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  • I experienced the same thing in ELoL a couple of days ago. Was any of your team mates not actually part of your team? Because that was the case for me, my first guess was that the non-teamed person had activated the countdown and since he wasn't in a team, he could start fight without me and my other team mates just…
  • The only one I've seen is the rare task "Follow Map to an Unknown Location" (requires 3 Marks of Gratitude + Region Map), 1600 rAD for 12h.
  • The way I see it, it's just the way of thinking about it that makes it bad. Sure, their efforts reward opportunist sneakers but in the end, they lose nothing and most important of all, their efforts already rewarded themselves and their guildies! It's like when yesterday, I did a quest in Dwarven Valley that had me…
  • Double post X(
  • What do you mean by this? Your work toward GH LV8 doesn't become wasted or lessened by anyone, the time and resources you spent on it, is spent and no new guildies can take any of it away. All they can do is decrease the amount of time/resources others have to spend in the future (likely by very small margins, unless…
  • On one hand, I can understand the problem of people taking up a guild spot by deceiving you and then not donating anything. But on the other hand, if they are open about their intentions, have the guild marks/fangs/whatever and only take up the spot for an hour or something, I don't see a problem. I can understand that…
  • I have no problem with devs not responding to topics, what I do have a problem with is devs not even paying attention to them. The "Account-wide companion" promotion issue has still not reached a resolution after several weeks of complete silence, the new AD changes are bugged/implemented badly as per lots of different…
  • Yes. In the first few days of Mod 7, people in my guild were still figuring out the dragon thing and basically everyone was converging on Katatheo because it was said that he was the easiest. A message popped up in the middle of the screen saying that there were too many attacking him and the dragon was now immune. Some…
  • Noon as in the time when the game normally resets for each person depending on their timezone? The time that you can start a new day of invokes? The game does mention when you're done with the day's invokes that you can start the invoke-cycle again after 12 PM. Anyway, I agree with this sentiment. I also agree with other…
  • Someone asked Strumslinger on the recent livestream if the devs were aware of the issue with mob difficulty in Mod 6, and he said that we should watch out for news about it late this week or early next week. He also mentioned that the devs were looking into healing potions. Whether anything will change for the better, we…
  • Regardless of your supposed intelligence, this is a Free To Play-game, having to pay for accounts goes against that. Furthermore, botting is prevalent even in games you have to pay for, and no matter how many "walls" you put in the way of botters, they will always find a way around it. The way I see it, the feasible way to…
  • I'd imagine people must be using some real fancy (and very detectable) stuff to bot gateway leadership, because finishing and starting tasks has always been tedious with me, not to mention the gateway randomly hanging up or disconnecting me. But then again, I don't know coding and programming, I'm just a casual, formerly…
  • I've gotten Rank 5s as well, and they're really an early Christmas present compared to Character-BOUND Tomes Of Companion experience! =_= It will take me at least a week to get my next overflow reward, and if all I get is more of those worthless tomes, I'm going to take the time out of my day to leave a review of the game…
  • So the team at Cryptic just copy+pastes old stuff and doesn't check to see if it matches with the new stuff they're putting out, and they decided to still be stingy about compensating players. Even when they were fine with giving account-wide unlocks last year. What kind of marketing strategy is this? It's not like this…
  • A community manager (or someone of similar caliber) said that they would raise the issue with Cryptic... That was just shortly after the issue was remarked on in the forums (i.e. several weeks ago). Not a word on it since. I don't PVP so it doesn't actually affect me but that a company would remove active boosters from…
  • So Cryptic takes time out of their day to reduce "confusion" on quests in Fiery Pit (the objectives were quite clear already to me, but that's just my experience), fixing drop rates (the drop rate on the torches was already very good, IMO...) and do a worthless "decrease" in difficulty that likely won't increase my 70+…
  • I noticed ~2 hours ago that the launcher said the server was down, but I had no problem logging in and playing a while. Just a minute ago, same thing. So I suppose it's down for some people, and I'm (at the moment) not one of them...
  • I ran across the same problem with Arc - during a period of about a month, I bought 220 Euros worth of Zen, and after the most recent purchase, I was blocked from buying higher amounts of Z (but the options to buy Z for lower amounts were still there). I know other games implement a limit on how much in-game currency you…
  • Did you uncheck "Patch On Demand" (or whatever it's called)? Because doing that forces the launcher to download all the files you don't already have downloaded, versus downloading them as you progress through the game and get new areas and stuff.
    in patch Comment by ireneadl3r June 2015
  • If 17,000 nodes are opened, 1 person will take 7 tries before succeeding and that person was in this case you. It's like winning the lottery - the chances of winning are very low, but (depending on the ticket amounts) within a month, chances are that at least 1 person has won it, because a 1 in a 17,000 chance doesn't mean…
  • Lol. I used the gateway to finish Alchemical Research (or whatever it's called) on my main but the profession didn't level up even though the exp meter was full and showing 100/100. Everything that can bug will bug now...
  • Hey! I was born in the 90s and I've seen the movie three times reading the end credits through every time. Golden age? More like golden eternity. Now I'm wondering if I could put on the movie and see it through, and when I come back the game won't even be online yet...
  • So does this mean that you are not aware of the problem behind it... yet?
  • See? I told you the game was taking a vacation! The devs thought they had it shackled down but no, it outsmarted them and is on its way to the Caribbean as we speak. *cries softly* What am I supposed to do without you, game? Edit: I had just enough time on the Gateway to see my Alchemy level refuse to go up after finishing…
  • Inb4 it's revealed that the game has had enough with the devs and ran away on a week-long vacation to get itself fixed and healed from all the bugs. Or maybe you should replace the first word with "in my dreams". :P
  • This bug is not just in one area of FP, I came across this today when doing quests in the initial areas of Fiery Pit (Mushroom/Crystal). Everywhere I went, there were groups of enemies with the HE-health bar (when there was no HE nearby) and they certainly had the extra damage as well - my level 70 HR was dead within…
  • When you say everything except skirmishes/PVP, does that include normal dungeons? Because I've gone into normal GWD with 2 HRs (one them was me) and 1 TR - I was quite astonished by that combination myself but we managed without too much trouble. While I can understand the thought that tanks are an integral part of dungeon…
  • Description for HR skill Fox's Cunning: "With the precise timing of the Fox, you and one nearby ally dodge the next incoming attack." When I activate this encounter, the buff icon appears for both me and my companion, and my companion gets the "dodge" symbol above their heads when standing still in the middle of an enemy's…
  • I honestly don't care about which classes complained about which, as long as we can all acknowledge that the HR class (as a whole, but especially the non-Trapper builds) needs to get some serious fixes and buffs so they can actually survive the higher-level stuff SOLO. I'm a freaking warrior of the wild with plants and…
  • Well, that's what I did with the game pre-60 on my HR Archer, but now... I tried to fight enemies on level 71 as a 70 for the ToD campaign, I could survive the fights with massive amounts of dodging as well as luck, but by the third fight I just gave up because it was not fun and the thought of possible boss fight coming…