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  • I have to say I am impressed that you all are looking at community/player base for content fixes. I hope you can overlook the vast majority of whiners and focus on the sincere issues that have come up. Thank you for doing this, and I'm really looking forward to having this game go back to the fun it used to be. I hope the…
  • How much money does one need to spend to meet your criteria for a whale? $50? $250? $2,500? More? If someone's dropped around $7,000 does that make them a whale? You can lvl 12 all your enchants, trans both weapon and armor, and you'll still be getting pwn'd by peon mobs. Spending money doesn't get you easier survivability…
  • Getting to 70 is fine, it's what to do AFTER 70 and all the new areas are done, is the real issue. The only way to get BiS gear is to pug dungeons, get your daily allotment of Seals, pvp for Glory, and you are done. There is no need to grind anything else, period. WoD? Rewards are junk, you already received your…
  • Yeah, was my point. Make them worthwhile. To really clean house, they should remove the 14 second cooldown on the stones; we'd go through those in a week.
  • I have, it's ridiculous. We're forced to purchase healing stones, just to survive then get one hit killed again...
  • I like the idea of rewards for playing the new Mod. Kinda upset that there really aren't any. I think I got a few peridots today. Wee!
  • They didn't create new content, they scribbled with crayons over a Picasso. Jacked up enemy damage by 175% while increasing ours by 20%, increased their ArP resist well above our ArP, ruined the chance to actually deflect/life steal (life steal by definition means steal life, so duh???), and basically took around 80% of…
  • And stop allowing silly peons hit for 30,000 damage. And increase potions to give 50,000 health instead of not being a health potion but a Spiderman band-aid. Make it worth our while to spend our hard earned money, and we will.
  • Slow? Dude, how long did it take you to get to 60, 2 days? I'm a before/after work player, who has a family so I can't play like I'd really like, and I had mine to 70 in about 2 weeks. Didn't finish Spinward until just a few days ago. A horrid grind, absolutely. Will I ever go back? No, there's no reason. No rewards, super…
  • Getting to 70 is fine, it's what to do AFTER 70 and all the new areas are done, is the real issue. The only way to get BiS gear is to pug dungeons, get your daily allotment of Seals, pvp for Glory, and you are done. There is no need to grind anything else, period. WoD? Rewards are junk, you already received your…
  • One word that we are all used to, are accustomed to, and actually expect: "DAILIES". Now that Spinward is finished, we're level 70, what dailies do we now have? What is going to be our desire to log in each day and play, to grind, to work up towards? Currently, there is none. There was no campaign progression with this new…
  • Too bad they made them so adorable. In the books, they describe them as horrid, fearsome beasts. Not at all the representation I had expected...
  • PVP/PWE, it's all relative. New maps for pvp would be nice, new maps for pwe would be nice. However, if they really want to make things more interesting, they should increase the geo fence around spawned mobs to completely encompass the map...allow no gaps between mobs. A person can literally run all over every single map…
  • SOOOOOO not happy about the news of the delay of Module 6. Guys, I want to let you know, my wife and I are having our 2nd child on APRIL 7TH!!! I won't be able to log in and play on that day fella's! How would it look if my wife is grunting to deliver, and I'm over in the corner logged in with my Hunter Ranger and whooping…
  • I sent a ticket, got a reply to wait 24 hours, waited 24 hours to the minute, and still NOTHING. I double and triple checked the times to make sure my purchases were perfectly within the time zone specified, and still nothing. Needless to say I'm one unhappy person. I have spent nearly $200 in the past two months on this…
  • I suppose you are correct. I have been impatient all day at work waiting to get home and get my new toys. After reading this and finding out they are only green, I'm not quite as filled with anticipation as I once was. The refinement items were something I could use, sure, but wasn't wanting to purchase them yet. Also…