self healing in combat, Lifesteal is what you want.

    For DPS soloing or whatever:
    Armor Penetration > Critical Strike > Power

    For Heals:
    Critical Strike > Power

    Recovery is good for buffing, more encounter powers and dailies but healing doesn't require it as much. Astral Seal is an at-will and Healing Word has 3 charges.You can get extra encounter powers by using heals in divine mode.

    Armor Penetration is the single most important stat for dealing damage. For most level 70 zones, you will want 40 to 45% Resistance Ignored to run your dailies. Mod 12 you will need more but don't try that until much later unless you group up.

    Critical Strike is the second most important stat for DPS and the most important for healing - heals can crit.

    Power is the final one for DPS and heals. Stack this when you are in a good place on the others.

    Note that is only for DPS and healing. Eventually, well geared parties are looking for buffing, not a primary healer. This is when Recovery and power matter and the other stats are less important. Being able to use loadouts really helps here, as does being able to maintain different gear for different roles.

    For Defensive stats, I like to have a mix of Hit Points and Defense to avoid getting 1 shot and Lifesteal for self healing. Even in group content you will be hitting mobs to apply debuffs and build divinity so LS still plays a role.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • kyle1234512kyle1234512 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    pitshade said:

    Regen is a poor choice for the most part. For the best effect, 400 points will give you decent non combat self heals. In combat, it buffs your heals *on your self* but nothing for anyone else. For self healing in combat, Lifesteal is what you want.

    For DPS soloing or whatever:

    Armor Penetration > Critical Strike > Power

    For Heals:

    Critical Strike > Power

    Recovery is good for buffing, more encounter powers and dailies but healing doesn't require it as much. Astral Seal is an at-will and Healing Word has 3 charges.You can get extra encounter powers by using heals in divine mode.

    Armor Penetration is the single most important stat for dealing damage. For most level 70 zones, you will want 40 to 45% Resistance Ignored to run your dailies. Mod 12 you will need more but don't try that until much later unless you group up.

    Critical Strike is the second most important stat for DPS and the most important for healing - heals can crit.

    Power is the final one for DPS and heals. Stack this when you are in a good place on the others.

    Note that is only for DPS and healing. Eventually, well geared parties are looking for buffing, not a primary healer. This is when Recovery and power matter and the other stats are less important. Being able to use loadouts really helps here, as does being able to maintain different gear for different roles.

    For Defensive stats, I like to have a mix of Hit Points and Defense to avoid getting 1 shot and Lifesteal for self healing. Even in group content you will be hitting mobs to apply debuffs and build divinity so LS still plays a role.


    so now that i just dinged 70, i went ahead with lvl 70 gear, i went with crit/arpen on the majority of items, (except the shirt/legs) as its what i could afford. would you say that this is appropriate for predominately soloing and campaigning? i spent about 5k ea on the epics and about 3k total for all of the blues, i figured 1 day was worth my first set of gear.

    already happy with the gear choice, i noticed a huge spike in power and its much easier to clear out these mobs.

    im almost done with elemental campaign, is there a real order after this or should i just work my way down the journal list? like will i hit a wall going "ow why are these level 70's harder than those other level 70's" and my gear is still only 5.4k, i cant do epic dungeons yet and thats where i want to go.

    and i guess my final question is why are there no epic weapons for sale on the AH? im assuming they're quest related, and if so how do i get a decent one as its basically the whole power budget.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Epic weapons tend to be leveling weapons. Good from when you get them until you're 70. Then you start looking at artifact weapons.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • kyle1234512kyle1234512 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Epic weapons tend to be leveling weapons. Good from when you get them until you're 70. Then you start looking at artifact weapons.

    well i just saw the one from the elemental campaign, choice of 4 of them, i was going to go with the water one as i liked its passive the most, but is it reasonable for me to solo ~400 heroic encounters by myself?

    (im totally game to do it, i literally have the grind in me, the only issue is the stat check/can i even solo it, or is there something better later on and will this be replaced)
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Drowned/Burning/Earthen/Howling can be made in professions or bought in the AH. These are currently over a year old now.

    Current sets come from River District or the Relic set from Sea of Moving Ice. You can buy current tier from Chult in the AH, as well.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • kyle1234512kyle1234512 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Drowned/Burning/Earthen/Howling can be made in professions or bought in the AH. These are currently over a year old now.

    Current sets come from River District or the Relic set from Sea of Moving Ice. You can buy current tier from Chult in the AH, as well.

    well that saves me a lot of time, thanks :) didn't realize they were tradable. guess its time to start farming AD instead. outside of the 36k limit, do you recommend merching or grinding?

  • btairbornebtairborne Member Posts: 352 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    Regen is a poor choice for the most part. For the best effect, 400 points will give you decent non combat self heals. In combat, it buffs your heals *on your self* but nothing for anyone else. For self healing in combat, Lifesteal is what you want.

    For DPS soloing or whatever:

    Armor Penetration > Critical Strike > Power

    For Heals:

    Critical Strike > Power

    Recovery is good for buffing, more encounter powers and dailies but healing doesn't require it as much. Astral Seal is an at-will and Healing Word has 3 charges.You can get extra encounter powers by using heals in divine mode.

    Armor Penetration is the single most important stat for dealing damage. For most level 70 zones, you will want 40 to 45% Resistance Ignored to run your dailies. Mod 12 you will need more but don't try that until much later unless you group up.

    Critical Strike is the second most important stat for DPS and the most important for healing - heals can crit.

    Power is the final one for DPS and heals. Stack this when you are in a good place on the others.

    Note that is only for DPS and healing. Eventually, well geared parties are looking for buffing, not a primary healer. This is when Recovery and power matter and the other stats are less important. Being able to use loadouts really helps here, as does being able to maintain different gear for different roles.

    For Defensive stats, I like to have a mix of Hit Points and Defense to avoid getting 1 shot and Lifesteal for self healing. Even in group content you will be hitting mobs to apply debuffs and build divinity so LS still plays a role.

    Critical Strike > Power

    Why do you say that? When I ran the numbers on this, I found power the better investment until you get to a certain high crit severity threshold.
  • pegacorn#9478 pegacorn Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Quest Problems. Please help. 1. Neverdeath: Jester's Flame. get to statue then nothing happens. The Hollowed Tomb. 2 tombs with ruby switches. Says Out of sight. No way to get to work. 2. Temple of Set. Says destroys orb. Destroyed the only 2 orbs. Nothing happens.
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User

    pitshade said:

    Regen is a poor choice for the most part. For the best effect, 400 points will give you decent non combat self heals. In combat, it buffs your heals *on your self* but nothing for anyone else. For self healing in combat, Lifesteal is what you want.

    For DPS soloing or whatever:

    Armor Penetration > Critical Strike > Power

    For Heals:

    Critical Strike > Power

    Recovery is good for buffing, more encounter powers and dailies but healing doesn't require it as much. Astral Seal is an at-will and Healing Word has 3 charges.You can get extra encounter powers by using heals in divine mode.

    Armor Penetration is the single most important stat for dealing damage. For most level 70 zones, you will want 40 to 45% Resistance Ignored to run your dailies. Mod 12 you will need more but don't try that until much later unless you group up.

    Critical Strike is the second most important stat for DPS and the most important for healing - heals can crit.

    Power is the final one for DPS and heals. Stack this when you are in a good place on the others.

    Note that is only for DPS and healing. Eventually, well geared parties are looking for buffing, not a primary healer. This is when Recovery and power matter and the other stats are less important. Being able to use loadouts really helps here, as does being able to maintain different gear for different roles.

    For Defensive stats, I like to have a mix of Hit Points and Defense to avoid getting 1 shot and Lifesteal for self healing. Even in group content you will be hitting mobs to apply debuffs and build divinity so LS still plays a role.


    so now that i just dinged 70, i went ahead with lvl 70 gear, i went with crit/arpen on the majority of items, (except the shirt/legs) as its what i could afford. would you say that this is appropriate for predominately soloing and campaigning? i spent about 5k ea on the epics and about 3k total for all of the blues, i figured 1 day was worth my first set of gear.

    already happy with the gear choice, i noticed a huge spike in power and its much easier to clear out these mobs.

    im almost done with elemental campaign, is there a real order after this or should i just work my way down the journal list? like will i hit a wall going "ow why are these level 70's harder than those other level 70's" and my gear is still only 5.4k, i cant do epic dungeons yet and thats where i want to go.

    and i guess my final question is why are there no epic weapons for sale on the AH? im assuming they're quest related, and if so how do i get a decent one as its basically the whole power budget.
    The best weapons are artifact weapons. They all start green and need to be refined. when you hit lvl 70 knox will give you an off-hand, & the matching mainhand can be crafted in the Tyranny of dragons campaign. The Dragonforged Artifact campaign task. Also, the elemental evil artifact weapons can be crafted by anyone with lvl 25 weaponsmithing/artificing/platesmithing.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User

    well that saves me a lot of time, thanks :) didn't realize they were tradable. guess its time to start farming AD instead. outside of the 36k limit, do you recommend merching or grinding?

    They aren't always trade-able. It depends on the means of acquisition. If you do the unawaken heart and farm motes, those are BtC. The ones manufactured in professions are the ones found in the AH.

    Grinding is necessary for AD. Sell whatever you can, but always do the dungeon runs.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    > @btairborne said:
    > Critical Strike > Power
    > Why do you say that? When I ran the numbers on this, I found power the better investment until you get to a certain high crit severity threshold.


    I am not a tester but that has been the standard advise given since beta. I wouldn't recommend stacking crit for a leveling char due to the tiny amounts on gear, but for level 70s, it is the consensus AFAIK

    @micky1p00 can probably explain the issue, if I am right or wrong.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    > @kyle1234512 said:
    > http://i.imgur.com/P31zNtQ.png

    I am on my phone and can't zoom in on the picture that well, but there are a few recommendations I can make.

    Join a guild. So much more of the game opens up to you. There are boons that give a lot of stats, stores that sell good items and often people who will help with advice and running content. It seriously helps. Look in the guild section of the forums. Find something that looks interesting and ask questions.

    Second, artifact equipment. All of these will be on the Auction House.

    For waist, get a Greater belt of Wisdom or maybe Tiamat Sash. Neither should be expensive and they boost your stats. A green wisdom belt is going to give you an extra point of wisdom, your primary stat for damage and heals. It also has Power, Crit and Recovery.

    Neck, if possible I would start with Lostmauth or Black Ice. They have Power Crit and Armor pen (same stats) and give you bonus Action Point generation. Tiamat neck is also good if you decide to get that set, but the others will help you more at this point. Lostmauth neck is probably cheaper now.

    For weapons, go chult all the way. Hit Control J and look at your collections page to find the weapon names. Look under the Chult page, there will only be 1 entry for weapons. Here is a tip, when you buy the Offhand piece, check each entry and get the one that says it improves Holy Fervor. As long as you have HFervor slotted, there will be a damage boost after you crit.

    Campaigns, easiest is Feywild. Dread Ring is not hard, especially if you find groups for the daily lair quests. (usually just check zone chat) Maze Engine and Tyranny of Dragons arent hard if you have some gear and a good rotation. I would group up for Tyranny lairs though. If you get those Chult weapons, it shouldn't be difficult. Underdark is easy as you can do it while working on Dread Ring.

    Avoid anything to do with Icewind Dale, River District and Chult for now. Get someone to help you with Well of Dragons zone unlock and then avoid anything but demonic heroic encounters (you can use these to advance both Tyranny and Underdark campaigns)

    For AD, easiest thing you can do to get started is 2x dungeons (heroic will work) amd 2x skirmishes (Master of the Hunt and Dread Legion will work, do Prophecy of Madness only when Bruenor tells you to or if you have a decent group. Throne is more PuG friendly as is Illusionist Gambit.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    pitshade said:

    I am not a tester but that has been the standard advise given since beta. I wouldn't recommend stacking crit for a leveling char due to the tiny amounts on gear, but for level 70s, it is the consensus AFAIK

    @micky1p00 can probably explain the issue, if I am right or wrong.

    I guess both are right. Pure numbers speaking, for each crit severity and sum of stats there is optimal ratio of how much should go to power and how much to crit.
    So we can't even give a fixed ratio of power:crit for a given crit severity because it's changes as you gain stats. Also base crit chance influence the distribution and class and their power, some can't crit, others more crit dependable.

    And yes indeed at lower severity and lower stats you favor power, 125 severity and you are mostly 1:1 for most stat sums, if not all and so on.

    On the other hand, if we look practically, when new players ask about gear and choices prioritize crit is a good answer, simply because power is much easier to gain, and most likely they will have more power than crit anyway, and even with fully prioritizing crit it wont change. It's much easier to shuffle crit out, then getting there. There are always the option to replace enchantments, artifact, insignia, and gear from crit to power or recovery for example. While the other way is more limited.

    Also we want to look at the long term picture and there severity grows due to boons, CA, and for some classes vorpal (especailly when Vorpal was the king of the hill), so while you don't want to be at 5k power and 15k crit chance stat, in the long term view you want the crit capped, and focus on crit based gear.

    I think it's a matter of semantics, of what you should try to get if you have a choice (gear with crit usually) vs how you want to see the stats at the end (not 15k crit and 5k power - at the end you will have more power than crit in any case).
  • putzboy78putzboy78 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,950 Arc User
    #1, dc should always have Divine Glow on their bar, switch out your BoH for DG asap, you will love it

    #2, Resistance Ignored depends on what lvl your fighting. There are lists of what resistance ignored you need based on your target. For my farmers they only have 25% RI because they only engage with lvl 70 enemies. The best is to review the list and increase armor pen as you need it.

    #3 as said elsewhere, get in a guild :)

    #4 AD is a challenge, you start to accumulate AD when you become a seller of goods instead of a buy of goods. If you only look at RAD refinement you can only make 36K a day. However, everything you do has some value, farming RP (I use grey/green RP, sale blue/purple) and selling mastercraft resources can make you additional AD above the 36K a day.

  • elrondknightelrondknight Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    > @kyle1234512 said:

    > http://i.imgur.com/P31zNtQ.png



    I am on my phone and can't zoom in on the picture that well, but there are a few recommendations I can make.

    Join a guild. So much more of the game opens up to you. There are boons that give a lot of stats, stores that sell good items and often people who will help with advice and running content. It seriously helps. Look in the guild section of the forums. Find something that looks interesting and ask questions.

    Second, artifact equipment. All of these will be on the Auction House.

    For waist, get a Greater belt of Wisdom or maybe Tiamat Sash. Neither should be expensive and they boost your stats. A green wisdom belt is going to give you an extra point of wisdom, your primary stat for damage and heals. It also has Power, Crit and Recovery.

    Neck, if possible I would start with Lostmauth or Black Ice. They have Power Crit and Armor pen (same stats) and give you bonus Action Point generation. Tiamat neck is also good if you decide to get that set, but the others will help you more at this point. Lostmauth neck is probably cheaper now.

    For weapons, go chult all the way. Hit Control J and look at your collections page to find the weapon names. Look under the Chult page, there will only be 1 entry for weapons. Here is a tip, when you buy the Offhand piece, check each entry and get the one that says it improves Holy Fervor. As long as you have HFervor slotted, there will be a damage boost after you crit.

    Campaigns, easiest is Feywild. Dread Ring is not hard, especially if you find groups for the daily lair quests. (usually just check zone chat) Maze Engine and Tyranny of Dragons arent hard if you have some gear and a good rotation. I would group up for Tyranny lairs though. If you get those Chult weapons, it shouldn't be difficult. Underdark is easy as you can do it while working on Dread Ring.

    Avoid anything to do with Icewind Dale, River District and Chult for now. Get someone to help you with Well of Dragons zone unlock and then avoid anything but demonic heroic encounters (you can use these to advance both Tyranny and Underdark campaigns)

    For AD, easiest thing you can do to get started is 2x dungeons (heroic will work) amd 2x skirmishes (Master of the Hunt and Dread Legion will work, do Prophecy of Madness only when Bruenor tells you to or if you have a decent group. Throne is more PuG friendly as is Illusionist Gambit.

    If you are not going to run a Set of Artifact gear (Tiamat, Lostmouth, etc) then Amulet of the Protector(i think) artifact neck peice is a good choice. It becomes a set with ant Greater belt artfact and ant cragmire artifact (lantern, Waters, or catalog)

  • onodrainonodrain Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    I am not sure where the concensus for Crit over Power is from. I played the game early on, and it was not a concensus for DC with the best guides.

    Now, crit certainly is not the best if you want to be doing group content. Why? Because a DC shares their power with their group. The higher your power, the more you can share. Critical severity limits the effectiveness of crit to 75%. So not as effective. But you should have some crit. Just focus on stacking power so you can share. When your power is closer to 25000, then you can be more effective in a group as an ACDC instead of a DODC. But even with higher power, an ACDC and a DODC in the same party is the current meta for the highest level content.

    As people mentioned, ArPen is needed for specific content. Non-Chult the highest needed is 65% for the later epic dungeons. Chult bumps that to 85%.

    Look into bonding enchantments for your companion. You have 5 active companions and one summoned companion. You only need to gear out your summoned companion. Put bonding runestones on them. The tier 8 are about 150k AD each from auction house. These are a very important item to get. You can purchase companion only +3 jewelry rather inexpensively from the auction house. I went with Heroic to provide Power/ArPen. A well geared companion with bonding stones will make a HUGE difference in your power.

    If you have VIP, you can use your tradebars to get T7 enchants from the tradebar vendor. I found it cheaper to upgrade these than purchase T8, but everyone has their own opinion. Do what makes sense to you.

    The cleric role in a group is not static. People have their own opinion as to what you are supposed to provide. Some people want lots of heals. Some want just buffs and DPS. I used to run buffs and DPS with a little heal. Now I run buffs, moderate heal, and DPS as an ACDC. In skirmishes, you do not need to do much healing. You can do more DPS loadout.

    You will get tired of grinding through campaigns, but unless you buy their completion, you must do the dailies. Sharandar and Elemental Evil are easier. You can also do Throne of the Dwarven Gods skirmish and work on the Underdark campaign with that. You will want to whittle away at Bruenor Battlehammers campaign. Just one short daily each day for a month or so to complete. Basically, you will work on the campaigns in roughly the order they appear in your log. The more difficult ones are Dread Ring/Icewind Dale, Storm Kings Thunder/River District and Chult...in that order. If your gear score is too low, you will find it difficult to progress. You need to learn to dodge and use your Divinity and Empowered modes for your encounter powers. The Tyrrany of Dragon Campaign boons can all be done without doing the dailies in Well of Dragon (WoD). There are a few WoD dailies that are notoriously difficult to solo. Basically, the ones that are in instances in the WoD. They are relatively easy until the final boss. Then you get spanked. Spanked very hard. Spanked until you cry.

    Get into a guild. They can help you. You can do influence runs each day and within a few weeks have item level 420 armor for each piece. Also, guild boons are awesome.
    Post edited by onodrain on
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