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  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    sominator wrote: »
    Sorry to hear about this negative experience! We're continually working on making our in-game and out-of-game communities even more welcoming for everyone.

    I'd love to see a grassroots effort to help with this. If you see someone in need of help, please think about lending a hand, and encourage niceness! If someone's been nice to you, please consider paying it forward, and answering a question!

    The more we can all promote respect and friendliness in-game and on the forums, the more positive and welcoming behavior will become the norm.


    Thanks for chiming in on this thread, Sominator. It's definitely true that contributing friendly input does something to help foster a better culture.

    For those whose gameplay objective is to exploit an anonymous outlet to be publicly vulgar or lob hate speech, there need to be more visible consequences in place. While I'm sure that's very difficult in a game that's free to access, I'd suggest that it's even more important to be seen making efforts in that direction, in part because new players don't begin the game with Zone chat disabled. Seeing a racist comment floating around in Zone may not turn a new player off the entire game, but such incidences increase the probability that the player will write off the general population and turn off chat, which means decreased potential to contribute anything positive to the game's culture.

    And so on :P
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • duthgar1976duthgar1976 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    i always remember were i came from and remember the snide comments and trolls of the zone chat. why when i have it on, which is extremely rare, if i see someone ask a simple question i will PM them the best possible answer or direct them to the forums or someone that knows about it more than me. After 13 years of MMOs i know how a zone/map/game wide channel can be frustrating and always try to do the right thing for other new to the game people.

    As some others have responded yes this is how a lot of mmos tend to be but more so today because we can simple push to talk or what not and i think we have become to lazy to simply type "hello" or "welcome". Come on my fellow gamers dont be so lazy =)
  • osiabunnyosiabunny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    This is normal. Zone chats are horrid in every mmo for new players, and 80% of people don't talk in pugs in any game. This is not a neverwinter issue, this is an mmo issue and you will not find a difference in any of them overall.

    This is not normal, hostile communities in a MMORPG I think I can only think of two games that are like that. Which is this one and World of Warcraft.

    Best thing to do is ignore the poisonous people out there and promote a better civil community.
  • barbotineqcbarbotineqc Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Again , turning off the zone chat may be a solution for you but it's not for the community.

    If we had more good people reading and interacting in the zone chat I wouldn't have made this thread.

    One of the worst thing is still for me "ragequits" in pvp and dungeons. It's destroying pugs.
    And I just came out of a very nice session (as usual) of pug in swtor, made with the group finder, so, PUGS and Group finder are not a/the reason for a bad community.

    and Sominator , thanks for the answer
  • hiddenfatehiddenfate Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I don't think it's a particularly bad community, it's a lot better than most communities I've seen (cough WoW cough runescape cough this cough will end here because it could go on for a loooooong time cough). The main problem is that people who interfere with the community aren't really punished. Cryptic doesn't have moderators that I've seen who will look through chat and ban gold spammers or people who are just generally being a jerk.

    If leavers, gold spammers, and general jerks got a punishment for existing then we'd have a lot less of them around.
  • bananachefbananachef Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Did you miss Winter Festival Fawn-chat?
    2 GWFS, 3 TRs, 2 GFs, 1 HR, 1 CW
  • hiddenfatehiddenfate Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    bananachef wrote: »
    Did you miss Winter Festival Fawn-chat?

    I've heard worse...and isn't "that" a scary thought.

    Though I will consent that the fawn chat is a fairly good justification for cleansing of the species starting with everyone who made a horrible fawn related pun :|
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hiddenfate wrote: »
    i've heard worse...and isn't "that" a scary thought.

    Though i will consent that the fawn chat is a fairly good justification for cleansing of the species starting with everyone who made a horrible fawn related pun :|


    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • overddriveoverddrive Member Posts: 722 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    I've played quite a few mmos to end game and I don't find NWO people to be any worse. Maybe even better. I am always friendly type out witty remarks or whatever in party chat during dungeons...the ones who lol or are nice back get a friend request, and after a little while there is a nice group of like minded gaming buddies on my friends list. There are other people involved, be social and you will make friends. Really it is that simple :)
    PanzerJäger HR Hybrid
    Jugger Conq GF
  • overddriveoverddrive Member Posts: 722 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    bananachef wrote: »
    Did you miss Winter Festival Fawn-chat?

    My wife found endless amusement in winter festival fawnage. She would sometimes laugh herself to tears. There is something fun about open-ended zone chat. I don't see people being mean so much but I tend to block rudeness out anyways.
    PanzerJäger HR Hybrid
    Jugger Conq GF
  • sheenjunesheenjune Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Its annoying that the game requires one time code verification when signed in from steam, moreover i dun even receive the code sent from my email.... its sux to have such annoying processes to get in into the game... wtf they want? cant i even enjoy a game easily that i spent on? it sux hell srsly
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    The best way to fix zone chat is bring moderators in to police it. Right now it is a "anything goes" area because the ToS is not enforced there. Unless limits are established you will always have people pushing the envelope of acceptability and since the first minor offences were not punished, people felt free to go even further. Even though people who have been banned cannot speak about the fact they were banned, word will eventually get around that people are "disappearing" from chat and people will start reigning themselves in.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The best way to fix zone chat is bring moderators in to police it. Right now it is a "anything goes" area because the ToS is not enforced there. Unless limits are established you will always have people pushing the envelope of acceptability and since the first minor offences were not punished, people felt free to go even further. Even though people who have been banned cannot speak about the fact they were banned, word will eventually get around that people are "disappearing" from chat and people will start reigning themselves in.

    Hell no.

    You can moderate it yourself by "banning" people that spam/are rude/whatever. Your suggestion is the last thing I want in this game, and I use zone/lfg/trade chat like once/month.

    It's an MMO, don't have expectations from 10 yrs olds to behave like adults. Just go about your business and ignore.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The game is so easy and there are so many exploits (not saying which ones, just saying it's there) that communication with other people in the instance is unnecessary. There are no strats involved. If the game was harder people would have to make sure you know what to do before starting to play the dungeon.

    Also, if you're still playing when it's 4am in your country, you don't expect everyone to speak your language right?
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    diogene0 wrote: »
    The game is so easy and there are so many exploits (not saying which ones, just saying it's there) that communication with other people in the instance is unnecessary. There are no strats involved. If the game was harder people would have to make sure you know what to do before starting to play the dungeon.

    Also, if you're still playing when it's 4am in your country, you don't expect everyone to speak your language right?
    Sadly people exploit because they're such bad players that legit is too hard for them.
  • ladymythosladymythos Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 637 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    And you can't blame the group finder for that,
    I tried finding a group in the NW_legit_player channel the other day. People in there are nice enough when it's just chatting, and it was easy enough to find a group. But once we were in the dungeon, on the other hand... dear lord. I got so much BS about the loot-rules I was supposed to know everyhing about, yet had never heard of in any MMO I've ever played, that I ended up passing on literally everything just to get through the dungeon as quickly as posible and be done with it. Not exactly nice people, in other words. So no, it's not just the group finder. This is why I usually play the lone wolf type. I don't even bother with guilds anymore. The few times I've tried, it always end up a disaster. Heck, I even had one guild break up because the second in command didn't get to be in charge, and he then activly tried to recruit everyone to his new guild. I quit the first guild and didn't join his.

    My suggestion? Be nice, but don't be naive. The ignore-list is your friend, sadly.
    sominator wrote: »
    Sorry to hear about this negative experience! We're continually working on making our in-game and out-of-game communities even more welcoming for everyone.

    I'd love to see a grassroots effort to help with this. If you see someone in need of help, please think about lending a hand, and encourage niceness! If someone's been nice to you, please consider paying it forward, and answering a question!

    The more we can all promote respect and friendliness in-game and on the forums, the more positive and welcoming behavior will become the norm.

    This goes in the "don't be naive" section, sadly. I think it's important to be nice to those who deserve, but we should also try our best to stay strong and don't fall into the temptation to be rude to those who aren't. So if someone is being a jerk, just turn your back and walk away. Most of them just want attention, and love nothing more than to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> us off. So if we fall into the trap and talk back, they win. Rudeness breeds more rudeness, sadly. I'm not saying they will stop being jerks if we just ignore them, but every small victory is still a small victory. ;)

    And btw, despite being a metal-head, there's a line from a techno-song from the early 90s I really like: "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." ;)
  • vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Ask a question on the global chat, you will have 1 nice answer in PM and 30 other on the global mocking you about how a n.oob and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you are etc.
    Actually besides thoses answers by the players you'll also get 50 posts about buying AD with dollars, and five pms with title "hello" also about buying AD with dollars. Having all the chats polluted by the gold spammers is not an incentive for seasoned players to be in a good mood and willing to answer nicely to newb questions.

    I always (in a skirmish, pvp, dungeon) will say just "Hi" and "Thanks" at the end. 80% of the time, nobody will answer, talk during the dungeon and say anything at the end.
    One of them will die and you will see pomocy and you will understand that they just don't speak english. But admittedly the only words besides "hi" at the start and "thx" at the end were "Hey I can not jump any more" "Did they fix it? You mean we have to actually fight the boss?"
    English is not my first language.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Sadly people exploit because they're such bad players that legit is too hard for them.

    This comes up again and again and it's untrue in many cases. It is simply a matter of farming efficiency.
  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Sadly people exploit because they're such bad players that legit is too hard for them.

    All the great players I know are pro exploiters. Nothing wrong with exploit if you can stomp through it legit, as long as you have the skill no point to repeat it, we do dungeon for the farm most of the time. So the most effective way is chosen.

    And given it exploit or not, the fact is a great deal of player in this game are just weak, they can't play... and the good players always stick with the good ones through friend list and guild so bad players mostly ends up with bad players if all 5 are bad they will never get pass any dungeon or it would take them forever to do so.

    I consider exploit a win-win, good for the bad players since they can still get to somehow enjoy the game. And for the good ones it just further increase their efficiency in dungeons.
  • wadiwolfewadiwolfe Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2014
    pers3phone wrote: »
    Hell no.

    You can moderate it yourself by "banning" people that spam/are rude/whatever. Your suggestion is the last thing I want in this game, and I use zone/lfg/trade chat like once/month.

    It's an MMO, don't have expectations from 10 yrs olds to behave like adults. Just go about your business and ignore.

    So true... LOL
  • abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It should really be noted that players do get suspended/banned for bad behavior, but you have to report them for it (obviously, because the GMs couldn't be everywhere at once even if they tried). I don't know where the line is that must be crossed for action to be taken, but I do know it exists. I've only reported exactly one player since I started playing, for egregiously over-the-top mean-spirited borderline cruel behavior in Zonechat, and have not seen said player again since then (no, I did not ignore them). Of course Cryptic can't tell us what they do to reported players because of privacy concerns, but the fact that they say nothing does not imply that they do nothing. We just have to help them by not tolerating poor behavior ourselves and reporting it when it crosses the line into pure mean-spiritedness.
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
  • overddriveoverddrive Member Posts: 722 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    I consider exploit a win-win, good for the bad players since they can still get to somehow enjoy the game. And for the good ones it just further increase their efficiency in dungeons.

    Any game in which exploit is good, is a broken game. I don't thin cryptic intended to get into game theory epistemology when they developed the game; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_and_Infinite_Games
    PanzerJäger HR Hybrid
    Jugger Conq GF
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    All the great players I know are pro exploiters. Nothing wrong with exploit if you can stomp through it legit, as long as you have the skill no point to repeat it, we do dungeon for the farm most of the time. So the most effective way is chosen.

    And given it exploit or not, the fact is a great deal of player in this game are just weak, they can't play... and the good players always stick with the good ones through friend list and guild so bad players mostly ends up with bad players if all 5 are bad they will never get pass any dungeon or it would take them forever to do so.

    I consider exploit a win-win, good for the bad players since they can still get to somehow enjoy the game. And for the good ones it just further increase their efficiency in dungeons.
    No it's not a win, if they can't complete it legit they need to get better or leave. Exploits only hurt the community in the long run.
  • sevdaisevdai Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There is truth to what you're all saying.

    But, I'm not new in MMOs and statements like "it's like that in every MMOs" and "what do you want them (cryptic) to do" or "you should find a guild" are not true, sorry.

    First I can't find a guild, I'm playing one week 20h the other 2h , that's not reliable enough.
    Second, STo (this one is a F2P too), TSW, Eve all have a 1 server tech and got a nice community, people are at least saying "HI" in dungeon, even if they're spanish or french (or even Russian for Age Of Conan)

    Ofc there's the usual *character* on the global chat who will bash you for no reason but it's a few guys, not an army !

    Like it was said, cryptic could :

    -moderate more
    -create an official "Help" channel
    -actually do something when you report a player for inappropriate behavior (like being insulted in normal low level dungeons because you don't know the strat - you can't defend that, and it really discourages new players)
    -Make subliminal messages in loading screens saying "Never forget you were a beginner once" or stuff like that.

    And players could/must do something too, I always said in MMOs "you create the community where you want to play", deactivating the zone chat is NOT a solution. Starting to put bad ppl in their place in the chat when they're picking on the new guy, if you're many to do that IS effective.

    You don't build a good community in 2 days by doing nothing.
    Some Swtor servers got a very very nice community, Age of Conan, TSW, STo, Eve Online, PoE, FFXIV, Lotro and other games got a cool one too. (it depends of you server ofc but my point is, it's possible).

    I don't want a fairy tale world, just a nice one.

    The solution to your problem is really quite simple. Don't like it here? Leave. Go to those other games that you claim have such nice communities.

    There truly is no reason that you can't join a guild. I'm in one that doesn't require a set amount of hours of activity, there are plenty just like it. People do have lives that don't revolve around playing a game.

    Cryptic can truly only be expected to do so much. They cannot force people to have manners or talk when you want them to.

    Have a nice day!
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You know, a little anecdote that happened to me in the first of the Beta Weekends comes to mind with this thread.
    I was adventuring along in on of the earliest Zones when a wandering Cleric passed by and dropped a few Heals on me as they went. As is my habit when someone does me an unexpected solid in an MMO I typed out a quick 'Thanks for the heals!' in Zone. Apparently this was the first time in the game that someone had ever thanked anyone. For anything. The entire Zone Chat erupted into chaos. People yelling at me for thanking someone. Threats to report me for this grievous violation of MMO etiquette I think some of them were actually serious, genuinely ANGRY over a basic pleasantry. Others were genuinely confused, even a little alarmed by this turn of events. There was about three or four solid Chat Windows full of discussions about the significance of the 'Thank You' on the future of the game. Things are a bit better than that nowadays, but some folks are still rather surprised at a little basic courtesy and dignity.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Member Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    First I would like to say I really like PWE games I play Champs STO and NW and NW is my favorate. I think its got great ideas and good structure and a lot of Potential. I could use a bit more customization and some other things but it is a good solid game. However The Community is a bit more hostile than makes sence And I am not sure that PWE can really do anything to change this because it is not entirly thier fault.

    This is why i think the community is so hostile:

    1. Other PWE games may be feeling neglected and blame NW. Even if it does not affect the other games there is always going to be people that feel if NW fails THIER pwe game may get more resources. where in reality PWE will probibly just make another FTP game.

    2. The D&D licence, A lot of people may feel they HAVE to play NW because they buy everything with D&D written on it. also it has the unfortunte timing of being made in the 4E rules which a LOT of D&D people hate just because it was soo different from 3rd ed.

    3. Other MMOs that have been loved for years have been jumping the panda or closing altogether. so people are coming here to find a new home but this game is not THIER game and thier are still grieving they want something from NW that they lost in whatever game they used to play. but NW is a different game with its own coolness. but all they see is its not <game name here>

    4.its a ftp game, Even if NW was the best game in existance the simple fact it has a Zen shop seems to make people immedatly get hostile. also it seems the less people pay for things the more they expect free. Being FTP was a valid choice as it is the "Thing" now, how ever it seems to attract a lot of angry people.

    5. A lot of people seem to be getting fed up with MMOs in general, MMOs require a HUGE investment of time money and energy by both the developers and the players. a lot of players these day can rip through 50-60 levels of content in a single weekend. When your deeling with a purchased game people just go buy another one when they finish but MMOs make you feel like you work so hard you just need to hang out and do dailys to get your efforts/moneys worthout of it.

    What I suggest is :

    1 You don't have to be a completionist as long as you do all the skirmishes you can do most the content and dungeons at 60 for achievment reasons. you can level many different ways in NW so if you play several characters try to pick diferent zones to level through for each character. (though you always want to level through blacklake and graveyard for the bags)

    2 if your feeling bored or like its a job go play something else for a bit come back in 2 months. you won't miss that much and your characters will still be here. alternate between 2 mmos a month here a month there.

    3. look into RP or foundrys to keep things new and different.

    4. Try to avoid being to elitist and look for other who might also be feeling ignored you never know when that Driztt or legolas clone may turn out to be a really cool person who just desided to be goofy one day.

    5. Instead of just complaining try to suggest things to make the game better.

    (edit: For those of you who DO things such as making suggestions...helping others ect, Thank you for making this game a better place.)
  • barbotineqcbarbotineqc Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Also, if you're still playing when it's 4am in your country, you don't expect everyone to speak your language right?

    When it's 4am in Montreal, it's only 1am in Vancouver, 06pm in australia and 09am in UK and I can speak french. So I think time zone is not a problem. Thank you.

    I consider exploit a win-win, good for the bad players since they can still get to somehow enjoy the game. And for the good ones it just further increase their efficiency in dungeons.

    You do understand that they will never become good if they can exploit rather than learn.
    And they will hardly learn with every "good player" refusing them for being "bad".

    "Elitism" the best way to destroy ... I was gonna say a game but it works for everything.
    If you "mastered" your class, then teach to others. That's what a master is for.
    sevdai wrote: »
    The solution to your problem is really quite simple. Don't like it here? Leave. Go to those other games that you claim have such nice communities.

    There truly is no reason that you can't join a guild. I'm in one that doesn't require a set amount of hours of activity, there are plenty just like it. People do have lives that don't revolve around playing a game.

    Cryptic can truly only be expected to do so much. They cannot force people to have manners or talk when you want them to.

    Have a nice day!

    So if I follow your reasoning I should leave a game not because I don't like the gameplay/graphics/content but because other ppl were ***** with me ?
    That's brilliant , really ! You should write a book : "How to destroy a game ?" Just ask ppl who want a better community to leave !

    And no I don't want to join a guild, to "use them" to get geared and not be able to "repay" them by helping new guildies.
    What's worst for a guild leader than inviting ppl who will play 2 weeks a lot , to gear them, to count on them and then "losing" them because they're almost not playing anymore ?

    If you helped me I will help you back, that's just common MMO courtesy for me , but times change I guess.

    And actually I think that cryptic have to force ppl to have manners on a game not rated 18+ (not even 16+ ? not sure)
    5. Instead of just complaining try to suggest things to make the game better.

    That's what some ppl did in this thread and what I did in page 2.

    Anyway sorry if I misled you, I'm not trying to find a solution for myself I'm ok with the lone wolf thing.
    I'm just pointing out to your attention for the good of this game that the community could use some cleaning...because I want this game to keep going, that's all.
  • abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Most of the people who post on the forum are the people who are sociable / helpful in game, so you're kinda preaching to the choir. We want the game to keep going with less vitriol, too. (The non-crafting kind of vitriol.)
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
  • barbotineqcbarbotineqc Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    abell39 wrote: »
    Most of the people who post on the forum are the people who are sociable / helpful in game, so you're kinda preaching to the choir. We want the game to keep going with less vitriol, too. (The non-crafting kind of vitriol.)

    So who do you want me to preach to ? Guys in the zone chat ?
    It's not because ppl want something that they will act to have it.
    Like, turning off the zone chat, I mean yes I understand that we all want to play and spend a nice time in the game, to blow off steam.
    And that we don't want to play the police.

    But if we don't who will ? There is apparently not enough GM to do it. Like it was said before , reporting players for inappropriate behavior could be a nice start.

    We don't have/need to feed trolls, just report them.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    4. Try to avoid being to elitist and look for other who might also be feeling ignored you never know when that Driztt or legolas clone may turn out to be a really cool person who just desided to be goofy one day.
    No in fact I recommend spawn camping them if you run into one in pvp, their souls must be crushed =P
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