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  • The common thing I'm seeing now is people want a boost to the GWF's AoE attacks, which they only have 5. Reaping Strike, Weapon Master Strike, Wicked Strike, and Roar. 4 of which are at-wills, the two most noteworthy being WMS and WS, which both lose damage after each hit. The at-wills need either a buff to overall damage…
  • The GWF feels like it is lacking if only because you essentially HAVE to do something specific to make it awesome and this specific thing is not obvious. TR's are great because again you can build it essentially how you want it but over all no matter what you do it does good. Same thing with the others. I won't say…
  • The OP makes some good points. The dungeon exploiting will get addressed but right now they have bigger bugs to squish. The Class system could us some tweaking, i've seen how certain things are worded and do not function as worded or are just useless skills. I completely agree with the aggro/cleric problem, many times my…
  • This would make more sense and have less whiplash for "Some idiot in our guild stole all our AD." I love the idea of being able to donate for guild stuff, like geting repositories and what ever else they toss out. I'd also like to eventually see an account bank you can put your AD/Gold/Items in to for all your other…
  • The idea is PVP gear is close to T1 PVE gear. Meaning you can play PVP all the way to level 60, which I hear you can do in a day, and then use the PVP gear to spec yourself out enough to go into epic dungeons and start working on getting the T2 gear and such.
  • 600zen for a respec might seem much, but you do get to respec everything. You can't do that in pen and paper DnD you have to re-roll your character...Be thankful it was even allowed, way I hear it they were planning on having everyone just re-roll a chara if they ****ed up and felt the need to respec but that is just what…
  • Oh yes, more various mobs. I wanna fight what ever that howler mount is...I want mobs of things like THAT. And a Worg companion to go with my mount...
  • AD is like the main currency of the game, but I would like to see the ability to convert gold into AD somehow...Like loading up your Mercenary and sending him off to trade your gold for AD... As for things getting fixed in general...just something about the GWF feels...weird to me. Like it's...lacking somewhere. I think…
  • Ermn...who are you?
  • Giving away what?
  • If Gauntlgrym isn't out why did I get two coins for it...and it isn't just PVP, it's also PVE, there are daily quests to get AD for running Gauntlgrym PVP and PVE events as well as just running through it...I mean there are things IN the game that you can GET yet the place isn't up yet? Confusion @_@
  • From what I heard the ranger was all up and ready to get released, they just held it off because they wanted the game out for open beta...
  • To chime in about the lock box and the trade bars...I honestly love the idea. It is a CHANCE PACK with a CHANCE to get the high end item I.E. the nightmare heavy twilight which you can get with the trade bars. Even if you 'gamble' on the lockbox you get the bars, which if you gamble enough you get enough of the bars to…
  • Someone mind pointing me to the quotes about the shard merging?
  • People are calling it P2W because you can buy AD with Zen. By doing so, you can then use said AD to buy powerful weapons. I do wish some things could be purchased for straight AD. My only real concern is the inability to trash the Nightmare lock boxes and you have to use enchanted keys to open then or auction them off.…
  • Just put in a GM ticket to get your AD back. They need a disclaimer saying "Once redeemed can not be transferred to other characters."
  • Well, I myself am pansexual, my clan has at least one <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> member and another bisexual, so you would be more than welcome in ReaX. Our TS is ts.reaxtion.net so hop on and someone should be along to set you up and introduce you to the rest of the clan, at least that is online.
  • I don't think XP is party shared, I know gold is. So they would need to actually kill stuff to get the XP, unless they just get the stuff from the quests which wouldn't be enough to level them so by time they are caught up quest wise, they won't be level wise.
  • I think the reason why there is all these zen options is because...well you can trade AD for Zen, which no one is doing atm because everyone has AD. I figure about a month into open beta there will be LOTS of people selling their Zen for AD.
  • Does no one seriously know or is it so obvious that they just aren't going to answer?
  • See, I'd gladly dump 25$ for the ability to just change how my weapons look, so long it was account wide. Like a little spell that lets me alter my Greatsword to look like a Axe, or my floaty crystal ball to some sort of wand...I'd pay for that so long it was account wide.
  • They need the feedback/suggestion forum back up. To be honest the GWF seems like it wants to be a beserker, yet also a melee version of the control wizard, just minus the lock down moves. Control Wizard at level like...13-15 will have around 3-4 moves that will disable a single target, GWF will have...1 at level...15 I…
  • I got both the founders packs. All I want is a Armored Worg just because I have a personal lil story with my halfling GWF.
  • Oh god yes, back slots and the bags should be account unlocks. Sure they are cheap, but I'd rather pay a little bit more for it to be an account wide thing. Like 15$ for the greater bag of holding to be unlocked for all my characters.
  • If I get the effing horse, I'm selling it for at least 4mil AD.
  • That is a great idea, how ever asking PWE to give us a price decrease is...well I'll be amazed if they do it. But on the same hand asking Cryptic to change the companions to account bound yet unable to trade will be easier, why? They already have code that binds stuff to the account and makes it untradeable, I.E. the…
  • There are subtle changes, barely noticable. I believe the higher level stuff, at around level 30, you might start seeing different types of weapons. This was the case for the GWF, TR, the melee fighters basically. I know the Devoted Cleric can use a Scepter, but that costs AD to get. I really honestly do wish that they had…
  • I don't see this as a problem, per say, simply because he probably dropped about 1 mil to jump about 20 levels? Perfectly fine with someone wasting all their AD like that. Now they have to spend days building back ALL that AD or grinding for gear for their level, or even playing through ALL the quests that they are…
  • I will admit that 40$ is steep for a mount, but again its already at max rank, which to get a normal mount in game to rank 3 would be around 2.6mil AD which is around 40$ to actually get with zen. On top of that the mounts are ACCOUNT wide. Take a moment people to realize that YOU CAN HAVE UP TO 50 CHARACTERS, if you buy…
  • First, the mounts you purchase with zen are ACCOUNT BOUND, the companions you buy can be TURNED IDLE and then you can MAIL IT to one of your other characters. The reason I suspect they did this is because people would want to be able to train up a companion, gear it up, then auction it off. I how ever bought both packs and…