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  • You can't mute ppl for 24h because they posted a message in the zone (general) chat. A global chat is for everything, trade, lfg, discussions ... I rather have some GM working on gold spammers and inappropriate behavior (insults etc) than on a guy searching a group in zone chat...
  • Well actually a lot of games let you delete mails with attachment. And they're just asking "are you sure" after you hit delete so you have to hit a "yes" button also.
  • Nah bad choice of word, English is not my native language I didn't think "chill out" was that strong , sorry :/ anyway when I'm looking to the zone chat I just a big mess. + I made a recent Thread about the community and "discovered" that most ppl turn off the zone chat. So I really think you've got more chances to find a…
  • Oh ok. I didn't understand the topic I guess. I thought you were talking about... any dungeon, regular, elite, low level, high level.... Like for Epic Cragmire Crypts , final loot is BoP. If it's for BoE loot then I agree with that :
  • Why , after 10 run waiting for the cleric boots to drop (if I'm the only cleric) should I greed with everybody and prey to get the loot ? They will just refine it to get 5000k Astral and I will have to run 10 other dungeon to complete my set. It's absurd. You just run the dungeon, need for you class, gear yourself, and…
  • But why do you want to do that ? If I'm running a dungeon to get a loot BoP... if it drops for my class I will need on it ... why should somebody with an other class have a chance to get it ? It's no use to them !
  • I don't get what are you guys talking about... if we use only need or greed... then just ask cryptic to change the window into "roll / pass"
  • You can't Need for important loots if it's not your class so... why debate on that ? and for enchantment etc, I always said in every MMO. If you need it, then need. It is, that simple.
  • Why are you saying they're "passing in front of everybody".... I have both LFG and Zone chat open I see both at the same time. And most of the ppl who are searching for a member are looking at the LFG chan anyway. So writing an LFG message in the zone chat will actually slow your search, your message will be lost in the…
  • Well you're also making a lot of noise for nothing. You don't HAVE TO use the LFG chat. It was created for 2 reasons, TRY to move every LFG messages from the global chat and give a clearer view to ppl who want to find a group. The LFG chat was created for the LFG users, not for the zone chat users because the zone chat is…
  • Yeah fishing for lights... I'm trying to forget about that. Well I was actually thinking to spend few $ to get 7 characters and level leadership just for astrals xD
  • So wait, you've got 7 characters with leadership and still having a gold issue ? When in that case maybe try to just spend less ... You can't die in solo (well, once you're geared anyway, and I'm guessing you're well geared with 1mil to spend in the AH) and once you've find some good players to group with, dungeons are…
  • First of all yeah I can decide for myself than I can not join a guild. It's called "I do whatever the **** I want with my own life". No I can't just walk into a guild, grab the gear while I'm in an "active playing phase" and then not log in during a month. It's not nice that's all. And about Eve. Bad people in Eve are…
  • over a million a week... you can refine only 168 000 per character per week. You'll need to get 24k RaD per day on 6 characters to get 1 million. Then you're playing 6 to 8 characters everyday to get 24k. Takes what ? 4-5-6 hours to get 24k on one character ? So you see, MOST ppl can't play 28h/24h. And so MOST ppl need to…
  • Well farm some gold then, like in Every MMO ever.(and it's really easy to get some in Neverwinter). Usually in games, players are doing raids at the end of the week , where they lose a lot of gold and they're using the rest of the week to farm dailies etc to get some gold. That's how it works. Thing is it takes 1h00 to do…
  • Don't know if I understood well, hope you're not saying it's easier to get AD than Gold. It's easier to get dilithium in STo than credits but it's not like that in Neverwinter. You make 1 skirmish run during the event you get 1000 Astral, and sell for around 70 silver if not more. You do your dailies in sharandar you…
  • saying Hi,Thanks and knowing basic english is part of the world now. If Russians were able to adapt on AoC to play with US players , then spanish, french and others should be too ;) Plus, STo is one server too, never got a language issue.
  • So who do you want me to preach to ? Guys in the zone chat ? It's not because ppl want something that they will act to have it. Like, turning off the zone chat, I mean yes I understand that we all want to play and spend a nice time in the game, to blow off steam. And that we don't want to play the police. But if we don't…
  • When it's 4am in Montreal, it's only 1am in Vancouver, 06pm in australia and 09am in UK and I can speak french. So I think time zone is not a problem. Thank you. You do understand that they will never become good if they can exploit rather than learn. And they will hardly learn with every "good player" refusing them for…
  • Again , turning off the zone chat may be a solution for you but it's not for the community. If we had more good people reading and interacting in the zone chat I wouldn't have made this thread. One of the worst thing is still for me "ragequits" in pvp and dungeons. It's destroying pugs. And I just came out of a very nice…
  • There is truth to what you're all saying. But, I'm not new in MMOs and statements like "it's like that in every MMOs" and "what do you want them (cryptic) to do" or "you should find a guild" are not true, sorry. First I can't find a guild, I'm playing one week 20h the other 2h , that's not reliable enough. Second, STo…
  • Hello, everything worked fine until this morning, stuck on the cryptic screen. And my girlfriend too. So I tried several solutions you mentioned and nothing worked. At the end I just pulled the plug off my router and restart it. Worked just fine, even for her and she didn't do all the uninstall, reboot etc I did... hope it…