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  • Really? haven't played today, so i guess would be 10 min instead 20 min of this event for me per day, i guess more time for ad or rp farm.
  • So 30-40 balls, around 3000-4000 zen spent and 3 hours of boring clicking, for 25 r7 brutals? no thanks (or was 10-14 balls per person?). You even can get unlucky with mithral ticket drops, some people getting 20 tickets out from 2000 volleys but others can get 10 or less because is rng. I'm just going to play with the…
  • I would get the Guard Drake epic mount first because give Power bonus and protector's camaraderie, useful for all classes on damage dealed. Take into account that the faster you kill the less damage you take and also get more powerful heal and buff from your divine cleric. The other insignia bonuses you can take them later…
  • I tried battle awareness + slam but it seems that doesn't count your buffed power by companion since it was raising my power by only around 7k when i was expecting around 13.2 k power increase) (that at 53k power self buffed), still not bad (7k more power would be around 17.5% dmg increase), but i prefer a sustained buff…
  • Thanks for the feedback. Good point about using both IBS and BF when playing with a GF. (anyway trash die fast with good parties so no much point marking them in those cases) Does Gf mark work the same as daring shout, giving 20% dmg and combat advantage for you? I have heard that mark from other gwf's only give 8% dmg for…
  • Following the story line will give you some rewards from campaign but taking advantage from quests from events for leveling up to lvl 60 seems much faster, then you can retake low level campaigns and do it faster as a higher level. I suggest to buy the guard drake as the first purple mount that gives power and protectors…
  • Yeah, and don't forget the introduction of the Dread enchantment, that combines Vorpal, Plague fire and terror, 3 in one, for classes that benefit from encounters, which is not the case of Gwf. People say that Lostmauth nerf affected gwf the most, but they don't say that other classes also got buffed from the Dread…
  • There is something wrong with some SW, doing 3-5x the dmg of any other well built dps class and melting t2 bosses in 10 seconds seems just wrong. i don't know what build or bugs those SW use, but it seems just broken. I'm good with sw doing good dmg as a dps class but not broken dmg like I have seen lately. If that broken…
  • Knowing how to build and equip your character can make a great difference in performance. I remember doing the fiery pit about a year ago with my first character, a gwf, without a guide, only white apprentice healer, white mount, no artifacts, blue generic weapon, no life steal, etc; for example soloing Vanifer boss fight…
  • Actually I would put HR a little bit ahead of TR in dps, my main is a 3.5k gwf with 98% crit chance, Pure vorpal, all boons, perfect bondings, twisted and lostmauth set, WD feat updated, etc, I know what im talking about since i've been playing CN and Edemo last week and yesterdeay for example there was a 3.6 HR in a CN…
  • I don't think so, HR, TR and CW can do great dps as well, even more than gwf in some situations (like trash clearing for example), if you see more gwf and sw running around with hdps is because there are well explained guides in the forums and people are used to think those classes are the only ones for max dps, so they…
  • Some people think that you need to be a dps focused class (gwf, sw) with at least 3k gs (3.3k gs for tr hr and cw), all boons, companions, legendary artifacts, etc; to be Hdps, But play style is even more significant for dps, I have seen 2.5k gs gwf doing more dps than 4k gs gwf using the same build because they play more…