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  • For end game content, being able to run it unlimited, and probably 2-3 times a day for "special" loot is pretty unheard of in recent MMO's. Most have a weekly lockout for end game gear dungeon/raid runs soooooo...I don't see the huge complaint other than if you're not on at the right time I guess it could suck.
  • All I can say is you definitely want Crit %(and Crit severity), it's pretty much the only way to increase the effectiveness of smoulder damage by making it crit. I really wish there was some sort of scaling damage to it but unfortunately it's static and a number based on what level you are.
  • This game is small period. I've seen the same people in my matches several times in the last couple weeks, do you know how hard that should be in an MMO? The PvP playerbase is shrinking if anything. Make a new character, level 10-19 pops all day. The brackets get progressively more barren until you get to 60 where you are…
  • I just always assumed it was a glitch in their awful queue system that, in it's desperate need of a 5th player, invites 2 at a time and you just happen to load last being a 6th and thus booted.
  • I believe this has been stated many times by many people in many threads that a lot of PvE QoL issues and performance for classes comes from sloppy dungeon design rather than the class itself. I don't do end game dungeons much, but from what I gather on the forums it sounds like most fights just resort to throwing adds at…
  • Are you always just hostile and bitter and add nothing of value to discussions? Correct me if I'm wrong too, but I don't see Master of Flame or Stormspell as subclasses for a Wizard in 4th, but my knowledge is rusty. Should we remove these too because it's not how D&D works?
  • **** double post
  • I know of and have seen the tank DC's, but that playstyle is boring and really seems to signal a class breakdown if that is really the only viable path for a DC in PvP. It doesn't help the game at all either that the only map we have is take and hold, which greatly favors tank builds. I'm hoping if we get some different…
  • On a side note related to the tank GWF's, perhaps it's time to nerf regen's affects when in instanced PvP. When you can regen about as fast as a DC(or possibly faster) can heal then what's the point of DC? I rarely see DC's, probably because no one needs healing anymore. Maybe try cutting regen by 25% when in PvP, fix…
  • Not everyone earns AD as fast as you? Or they could be banking on people not doing research and math to realize that it's technically cheaper to buy them with AD and just use Zen on the AD exchange? *shrug*
  • I'm not saying they shouldn't stomp, but a new player shouldn't be seeing top geared players 24/7. This is not going to build a player base, something this game is in need of.
  • There are plenty of people who like to PvP and join for PvP'ing as their main intent and view glory and gear as a bonus. That being said, you will still get matches where you run into an overgeared 5 man premade with 15k+ GS on everyone, vorpals, epic pvp artifacts and soulforge/bark enchants and just get dominated into…
  • Funny, I seem to recall lots of posts about broken TR specs too. 2 wrongs don't make a right.
  • So much wrong here. The problem with Sent GWF's is this: High Mobility High Tank High Damage One has to go. It's as simple as that. The only current way to deal with a GWF right now is to burst with prone chaining, which works on ANY class.
  • Pretty sure we have bots now...wouldn't be that big of a deal.
  • Uhh....Ice Knife is not unavoidable like...at all. Only way to reliably land that is to have a CC already on someone. Fix the animation cancelling issue on TR and see how that goes first, work from there.
  • I would like a reason to get glory as well. I finally ground out the artifact on my CW and now I'm not really motivated to PvP much other than to do something different/kill people until I get smashed myself heh. The Glory gear is pretty awful, I have no interest in trying to earn it. Other than the sword companion I don't…
  • People already know how to gear for PvP...this isn't anything new or groundbreaking. Attrition builds have been around since the dawn of MMO PvP that is gear based. The problem lies in the horrible horrible itemization of gear sets. The PvP sets are just...wow...I don't know about all the classes, but the DC and CW ones…
  • I don't know if I'm just bad or what, but my GWF seem unable to get out of attack animations, for instance the Rogue daze strike(name escapes me). I can start running away from the as soon as I see them jump in the air, they hang for a half second(this is non stealth), I am NOWHERE NEAR the Rogue, and I'll still always be…
  • What I gather from this: 1. Buy cheap 60 blue gear off AH. Everyone can definitely and should do it, I did it on mine and it helped. 2. Proceed to be carried by a good guild into pretty much everything. GG, T2 Dungeons, etc. This is fine, nothing wrong with it, it's an MMO afterall. Not everyone wants a guild though and…
  • While I'm not saying the stuff should be account bound, asking for more dailies is probably a bad thing considering what just went down with the huge backlash against rampant daily quest demands of a certain other MMO. They learned their lesson and have greatly toned down dailies in the last part of the current expansion…
  • Heh...this is like people spamming for raid in WoW for people with a 561 ilvl when the place their going only drops max of like 548. Great logic. People are queuing for 8300 dungeons because they expect their 9300 toon to be able to deal with that dungeon. Where are they going to get more gear to get them up to 12k when…
  • Hard does not equal time consuming. How many hours would you say you play a day? Did you give your GWF refining goods for your artifacts and enchants from your mains? Certianly possible I'm sure, especially with someone who already knows all the ins and out of this game. I myself and finding it harder and harder to want to…
  • I have Mulhorand weapon, rest blues and a couple epics that I got off AH. I don't know what you're talking about, you're probably wearing rank 8+'s I'm assuming. New players wouldn't have those, nor would they have the AD to afford weapon/armor enchants within a few weeks of play.
  • Oh, well I still think it would help if you weren't allowed to join the dungeon until all 5 hit yes, tossing 3-4 people in to never get the last remaining people seems dumb. Just put the people who hit yes back in the queue for that dungeon and try again.
  • I don't know why it doesn't work that way already. I'm pretty sure PvP matches don't start unless both sides have 5 greens ready to go. Why you'd be tossed into a dungeon with 2 or 3 readies and the other 2 fail to just end up sitting there for 10 minutes never seeing anyone join is beyond me.
  • So I officially wasted the entire hour trying to get one dungeon run. Wow....I thought PvP was annoying to deal with...guess I'll stick to that though.
  • I am a CW sadly. Does no one use this system or what? I'd try LFG but it seems like we have fast run snobs for the most part requiring GS's that are higher than the gear you could get prior to these dungeons would put you at.
  • I'm sorry I still don't see the point. From what I understand, you can't raise your shield at all if you have no guard left. So...if you're not raising a shield when I'm wailing on you then I can already assume your guard is gone unless you're trying for an epic bait of some weird sort. If you raise your…
  • It's a class resource. It's not top secret knowledge. It recharges, it goes away. What difference would it make if you couldn't see the bar? Scenario 1: Bar is displayed, I proceed to spam Magic Missles and other non CC abilities to try and burn the guard while trying to stay away from the GF. Scenario 2: No bar displayed,…