The dungeon is fine until the last boss. We activate the fire, but at the anchor, when you click to swing across, the zone in point is too low and you fall through the floor. There is no way to reach the boss. My character was level 80. join us on our Neverwinter Info Discord Server!There's information on how to join us, our alliance, and helping your guild.
Order of Knights Radiant - GH 20
Guild Leader: Tamia@jadeofkatan
Come join us on our Neverwinter Info Discord Server!There's information on how to join us, our alliance, and helping your guild.
Order of Knights Radiant - GH 20
Guild Leader: Tamia@jadeofkatan
At that bridge, where last boss is, this happends everytime, for me :
Groups "splits up" (if enter with a party, party members stays)
, and if u enter last boss the ground dissapears and all falls to their death:
Co-Guild Leader
Ghost Templars L20
Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
Alt: Warlock
Have video if needed.
PSN Zen AD Exchange - Forecasting Spreadsheet
Why are these maps dynamic and not static? I think I may know the answer, but I am wondering, if anyone working at Cryptic knows why the maps are generated on the fly. It seems plausible, to take the time resources and repair these maps forever. One employee with very little skill could be assigned to make all these maps static with limited dynamic parts. The map count doesn't seem that large, it would be good practice to fix these and any maps created in the future.
At this point, my theory is either, the game engine is old and won't allow it, or employees are told to do it one way and nobody ever questions the reason why it should be done this way. Making these maps static maps, would benefit in shorter load times and eliminate these errors from ever occurring again. I certainly don't understand why it would take over a week to repair this error.
PSN Zen AD Exchange - Forecasting Spreadsheet
@majormarcin#1464 this is probably the reason they left it open for users to play.
I think everyone can agree the ship and all its parts are static in this map (they don't move and have no reason to move) and should not load in as over a dozen different items. The ship and all of its component parts should be one, and only one, 3D reference. The broken part is an issue in their database, as a library in update was offset. This offset is hard to track as it just a list of numbers. Repairs to this offset can easily spawn more offsets elsewhere in the database. As I understand, the ship parts are appearing elsewhere in maps they don't belong.
The long term solution appears to be, repair this ship and its surrounding area to spawn in as one object. The ship crew should remain dynamic models as they need to move around and are not statues. If the map needs to be broken into smaller segments, then the bounding boxes should at least be a priority for all maps.
All of the Cryptic maps seem to operate in this fashion, building maps like Lego™ puzzles. I can only guess the core engine is not that versatile? I also know from experience, core engines cost a lot of man-hours to build, time is money, and they don't like the depreciation factor of any game engine. Unless you are made of gold bricks, your game engine will be outdated by the time it is built.
PSN Zen AD Exchange - Forecasting Spreadsheet
before updating:
the missing parts of the ship can be seen from afar,
when you are on the bend on the pier in front of the boss
the boss drops ending the bungeon, the portal opens, you get a reward if you were queuing, if you were not queuing, you will not open the box next to the portal because there is nothing to stand on
after the update:
the missing parts of the ship can be seen from afar,
when you approach you can see that some of them begin to disappear before your eyes (video)
the boss is not spawned until the team is gathered, so the instance cannot be completed
if you assemble a party, everyone dies (boss still alive?)
People are trapped in their homes (not just from the flu season) during the winter months, mostly due to the cold weather.
They get bored and binge watch streaming TV or play games. There is only so many times you can polish the house pets before they start losing their fur. People need to escape and they look to online games that offer both amusements and other people to cavort and frolic with in the months ahead. Breaking things in the winter is not going to make an impression on new users. Established users telling them, oh it is normal here, locks it in - they don't want a long term investment into the product you are selling them.
Out of respect to your product, if this was my product, I would get this shut down and repaired ASAP.
PSN Zen AD Exchange - Forecasting Spreadsheet