Ya, that is pretty awkward. Almost like an outside party is talking about something going on inside that they are not privy to. Not put a fine point on things or pick them apart but these are fragile times...
I think they just try to tell the crowd it is still most certainly there will be new updates in Neverwinter for 2 modules. They are not putting this game into maintenance mode, but what are the exciting "new" things in the new modules are yet to be detailed.
The idea itself of plugging 2 more modules into a core full of bugs, is really something that goes beyond my logic.
How will one be able to adequately test the interactions of newly introduced assets if the previous ones have not been sorted out yet ?
And judging from what's going on because of the latest addition to the game code, eh....Jesus.
2 more modules in such a short time over already buggy code is just gonna extrapolate...
That's exactly what happened with Elemental Evil.
A heap of changes over a multitude of unresolved bugs and their interactions, creating even more problematic interactions across the board.
There's no logic to this.
And I'll use a metaphor to prove my point.
Would you ever build you house on problematic foundations ?
Would you ever build more floors on a house with problematic foundations ?
Wouldn't you first need to sort out your foundation's problems, making sure they can hold the weight of what you want to build on them ?!
Seriously, would you ?!!?
You would either solve the issues, then test if your solutions are working and after making sure they are, proceed with adding more stuff to the whole deal.
Before you start telling that the same principles don't apply for building houses....and building code and games....I'll tell you the principles are the same no matter how you wanna put it. You are building something, and anything you build you need to build on strong/sturdy foundations for 2 reasons.
a) hold the weight of what you are building and withstand the test of time.
b) plan forward and make it load capable to withstand future additions
I honestly hope you guys have some long term plan working behind the scenes in tandem with the 2 module production to introduce some major fix or platform update, that will fix a lot of the stuff people have brought to your attention and elevate NW to MMO RPG glory and why not, history.
Specific details will be revealed at a later date. In addition to this, I would like to reiterate that the team is still looking at M6 per Scott Shicoff's note the other week. I know that the team and Strumslinger are looking to pull together an update on that in the near future.
For those asking how we jumped from the sixth module to the eighth module, stay tuned for more information on Neverwinter: Strongholds. That's still most certainly happening and we'll have details soon.
I greatly appreciate what you have done here although I am sorry to say most of the forums aren't really aware of what it is and only want to complain. To be fair though, you should have edited this post quite a bit before making it to ensure it carried the correct message, because it is quite easy to misinterpret what you have written.
To the players: This thread is in direct response to player requests for more open communication from the developers.
We new last mod when they announced mod 6 that they had some idea of what they would be implementing in mod 7, as they stated quite specifically that they had plans for upcoming features on the horizon. This therefor is not new information, or a sudden leap of fancy they have just decided to take, it has been worked on, on the quiet for months. It is also not a sign that they won't be working on mod 6, only, that they have taken our requests for more open communication into consideration and have decided to divulge something that they have the ability to share with us, to show that they are listening to us. Some things, they are obviously not allowed to tell us and they are furthermore likely not allowed to give us some idea of what these things are. The fact that they are sharing this is definitely a good sign, so as a community can we please be more greatful?
Module 7 is obviously not coming out soon, but they were willing to tell us something about it. Yes, it is frustrating to not know about next weeks bug fixes, but they probably have very good reasons for not talking about those. As a community, we have asked for more communication and so please, now that we are getting it, do not act ungrateful and insult Cryptic after they have taken the time to listen to one of our requests. All that does is tell them they were right not to communicate in the first place.
As Alex stated earlier, we're still going full force in addressing M6, bugs/exploits and other issues with the game. We'll have more on this later, but we just wanted to give a small roadmap of the future of Neverwinter.
And thank you for the reassurance that today the focus is still on M6.
mrvincent1959Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited May 2015
Thank you very much for the information. Always get excited for new content.
Makes me wonder though what happened to all the dungeons we lost. Are they coming back anytime soon?
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited May 2015
If there could be one thing I love more in the Realms than Mystra/Mystryl.... it would be the ecology of the Underdark, especially in relation to the Drow's own influences. If there could be, that is. That doesn't diminish my excitement and anticipation none-the-less. Many thanks for this insight and the continued devotion to resolving current issues as well.
Rumors of powerful demon lords such as Demogorgon, Orcus and Graz’zt terrorizing the denizens of the Underdark have begun to filter up to the cities of the Sword Coast
This is great news, can't wait!
Unless of course, it's revealed there are no new dungeons, 64 vigilance tasks within the "new" Whispering Caverns and a level cap raise to 80.
If it's even half as good as DDO's underdark expansion, it will be fun times indeed.
Specific details will be revealed at a later date. In addition to this, I would like to reiterate that the team is still looking at M6 per Scott Shicoff's note the other week. I know that the team and Strumslinger are looking to pull together an update on that in the near future.
For those asking how we jumped from the sixth module to the eighth module, stay tuned for more information on Neverwinter: Strongholds. That's still most certainly happening and we'll have details soon.
I REALLY only have ONE question about this Update...
Will it ACTUALLY be DARK? Because that was one of the things that killed my immersion in Whispering Caverns. We were in a Drow city, and there were light sources EVERYWHERE. And not the Drow magic Faerie Fire, but REGULAR fire. And as someone who has had the pleasure of reading not only Mr. Salvatore's work, but the wonderful Elaine Cunningham's as well. I know that having a normal fire in the Underdark is deadly. It not only blinds you but makes you a easier target for the things that call the place home.
I know there's going to be light sources, it's near mandatory, but could you at least make sure it doesn't look like regular fire. We are talking about a race that has lived in the dark for countless centuries after all. And it would be nice to make the players feel like they have stepped into a place that they don't belong in.
lordfuzunMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 54
After what happened to STO two or three years ago, I fear this is going to be a quite dreadful experience.
STO players are a different animal when compared to Fantasy game players. And STO has two forms of housing that compete against each other Ship Interiors and the Fleet base. Ad from my S.W.A.G STO players are more interesting in ship interiors.
Rumors of powerful demon lords such as Demogorgon, Orcus and Graz’zt terrorizing the denizens of the Underdark have begun to filter up to the cities of the Sword Coast
This is great news, can't wait!
Unless of course, it's revealed there are no new dungeons, 64 vigilance tasks within the "new" Whispering Caverns and a level cap raise to 80.
If it's even half as good as DDO's underdark expansion, it will be fun times indeed.
Yep, Underdark is nothing but win all the way across the board. My first dip there was NWN1 Hordes of the Underdark, and the subsequent Higher Grounds mod which took the whole concept of the Underdark, demonweb pits and so on to new heights. Can't wait to see what Cryptic does with this!
Ok, I'm not convince m6 will be fix before m7 is released even with the delay in m7 released(let's face it even without a release date we will have a delay) but keep digging at that mountain with your spoons devs you'll get to it.
Now Guild housing? what for? Give Guilds some reason to exist first. The only reasons to be in a guild are:
-Avoid the awful lfg and "legits" channels.
-Join GG content.
-More Storage.
You don't fully understand how Cryptic (or any other game's) development brakes down. There are different disciplines that goes into making any computer games. Programmers which sling computer code. Environmental artists who create the zone maps and dungeon maps that we play in. Characters artists who designed critters' looks (and animations) and the visuals of all of our gear and armor. Animators who work on creating all of the movements, emotes for all of the game critters and player characters. Graphic artists who designed the graphic effects which make up the powers and abilities uses through out the game. (In the Artists/graphics/animation areas there be some overlap in the groups depending on the numbers of devs and talents). And finally system designers who design the games effects of every abilities that players and critters use. All of the weapons and gear that everything uses. Basically the system designers are number slingers for everything in the game that has and uses numbers. And to start explicitly System Designers deal with numbers not animations, graphics or the environment. (I doubt any of the could draw a straight with a dragon about to breath down their next.....I kid id kid. ).
Now to fix certain things in a game, you have to get the right group involved. For example, you would not call a plumber to fix an electric problem in a house; unless, you want a shower everything you turn on a light switch.
Most of what considers wrong and broken by the player is System Designer work. So unless they are creating a huge number of new critter groups and lots of new gear. It's looks like the Designers will be able to sped a lot of time with Mod 6 fixes and updates before Mod8 starts really to ramp up.
Even with these "assurances" players will still be weary of any new mod. There has been others who have posted that fixes are/were underway yet here we are 6 mods in and there are still bugs/issues in game that pre-date mod 6.
Dev track record is terrible, and will take a long time of regular fixing and preparedness for up coming mods for players to truly believe any posts that we are fed.
This is great news, Mod6 was a bit of let down(I have no problem with the difficulty ,just no replay ability of new areas, and the fact that Tiamat is now a white elephant ... pretty but useless)
The guild housing is also some positive news. Provided that the housing will not be to expensive I am really looking forward to this.
There are more than BIS players in this game RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ???? FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
I m not very surprised about the mod 8, i prefer to talk about the module 7 the more important for me.
Guild housing ok? great news !
Let's go to see the possibilities.
If the guild housing is just a way to give guild players some locations to meet or to be afk for me it will be just a big fail with no real purpose.
If guild housing give some buffs, more storage, allowing guild crafts, with a building system to construct some special locations, it will be something interesting but not really awsome.
If guild strongholds are linked to PVP or/and PVE, with guilds wars or special PVE dungeons and all the things i haven mentionned above it will be something awsome for this game.
After module 6, I'm sure they're expecting anything but bad feedback, since feedback is given from experiencing something already, in our case, module 6.
I will be on hiatus till module 8 most likely, who knows, I might be deemed worthy of receiving one of those e-mails with exclusive stuff to come back.
I, for one, have no expectations, I haven't had any before a new module launched anyway, I know that the hype and promises are just a publicity stunt in any online game so I've long given up on hoping that what is so figuratively and hyperbolically announced for expansions to be the actual finite product.
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
I see no reason what so ever to troll this thread. If we want to look backwards there are plenty of mod 6 threads. The OP said they are working on things. Lets look forward to what they come up with in terms of fixes for 6 and new content for 7 and 8. They have to at least be able to tell us what is going on without people jumping all over them for doing so. Please be nice.
Perfectly stated.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
I m not very surprised about the mod 8, i prefer to talk about the module 7 the more important for me.
Guild housing ok? great news !
Let's go to see the possibilities.
If the guild housing is just a way to give guild players some locations to meet or to be afk for me it will be just a big fail with no real purpose.
If guild housing give some buffs, more storage, allowing guild crafts, with a building system to construct some special locations, it will be something interesting but not really awsome.
If guild strongholds are linked to PVP or/and PVE, with guilds wars or special PVE dungeons and all the things i haven mentionned above it will be something awsome for this game.
I just hope it won't be the first case.
If you've played STO, you'll be familiar with Fleet Bases. In STO, fleet bases are somewhere in between 2 and 3 and I have a hunch that like everything else that's more or less common between STO and NW, that they'll do a better job of it in Neverwinter (there's a few exceptions, like the private instance queues in STO.. GODS how I wish they'd port than into NW). A true sparing room in the Stronghold would be swwweeeet. I'm a huge advocate of a true guild alliance system and with that, it seems to me that a system for declaring war on other guilds would also be appropriate.
I see no reason what so ever to troll this thread. If we want to look backwards there are plenty of mod 6 threads. The OP said they are working on things. Lets look forward to what they come up with in terms of fixes for 6 and new content for 7 and 8. They have to at least be able to tell us what is going on without people jumping all over them for doing so. Please be nice.
Honestly, I was really looking forward to Mod 6.. I thought it was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then we got stuck with whatever this mess is.
My confidence level at the moment is not exactly high. There's no reason for me, you or anyone to expect Mod 7 or 8 to be any sort of improvement.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
drahomaerMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2015
I think it is great, that we will be able to see the great city of Menzoberranzan with all the well known unique buildings and places.
But I hope, that we will truly feel to be in this city. I hope there will be more than a place at the border of the city, where you can pick up meaningless quests to kill demons, which attack the city (meaning randomly placed, waiting groups of enemies), and just go from one region of the city to the next, until you meet the big enemy with epic loot and Drizzt telling you how awesome it was.
It is Menzoberranzan, it is the city of the spider queen, I hope for betrayal, intrigues, subtle plots between rivaling drow houses, chaos and a constant feeling of danger and threat. I hope for interesting characters and I hope they will be able to talk and not only to tell you what to do.
I see no reason what so ever to troll this thread. If we want to look backwards there are plenty of mod 6 threads. The OP said they are working on things. Lets look forward to what they come up with in terms of fixes for 6 and new content for 7 and 8. They have to at least be able to tell us what is going on without people jumping all over them for doing so. Please be nice.
Here's the scenario:
My car's broken. I take it to a mechanic to get it fixed, he says he'll work on it. A week later, he says he's working on it. Two months later, he says he's working on it. Turns out, the car hasn't moved and he hasn't even touched it.
That's what Cryptic is doing. They say actions speak louder than words. Cryptic is doing nothing but talking. They somehow released Mod 6, after two delays, with a complete disregard for any and all user feedback. Several dozen nerfs and changes are made without even notifying the community, much less asking for feedback they wouldn't use anyway.
Bottom line is, they're all talk and no show.
Before anyone says otherwise, how ****ing long did it take to even remotely restore GWF to usefulness in PvE? And that was only after taking away the small hope of usefulness they had previously. On another note, 2-3 mods later and I'm still waiting for the ****ing SW fixes.
Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?
I'm a huge advocate of a true guild alliance system and with that, it seems to me that a system for declaring war on other guilds would also be appropriate.
You don't know what you are asking for here. This is like Pandora's box, but without the Hope stuffed in it. Imagine all the trolls in this forum and their wonderful manners and excellent conversation skills, now add that to zone chat as these chaps insult each other, trash talk their 'enemies', and cry about this and that. That kind of thing will not end well.
That's what Cryptic is doing. They say actions speak louder than words.
I think today's' patches are a step in the right direction, if they can introduces this amount of fixes every week and not just server maintenance they'll eventually get to your precious little classes.
But they need to fix the fiery lag pit before they introduce new areas like the new ones from mod 6 and reworkes dungeons.
charonofssiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 18Arc User
edited May 2015
Can I say a couple things about this new MOD.
1. EVERY MOD does not have to be story based. Release from new zones where people can choose where to level. GIVE US something other than a boring story line. 2-3 zones for different level's. EX: 2-3 zones for level 1-5, 2-3 zones for 6-10, etc... Let us pick how we want to level and there we want too. How many times can you do the SAME OL' quests in the same zones.. it gets old.
2. DO not SUPER TWEAK the new MOD's Mobs. Mobs killing us in 2 hits is a bit much...
and LAST!!!!
3. FIX the issues with MOD5 and MOD 6 before you try to release another one. I still have no quests in WoD, And I would like to play in that zone .
I think they just try to tell the crowd it is still most certainly there will be new updates in Neverwinter for 2 modules. They are not putting this game into maintenance mode, but what are the exciting "new" things in the new modules are yet to be detailed.
How will one be able to adequately test the interactions of newly introduced assets if the previous ones have not been sorted out yet ?
And judging from what's going on because of the latest addition to the game code, eh....Jesus.
2 more modules in such a short time over already buggy code is just gonna extrapolate...
That's exactly what happened with Elemental Evil.
A heap of changes over a multitude of unresolved bugs and their interactions, creating even more problematic interactions across the board.
There's no logic to this.
And I'll use a metaphor to prove my point.
Would you ever build you house on problematic foundations ?
Would you ever build more floors on a house with problematic foundations ?
Wouldn't you first need to sort out your foundation's problems, making sure they can hold the weight of what you want to build on them ?!
Seriously, would you ?!!?
You would either solve the issues, then test if your solutions are working and after making sure they are, proceed with adding more stuff to the whole deal.
Before you start telling that the same principles don't apply for building houses....and building code and games....I'll tell you the principles are the same no matter how you wanna put it. You are building something, and anything you build you need to build on strong/sturdy foundations for 2 reasons.
a) hold the weight of what you are building and withstand the test of time.
b) plan forward and make it load capable to withstand future additions
I honestly hope you guys have some long term plan working behind the scenes in tandem with the 2 module production to introduce some major fix or platform update, that will fix a lot of the stuff people have brought to your attention and elevate NW to MMO RPG glory and why not, history.
with monthly rent payable with Zen!
I greatly appreciate what you have done here although I am sorry to say most of the forums aren't really aware of what it is and only want to complain. To be fair though, you should have edited this post quite a bit before making it to ensure it carried the correct message, because it is quite easy to misinterpret what you have written.
To the players:
This thread is in direct response to player requests for more open communication from the developers.
We new last mod when they announced mod 6 that they had some idea of what they would be implementing in mod 7, as they stated quite specifically that they had plans for upcoming features on the horizon. This therefor is not new information, or a sudden leap of fancy they have just decided to take, it has been worked on, on the quiet for months. It is also not a sign that they won't be working on mod 6, only, that they have taken our requests for more open communication into consideration and have decided to divulge something that they have the ability to share with us, to show that they are listening to us. Some things, they are obviously not allowed to tell us and they are furthermore likely not allowed to give us some idea of what these things are. The fact that they are sharing this is definitely a good sign, so as a community can we please be more greatful?
Module 7 is obviously not coming out soon, but they were willing to tell us something about it. Yes, it is frustrating to not know about next weeks bug fixes, but they probably have very good reasons for not talking about those. As a community, we have asked for more communication and so please, now that we are getting it, do not act ungrateful and insult Cryptic after they have taken the time to listen to one of our requests. All that does is tell them they were right not to communicate in the first place.
And thank you for the reassurance that today the focus is still on M6.
Makes me wonder though what happened to all the dungeons we lost. Are they coming back anytime soon?
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
This is great news, can't wait!
Unless of course, it's revealed there are no new dungeons, 64 vigilance tasks within the "new" Whispering Caverns and a level cap raise to 80.
If it's even half as good as DDO's underdark expansion, it will be fun times indeed.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
I REALLY only have ONE question about this Update...
Will it ACTUALLY be DARK? Because that was one of the things that killed my immersion in Whispering Caverns. We were in a Drow city, and there were light sources EVERYWHERE. And not the Drow magic Faerie Fire, but REGULAR fire. And as someone who has had the pleasure of reading not only Mr. Salvatore's work, but the wonderful Elaine Cunningham's as well. I know that having a normal fire in the Underdark is deadly. It not only blinds you but makes you a easier target for the things that call the place home.
I know there's going to be light sources, it's near mandatory, but could you at least make sure it doesn't look like regular fire. We are talking about a race that has lived in the dark for countless centuries after all. And it would be nice to make the players feel like they have stepped into a place that they don't belong in.
STO players are a different animal when compared to Fantasy game players. And STO has two forms of housing that compete against each other Ship Interiors and the Fleet base. Ad from my S.W.A.G STO players are more interesting in ship interiors.
Yep, Underdark is nothing but win all the way across the board. My first dip there was NWN1 Hordes of the Underdark, and the subsequent Higher Grounds mod which took the whole concept of the Underdark, demonweb pits and so on to new heights. Can't wait to see what Cryptic does with this!
what happened?
illithid psionicist!??!!? wheres it say that.. and why did they delete the final level 60 zone with the cubes and psionicists etc in it?!?!?!
You don't fully understand how Cryptic (or any other game's) development brakes down. There are different disciplines that goes into making any computer games. Programmers which sling computer code. Environmental artists who create the zone maps and dungeon maps that we play in. Characters artists who designed critters' looks (and animations) and the visuals of all of our gear and armor. Animators who work on creating all of the movements, emotes for all of the game critters and player characters. Graphic artists who designed the graphic effects which make up the powers and abilities uses through out the game. (In the Artists/graphics/animation areas there be some overlap in the groups depending on the numbers of devs and talents). And finally system designers who design the games effects of every abilities that players and critters use. All of the weapons and gear that everything uses. Basically the system designers are number slingers for everything in the game that has and uses numbers. And to start explicitly System Designers deal with numbers not animations, graphics or the environment. (I doubt any of the could draw a straight with a dragon about to breath down their next.....I kid id kid.
Now to fix certain things in a game, you have to get the right group involved. For example, you would not call a plumber to fix an electric problem in a house; unless, you want a shower everything you turn on a light switch.
Most of what considers wrong and broken by the player is System Designer work. So unless they are creating a huge number of new critter groups and lots of new gear. It's looks like the Designers will be able to sped a lot of time with Mod 6 fixes and updates before Mod8 starts really to ramp up.
Dev track record is terrible, and will take a long time of regular fixing and preparedness for up coming mods for players to truly believe any posts that we are fed.
Action speak louder than words.
Aaaw, you went and gave away the "new" underdark area. Although I'd say recycling of it all and maybe 1 new area, if we are lucky.
This is great news, Mod6 was a bit of let down(I have no problem with the difficulty ,just no replay ability of new areas, and the fact that Tiamat is now a white elephant ... pretty but useless)
The guild housing is also some positive news. Provided that the housing will not be to expensive I am really looking forward to this.
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Awesome News!,
Guild housing ok? great news !
Let's go to see the possibilities.
If the guild housing is just a way to give guild players some locations to meet or to be afk for me it will be just a big fail with no real purpose.
If guild housing give some buffs, more storage, allowing guild crafts, with a building system to construct some special locations, it will be something interesting but not really awsome.
If guild strongholds are linked to PVP or/and PVE, with guilds wars or special PVE dungeons and all the things i haven mentionned above it will be something awsome for this game.
I just hope it won't be the first case.
I will be on hiatus till module 8 most likely, who knows, I might be deemed worthy of receiving one of those e-mails with exclusive stuff to come back.
I, for one, have no expectations, I haven't had any before a new module launched anyway, I know that the hype and promises are just a publicity stunt in any online game so I've long given up on hoping that what is so figuratively and hyperbolically announced for expansions to be the actual finite product.
Perfectly stated.
If you've played STO, you'll be familiar with Fleet Bases. In STO, fleet bases are somewhere in between 2 and 3 and I have a hunch that like everything else that's more or less common between STO and NW, that they'll do a better job of it in Neverwinter (there's a few exceptions, like the private instance queues in STO.. GODS how I wish they'd port than into NW). A true sparing room in the Stronghold would be swwweeeet. I'm a huge advocate of a true guild alliance system and with that, it seems to me that a system for declaring war on other guilds would also be appropriate.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Honestly, I was really looking forward to Mod 6.. I thought it was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then we got stuck with whatever this mess is.
My confidence level at the moment is not exactly high. There's no reason for me, you or anyone to expect Mod 7 or 8 to be any sort of improvement.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
But I hope, that we will truly feel to be in this city. I hope there will be more than a place at the border of the city, where you can pick up meaningless quests to kill demons, which attack the city (meaning randomly placed, waiting groups of enemies), and just go from one region of the city to the next, until you meet the big enemy with epic loot and Drizzt telling you how awesome it was.
It is Menzoberranzan, it is the city of the spider queen, I hope for betrayal, intrigues, subtle plots between rivaling drow houses, chaos and a constant feeling of danger and threat. I hope for interesting characters and I hope they will be able to talk and not only to tell you what to do.
But these are only my hopes (and/or illusions).
Here's the scenario:
My car's broken. I take it to a mechanic to get it fixed, he says he'll work on it. A week later, he says he's working on it. Two months later, he says he's working on it. Turns out, the car hasn't moved and he hasn't even touched it.
That's what Cryptic is doing. They say actions speak louder than words. Cryptic is doing nothing but talking. They somehow released Mod 6, after two delays, with a complete disregard for any and all user feedback. Several dozen nerfs and changes are made without even notifying the community, much less asking for feedback they wouldn't use anyway.
Bottom line is, they're all talk and no show.
Before anyone says otherwise, how ****ing long did it take to even remotely restore GWF to usefulness in PvE? And that was only after taking away the small hope of usefulness they had previously. On another note, 2-3 mods later and I'm still waiting for the ****ing SW fixes.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
You don't know what you are asking for here. This is like Pandora's box, but without the Hope stuffed in it. Imagine all the trolls in this forum and their wonderful manners and excellent conversation skills, now add that to zone chat as these chaps insult each other, trash talk their 'enemies', and cry about this and that. That kind of thing will not end well.
glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
I think today's' patches are a step in the right direction, if they can introduces this amount of fixes every week and not just server maintenance they'll eventually get to your precious little classes.
But they need to fix the fiery lag pit before they introduce new areas like the new ones from mod 6 and reworkes dungeons.
1. EVERY MOD does not have to be story based. Release from new zones where people can choose where to level. GIVE US something other than a boring story line. 2-3 zones for different level's. EX: 2-3 zones for level 1-5, 2-3 zones for 6-10, etc... Let us pick how we want to level and there we want too. How many times can you do the SAME OL' quests in the same zones.. it gets old.
2. DO not SUPER TWEAK the new MOD's Mobs. Mobs killing us in 2 hits is a bit much...
and LAST!!!!
3. FIX the issues with MOD5 and MOD 6 before you try to release another one. I still have no quests in WoD, And I would like to play in that zone .