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Low item level characters out dps'ing 3ks

thatguy321654987thatguy321654987 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 39 Arc User
edited April 2016 in PvE Discussion
Just had a few games where a sw 2k item level character did 110 mil dps, compared to me a 3k tr, i did like 40 mil. The only stat this guy had more than me was in critical strike, by like a 1000. I fail to see how this is possible.

This also happened to 3.3 GWF friend of mine, who was partied with another gwf, at 2.6. He had better stats, yet the 2.6 was able to do 25 mil more dps. I am confused.


  • zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    Build, companions and knowing how to pump out the damage optimally are big factors. SW's also have some of the top DPS builds in the game, and can do prodigious amounts of damage with things like Tyrannical Threat when used appropriately.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Stats alone aren't everything. Keep in mind that 1k crit translates to about a two percent increase in crit chance. Not much, you think--except that Tyrannical Threat links damage from EVERYTHING near its target. So, while you're wailing away on one monster, he's hitting the entire group...and that two percent adds up. Especially when you consider that SW also gets a feat that increases their crit severity by up to 15%. Also, was this SW a Hellbringer or Soulbinder paragon? Soulbinders can get a LOT of additional damage from Soul Sparks--something else that won't show up on a character sheet. Curse increases damage against a target, so on.

    Also, item level can be deceptive. There's a LOT of items that don't add directly to one's offensive potential that are nevertheless counted in item level (such as Dragon Hoard and Fey Blessing enchantments).

    Bottom line: It ain't just the stats. There's a whoooooole lot more to damage than your character sheet.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • wildfiredewildfirede Member Posts: 886 Arc User
    that and r12 bondings giving gazillion of stats and counting as 0il
    Please fix Zhentarim Warlock companion's skill "Arcane Warping" to the originally intended "Arcane Boost"

    Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
  • mrgiggles651mrgiggles651 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    And boons don't count for iLVL. Stronghold boons can give basically more stats than any gear you can get.
    I wasted five million AD promoting the Foundry.
  • ogariousogarious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    zibadawa said:

    Build, companions and knowing how to pump out the damage optimally are big factors. SW's also have some of the top DPS builds in the game, and can do prodigious amounts of damage with things like Tyrannical Threat when used appropriately.

    This.....With my build and 2904 IS I can outdamage most 4k characters in PvE dungeons. Some of the best wizards can tie or manage to beat me by around 100k or so, but they have to be really good. You all had your time on the top, now it's the scourge warlock's turn HAMSTER!!! :p

  • durugudesudurugudesu Member Posts: 555 Arc User
    ogarious said:

    zibadawa said:

    Build, companions and knowing how to pump out the damage optimally are big factors. SW's also have some of the top DPS builds in the game, and can do prodigious amounts of damage with things like Tyrannical Threat when used appropriately.

    This.....With my build and 2904 IS I can outdamage most 4k characters in PvE dungeons. Some of the best wizards can tie or manage to beat me by around 100k or so, but they have to be really good. You all had your time on the top, now it's the scourge warlock's turn HAMSTER!!! :p

    kindly name these best wizards you speak of. thanks
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    There were by sure some wizards who beat you orgarious, not sure after lolset nerf.
    But back to topic, running beside a 2k damnation warlock is allways a pleasure, no matter if he is Hellbringer or Soulbinder at that itemlevel.
    He will by sure out dps you in most cases. Hellbringer is said to be the weaker path, but he can also do good.
    Having rank 12 bondings and a maxed companion on top, 8k power from SH boon, 4k mount and a GF in his party, his puppet will deal more damage than a you do in some dungeons.
    A soulbinder puppet deals about 60%+ overall damage at 2k il, a hellbringer up to 85% from overall damage (15% deals the lock :/), the buffs from HB will give the puppet even more power than SB ´s puppet gains.
    Furylocks at that IL won´t work that good.
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    There are a lot of factors in this that IL does not show:
    * Playstyle - an aggressive playstyle running ahead of group counts for a lot
    * Mount bonus
    * Guild boon bonus
    * Some IL has no dps effect(utility ones typically)
    * Class - GWF and SW are a bit unbalanced currently. Too strong compared to others. Correcting the Lostmauth set probably only was the first step in a balancing process
    * Use of buff potions
    * Build quality - there is usually a huge difference between an optimal build and a less optimal one

    For starters, read your class boards and tune your character according to posted successful builds there.
    And if you care about dps standing, make sure you don't lag behind group in dungeons.

    The only thing that is not directly fixable is the class tuning by Cryptic. But it seems they are working on that now, and I'll be surprised if the better GWF and SW builds are not looked closely at.
  • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
    That was probably a damnation build. Soul Puppets deal tons of damage, probably due to a bug somewhere. Has nothing to do with skill, boons or potions or anything.
  • ftrydaftryda Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    Most likely the sw was soulbinder damnation. I ran that build the majority of my time up to 3.3k iL. (I am now 4k+ depending on gearing). While many damnation refuse to admit it, I assure you it was the puppet dealing damage since I tested many runs where I engaged the bare minimum to keep puppet up. This is also why the damnation warlock will reach high numbers at even a lower iL because the source is the puppet. It is a combination of stacking buff interactions that overstack and seem to duplicate on the puppet. Although fury warlocks see this same odd interaction with murderous flame...

    As far as a lower iL gwf, I believe this thread already has the best explanation of this which is either playstyle and running ahead just enough with well placed timing or simply guild boons and/or bonding stones can make the difference.
    4000 iL Scourge Warlock
    Well Endowed (Xbox)
  • grabmooregrabmoore Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    Everything can happen in a skirmish, yes LoL and Valindra are skirmish-like, too. Just ran ahead like the hyperactive CoD kid you are and kill everything before the others even enter the dungeon...

    If this SW was a damnation-lock it takes no skill. Not that current gameplay requires any skill at all with 4k toons running 2k content.

    Heroes of Darkness

    Retired since 02/15
    My opinions are my own. Please do not judge my friends nor guild for my statements.
  • thatguy321654987thatguy321654987 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 39 Arc User
    Very interesting. I am only just starting to tweak my companions. I'll look into it. For the record, i got to give some props to the SW; the guy came in late after some people left and just dominated the chart.
  • taitinhakkaajataitinhakkaaja Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    Invite those sw's to t1 content and no buffs... Then you see how good they really are. :wink:
  • relkindxrelkindx Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    My friends has a 4k Ranger that he likes to play as a Stormwarden Archer. (he has bonding R12's as well). He always gets out DPS'ed by CW's and GWF even if they are 1k-1.5 k lower than him. Haven't talked to him since the lostmauth change though. I think the CW's and GWF's took the biggest hit on that, not sure though.
  • cesoso55cesoso55 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2016

    There are a lot of factors in this that IL does not show:

    * Class - GWF and SW are a bit unbalanced currently. Too strong compared to others. Correcting the Lostmauth set probably only was the first step in a balancing process

    The only thing that is not directly fixable is the class tuning by Cryptic. But it seems they are working on that now, and I'll be surprised if the better GWF and SW builds are not looked closely at.

    I don't think so, HR, TR and CW can do great dps as well, even more than gwf in some situations (like trash clearing for example), if you see more gwf and sw running around with hdps is because there are well explained guides in the forums and people are used to think those classes are the only ones for max dps, so they refer to them when someone ask for a dps build, but I have seen TR, HR and CW focused on dps competing on dps with same lvl and skill gwf and sw.
  • blinxonblinxon Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    cesoso55 said:

    but I have seen TR, HR and CW focused on dps competing on dps with same lvl and skill gwf and sw.

    Erm...i dont think a HR or a CW can make the same DPS as a SW or a GWF. Some BIS TRs maybe can. But a HR or a CW? sry...cant believe this.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    to those comment above.
    1. @ftryda , noone negates that puppet is broken, never did, morderous flame is even more broken fyi (200.000.000 miohits, pfff :) )
    2. @grabmoore , it´s the same skill every player has in this game, low level since it´s all about how broken your buidl is :)
    3. @taitinhakkaaja , even running T1 damnation is very good in case you manage to pop your spirits and puppet deals solid damage even in T1
    4. I stick with cesosos55, since in my world there is a GWF who can do crazy ammounts of damage even after lolset-nerf, there are TR-builds that beat damnation in some dungeons on single target as they beat GWF´s, there also are CW´s i personally met who dealt more damage in a max.-buff-group than a damnation warlock
    Warlock solo compared to other classes is unhandy and "low fun" btw., this class only shines in dungeons has no CC no dodge, not much buffs...all this class has is damage (and 50% from that damage is bugged)
    Fact: my 2,5 GWF kills frost giants 2 time faster than my near maxed warlock, and he doesn´t need a 4k crit ring, a maxed companion and bondings rank 12 to do so

    This game is all about (most important at first)
    1. the quality of bondings you use
    2. the companion you run and
    3. the build you run (maybe that´s more at 2)
    4. a little bit of knoweledge about the class

    Ah, I forgot the last and also very important point, abusing broken feats and mechanics is one of the most important points
    At least GF, OP, Hunter and warlock are in some powers and feats broken (warlock is obviuos puppet, morderous flame)
    GF...steel blitz + commander strike seems broken ( commander strike allways was buggy regarding PVP)
    Hunter..saw that video near oneshooting a dragon in WoD, lol...
    OP I can´t tell since patch what is broken ( at least the healing that class does :), but zero mitigation so wasted)
    ... TR/CW/GWF not sure about these classes

    Uh, another thing, witnessed a dragonrun in WoD few days ago, it was a "premade" group from know guilds.
    5-6 guy running with HV and I guess HP-set, melting those dragons by a GWF/GF and some more striker in..6 seconds or let´s say 8 ?
    Never saw a better evidence for the fact that this game is not about skill or classes, no that´s just redicules, 10 buffs from broken equip+ feats like ITF and a mighty dragon looked like a small insect.
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • durugudesudurugudesu Member Posts: 555 Arc User
    blinxon said:

    cesoso55 said:

    but I have seen TR, HR and CW focused on dps competing on dps with same lvl and skill gwf and sw.

    Erm...i dont think a HR or a CW can make the same DPS as a SW or a GWF. Some BIS TRs maybe can. But a HR or a CW? sry...cant believe this.
  • cesoso55cesoso55 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    blinxon said:

    cesoso55 said:

    but I have seen TR, HR and CW focused on dps competing on dps with same lvl and skill gwf and sw.

    Erm...i dont think a HR or a CW can make the same DPS as a SW or a GWF. Some BIS TRs maybe can. But a HR or a CW? sry...cant believe this.
    Actually I would put HR a little bit ahead of TR in dps, my main is a 3.5k gwf with 98% crit chance, Pure vorpal, all boons, perfect bondings, twisted and lostmauth set, WD feat updated, etc, I know what im talking about since i've been playing CN and Edemo last week and yesterdeay for example there was a 3.6 HR in a CN doing the same dps as me, while i was doing more dps against trash, the HR actually was outdpsing me in boss fights, In edemo i find some CW and obviously Sw that outdps or equals me at 3.2-3.6k. But I have found also TRs at 3.1-3.5k really close in dps to me. Sure, I see more Gwf and sw with hdps running around but that is because those classes got more popular since some videos and guides posted like lazalia for example, But I would not say they have a powerful advantage over TR, HR and CW if well built.
  • throsbithrosbi Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    Item level, gear score, pedunkles, humperdinkles, call it what ever you like. Those silly numbers are just a guide for those that do not understand how to build a character. It gives them an easy go to. Stats, boons, skills, rotations, party makeup, and more sometimes even those odd little trinkets, pots and what not can make a huge difference. It usually boils down to the skill of the player that matters.

    On top of all that, those charts in game are another guide for all us silly folks that dont pay attention to what matters.... a good run with the bosses down and the loots in the inventory. Why sweat the small stuff when we have more loots to get.
  • zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    cesoso55 said:

    Actually I would put HR a little bit ahead of TR in dps, my main is a 3.5k gwf with 98% crit chance, Pure vorpal, all boons, perfect bondings, twisted and lostmauth set, WD feat updated, etc, I know what im talking about since i've been playing CN and Edemo last week and yesterdeay for example there was a 3.6 HR in a CN doing the same dps as me, while i was doing more dps against trash, the HR actually was outdpsing me in boss fights, In edemo i find some CW and obviously Sw that outdps or equals me at 3.2-3.6k. But I have found also TRs at 3.1-3.5k really close in dps to me. Sure, I see more Gwf and sw with hdps running around but that is because those classes got more popular since some videos and guides posted like lazalia for example, But I would not say they have a powerful advantage over TR, HR and CW if well built.

    That's mostly because of bleed-like effects and other DoTs, which those classes have far more of than a GWF. Against trash there's not enough time for DoTs to do meaningful damage, but against a boss there's time for several casts of each DoT to do their full effect. The Lostmauth nerf affected GWFs the most, which has closed the gap between them and everyone else.
  • blinxonblinxon Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    cesoso55 said:

    In edemo i find some CW and obviously Sw that outdps or equals me at 3.2-3.6k. But I have found also TRs at 3.1-3.5k really close in dps to me.

    Edemo says nothing about DPS. Sry. How much did the HRr out dpsed you in CN at bosses? Which boss? All bosses?
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    If you judge the classes following the damage in a dungeon it´s probably warlock>GWF>CW>Hunter>TR
    If you judge those classes according to the solo gameplay/handling/fun factor it´s probabaly CW?>GWF>Hunter>TR>warlock
    You allways have to mention warlocks damage is 50% bugged, so fix it and we are all pretty close in damage.
    TR outshines most classes on singel target if the build is made for dps.
    You can do an edemeo run and find a GF near top damagedealer, that´s the guy who knows his class and mechanics.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    If you judge the classes following the damage in a dungeon it´s probably warlock>GWF>CW>Hunter>TR
    If you judge those classes according to the solo gameplay/handling/fun factor it´s probabaly CW?>GWF>Hunter>TR>warlock
    You allways have to mention warlocks damage is 50% bugged, so fix it and we are all pretty close in damage.
    TR outshines most classes on singel target if the build is made for dps.
    You can do an edemeo run and find a GF near top damagedealer, that´s the guy who knows his class and mechanics.

    @schietindebux I would argue that a DPS gf is the highest dps toon out of all the classes.
  • taitinhakkaajataitinhakkaaja Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Where can get that kind of high dps gf build?
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    Where can get that kind of high dps gf build?

    You would have to ask people honestly, Freya, @d66723225 could tell you, if he is willing to deign the forum with his presence (he reads, but does not comment).
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Steel Blitz + commander strike, but only works that good in thiamat and edemo i was told
  • blinxonblinxon Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    metalldjt said:

    and yes, i agree with @thefabricant , if i remember correctly i've done few epic demos with Dom ( @freshour ) and he outdpsed me a few times, at that time he was running a pve build.

    You was running a PVE build too?
  • blinxonblinxon Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    Azure 12s...ok. Azure dont give you any power. You sure you played your GWF as a PVE toon (SM+ Destro)? NO offense. Just curious.
  • taitinhakkaajataitinhakkaaja Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    I had some conversations about gf dps with some mates. My friend plays hr 3.4k il and he is very good dealing damage, he said that there was gf in dungeon that out dps everyone and dps difference was significant.
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