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  • overddriveoverddrive Member Posts: 722 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    No in fact I recommend spawn camping them if you run into one in pvp, their souls must be crushed =P

    All your Legolas are belong to us!
    PanzerJäger HR Hybrid
    Jugger Conq GF
  • norsemanxnorsemanx Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    imsmithy wrote: »
    Next time you have any questions try to search the forum and if you can't find a matching thread then ask , most of the people on the forum generally tend to be very helpful.

    Thus reinforcing the OP's point. I have to agree overall that the NW community, in game, is just not a welcoming place. Groups never talk to each other. People just bail out of groups with no warning constantly. All MMO's have some of that "mmo community" that we all know about but this game is the worst of any games I've played. I tend to keep to myself.
  • elusiveonen7elusiveonen7 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    norsemanx wrote: »
    Thus reinforcing the OP's point. I have to agree overall that the NW community, in game, is just not a welcoming place. Groups never talk to each other. People just bail out of groups with no warning constantly. All MMO's have some of that "mmo community" that we all know about but this game is the worst of any games I've played. I tend to keep to myself.

    I think the high chance that your pug is 4/5 non english speaking is part of the reason for bailing and lack of communication. It's hilarious when everyone in the group is from a different country, yet all in the same instance. I guess this game has fewer players than it seems if they smash everyone on the same server.
  • hiddenfatehiddenfate Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    norsemanx wrote: »
    Thus reinforcing the OP's point. I have to agree overall that the NW community, in game, is just not a welcoming place. Groups never talk to each other. People just bail out of groups with no warning constantly. All MMO's have some of that "mmo community" that we all know about but this game is the worst of any games I've played. I tend to keep to myself.

    There is something to be said about an MMO that allows us to play while not having to party up. This does cut out the risk that we end up being forced to play the game with a complete brain-dead moron. I don't want to discuss some of the people I've met in other MMOs that didn't have this wonderful feature -.- they disgust me.
  • barbotineqcbarbotineqc Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I think the high chance that your pug is 4/5 non english speaking is part of the reason for bailing and lack of communication. It's hilarious when everyone in the group is from a different country, yet all in the same instance. I guess this game has fewer players than it seems if they smash everyone on the same server.

    saying Hi,Thanks and knowing basic english is part of the world now.

    If Russians were able to adapt on AoC to play with US players , then spanish, french and others should be too ;)

    Plus, STo is one server too, never got a language issue.
  • elusiveonen7elusiveonen7 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    saying Hi,Thanks and knowing basic english is part of the world now.

    If Russians were able to adapt on AoC to play with US players , then spanish, french and others should be too ;)

    Plus, STo is one server too, never got a language issue.

    The greetings and the meaningless thanks at the end are not what I consider communication. If I ask the rogue to stick to the boss, and then find him hitting an add the whole boss fight, it bothers me. Often time i'm asking people to contribute in certain ways only to be met with silence. In other free to play games these random people were usually from brazil and I face the same issue. The only real answer to that is to join a fairly large guild. I still haven't decided who to join myself. I guess my point is, I haven't yet noticed that the community is bad, assuming I can talk to everyone, things seem to go fine. I've even had runs where people were fairly chatty, or I get whispers post dungeon asking about how to improve their HR dps.
  • hiddenfatehiddenfate Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The greetings and the meaningless thanks at the end are not what I consider communication. If I ask the rogue to stick to the boss, and then find him hitting an add the whole boss fight, it bothers me. Often time i'm asking people to contribute in certain ways only to be met with silence. In other free to play games these random people were usually from brazil and I face the same issue. The only real answer to that is to join a fairly large guild. I still haven't decided who to join myself. I guess my point is, I haven't yet noticed that the community is bad, assuming I can talk to everyone, things seem to go fine. I've even had runs where people were fairly chatty, or I get whispers post dungeon asking about how to improve their HR dps.

    To be entirely fair if the Rogue is smacking an add and ignoring the boss the entire time it's a little more than just country and speech borders. He's just dumb.
  • elusiveonen7elusiveonen7 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hiddenfate wrote: »
    To be entirely fair if the Rogue is smacking an add and ignoring the boss the entire time it's a little more than just country and speech borders. He's just dumb.

    No argument there.
  • visinjivisinji Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    In the age of free-to-play mmo's, folks who have been banned or punished in any way can just create a new account and log back in to be d-bags. Games that were once pay-to-play, but have switched to free-to-play, at least have a decent mature player base. Also keep in mind that the average age here seems to be a lot lower than in past mmorpgs. I remember it being common when the average age in a guild was in the late 20's and/or 30's. I've been a part of several guilds here where I was constantly the oldest member. And, as someone previously stated, most folks have zone chat turned off.
    I recommend that you keep being who you are. Be polite, helpful and just learn to shake things off. There are still good folks out there.
  • xycatxycat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    radiick507 wrote: »
    As much as Zone can be a pain, I ALWAYS keep it on...............1 - I love to right click and ignore the Gold Sellers, but 2 - is because I see what is going on with the general populace. Now and then a good conversation pop ups, sometimes a real good joke comes across the chat lines, and other times I can see the call for help. Sometimes it is a blast calling someone on calling another a Newb......I love interjecting and telling peeps to lay off instead of belittle.

    Again, to each their own, but if you want a viable and strong Community, you must PARTICIPATE in it, if you simply ignore or remove that Zone chat, then you are NOT in the loop, nor are you in the care to keep this game alive and founded for future players. Call me an a** if you want, but a Community of people is only viable if people from all walks of life, all races, all genders, all income brackets, all languages, races, all levels of expertise, sexual orientation, religious beliefs etc...are able to help each other.
    This is exactly right! Even though I also agree with some of what others have said, ignoring the issue is only going to make it worse: Turning off zone-chat may be considered the 'quick and easy' solution, but for every nice and decent person who does this zone chat will continue to sink even further down the toxic cesspool of abusiveness.
    sominator wrote: »
    I'd love to see a grassroots effort to help with this. If you see someone in need of help, please think about lending a hand, and encourage niceness! If someone's been nice to you, please consider paying it forward, and answering a question!

    The more we can all promote respect and friendliness in-game and on the forums, the more positive and welcoming behavior will become the norm.
    This is the way. Play nice, observe proper 'netiquette' and strive to be an 'exemplar' (as in; someone who represents what you yourself would like to see more of in others).
  • osiabunnyosiabunny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    No it's not a win, if they can't complete it legit they need to get better or leave. Exploits only hurt the community in the long run.

    I agree with this guy, if you feel need to exploit then you are not a very good player at all. This might hurt some egos but, exploiting makes the game easier, and those who wish to be Pro or even good at the game will avoid exploits at all costs to keep this game challenging.

    I am not pro or good, I play these games maybe an hour a day and I find if a game is to easy I do not enjoy it. Tell me how it remains enjoyable to exploit? (Or Theory craft how enjoyable it is )
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There is truth to what you're all saying.

    But, I'm not new in MMOs and statements like "it's like that in every MMOs" and "what do you want them (cryptic) to do" or "you should find a guild" are not true, sorry.

    First I can't find a guild, I'm playing one week 20h the other 2h , that's not reliable enough.
    Second, STo (this one is a F2P too), TSW, Eve all have a 1 server tech and got a nice community, people are at least saying "HI" in dungeon, even if they're spanish or french (or even Russian for Age Of Conan).

    So you have decided that you can not join a guild. Not that you have looked for a guild, simply that you have decided that your schedule prevents you from joining a guild.
    An easy self-fulfilling prophecy. If you do not try, you can not succeed.

    And EVE? Nice? You must have played a different EVE than I.

    Not saying that I never saw anyone that didn't seem like they were trying to be a decent, helpful sort, but the sheer number and viciousness of the jerks overwhelmed that.

    I would love for Cryptic to post someone in PE occasionally, swinging a silencing hammer in one hand and a ban-hammer in the other, but this probably wouldn't impact people like you might want it to.

    Some folks may have accounts made just for trolling. Rush through the tutorial and hang out in PE trolling chat, be it calling folks names or just trying to start up conversations about sex, politics, or religion.
    Silence them, ban those accounts, and what is accomplished? They make a new account with all-new trolling toons and still go back to their main account when they want to play.

    And this is assuming that it's people that actually play at all. There are some people that may have no interest in playing, just in showing up and seeing who they can make mad today.
    A pathetic existence that I can not understand, but one that some people may have.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    And EVE? Nice? You must have played a different EVE than I.

    Not saying that I never saw anyone that didn't seem like they were trying to be a decent, helpful sort, but the sheer number and viciousness of the jerks overwhelmed that.

    If someone is nice to you in eve it's to lower your guard so they can stick it to you harder.
  • barbotineqcbarbotineqc Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So you have decided that you can not join a guild. Not that you have looked for a guild, simply that you have decided that your schedule prevents you from joining a guild.
    An easy self-fulfilling prophecy. If you do not try, you can not succeed.

    And EVE? Nice? You must have played a different EVE than I.

    First of all yeah I can decide for myself than I can not join a guild. It's called "I do whatever the **** I want with my own life".
    No I can't just walk into a guild, grab the gear while I'm in an "active playing phase" and then not log in during a month. It's not nice that's all.

    And about Eve.

    Bad people in Eve are mostly bad because the game wants it. Because it's role play. Like in most open Pvp games.
    An example, if you decide to be one of the bad guys in Eve, they will explain it to you, how to be one.
    They will group and talk with you. You will be a community of bad guys. Not a hundred isolated ***** insulting other player for fun.

    That's really not the same. They do not insult you as a person , they insult your character. Here in zone chat ppl are insulting you, your life, your capacity as a player, whatever cross their mind actually.
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