i kind of would like to see Fey Crossing scaled down a bit same for the new sharadar as well cause when to many monsters add on they cause to much of a problem for how you cant survive and how its like that in AI for how you cant enjoy the game for monsters plowing through you in 5 seconds
sorry for not checking my notifications the problem im having with Reptilian Extraction is that i dont like the pirates on the ship for how annoying they are to kill cause when i try to do Convention Infiltration that the drow dont come much easier and how some of the AI quest are kind of messed up
thought maybe i had crashed on loading screen or something but found i didn't since i do run into that one alot since im guessing alot of people are not happy after being kicked out of ME where i was happy i finished that one on time
i just got done tonight finishing up some quest in AI on my wizard and when i come back out that i was unable to log back in due to this message for how the server is unavailable
been having issue sometimes with the orcs drow and pirate king mobs in ME for how they shouldn't be able to go through you in 5 sec for how i have seen them do that half the time when i go in there and how i think the potions they have should not grant them full heath where they should not be able to use two of them in a…
was in ME the morning sitting in a spot afk where the pack of mobs came and killed my Rogue for no reason since i do agree that i would like to see them clean up this mess that no one likes
i really liked it when you could level a toon under 1 or 2 days but after the nerf that i dont see my self leveling anymore after that since it would just eat up my time for no reason just like it will on console
been noticing that in the game where i haven't been able to play after the patch we had yesterday cause when i went into ME my warlock could not even solo in there for the mobs being over scaled for for how some of the monsters are like that and hope they will fix this right cause if they dont that i wont be playing for a…
they only nerfed the xp enchantments for getting butt hurt for no one wanting to buy there xp booster pack like who going to waste 20 bucks on that thing when i didn't since they should of removed that thing instead from there store and had let everyone be happy for what they had
this what happens when they dont do any testing look how bad they messed this game up and how you can not go anywhere without being killed why im not going to play there game tell this get fixed right why im kind of mad how they only focused on the leveling zones and didn't bother with anything else when they could of…
not happy with the combat changes for how i can not solo ME and after seeing one of them baby orc mobs one shot my rogue to 5% health that i noticed how things are not looking right like they should be for how i have died twice on my ranger for no reason and how i cant play my wizard as well where i hope there will be a…
so when will we see some changes in Me cause after trying to kill Battletested Warrior that i noticed how he's impossible to kill and how none of my toons can even get him down to 50% for the amount of damage he does for being like Vansi Bloodscar from cloak tower cause when i try to beat down as well Gravemaster he's also…
only this one https://scontent.fhio2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/129099581_890076031527968_736785951871453108_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&cb=846ca55b-ee17756f&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=UdiShX6yZBMAX8tI74a&_nc_ht=scontent.fhio2-1.fna&tp=7&oh=f9b0ec73ec6e95cc7a1b1b194ca9b110&oe=5FEBA6FE
the issue you are having isn't coming from a dungeons i get this alot from doing ME and other places where i doubt they would ever tell us why this happens since there is nothing we can do about it
it has nothing to do with the seductive shirt cause when you go to the appearance tab you can see the angel wings appear on your toons back when you buy out the Celestial Wings im just saying how they could added the wings as a fashion item to go along with the mount since i did not pay full price for this
i have been seeing alot of players around protector's enclave and dont know what them glowing wings are behind there back is thought it came with the Celestial Wings or something tell i found i was wrong or i would of liked them better with the angel wing mount
lol ok i only use the seductive dance on my female fighter cleric or rogue when i want to go relax somewhere why i said i like it better on females than dudes
so when are we going to see witch hats for tanks in the game cause after the halloween event ended that i wished you would of let us keep are teams mask even if they didn't win or would of used it as transmute on my fighter helmet for how i can not buy the witch hat off ah