Class artifacts were kinda like this on the preview shard until they were removed , at level 60 you went to Lord Neverember and he gave you a artifact based on what class you are , some of them were really nice too .
You get 50 glory per coin
Go here , run a tracert that should show you how fast the various connections between your computer and cryptic take to respond , the thread explains what numbers to look out for, read the thread its easier then me typing a lot…
Each class has two different styles of pants and shirts now , not much choice but a lot of players don't realize they added a second set with different slightly different stats and a different look.
Same here but with 10 characters but according to wiki they do drop from skill nodes during profession event very rarely , I've never seen any purple resource drop from a skill node, I still have a nice stash of them from the Tymoras gift event , hopefully we will get them to run that again someday .
I wonder if the Seals of Triumph will be lockbox drops in a similar way that they allowed you fast progress through the campaigns with Illefarn and Thayan relics , hopefully not but if they are I imagine that could be somewhat controversial .
I don't think this would be a popular server , I can just imagine it now , spent ages being super careful not to die getting BiS gear, high rank enchants , Ioun Stone of alure and a epic mount then 5 seconds of severe lag or latency and *poof* all gone , just imagine all the desktop PC's and laptops not to mention monitors…
They need to add some types of buff pots or something similar to what you can buy with the Gold Crescents and Fomorian concoctions in Sharandar and the Dread ring .
I hate the idea of kicking players from parties for no reason but I think that when a level 60 CW is using these skills in MC or in any instance where they are completely unnecessary you should call them out on it , give them the chance to change useful skills in and if they refuse then I think you would be fully justified…
No you aren't bugged ,you just seem to be having really bad luck , T1 epic dungeon has a 5% chance of containing only blues. -
Ian , just embrace the dark side , isn't it obvious to you now that everybody including the development team has been doing everything possible to entice you over ,just give in , you'll feel better for it , I promise......... muhahahahahahahaha!
Mine used to drop to 2k in pvp and others dropped all the way to 0 , from what we can tell it's just a display bug unless yours is caused by some other factor like loss of companion active bonus or something , check out the ss in this thread xD -…
The only thing I can offer to this thread is the perspective of a pve player who hasn't pvped in neverwinter for a good few months but had really high hopes of using the addition of tenacity and a matchmaking system as a way back into pvp but I am losing hope in the new stat completely , all I see so far is that the…
The description says you will receive ONE OF THE FOLLOWING , Death Forge loot window is identical to this one apart from different drops listed(the legendary stuff on the list is actually epic , the orange is a display bug ) -
All the Adamantine gauntlet does is gives you a better loot table ,it doesn't increase your chances of a better drop. Lol you finally got one? gratz xD I got so tired of the awful drop rate that I caved in and just bought a Waters on Friday when the price hit a low with the new lockboxes being released, only thing is now…
I am pretty sure that I have seen the first boss drop the Shield two times in all the runs I have done but I had awful luck with the crafting fragments like the riser and stuff , it took me ages to get just two components and I ended up having to buy the third so you have had the good luck in my eyes xD hope you get your…
It isn't the recent patch that stopped the greater mark dropping from the daily lair sometimes , this has happened to me a few times before the recent patch although I have no idea what causes it.
I have one main account with extra character slots , that is the only account I ever use properly , the other accounts are prayer toons that only have the purpose of collecting AD through daily prayers and leadership , at level 60 the prayer and leadership ad from a few characters soon adds up but you have to find a…
Just follow the main quest line is a really fast way to level up , I think there isn't a faster way because of the big bumps in exp you get when you turn quests in.
Wow , that blows , I'm sorry it didn't work :( Rhoric's idea is what I would have suggested next , in the game open the options menu and click on the video tab , the very top option will let you change the version of directx you are running the game on , if that fails the only other option is to do as rhoric suggested and…
I noticed these in the AH the other day and meant to make a bug report about it but forgot to , they are supposed to open automatically when you get them from the chest , was your inventory full when you got the treasure trove by any chance? , here are some on sale in the AH ,if they cannot be opened then this needs…