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  • So at this time I should ditch my augment and use an attack companion with bonding stones? Just got back after a long time and need to adapt Thx for input
  • Thats why i have always rocked a wisdom belt on my ranger. Since imperial and wisdom have similiar benefits there is no need to switch before greater belts come out.
  • Based on the stats you posted real fast i would put bonding runestones in both offense rune slots. Get personalized ring/neck and draconic/ancient icon or the best you can afford/find. Put power in all offense slots and hp/defense in all defense slots. Then depending on the level of your items/boost you put eldritch rune…
  • You can also disable visuals for the helm and cloak. I didn't spend all that time creating a face to hide it all the time.
  • I have been running around in fashion cloths for the last few months. Anytime my tiny female elf trapper pulls out those huge draconic axes i wonder where she keeps them...
  • Only artifact drop so far was from one of the mini boss encounters at :05 and 0:25
  • Haha lol so true, or drizzt do'urden Get the ioun stone asap and remember to use it to balance out the skills you are missing to better round up your character.
  • I asked a few pc players about this as i had a chance to use this set and wanted to be sure before i equiped. My first warning is almost no one had posted about this way back then, so i feared it would't be good. As far as i can gather, it's just a quarter of you base damage added on top. So if your weapon does 600dmg then…
  • Nine hells lockbox is one of 2 sets for the tiamat campaign. Unless they deviate due to an accelerated module release, we should see them again in 7-8 weeks tops.
  • Keep an eye on the prices of a green one. If AD is an issue for you, then you are better off buying a green one. Personaly i prefer wisdom belt as it works better for my build but as i said earlier, the equipment you need depends on your stats. As for the gemmed clothing, you might have been better of crafting them…
  • It really depends on your build and play style. One thing i can assure you though is that black ice is NOT the belt for you if you play trapper. Charisma is far less usefull then dex/wis for a trapper. Dexterity will increase damage, wisdom is for crit chance, str is damage resistance and constitution is HP. Sadly there is…
  • Wish i had a link but one of my favorite family guy moments sums it up best. Peter is offered a boat or a mystery envelope. When he goes for the envelope to the dismay of his whole family he quickly replies that there might be a boat inside. It's the mystery :)
  • Ya lol he made me laugh too... But seriously even if you don't take into account the damage increase, the simple added survivability that comes from trapper vs range archery is insane. To the OP in regards to trapper vs archer is say this. If your a trapper you dont need a complete set as royal guard buffs recovery and you…
  • Here's hoping that mod 1-2-3-5 come out first :)
  • No you don't. There is no reason you can't enjoy the game as an archer or melee build. If it works for you and you are happy then run it. Now if you want to be an elite killing machine clearing spawn after spawn like the second coming of chuck norris, then trapper is for you.
  • I hope you guys are aware that the next month will be CRUCIAL in growing that number, otherwise the opposite effect might happen. Here is hoping for some more content before it's too late. I love this game, was ingame 7min after launch and don't want to stop. Please meet me halfway :)
  • This! I hate this! "Omg he is a ranger, he is going to die." How come i can run castle never flawless without a death as a trapper if im so squishy? I pull alot of the aggro? Great! Helps me gift wraps clusters of mobs for the others to blast. If your ever looking for the trapper, he will be the guy flying all over the…
  • Says its still down when you enter the game
  • On the one hand why release knew content if it is going to be broken like lostmauth, but if you don't you will lose people to other releases. All of my destiny friends are probably going back if nothing comes out in the next 2 weeks...thats mighty close....*crossing my fingers*
  • Why run back? If everyone solos a crystal we all go home faster :)
  • I will let him field the questions concerning his build but i can twll you this about at wills. Which ever you think is best will work simply because when built properly you will never need to use the at wills. Your encounters should always be ready to be used.
  • Changing to trapper will not stop you from getting kicked. Most high level trappers can solo the early t2 dungeons yet still get vocked kicked out of pirate king. Its a community issue, not a class issue. That being said you should go to the ranger message boards you will find 2 very good articles on the class to give you…
  • I have being paying a little more attention today since you posted and yes it does happen more often then i thought. However that extra second of cooldown is usualy spent getting better battlefield positioning so it rarely matters.
  • It goes Artefact weapon Dragon weapon/castle never weapon T2 dungeon weapon T2 vendor weapon The real source of damage is your stats/feats/powers being properly distributed
  • I feel the same way yet often i see some good gear being sold for gold. Wanted to get an idea if the feeling was general or if i was the only person who thought gold was cheap.
  • As i said i rarely encounter this and my rotation is pretty fast. Disruptive shot isnt a dps lost on single targets like dragons as i have found it does more damage then seismic. The few times it does create an issue is a non factor as i can use it to position myself better on the battle field. To each his own i guess.
  • Then add a little recovery i don't know what to tell you i run into the problem you describe once every 100 rotations or so. You do know that your power is available before the icon on your screen lights up right? The game doesn't seem to be able to cope with our cooldowns and end up using my powers when they are still 1-3…
  • But what if im a selfish trapper that secretly relishes the fact my rogue guild mates go to sleep at night crying over the fact they cannot out dps me? Why would i help them ? Mwahaahhaha
  • Ya still haven't found a dragon gem to get that started :( rng hates me sometimes
  • Honestly gear score does not equal skill..... So many things will factor into how usefull you will be besides gear score. Your weapon enchants, armor enchants, augment companion all count for nothing in your gear score but a perfect vorpal and a maxed out augment companion will drasticaly increase your power. That being…