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  • How is it bad design? It's the perfect design. Why? Because the content is there for people who have time to do the content and there is an option to buy gear if you don't have the time. Nobody is forcing you to even use the AH so again.. How is this bad design? Because people who can't spend 400 hours a week playing the…
  • Terrible analogy. Other MMO's allow account wide bank/inventory expansion. For $10 that should apply account wide (account/character bound obviously) as should bank space. It's ridiculous that a bag cost $10 in the first place and yes i understand it's a F2P MMO and it's how they make their money but that doesn't mean that…
  • Trickster Rogues are a pure DPS class. If they don't out DPS a control wizard they aren't a very good rogue. Your class is more of a crowd control/DPS class. They aren't OP, they are just doing their job. This isn't WOW, Rogues are proper Rogues in this game.
  • That means the problem is either on your ISPs end or your router/modem. Comcast did this to WOW players for awhile, i remember the latency was unbearable at one point. Call your ISP.
  • This. Also make sure your drivers are up to date. You should be able to run it better on lower settings, maxed out on a core 2 duo? You are going to have performance issues. Doesn't matter if you have a titan in that rig.
  • I run the game on max except the shaders, i run those on medium on a GTX 660 and get 60fps outside of town, 40-45fps in town. Your problem is you are running a outdated and slow CPU. You need to bump down your graphics. Games don't run just on video cards, CPU's play a huge part. Do yourself a favor and spend a couple…
  • Characters aren't deleted the server is down. If people would bother to read the message on the screen instead of jumping to conclusions you would realize that.
  • Extra bank slots should be up there. It's ridiculous you have to pay zen to get more space. That should be a diamond requirement. Also maybe offer like 450-500 zen a month, bonus if you get the 3 month plan. Kind of like how SWTOR does with cartel coins.
  • I would love a sub model that gives you increased bag/bank space + character spots. Maybe add like a sprint aura like in SWTOR.
  • You can also convert diamonds into Zen. A lot of people overlook that feature.
  • SWTOR cost next to nothing to respec. And it cost in-game currency not real $.
  • Kind of like every single MMO ever. If you want top tier gear you are going to need to do dungeons, like every MMO ever. As for the system simply Greed/Pass on gear you can't use and Need on gear that you can.
  • Everquest did have queues. EQ2 had terrible ones. Remember the launch of WOW? Or it's first 2 expansions? Diablo 3? DCUO? Aion? Every MMO experiences problems. The game hasn't even been live for 24 hours and you want to complain about a 2 hour queue wait? People need priorities because a game queue should be one of yours,…
  • You dislike the company so much you continue to give them traffic on their forums and post? Logic bro. You don't have it.
  • I have 37 boxes sitting in my bank. Already opened 10 and no mount :( This is why i don't go to casinos to gamble. Also, yeah.. Bags are a must.
  • It doesn't matter how much experience you have, you can't expect the unexpected. Every MMORPG in the history of MMO's has had launch problems. And to be honest this is one of the better MMO launches i have seen, yesterday? Had absolutely no problems other then a 10 minute queue at night. I would say for a launch the team…
  • They are working on it. Making thread after thread about the issue isn't going to make the process go any faster, you just end up wasting space.
  • Why do people keep saying you have to get zen keys to open the boxes? That's not true. You can buy keys off the AH with diamonds. I bought a few and didn't get a mount so i just stash the rest of them in my bank, i have about 23 boxes. Also to the person that asked you can sell your boxes on the AH but on the Dragon shard…
  • I don't mind the stuff that you can buy with $, it's just the pricing. You can't tell me that $10+ for a bag isn't a tad bit ridiculous, or $40 for a mount. They just need to price it better. Hell, i would buy some stuff if it wasn't so overpriced. I don't think it's pay to win and yes i know you can get zen by selling…
  • The whole pricing system is completely broken. Hopefully they make the prices reasonable down the line. And can you not unlock bank slots in-game? Do you HAVE to spend real money? If so, that's bull.
  • What server is the guild on? Dragon? About to fill out the application if you are still accepting.
  • You gain power per hit which increases damage/healing but i don't know the deep down numbers because that's not my bag, i leave that for the smart people.
  • Yeah i was worried at first as well because i assumed they would e-mail me a code or something but turned out it's automatically added.
  • Still got room? :cool:
  • Yes.. YES.. Come to the dark side.
  • I believe it's automatically added. I got an email and it let me change my title to guardian in the forum so i assume it's added.
  • From what i have read the ranger is going to be in a expansion or content update. Yeah, it's crazy that a DND game doesn't have a ranger from the get go. It's crazy that any RPG (especially western RPG) doesn't have it. It's sad but it is what it is. I am not a fan of brute/warrior classes so i am pretty much stuck with a…
  • If your PC is too old that is your fault. The specs have been out for some time now as has the weekend betas.
  • Human Rogue. My first character (main) in all RPG/ARPGs is always a hunter/archer type character and then a Rogue but since there is no Archer type character yet i am going with Rogue. Then some form of wizard/mage as my 2nd.
  • so 5 hours and 14 minutes! C'mon you timer! move faster!!