True that. Traditional D&D, only Mages had access to 'Invisible' spell. If anyone should have that ability, it should be CWs. Sure a Thief could use stealth to 'Hide in Shadows' to make that initial attack, but after that, the opponent is quite alert, and isn't dumbfounded with the abundance of so many shadowy places. If anything this patch how this game is NOT like Dungeons & Dragons, but in NAME ONLY. aka the IP
HE in Icewindale, especialy rewards you get from them, was one of the few thing that player base was thankfull for.
And after week or two, you take it away, GJ PW!!
Next patch remove anything worth AD from dungeons or skirmishes and put it into ZEN store...
This game is getting worse and worse ;/
I realy appreciate that you work to improve your game, fixing bugs is getting better and better,
yet it's still not enough.
Why you change good things (from players perspective) while not repairing huge bugs that affect classes, dungeons and skirmishes.
Half of the content is bugged (eCC, SoT, even LoL - invisible fireballs any1?) or not doable unless you are in 3k+ team (GWD, ToS).
Then we got class balance issue... any1 want to play SW? Cmon this class is a joke (or bugged, again...).
Why strike at regular players (doing HE requires some gear and brain)?
If you afraid of bots, just bann them.
Give one man full time job, let him sit in protectors enclave and ban all these spamming botters.
Let him go to Ebbon Downs and bann all these bots running around,
or maybe try Pirates Skyhold.
Change foundry rewards and do not allow any item drops in it.
Let people enjoy nice quest, give them cool new fashion item, BtC or BtA.
Kill these bots HAMSTER, but do not strike at regural players!
At the end I would like to see dragon hoard enchantments to be back to their original % drop rates.
Last nerf does not prevent bots from running multiple toons/accounts every two hours,
but it hurts players that play one or two characters, because they cannot spend more time/money to play more...
The control Wizard is very weak compared to other characters, the new character is stronger than the magician think they should level the power to take advantage not new
I sat in PE last night during DD hour seeing 1 or 2 /LFG messages for dungeons - that's it. The same few people over and over, It was very disheartening. I used to have to sit there and massively expand my chat windows just to keep up with the scrolling page of people looking for groups. Last night was the worst I have ever seen. I think people read these patch notes and decided that was the final straw. Both CW's and anyone wanting to level up their artifacts a/k/a everyone.
I don't understand the motivation behind the RP nerf. Even at that rate, it still would take a ridiculous amount of time to progress on your equipment. And that isn't even taking alts into consideration.
I sat in PE last night during DD hour seeing 1 or 2 /LFG messages for dungeons - that's it. The same few people over and over, It was very disheartening. I used to have to sit there and massively expand my chat windows just to keep up with the scrolling page of people looking for groups. Last night was the worst I have ever seen. I think people read these patch notes and decided that was the final straw. Both CW's and anyone wanting to level up their artifacts a/k/a everyone.
But we used to get loot we could... you know.. Trade? Sell? Ohh Ohh USE?!
They started the economy break with bound keys... Gold market went POOF, it is sorta there now. Then made gear bound... and stupid campaign gear.. dungeons now suck. That day is long gone
Okay, regarding the change to IWD HE rewards, I hope they are only adjusting the minor HE's. The problem, as I see it, was that no one was bothering with any of the major HE's. There was no desire to actually play as a community and overcome the challenges of PvE. Instead, it was a stampede of 20+ players running around in circles to complete the minor HE's designed for 2-5 players within 60 seconds. The rewards from these were frankly too good for the risk involved, so I see the adjustment as fair.
All this said, I do not agree with the negative changes made to the Dragon Hoard enchantments. People made those by spending AD and farming for campaign materials during a campaign where those materials were needed for other progression. To eliminate botters, maybe they can limit their efficacy in each specific zone for any interval. This would impact only botters, because most players doing a long session will play in many different zones during that play session.
To all the CW players suddenly being active on the forums, complaining because of the reduction in one power: just where were you to talk about balance when every other class (except MI Sab) was systematically having their guts shred in the lead-up to mod 6 and now? When Storm Spell was hitting for more than many other classes' encounters/dailies, it's only reasonable that the multiproccing and the ability to crit (which most other proc damage does not do) would be adjusted.
I don't understand the motivation behind the RP nerf. Even at that rate, it still would take a ridiculous amount of time to progress on your equipment. And that isn't even taking alts into consideration.
Perhaps it was done because too many people were making too much ad by selling them instead of using them? Bringing my point forward about binding drops as opposed to nerfing them.
All in all I think its a poor decision.
I cant see zerg trains running around for peridots. If there are, im sure im not going to be in them.
sedaiyusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2015
I find peoples issues with GWF to be short sighted with how worthless they are completely in PVE Dungeons and generally in PVP. I am very well geared and have a transcendant negation and pure PF enchantment and tend to be #1 in dungeon runs in terms of damage as people complain. However despite being able to hold #1-2 in most damage on runs I am without a doubt the most worthless class in boss fights. Obviously with a solid team and great tank it gets easier but the facts still remain. GWF have no quick dodge abilities thus its really difficult for us to dodge anything at all, I find myself getting downed mid sprint most of the time. GWF entire combat style revolves around two things; taking damage and dishing out damage. Can't do these two things because we cannot take damage from bosses, bosses now 1 shot everything that isnt a tank regardless of resistance, hp, and from their most basic attacks sometimes. The latter of the two is very hard because most epic bosses require constant moving around and staying afar from the boss however GWF's are close combat, we have to get up and close and normally this leads to being one shotted. We are not tanks even when built and spec'd to be so. I have tried every variation of enchantment combo, feats, and skills....we cannot survive the one shots from bosses from even their most basic attacks.
Cant take a hit + cannot effectively do damage without dying + cannot effectively dodge = worthless in almost every epic boss battle I have experienced including the ones in skirmishes. Its insanely ridiculous how worthless a GWF even in terms of gear and abilities being superier to the rest of the team is a liability to skirmishes and dungeons. PVP they do much better however between the pallys current imbalances, lack of AOE to weed out the ever surviving no matter how many changes applied perma stealth rogues, and Power house GF's GWF don't stack up well against anything besides wizards, improperly geared clerics, and warlocks. Rangers I tend to find are a 50/50 when encountered personally.
The issues are here:
1. GWF are suppose to be single target dps but because all other dps classes are ranged, thats how bosses and elites are programmed to combat which puts GWF's in a bad spot when facing them despite the insane damage they are capable of dishing out.
2. They are given great potential to be off-tank or tanks. However as we all know this is completely broken and BS. Gwf with a transcendant negation, proper spec, and top gear could hope of tanking jack. Their superior ability to be one shotted no matter how high their damage resistance, armor, and self healing abilities go makes this further a joke.
3. There greatest ability unstoppable and sprint is suppose to make them break and become immune to CC abilities. This works half the time. Despite unstoppable stating it will break out of CC ability upon activating I find frustatingly in pvp that I spend 5+ seconds furiously tapping the tab button but nothing happens and I remain frozen or choked or something. I hold shift to sprint through slowing red area which is suppose to make me temp immune only to be haulted by it anyway.
Right now GWF is arguably the most worthless class in the game as they serve no effective purpose in dungeons and are mediocre in pvp at best. CW's might be getting shafted and one on one might have a hard time against a GWF but their control abilities and ability to still be top 3 on the damage charts makes them far more useful. The only thing I seem to be able to do with my GWF since I cannot get the next tier set of my armor for lack of ability to run dungeons/skirmishes effectively is wait for them to fix them. GWF is dead weight. If anyone should be pissed its us. Its embarrassing to be able to be #1 in damage and be worthless in the most important battles.
Im a returning player from a few months ago . I played most of the classes and loved the old days. I am doing a pally on the 70 mod and all that. So i see now that no blue gear drops anymore from monsters even in the highest leveled areas so you can only get 100 points or 200 for 103 k levels of your artifact equipment . No more ad from salvaging epic gear so the salvagers are useless. Epic dungeons cannot be tanked especially with random parties in epic skirmishes or dungeons so that way is cut off to most players also. its really bring out your wallet and get your gear through zen and ah. thats the direction its going and farming was goin to be removed. its going full casher like many mmos have the design models like wartune and others . ill keep playing and grinding out campaigns but its getting to be a rough game to play without alot of money . i spent yesterday just to upgrades some rp and gear hoping upgrade gear.
Out of all the mmorpgs I have ever played I do feel NWs is some of the worst.
I have recently been playing a lot of domination and all the time I feel as if my swords are made out of feathers. I can stand there and entire game just doing swinging back and forth, using encounters, dailies etc and doing no damage what so ever. DCs feel immortal what ever damage I do they healer for 200% more there is no way to overcome this.
What I would like to see introduced ....
1. IF ANY spell/feat is changed in a patch, a player is reimbursed those points spent and not forced to play with a nerf with a spell they may not have originally taken.
2. Smoke bomb ... reduce the radius of this smoke bomb and AS SOON as a player leaves the area of effect they can resume play and not have to wait 1.5-2 seconds before the cc wears off
3. Soon as you are out of combat, how about you make it so you know you are OUT OF COMBAT. This feels worse in the last patch as if a silent update has gone in, but I find I can walk from point 2 in a domination map after killing someone to the bottom of the stairs of point 1 or 3 before it shows me out of combat. I should have been out of combat soon as I killed xyz on point 2, or at worst give it a 1 second cool down.
4. Introduce more dots into the game, whilst a rogue is inflicted with a dot they cannot use stealth until is is either expired or cleansed. Or add dots where heals are reduced, try and get some team play involved in pvp, its just hack and smash atm.
5. Why does ever single enemy NPC have a ranged feature. It gets annoying when you get dismounted when miles away from a melee character because weirdly he can now throw stone at your whilst mounted...
6. Only certain classes should be able to heal, so annoying to kill a rogue (if you can ever see them) for them to stand back up and have like 1/3 of their hp back. I presume this is some sort of feign death if it is they should have like 1000 hp and use cunning and skill to feign and leg it, not just use it as a heal and carry on and fight. Other than palas, and DCs no class should be able to heal without using potions.
7. Temp HP, during temp HP you take increased damage, too many paladins and GFs etc are using this as a heal when it should more be a last attempt life saver
8. Having loads of available powers are absolutely useless, when you can only assign a certain number to quick keys. It's not as if higher level powers are any stronger then ones you get at level 1 (negating ranks). Just open up slots to allow players to assign as many powers as they want (provided they have ranks in them)
9. Remain in queues even if you have joined a party. If I am in a queue for PVP for example but join a party for a quick daily is annoying to be kicked out of the queue, this essentially means I can do lots of quests whilst I am queuing. Let me atleast join a queue and make a decision if I want to carry on in the mini dungeon or quit to do what I was queued for.
10. I presume PVP colour (red or blue) is decided soon as you create a character (maybe even an account), the match making system seems flawed in PVP and can end up with one team having an average GS around 3k whilst the other team is less than 1.5. Now the matchmaking system appears to just take people from a queue and once there are 10 (from from each) adds them to game, how about though you make it so it picks 10 people still at random but then before the game starts a Gear Score shuffle is done with an aim to get as close to possible average GS on each time the same. It really doesn't matter if you are blue or red as the colour is just a colour.
11. The paladin appears to have a slow animation on certain spells/powers that are supposed to be instant cast, this makes it so they can be interrupted during the animation phase, you shouldn't be able to interrupt instant cast items (on any class)
OMG I didn't realise GWFs have it so bad, you know you could replace GWF with Paladin in all those paragraphs and it would still fit. We have all the same issues, it stupid tbh. I have spells that are supposed to reduce damage by 45% yet when active I still feel like I take just as much damage. I have spells that are suppose to negate armor yet it appears to be deflected by 99.999999% to do 1 damage. Like GWFs we get one shotted on even the basic attacks from basic adds. I am not even high geared but still I have 110k hp and to get one shotted from an attack that can be dodged is ludicrous. Our main attack was nerfed and now is useless in PVP but a little better in pve (now you dont have to wait until a target is isolated to use) but the damage is so so low it's pointless to even use it. I have on many times seen one of my encounters hit higher than my daily!
OK...Nice fnd...Plz tell Me... R U a Wallet player..Or a skill Epic legendary player..or U R Using some kind of Bug...OR How many Money u spend to make ur Fev Char...May be u run with Guild..plz tell me all classes u enter....... I Really frustrated now after this patch news...plz.....i have 5 char--(GWF,TR,CW,SW,OP)
LOL.. u mean No CW no eToS??? oh dear.. ! i wonder how u play your game.
OK...Nice fnd...Plz tell Me... R U a Wallet player..Or a skill Epic legendary player..or U R Using some kind of Bug...OR How many Money u spend to make ur Fev Char...May be u run with Guild..plz tell me all classes u enter....... I Really frustrated now after this patch news...plz.....i have 5 char--(GWF,TR,CW,SW,OP)
It only takes 5 players working as a team (Tank and heals are needed) to run rough shod over eToS. You do not need exploits or over geared players to do it. ALL T2s are doable, people have to quit playing like it is MOD 5 and run as a team with everyone filling their roles. All T2s come down to this, kill the Archers, Cut Throats, Little Spitting Spiders, ect FIRST! These mobs are the ones 1 shotting everyone. None of the T2 mobs need nerfed. CWs, TRs, HRs can all effect these mobs before the tank pulls and give others like GWFs time to get to these mobs and absolutely destroy them. The eToS boss is easy, kill adds then dps boss, stay out of red, rinse and repeat.
I was thinking the same thing but they bound the dragon hoard drops and still nerfed them into irrelevance.
The funny thing is that now I'm probably going to sell what I earned rather than use it as I had intended. It just isn't worth playing the artifact equipment game.
I gave up on dragon hoard enchantments a LONG time ago. They weren't worth the investment. I was lucky enough to sell mine before they were nerfed. I just slotted darks instead. As for playing the artifact gear game, its hard not to when they are so much more powerful than anything else you could slot in there. I am highly disappointed. Especially with white pearl's replacing aquamarines. I will sell mine too. Maybe open some lockboxes and hope to hit the jackpot. Throw my toys out of the cot if I don't, that sort of carry on.
Just cleaned out more than ten pages of arguing, ranting, flaming, and otherwise non-constructive posts from this thread. A few things I want to point out.
1. If your post wasn't violating the rules per se, it was likely removed for quoting a post that was. That makes your post a violation regardless of the content. Quoting a post that violates the RoC makes your post a violation in itself. If you believe a post is violating RoC, then report, NOT respond.
2. Large size text is completely unnecessary and considered shouting just as much as all caps would be. When I took high school journalism, my teacher would refer to such text as "war type" because that was about the size text that would announce to the world that we were going to war. Please refrain from its use. Anyone who has a real need for overly large text likely has their display settings adjusted accordingly.
3. "I quit" posts are prohibited under 3.08 of the RoC. Seriously. You don't have to like everything about the game but "I quit" posts tend to draw a lot of trolling and unnecessary comments--plus, that's your own business. Same goes for ultimatums, demands, and threats. This isn't a soapbox.
Do not respond or reply in any fashion to this notice, but use the PM system to address your concerns.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at
It only takes 5 players working as a team (Tank and heals are needed) to run rough shod over eToS. You do not need exploits or over geared players to do it. ALL T2s are doable, people have to quit playing like it is MOD 5 and run as a team with everyone filling their roles. All T2s come down to this, kill the Archers, Cut Throats, Little Spitting Spiders, ect FIRST! These mobs are the ones 1 shotting everyone. None of the T2 mobs need nerfed. CWs, TRs, HRs can all effect these mobs before the tank pulls and give others like GWFs time to get to these mobs and absolutely destroy them. The eToS boss is easy, kill adds then dps boss, stay out of red, rinse and repeat.
I agree with this, yes the t2's are doable without exploits or bugs, with proper team where everyone play their class, but "No over geared player" ? And you say t2 mobs do not need a nerf?
Please upload a video of you doing t2, with any team you choose, I am not asking for PUG, but condition is :
1. No T-feytouched
2. No epic MH or OH (Max to blue)
3. No enchantments more than rank 7
4. No Paladin+GF combo where the two tank classes do the highest ABSURD damage (Take either GF or OP as tank, or OP/DC as a healer, and GF as a tank)
5. No augument or any other companion at legendary, max at epic.
6. No weapon or armor enchantment at greater or more than that, max lesser or normal
7. No artifacts at mythic (max at epic).
8. Not a single piece of legendary equipment.
I can think of more conditions but well these will do fine as I am sure you are not gonna upload a single video. If you really want to do, I will add soem more.
"Give others like GWFs time to get these mobs and absolutely destroy them" - God you sure are a GWF main who loves to look and judge players with the top DPS chart
Given that, T2's starts at IL2000, following the conditions which I have mentioned, a new player can actually manage that IL, even more than that, easily, even if he/she started playing a few time ago and have nto spent anything, I mean no real money. If all members in the team is alike new player and not BIS, T2's, specially the final bosses are not doable.
Yes I have done them all legit, more than once, with guild, with premade team with my friends, and I know they are not doable without BIS players, at least you need 2BIS in your team to do them all legit. But then again I do not claim myself a normally geared causal player, and even after that I do think t2 mobs are hitting absurd damage, like over 90k in a single shot, which is abomination and quite insulting,I may add.
TRs can effect all mobs you say? explain how..with smoke bomb? Path of blade? Dazing strike? those are not control powers imo, I have big doubt you have even went into a t2 still now, or fought the final boss, you do know that t2 mobs have about 90% cc resist right? they just need 1 sec to hit you, eventually you will get hit, and that one hit WILL kill you, let alone the server behavior if you are super lucky you will be having latency at that time, that does not matter on your skill, so spare me your L2P talk, I play all the classes and love'em all, they all work in their perspective way. I do not call any single class my main (used to think CW as my main but after this ner-fhammer, oh no, all of them are my main )
i have to say as a CW i don't mind the change.... however for lots of players builds it was a huge change. for that reason a retraining token should had been handed out. people should relax and try tweaking things a bit.. just sucks they have to come out of pocket to do it when it's the devs faults that they need to..
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
i have to say as a CW i don't mind the change.... however for lots of players builds it was a huge change. for that reason a retraining token should had been handed out. people should relax and try tweaking things a bit.. just sucks they have to come out of pocket to do it when it's the devs faults that they need to..
There is absolutely no reason to respec because one power got changed. Not for DCs and Astral Seal. Not for OPs and Divine Justice. The nerfed power is not the only thing you've taken. You might not currently have a point to raise something else to rank 4 (which may or may not be broken and if it is, you're not going to get a free respec for that either), but you have other powers.
Feats, I can see, since you can't just slot something else. Although the DC nerf to Cleanse wouldn't have even especially warranted it because there isn't really anything better to put heroic feats into regardless.
And if you've poured a fortune into gear around a single power... respeccing isn't going to save you from that.
I feel like the whole cw community is speechless in shock. I know storm spell was out of line, but this change harkens back to the old dev team who just smashed things with the nerfhammer and left them broken. If you're going to slaughter the skill that does 60% of our damage, maybe you should buff something to compensate? This will leave us with barely any damage. If you felt cws were doing too much damage, maybe you should take a look at the insanity that a geared GWF can pull off.
Time to make another toon my main until this debacle is scaled back.
agree 100% with you, I'm a 4k cw, ranks 10,11,12 Pvorp, 70% crit chance, 23k power and before this patch a 2.8 GWF with rank 7's and gvorp outdps me buy 3 mill , imagine now with the SP nerf. lol
There is absolutely no reason to respec because one power got changed. Not for DCs and Astral Seal. Not for OPs and Divine Justice. The nerfed power is not the only thing you've taken. You might not currently have a point to raise something else to rank 4 (which may or may not be broken and if it is, you're not going to get a free respec for that either), but you have other powers.
Feats, I can see, since you can't just slot something else. Although the DC nerf to Cleanse wouldn't have even especially warranted it because there isn't really anything better to put heroic feats into regardless.
And if you've poured a fortune into gear around a single power... respeccing isn't going to save you from that.
all that is mute... do you not agree that many people did build and play around the previous version of the skill? and you agree the devs changed the skill? if you don't agree then i guess we're done but if you do.. then you must also agree that the devs changed how someone's build works without that player choosing to...
there for... "hey this wasn't working as we intended so we fixed it, here's a retraining token to compensate for anyone this effects" is perfectly understandable and IMO should had been done... as it is it's "hey this wans't working as intended we changed it and we know it messed with a lot of your builds but ohwell" which is kind of not right...
I play Neverwinter in about two and a half years. ZEN bought a few times, especially to get a mount 110 and some other little things not so useful. However, a time now he is leaving much to be desired. I have a GF 2.5K HP 130k, 10k power, 10k Defense. When I do ELOL for example, often take a HIT and die. Use the Knigth Valor is often almost impossible without a DC. I am seriously considering leaving aside this game and move on to play other after module 4, the game only comes in full decay, its sad because the dynamics of the game I like.
all that is mute... do you not agree that many people did build and play around the previous version of the skill? and you agree the devs changed the skill? if you don't agree then i guess we're done but if you do.. then you must also agree that the devs changed how someone's build works without that player choosing to...
there for... "hey this wasn't working as we intended so we fixed it, here's a retraining token to compensate for anyone this effects" is perfectly understandable and IMO should had been done... as it is it's "hey this wans't working as intended we changed it and we know it messed with a lot of your builds but ohwell" which is kind of not right...
CWs aren't special. You can feel it's wrong for all classes, but that's how it goes.
And an alteration in how a single class feature operates should in no way make your character unplayable.
CWs aren't special. You can feel it's wrong for all classes, but that's how it goes.
And an alteration in how a single class feature operates should in no way make your character unplayable.
didn't say it made it unplayable but it does make it different... also never said it shouldn't have happened and continue to happen for all classes where are you seeing this at?? they didn't do it for other classes they was wrong there too...
point simple if they make a change that effects how someone plays their build they SHOULD give a retraining token.. peroid.. they didn't do it in the past.. they should have... but just because they didn't do it before doens't mean they shouln't start now and continue.......
CWs aren't special. You can feel it's wrong for all classes, but that's how it goes.
And an alteration in how a single class feature operates should in no way make your character unplayable.
You say "a single class power", but for CW's this is THE class power. This is the reason there are no MoF's. We have been asking for a buff to MoF for a long time now, any they do this instead... This single class power is our number one source of DPS. It's like a DC without divinity, or a TR without stealth! Again, this is our NUMBER ONE SOURCE OF DPS (for PVE). A respec is clearly deserved. Almost all CW's depend on Storm spell and a Moderate/High crit rate. Now everyone will want 3-4 GWF Parties... I mean, i know we have an awesome "perma"(1second...) freeze and our amazing stuns (also 1 second...) but we are a DPS Class. Especially given how squishy we are in Mod 6, we need a good DPS Mechanic.
-Nacho Skymont Quixaltic Guild Leader GH20, pm for inv
Depends on the edition. Shadowdancer for example could Hide in Plain Sight
And after week or two, you take it away, GJ PW!!
Next patch remove anything worth AD from dungeons or skirmishes and put it into ZEN store...
This game is getting worse and worse ;/
I realy appreciate that you work to improve your game, fixing bugs is getting better and better,
yet it's still not enough.
Why you change good things (from players perspective) while not repairing huge bugs that affect classes, dungeons and skirmishes.
Half of the content is bugged (eCC, SoT, even LoL - invisible fireballs any1?) or not doable unless you are in 3k+ team (GWD, ToS).
Then we got class balance issue... any1 want to play SW? Cmon this class is a joke (or bugged, again...).
Why strike at regular players (doing HE requires some gear and brain)?
If you afraid of bots, just bann them.
Give one man full time job, let him sit in protectors enclave and ban all these spamming botters.
Let him go to Ebbon Downs and bann all these bots running around,
or maybe try Pirates Skyhold.
Change foundry rewards and do not allow any item drops in it.
Let people enjoy nice quest, give them cool new fashion item, BtC or BtA.
Kill these bots HAMSTER, but do not strike at regural players!
At the end I would like to see dragon hoard enchantments to be back to their original % drop rates.
Last nerf does not prevent bots from running multiple toons/accounts every two hours,
but it hurts players that play one or two characters, because they cannot spend more time/money to play more...
The fact you think TR loses to any of those makes me laugh soooooo hard.
Once again....
Why wouldn't PWE want these things reduced? I mean, they have justification when there are people in the community who ACTUALLY support it. 0_0
But we used to get loot we could... you know.. Trade? Sell? Ohh Ohh USE?!
They started the economy break with bound keys... Gold market went POOF, it is sorta there now. Then made gear bound... and stupid campaign gear.. dungeons now suck. That day is long gone
All this said, I do not agree with the negative changes made to the Dragon Hoard enchantments. People made those by spending AD and farming for campaign materials during a campaign where those materials were needed for other progression. To eliminate botters, maybe they can limit their efficacy in each specific zone for any interval. This would impact only botters, because most players doing a long session will play in many different zones during that play session.
To all the CW players suddenly being active on the forums, complaining because of the reduction in one power: just where were you to talk about balance when every other class (except MI Sab) was systematically having their guts shred in the lead-up to mod 6 and now? When Storm Spell was hitting for more than many other classes' encounters/dailies, it's only reasonable that the multiproccing and the ability to crit (which most other proc damage does not do) would be adjusted.
TL;DR Good Patch, not done yet.
Perhaps it was done because too many people were making too much ad by selling them instead of using them? Bringing my point forward about binding drops as opposed to nerfing them.
All in all I think its a poor decision.
I cant see zerg trains running around for peridots. If there are, im sure im not going to be in them.
Cant take a hit + cannot effectively do damage without dying + cannot effectively dodge = worthless in almost every epic boss battle I have experienced including the ones in skirmishes. Its insanely ridiculous how worthless a GWF even in terms of gear and abilities being superier to the rest of the team is a liability to skirmishes and dungeons. PVP they do much better however between the pallys current imbalances, lack of AOE to weed out the ever surviving no matter how many changes applied perma stealth rogues, and Power house GF's GWF don't stack up well against anything besides wizards, improperly geared clerics, and warlocks. Rangers I tend to find are a 50/50 when encountered personally.
The issues are here:
1. GWF are suppose to be single target dps but because all other dps classes are ranged, thats how bosses and elites are programmed to combat which puts GWF's in a bad spot when facing them despite the insane damage they are capable of dishing out.
2. They are given great potential to be off-tank or tanks. However as we all know this is completely broken and BS. Gwf with a transcendant negation, proper spec, and top gear could hope of tanking jack. Their superior ability to be one shotted no matter how high their damage resistance, armor, and self healing abilities go makes this further a joke.
3. There greatest ability unstoppable and sprint is suppose to make them break and become immune to CC abilities. This works half the time. Despite unstoppable stating it will break out of CC ability upon activating I find frustatingly in pvp that I spend 5+ seconds furiously tapping the tab button but nothing happens and I remain frozen or choked or something. I hold shift to sprint through slowing red area which is suppose to make me temp immune only to be haulted by it anyway.
Right now GWF is arguably the most worthless class in the game as they serve no effective purpose in dungeons and are mediocre in pvp at best. CW's might be getting shafted and one on one might have a hard time against a GWF but their control abilities and ability to still be top 3 on the damage charts makes them far more useful. The only thing I seem to be able to do with my GWF since I cannot get the next tier set of my armor for lack of ability to run dungeons/skirmishes effectively is wait for them to fix them. GWF is dead weight. If anyone should be pissed its us. Its embarrassing to be able to be #1 in damage and be worthless in the most important battles.
I have recently been playing a lot of domination and all the time I feel as if my swords are made out of feathers. I can stand there and entire game just doing swinging back and forth, using encounters, dailies etc and doing no damage what so ever. DCs feel immortal what ever damage I do they healer for 200% more there is no way to overcome this.
What I would like to see introduced ....
1. IF ANY spell/feat is changed in a patch, a player is reimbursed those points spent and not forced to play with a nerf with a spell they may not have originally taken.
2. Smoke bomb ... reduce the radius of this smoke bomb and AS SOON as a player leaves the area of effect they can resume play and not have to wait 1.5-2 seconds before the cc wears off
3. Soon as you are out of combat, how about you make it so you know you are OUT OF COMBAT. This feels worse in the last patch as if a silent update has gone in, but I find I can walk from point 2 in a domination map after killing someone to the bottom of the stairs of point 1 or 3 before it shows me out of combat. I should have been out of combat soon as I killed xyz on point 2, or at worst give it a 1 second cool down.
4. Introduce more dots into the game, whilst a rogue is inflicted with a dot they cannot use stealth until is is either expired or cleansed. Or add dots where heals are reduced, try and get some team play involved in pvp, its just hack and smash atm.
5. Why does ever single enemy NPC have a ranged feature. It gets annoying when you get dismounted when miles away from a melee character because weirdly he can now throw stone at your whilst mounted...
6. Only certain classes should be able to heal, so annoying to kill a rogue (if you can ever see them) for them to stand back up and have like 1/3 of their hp back. I presume this is some sort of feign death if it is they should have like 1000 hp and use cunning and skill to feign and leg it, not just use it as a heal and carry on and fight. Other than palas, and DCs no class should be able to heal without using potions.
7. Temp HP, during temp HP you take increased damage, too many paladins and GFs etc are using this as a heal when it should more be a last attempt life saver
8. Having loads of available powers are absolutely useless, when you can only assign a certain number to quick keys. It's not as if higher level powers are any stronger then ones you get at level 1 (negating ranks). Just open up slots to allow players to assign as many powers as they want (provided they have ranks in them)
9. Remain in queues even if you have joined a party. If I am in a queue for PVP for example but join a party for a quick daily is annoying to be kicked out of the queue, this essentially means I can do lots of quests whilst I am queuing. Let me atleast join a queue and make a decision if I want to carry on in the mini dungeon or quit to do what I was queued for.
10. I presume PVP colour (red or blue) is decided soon as you create a character (maybe even an account), the match making system seems flawed in PVP and can end up with one team having an average GS around 3k whilst the other team is less than 1.5. Now the matchmaking system appears to just take people from a queue and once there are 10 (from from each) adds them to game, how about though you make it so it picks 10 people still at random but then before the game starts a Gear Score shuffle is done with an aim to get as close to possible average GS on each time the same. It really doesn't matter if you are blue or red as the colour is just a colour.
11. The paladin appears to have a slow animation on certain spells/powers that are supposed to be instant cast, this makes it so they can be interrupted during the animation phase, you shouldn't be able to interrupt instant cast items (on any class)
OMG I didn't realise GWFs have it so bad, you know you could replace GWF with Paladin in all those paragraphs and it would still fit. We have all the same issues, it stupid tbh. I have spells that are supposed to reduce damage by 45% yet when active I still feel like I take just as much damage. I have spells that are suppose to negate armor yet it appears to be deflected by 99.999999% to do 1 damage. Like GWFs we get one shotted on even the basic attacks from basic adds. I am not even high geared but still I have 110k hp and to get one shotted from an attack that can be dodged is ludicrous. Our main attack was nerfed and now is useless in PVP but a little better in pve (now you dont have to wait until a target is isolated to use) but the damage is so so low it's pointless to even use it. I have on many times seen one of my encounters hit higher than my daily!
yap, most of the times. we run without CW. and doing fine. .. dont make laugh, by saying no cw no etos?? lol
LOL.. u mean No CW no eToS??? oh dear.. ! i wonder how u play your game.
Smothest ToS run I ever had was 2 HRs, GWF, DC, tank. Like HAMSTER through a goose....
It only takes 5 players working as a team (Tank and heals are needed) to run rough shod over eToS. You do not need exploits or over geared players to do it. ALL T2s are doable, people have to quit playing like it is MOD 5 and run as a team with everyone filling their roles. All T2s come down to this, kill the Archers, Cut Throats, Little Spitting Spiders, ect FIRST! These mobs are the ones 1 shotting everyone. None of the T2 mobs need nerfed. CWs, TRs, HRs can all effect these mobs before the tank pulls and give others like GWFs time to get to these mobs and absolutely destroy them. The eToS boss is easy, kill adds then dps boss, stay out of red, rinse and repeat.
I gave up on dragon hoard enchantments a LONG time ago. They weren't worth the investment. I was lucky enough to sell mine before they were nerfed. I just slotted darks instead. As for playing the artifact gear game, its hard not to when they are so much more powerful than anything else you could slot in there. I am highly disappointed. Especially with white pearl's replacing aquamarines. I will sell mine too. Maybe open some lockboxes and hope to hit the jackpot. Throw my toys out of the cot if I don't, that sort of carry on.
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Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at
I agree with this, yes the t2's are doable without exploits or bugs, with proper team where everyone play their class, but "No over geared player" ? And you say t2 mobs do not need a nerf?
Please upload a video of you doing t2, with any team you choose, I am not asking for PUG, but condition is :
1. No T-feytouched
2. No epic MH or OH (Max to blue)
3. No enchantments more than rank 7
4. No Paladin+GF combo where the two tank classes do the highest ABSURD damage (Take either GF or OP as tank, or OP/DC as a healer, and GF as a tank)
5. No augument or any other companion at legendary, max at epic.
6. No weapon or armor enchantment at greater or more than that, max lesser or normal
7. No artifacts at mythic (max at epic).
8. Not a single piece of legendary equipment.
I can think of more conditions but well these will do fine as I am sure you are not gonna upload a single video. If you really want to do, I will add soem more.
"Give others like GWFs time to get these mobs and absolutely destroy them" - God you sure are a GWF main who loves to look and judge players with the top DPS chart
Given that, T2's starts at IL2000, following the conditions which I have mentioned, a new player can actually manage that IL, even more than that, easily, even if he/she started playing a few time ago and have nto spent anything, I mean no real money. If all members in the team is alike new player and not BIS, T2's, specially the final bosses are not doable.
Yes I have done them all legit, more than once, with guild, with premade team with my friends, and I know they are not doable without BIS players, at least you need 2BIS in your team to do them all legit. But then again I do not claim myself a normally geared causal player, and even after that I do think t2 mobs are hitting absurd damage, like over 90k in a single shot, which is abomination and quite insulting,I may add.
TRs can effect all mobs you say? explain how..with smoke bomb? Path of blade? Dazing strike? those are not control powers imo, I have big doubt you have even went into a t2 still now, or fought the final boss, you do know that t2 mobs have about 90% cc resist right? they just need 1 sec to hit you, eventually you will get hit, and that one hit WILL kill you, let alone the server behavior if you are super lucky you will be having latency at that time, that does not matter on your skill, so spare me your L2P talk, I play all the classes and love'em all, they all work in their perspective way. I do not call any single class my main (used to think CW as my main but after this ner-fhammer, oh no, all of them are my main
There is absolutely no reason to respec because one power got changed. Not for DCs and Astral Seal. Not for OPs and Divine Justice. The nerfed power is not the only thing you've taken. You might not currently have a point to raise something else to rank 4 (which may or may not be broken and if it is, you're not going to get a free respec for that either), but you have other powers.
Feats, I can see, since you can't just slot something else. Although the DC nerf to Cleanse wouldn't have even especially warranted it because there isn't really anything better to put heroic feats into regardless.
And if you've poured a fortune into gear around a single power... respeccing isn't going to save you from that.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
agree 100% with you, I'm a 4k cw, ranks 10,11,12 Pvorp, 70% crit chance, 23k power and before this patch a 2.8 GWF with rank 7's and gvorp outdps me buy 3 mill , imagine now with the SP nerf. lol
all that is mute... do you not agree that many people did build and play around the previous version of the skill? and you agree the devs changed the skill? if you don't agree then i guess we're done but if you do.. then you must also agree that the devs changed how someone's build works without that player choosing to...
there for... "hey this wasn't working as we intended so we fixed it, here's a retraining token to compensate for anyone this effects" is perfectly understandable and IMO should had been done... as it is it's "hey this wans't working as intended we changed it and we know it messed with a lot of your builds but ohwell" which is kind of not right...
CWs aren't special. You can feel it's wrong for all classes, but that's how it goes.
And an alteration in how a single class feature operates should in no way make your character unplayable.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
didn't say it made it unplayable but it does make it different... also never said it shouldn't have happened and continue to happen for all classes where are you seeing this at?? they didn't do it for other classes they was wrong there too...
point simple if they make a change that effects how someone plays their build they SHOULD give a retraining token.. peroid.. they didn't do it in the past.. they should have... but just because they didn't do it before doens't mean they shouln't start now and continue.......
You say "a single class power", but for CW's this is THE class power. This is the reason there are no MoF's. We have been asking for a buff to MoF for a long time now, any they do this instead... This single class power is our number one source of DPS. It's like a DC without divinity, or a TR without stealth! Again, this is our NUMBER ONE SOURCE OF DPS (for PVE). A respec is clearly deserved. Almost all CW's depend on Storm spell and a Moderate/High crit rate. Now everyone will want 3-4 GWF Parties... I mean, i know we have an awesome "perma"(1second...) freeze and our amazing stuns (also 1 second...) but we are a DPS Class. Especially given how squishy we are in Mod 6, we need a good DPS Mechanic.
Quixaltic Guild Leader
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